Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 22 Morning Snapshot

In an old neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, it was just dawn. The iron air outlet of the underground pipe on the sidewalk was still bubbling with faint steam. A lucky homeless man snatched a cardboard box, occupied the vent, and slept warmly with a thick New York Post cover.

It used to be a government-built apartment near Little Italy. The narrow street can only accommodate one car in and out. The window of the apartment next to it is an old-fashioned fire escape installed to comply with fire regulations.

"Meow!" A cat woke the homeless man, he got up from the cardboard box, and suddenly found the noise of people on the other side of the street. The camera was set up, and there was a strong man holding a long pole with a fluffy white thing on his head, like a white cat beside him.

"Sorry, a movie is being filmed here, and unrelated people can't come in." The homeless man was stopped by several security guards, and he looked forward.

The camera was placed in the middle of the street, with a red and yellow tape in front of him separating him from the camera crew.


A young man gave an order, and a beautiful female voice song was played at the scene. A grotesquely dressed woman with turkey-like hair walked in from the other side of the street, dancing and dancing.


Ronald shook his head and pointed to the camera crew behind Cindy Lauper. A door opened on the side of the street, and a man in pajamas came out from the doorman in the semi-basement with a big dog on a leash. The dog was very excited to see Cindy and started barking around her.

"shxt", the assistant rushed forward and spoke to the man.

Ronald came to shoot the scene when there was no one on the street in the morning, but the houses on both sides of the street were not closed or vacated. In addition to the man walking the dog, some people were woken up by the music and looked down through the windows.

With a small budget MV, Ronald just took the opportunity to shoot secretly. It just so happened that the shot was ruined by a resident and the big dog he couldn't wait to get away with.

"Are you really making movies? My dog ​​is very smart. I can be a passerby and walk behind the heroine." The resident was very interested in such a big battle, and wanted to appear with the dog himself. .

"Thank you, no need." Ronald didn't want to make any extra fuss. Dogs are difficult to shoot. They are not specially trained dogs. When they hear the noise of the camera, they often bark or run around, causing unnecessary trouble for photography.

"Then I'll stand here, this is my legal apartment, I'm not breaking the law by standing here. You can't be sure of being kicked out of my home.

"The middle-aged man is a typical New Yorker as soon as he opens his mouth, knows a little about the law, and then rhetorically seeks benefits for himself.

"Okay, someone will sign a tentative agreement for him and give you a shot, but you and your dog can only stand under the steps." Ronald looked at the sky, and if he was entangled by this man again, he couldn't do it. There are more and more people watching the lively, and some people who work in the morning shift are about to go out.


Cindy Lauper started bouncing all the way to the rhythm of the music again, and when she walked past the man and the dog, she improvised and knocked her head at him.

On the other side of the street, diagonally behind the camera, a portrait of the son of a record company executive, riding a bicycle, straddling a pouch diagonally like a newspaper delivery child, coming in from behind the camera, crossing Cindy Lauper .

Cindy was wearing high heels and jumped to the middle of the road with water stains on the ground, jumping over a few puddles and reaching the opposite side of the road.


The scene where Cindy Lauper danced and went home took a few more shots. The last shot is a close-up shot. The man in the pajamas and his dog in the back came out to make trouble again, and the lazy dog ​​was lying on the ground and took a dip .

Ronald saw that this episode was just at the end, so he couldn't care less, at most cut a section, "Quick, we still have to go to the street to shoot, and if it is late, people who get up early to work will come. "

"Hey, you should pay me and my dog ​​wages. Otherwise, I'll sue you for violating my image rights." The pajama man relied on hearsay laws to demand money.

Ronald pointed to Hoffman's lawyer, and he stepped forward to negotiate, "According to our contract, you and your dog excreted in the middle of filming, which violated the contract, and we have to bear the corresponding loss of filming. According to this contract , you need compensation."

"Hey, I'm just here to help you, what contract?" The man quickly pulled up the dog and ran away in the opposite direction.

"Hey," Hoffman took the contract. Originally, this was not an employment contract, but an informed consent form. The person who signed it automatically gave up his recourse to the portrait right.

"Girls, it's your turn." Ronald picked up the electric horn and shouted to the eight secretaries yesterday. Today they put on colorful skirts, belts, leather shoes, and exaggerated and towering hairstyles, and began to dance.

"Squeak..." Several large trucks stopped on the side of the road, and then prepared to back up the road. It happened to meet the film crew and was blocked at a crowded intersection.

"I'm here to deliver to the grocery store, please let me go." Several people who looked like drivers got out of the car and shouted at Ronald and the others.

"We still have a few shots." The assistant tried to reason with them.

"Who agreed with you to make the film? We are from the truck union. If you don't let it go, you will be responsible for any damage to your things." The Italian truck driver began to be unreasonable, chewing gum and honking his horn dripping.

