Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 50 Invisible Talisman Ghost (3)

"It seems that the invisible talisman ghost distinguishes between strong and weak according to the complexity of this heavy and turbid yin talisman..." Luo Fan understood in his heart.

With a wave of his left hand, he covered the heavy turbid Yin Talisman the size of a fist, and put it into the void created by Qiankun in the sleeve.

He didn't stop either, after receiving the yin talisman, his body flashed, and he had already rushed into the earth's vitality cover with a flash. To the invisible talisman ghost, the earth vitality shield was so tough and unbreakable, but to Luo Fan, it was like a water curtain, unable to stop him in the slightest.

The vitality of the earth... is the original vitality of the earth stratum. The magical power of earth escape allows him to shuttle freely in the earth and swim freely. It is no big deal to pass through this layer of earth vitality.

Entering the Yellow Spring, he was instantly submerged by the water of the Yellow Spring.

The earth escape supernatural power has completely lost its effect, and the body has turned into a solid body again.

At the same time, an infinite cold and turbid atmosphere enveloped him, making him feel extremely cold, and felt as if his body was being suppressed by a mountain.

What flows throughout the Yellow Springs is the spring water formed by the condensed essence of endless heavy and turbid cathode air. This kind of spring water has an extremely powerful erosive effect on the physical body.

After just a few breaths, Luo Fan felt that his body was a little numb, numb, and his flexibility was greatly reduced.

This made him startled inwardly, the Immortal Dao Fruit in his body shook, and after rolling a few times, an invisible film appeared on the surface of his body, isolating it from the surrounding Huangquan spring water.

At this point, Luo Fan felt his body returned to normal.

Although the number of invisible talisman ghosts is endless, compared to Huang Quan, they are extremely small. In addition, the position where Luo Fan entered was several miles away from that weak position, so Luo Fan entered it for a while, but no invisible talisman ghost discovered his existence.

The invisible talisman ghosts within a hundred miles are still attacking the weak spot, as if they are desperately eager to escape from this underworld.

"These heavy and turbid cathode qi seem to interact with the innate vitality and chaotic vitality, and even the innate Taoist body can't bear it. It's really amazing." Luo Fan sensed the nature of this yellow spring water, and secretly figured it out.

At this moment, there was a sound around.

It became unimaginably quiet, only the slight strange laughter, roar, and screams came faintly in the distance.

Luo Fan looked around in surprise, only to find tens of thousands of invisible talisman ghosts that were changing, almost without any fixed form, staring at him from miles away.

Moreover, the shape of each invisible rune ghost is gradually changing at the same time.

Soon, it turned into a Luo Fan form made of countless ink jade piles! Their images are lifelike, and there is no difference in the slightest skin texture and hair style. The only difference is that their expressions are extremely ferocious, extremely crazy, and even a little dull.

Luo Fan sighed.

It feels really uncomfortable to fight these invisible rune ghosts that can change into their own form...

At this time, those invisible rune ghosts had all transformed into shapes, making strange laughter, and pounced towards Luo Fan like a group.

"Forget it, I also need more heavy and turbid Yin Talismans to study. Since you have sent them to your door, you must blame me." Luo Fan sighed, raised his hand and waved lightly.

A series of invisible forces were generated and acted on these invisible rune ghosts.

Puff puff puff...

The continuous muffled sound rang out, drumming the surrounding Huangquan spring water. Produced circle after circle of ripples, drumming wave after wave.

Endless black mist erupted, and the invisible talisman ghosts one after another were crushed by that invisible force and turned into their origins, dispersed in all directions, and finally were swayed by the surrounding Huangquan spring water, and they melted into it as soon as they were sucked in.

Luo Fan didn't use any formulas, but only relied on the supernatural powers and instincts of his body after he had attained the fruit of the Earth Immortal Dao and achieved the Innate Dao Body,

It is enough to deal with these invisible rune ghosts - the gap between invisible rune ghosts and Luo Fan is really too big...

Following this movement, countless extremely shrill screams came from where the invisible rune ghosts were, and rushed straight into Luo Fan's ear drums.

