Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1075 Persuasion

"nailed it."

Lin Yu replied via voice message.

It just so happens that the giant golden eagle has just agreed to cooperate, so this answer can be clearly given.

On the giant bat, Sang Yijia saw Lin Yu’s answer so affirmative,

Then I felt relieved.

"Then let's go back with me."

San Yijia ordered.

Lin Yu had no choice but to say to the giant golden eagle: "Fly with me for a while, just follow the giant bat."

The giant golden eagle reluctantly agreed: "For the sake of that set of exercises, I agreed to it first."

"But you must tell me that set of exercises again on the way."

Lin Yu replied: "No problem."

Seeing what Lin Yu said, the giant golden eagle flapped its wings and flew high, following the giant bat all the way to Jianmu.

Lin Yu felt relieved and sent a message to Sang Yijia: "This golden eagle doesn't have much anima left. It will take some time to replenish it after returning."

Except for the Meteoric God who enslaved the giant beast, the other Meteoric Gods had no way of knowing how much anima energy the giant beast had left.

Therefore, it is entirely up to Lin Yu to decide how much power the giant golden eagle has.

Even if there is still a lot left, it can be said that it will soon be exhausted.

Sang Yijia did not doubt the deception and agreed: "You can make your own arrangements when the time comes, but you'd better move quickly."

When Lin Yu heard this, he secretly wondered if Sang Yijia was in a hurry to deal with Gu Xin?

Otherwise, why push yourself?

Of course, it is impossible to ask more questions at this time, and you can only agree to the other party first.

After Lin Yu responded, he stopped talking and instead told the giant golden eagle how to practice meditation.

The giant golden eagle listened carefully, not daring to miss a word.

In this way, the giant bat and the giant golden eagle flew one after another, getting closer and closer to Jianmu.

Halfway through the flight, the giant golden eagle had completely understood the principles of meditation.

This made him very excited, because this set of skills was indeed as Lin Yu said. Once mastered, he would be able to be enslaved by the Meteor God without fear.

He can even transform into a spirit, possess stronger mobility, and become freer.

"You didn't lie to me." The giant golden eagle said excitedly: "I was too suspicious just now."

Lin Yu answered: "I still need your help next time."

If the giant golden eagle flies away after arriving at Jianmu, then Sang Yijia will definitely become suspicious.

So before killing Sang Yijia, the giant golden eagle must cooperate with him to continue acting.

"You want me to follow you all the time?"

asked the giant golden eagle.

"That's right." Lin Yu said with certainty.

Hearing this, the giant golden eagle fell silent.

Obviously it doesn't want to follow Lin Yu all the time, which will make it lose its freedom.

But considering that I had just learned the exercises taught by Lin Yu, it seemed inappropriate to refuse them directly.

Just as it was struggling, Lin Yu sent a message and said: "I made a contract with Jianmu and a giant turtle. One of the conditions in the contract is to kill the meteor god who enslaved the giant bat."

"So just wait for me to kill him, and you can fly away."

"Jianmu?" The giant golden eagle asked curiously: "What is Jianmu?"

"Jianmu is a sacred tree, very powerful. The meditation technique I just taught you is unique to it."

Lin Yu introduced.


The giant golden eagle was shocked.

Then it asked: "Since Jianmu is a sacred tree and can create powerful techniques such as meditation, can't you and Jianmu join forces to kill the meteor god?"

"Good question." Lin Yu replied: "The problem now is that the meteor god has stolen Jianmu's power. As long as he is near Jianmu, no one can kill him."

"Even if you are far away from Jianmu, there are few people who can match him, at least not me now."

Half of Sang Yijia's strength comes from Jianmu, and the closer he is to Jianmu, the stronger he becomes.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Sanyijia will not be too far from Jianmu.

This time he drove a giant bat to the original land to compete with Gu Xin for the original fruit, but was almost killed by Gu Xin.

Lin Yu guessed that it was probably because of what happened that Sang Yijia offered to help him enslave a flying giant beast.

After all, this way, he can do many things for him by himself.

After the giant golden eagle figured out the situation, he said again: "Since you have made a contract with Jianmu and a giant turtle, it's not impossible for me to help you."

"What I'm worried about now is, will the Meteor God who enslaved the giant bat be suspicious of our relationship?"

"If he becomes suspicious, then..."

Lin Yu replied decisively after hearing this: "Don't worry about this, that Meteor God will not doubt me now, because Jianmu helped me gain his trust."

Speaking of this, Lin Yu reminded again: "You can think about it carefully. If he doesn't trust me, how can he help me enslave the flying giant beast?"

After that polygraph test, Sang Yijia was misled by Jianmu and believed in Lin Yu.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to offer to help Lin Yu enslave the flying behemoth.

You must know that this will greatly enhance Lin Yu's strength.

By then, if Lin Yu has second thoughts, he can directly drive the flying beast far away.

The giant golden eagle quickly figured out the key.

Indeed, as Lin Yu said, only those who trust the other party will help with such matters.

"Okay, then I'm relieved. I'll do as you said and accompany you until you kill that meteor god."

The giant golden eagle finally made up his mind to help Lin Yu.

After it finished speaking, it asked again: "By the way, what's the name of that meteor god?"

"His name is Sang Yijia." Lin Yu replied.

"Sang Yijia." The giant golden eagle groaned and said no more.

Then, the giant golden eagle continued to fly towards Jianmu behind the giant bat.

After flying for a while, the huge building finally came into view of the giant golden eagle.

"I have lived for so long, how come I have never seen this tree?"

The giant golden eagle was greatly surprised.

As a flying behemoth, its mobility is inherently stronger than that of a land-based behemoth.

As a result, I never knew there was such a big tree in the abyss.

All I can say is that the abyss is so huge that it would take a lifetime to explore it.

With such surprise, the giant golden eagle continued to fly forward, flying to the canopy of Jianmu together with the giant bat.

At this time, Sang Yijia suddenly sent a message to Lin Yu: "Lin Yu, starting from today, you will park this flying giant beast on the canopy of the tree, right next to my flying giant beast."

"Okay." Lin Yu agreed quickly.

He had long expected that Sang Yijia would ask for this, so he was no exception at all.

After all, although Sang Yijia believed in himself, he definitely had to be on guard.

Now let the giant golden eagle and giant bat park together, and it will be easier to detect any abnormality.

The two giant flying beasts flew one after another, and soon flew into the canopy of Jianmu.

Sanyijia's giant bat hangs upside down from a branch as before, while the giant golden eagle grabs the branch with both claws and stands on it.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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