"You young people, have you lost the tradition of respecting the elderly? How did your mother teach you?

ah? whose son are you? Get your mom out and talk to me. Who washes your clothes and makes pasta? How dare you talk like that to a mother. "

Cindy Lauper's mother, Caterina, came over and gave the Italian youths one by one on the arm. These Italian youths, who have to send stolen clothes home all the year round for their mothers to change and wash, see Aunt Caterina, who is also Italian, and they suddenly become habitual and honest, and they sent a youth to complain to her on behalf of everyone.

"We are working very hard, Mom Katerina. We have to deliver goods every morning before dawn. If the delay here is too long, it will affect our income."

"We'll take a shot of the girls walking into the street, very simple. If you're interested, you can also have your own cameos here, standing on both sides of the street, welcoming Cindy and her friends home." After listening, Ronald said that he wanted to rush for time, and it would be troublesome to entangle with these people.

"Oh yeah, 'The Godfather'! We're going to shoot 'The Godfather III'!" The Italian-American youth is very keen on filming. Hearing that he can appear in the film, he can forget about any difficulties. They parked the truck and, as Ronald had arranged, stood on either side of the road, applauding the girls, led by Cindy Lauper, who danced into the street.

Cindy took the lead, and some of the more skilled dancers lined up behind her, and some of the half-jumpers followed behind the team.

The big truck delivering supermarkets was parked by the roadside, and Ronald asked these Italian drivers to film a long team together to cheer on the girls.

The more and more people gathered, drivers, residents, morning joggers, taxi drivers, and construction workers on the road beside the road were all attracted by the camera and recording.

Ronald refused to come, and asked them to sign the informed consent form, and then asked them to stand still on the street.

Cindy Lauper took the lead, dancing forward with exaggerated movements, followed by a group of secretaries, who were also madly guided by Cindy's people, dancing exaggeratedly one by one.

"Girls just want some fun, some fun!"

The rhythm of the song's drums is clear, and Cindy Lauper jumps, picking up the hem of her skirt and starting to shake.

The secretaries also cooperated, like a classic cancan dance, in which the dancers picked up their skirts and swayed them to the rhythm. Aside from not lifting the thighs, it's done beautifully.


Ronald directs everyone to transition, and then there are some dance scenes to be completed at the dock in lower Manhattan.

"Director, which movie will we appear in?" The truck drivers dragged Ronald reluctantly, wanting to know if the movie they starred in was a gangster movie like "The Godfather", and if so, they would In the circle of friends extraordinarily good face.

"It will be cool to watch the radio then." Ronald dismissed these Italian-American group performers. These people have poor cultural quality. They are caught on camera scratching their heads and making poses. They always want to grab a few shots. Not many shots left.

The team transitioned to the dock in lower Manhattan, facing the Statue of Liberty. There were not many people on the pier, and there were many girls on the scene, with large billboards, to collect donations from the pedestrians who came here.

"Help us repair the Statue of Liberty."

There are not many tourists on the opposite island, and the Statue of Liberty is becoming more and more dilapidated. Many Girl Scout organizations will send Girl Scouts to collect donations.

"Go get some cookies." Ronald took out some cash and handed it to his assistant. When the Girl Scouts raise funds, they usually sell some cookies that are obviously priced far beyond the market price, and the profits are used to raise funds.

The film crew found a well-connected cafe on the edge of the pier. Lawyer Hoffman was sitting on a white outdoor coffee table and drinking coffee.

The beautiful secretaries, dancing around the lawyer Hoffman, passed him one by one. Hoffman's small eyes, paired with a spiky moustache, is very old-fashioned who is disturbed by beautiful girls.

Cindy Lauper walked into the picture and pulled up Lawyer Hoffman. The two held hands and started dancing together. Hoffman took Cindy's hand and made her turn around.


Ronald, who was standing on the second floor directing the shooting, was very satisfied with this overhead shot.

"Bring up the Girl Scouts' cookies and let everyone have a rest." Ronald greeted everyone to rest, and the whole video of the video was almost finished.

"Leave me some mint." Ronald picked up the shooting plan to check, and a few close-ups, and you were done.

"Here, mint," came a familiar voice, handing Ronald a box of cookies in one hand.

"Thank you. Hey, Diane? Why are you here?"

Ronald stood up, "Donna, you're here too? Didn't you say you're going to eat at home tonight?"

"Diane and I haven't seen you for a long time, let's see you as the director." Donna replied with a smile.

Ronald smiled too. Today Diane's style is completely high school girl, white shirt, jeans, and a pair of vans. The high combed hairstyle looks very imposing. Donna carried a backpack more than her good friend Diane, which was bulging and didn't know what was in it.

"Oh, a real pleasant surprise."

Ronald hurriedly hugged his cousin and Diane Lane, then rubbed their hair, "You wait for me for a while, there are still a few more shots left."


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