Hearing this stern scream, Luo Fan was not moved in the slightest, his expression was as calm as before, and he did not hesitate in his movements.

These invisible talisman ghosts only know how to kill and devour each other. Although they can be called living beings, they don't have complete spiritual consciousness. No psychological pressure.

Although the color of the invisible talisman ghost is black, its essence is also heavily turbid cathode air.

It is only after some wonderful changes, compression and essence in a special way, that it appears to be different from the surrounding spring water. At this time, Luo Fan exploded, and his body automatically returned to its original source, and naturally merged into the spring water.

After a while, the tens of thousands of talisman ghosts that swooped over disappeared completely, turning into tens of thousands of heavy turbid yin talismans and remained in place, floating there quietly.

Luo Fan took a look and found that there was no fish that slipped through the net. With a wave of his left hand, he opened his sleeve and covered it, and he put the tens of thousands of heavy and turbid Yin symbols into the void created by Qiankun in his sleeve.

Although the many refining materials he collected along the way have filled the void, there are some gaps between the various materials, which are enough to hold the tens of thousands of fist-sized heavy turbid Yin symbols.

As the surrounding invisible rune ghosts were cleaned up, the surrounding area of ​​more than a hundred miles became very quiet, and there were no more invisible rune ghosts.

Only from more than a hundred miles away, can one see sparse, very few invisible rune ghosts unconsciously shuttling and killing...

"The universe in the sleeve is still too small, and it's a little bit reluctant to install the heavy turbid Yin Talisman now... Well, I collected so many materials before, but I can sacrifice it again to expand the void several times." Luo Fan's heart moved, and he secretly thought think.

Thinking about it, the magic power in his body shook, and an invisible force suddenly burst out from his body, forcing the surrounding Huangquan spring water away, forming a spherical vacuum area with a radius of ten feet around his body.

Although it is possible to sacrifice while submerged in spring water, it is not always as easy as outside.

With a movement of his mind, in the void of the universe in his sleeve, a five-foot-diameter green-brown Shuofeng rough stone shook suddenly, escaped from the void, and appeared in front of Luo Fan.

The materials used by Luo Fan to refine the universe in his sleeves last time were Gengjin Shenlei and Yimu Tianhuo, which were all the essence materials collected from the layer of Gangfeng Leihuo. Although it seems to be available everywhere in the prehistoric world, it is also very precious.

The wind helps the fire, the fire borrows the wind, the thunder and the fire complement each other, and the wind and thunder are born together. If you want to use new materials to expand the void, the most suitable is wind. Therefore, the best effect can be obtained by using this raw stone of Shuofeng to refine the Qiankun in the sleeve.

Thinking about it in his heart, the formulas of the universe in his sleeve flowed through his heart.

Then, his left sleeve suddenly collapsed and turned into a large dark brown cloud, and countless talismans flashed and shuttled within the cloud.

At this moment, the sound of strange laughter became louder and louder in Luo Fan's ears.

Luo Fan's mind was moved, and he looked out, only to see the invisible talisman ghost a hundred miles away, as if he had taken a stimulant, rushing towards Luo Fan's position crazily.

Looking at the momentum, it was even crazier than when those invisible talisman ghosts hit the earth's vitality shield before.

Countless thoughts flashed through Luo Fan's mind.

In the end, he had no choice but to smile bitterly: "It turns out that these invisible talisman ghosts were attracted by Gengjin Shenlei..."

Although he still doesn't know why these invisible talisman ghosts are so eager for Gengjin Shenlei, but this is not the time to delve into it. With a wave of his left hand, the gray-brown cloud with countless talismans flashing suddenly rushed towards him. The first shield instantly swallowed the rough stone of Shuofeng.


There was a crisp sound, and the black smoke continued to evaporate from it, rushing into the spring water of the yellow spring above, washed by the spring water, and finally turned into groups of fine sand and stones, and the spring water sank to the bottom of the spring up.

PS: The second chapter is coming.

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