Ye Fan and Jiu'er first went to Fengxiantai to obtain the coordinates of their respective planets, and then followed Li Shang and them to the Jiuxing Cave Sky.

"Two immortals..." Ye Fan interrupted him as soon as Lishang spoke, "Senior Lishang, we are not called immortal masters anymore, and the younger generation dare not be ashamed."

Li Shang smiled slightly, "Okay, then I won't call."

"That's it. What we want to think about now is how to keep the earth coordinates if Lu Chen can't make it back in the prescribed time."

"The way we can think of now is that you **** the earth coordinates from other people, and then you give us the coordinates."

"Although this is just an expedient measure, it can only last as long as it can last."

Ye Fan nodded. They are not earthlings after all, so it is useless for them to grab the coordinates. The coordinates must be in the hands of earthlings.

Jiu'er frowned and said, "It's just... if we give you coordinates, I'm afraid that others will come to grab your coordinates. When we came to Seventh Heaven, we received a reminder that Xianzhan is in the Seventh Heaven, and the fairy falls. The largest number of events, there are no rules in the fairy war!"

Ye Fan also remembered this. Lishang and them are all immortals, and their strength is very weak. They were forced to cross the catastrophe. If an accident occurs in the battle of immortals, they will fall!

When the nineteen coordinates of the nineteen scattered immortals guarded the earth, nine people have fallen. Such a probability of falling is terrible!

Li Shang smiled slightly, turned around and took out a picture of the illusion.

Open the illusion map, and what is shown above is actually a star field with a blue planet right in the center.

Looking from the starry sky, the blue planet slowly rotates, quiet and beautiful, and the azure planet is so beautiful that it is doubtful. Why is there such a beautiful planet in this cold universe!

All the immortals on the earth can't help being in a daze when seeing this illusion map.

"This is our planet, and its name... is called Earth..." said Li Shang faintly.

"Since crossing the catastrophe, we have never been back. Now when we see it, we suddenly realize that we really miss our hometown."

"After we got the coordinates, we vowed to protect this planet!"

After that, Li Shang turned around to look at Ye Fan and Jiu'er, "Unfortunately, we old guys are really incapable."

"After we got the coordinates, we were spotted by an immortal from Gaowu planet. They challenged the nineteen of us. We tried our best, but we could only watch them take the coordinates away from us. "

"Nineteen people, nine people died in the battle, but they didn't do anything!"

"At that time we recognized the reality. In this world where the strong respects the strong and the weak eats the strong, we, the lowest level of the Seventh Heaven, can't protect anything!"

"However, fortunately, we still have one last hope! Since we are still in the protection period, the last coordinate cannot be seized."

"More fortunately, Lu Chen has grown up! His father said he will definitely keep this last coordinate! We have no doubt about this!"

"If there is hope, even if it's just the last gleam of hope, then...what if it falls? Our death has at least a hint of meaning, that's enough!"

Jiu'er's eyes were wet, and she looked at them with tears.

In short, they are not ignorant of this plan, which may cause them to fall, but they are ready to sacrifice for this glimmer of hope!

According to the probability of nineteen people falling from the previous nineteen people, every time someone challenges them, it means that they have almost a half chance of being killed.

What's worse is that others know that there are only ten people on Earth Sanxian, and they are using this gift method to continue their lives, and they are likely to kill directly!

As long as all these ten scattered immortals are killed, even if Ye Fan Jiuer grabs the coordinates again, the earth will be sacrificed because it is not given to the target!

In this way, the probability of them being killed will far exceed 50%!

Suddenly, Li Shang and the others knelt down in front of Ye Fan and Jiu'er, crying with tears, "I will not regret waiting for death, I only hope that the two of them can do their best to regain the earth coordinates!"

Ye Fan and Jiu'er hurried thousands of them, helping them up one by one.

Ye Fan squinted his eyes slightly. He couldn't fully share the responsibility of the dean. He could only fight for coordinates as much as possible.

He trembled, "Why do you seniors give this big gift? Ye Fan, I am ashamed and cannot share the worries for the dean, but I will definitely do my best to fight for more coordinates!"

Jiu'er has red eyes, "Lu Chen's home is our home, please rest assured, Ye Fan and I will do our best!"

Li Shang clasped his fists and was grateful.

There is still half a year before the protection period of the earth. During this period, Li Shang gave all the spiritual tablets to Jiu'er and Ye Fan.

At the same time, Jiu'er and Ye Fan also sold the True Immortal Dongfu and Medicine Garden they were assigned to in exchange for spiritual tablets and extracting exercise equipment.

Everyone is preparing for the decisive battle in half a year.


After five and a half months, only half a month remains before the protection period of the earth coordinates.

Lu Chen and Linglong came to a technological world.

When he saw the world in front of him, Lu Chen couldn't help but stepped back.

"Nameless!" Linglong supported Lu Chen and looked at him worriedly.

Even in a battle with Hongmengshu, Lu Chen has never been so vulnerable!

Lu Chen sat weakly on the ground, lowered his head, and muttered, "This is already the five hundredth world! Five hundred worlds, I haven't found an exit yet!"

"This **** Maze of Ten Thousand Realms, is there any exit?" Lu Chen roared, punching the ground with a punch, smashing a big hole.

In two years, Lu Chen has passed through 500 different worlds. He has never stopped, but this time, he is already on the verge of collapse.

Linglong's heart is not a taste, the closer it is to the protection period, the more irritable Wuming becomes during this period.

She could understand Lu Chen's mood at this time.

His world is about to be sacrificed, it may not matter to others, but to Lu Chen, it is tantamount to the collapse of the sky!

A few seconds later, Lu Chen stood up fiercely, "Linglong, let's go! I can't stop here, I will never give up until the last moment!"

Linglong didn't follow Lu Chen directly, but stared at Lu Chen's back in a daze.

After countless blows, hasn't his faith been crushed? Something is supporting him to move on!

Half a month later, today was the last day of the Earth Coordinate Protection Period, Lu Chen and Linglong passed through a portal and stood in front of a deadly technological world.

Just after a large-scale slaughter here, human corpses are everywhere, corpses everywhere!

The building tilted, the house collapsed, and the surrounding area was in chaos, like the end of the world.

It's really ironic. At the last stop, they came to an extinct technological world, as if they were deliberately showing Lu Chen, what the earth will look like soon!

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