Evil Prince, Come Play With Me

Chapter 624: Miss Su has an attack

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Gu Bailu felt that Qing'er was too sincere. He didn't have to sacrifice Lu Fenying to sacrifice such a large amount. Did he really succeed?

In fact, Gu Bailu, an outsider, saw it very clearly. As she and Su Muwei said, Lu Fenying should have feelings for Qing'er.

There is no **** to love, let Lu Fangying touch other women, he certainly will not touch.

She said that she only touched her because she wanted to have a baby. Maybe it was like this at first, but it must have changed afterwards. She might have **** because of sex, or she might have loved because she didn’t resist.

Gu Bailu is coming from here. Although she and Feng Qingtian started because of love, but later she let Feng Qingtian sleep with her again, it must be because of feelings for this person.

Otherwise, she would not refuse Gu Yunjing to refuse Mias, but not to him.

However, Lu Fangying’s love for Qing'er is not sure. Let’s talk about it deeply. It must be less important than Su Muwei’s illness.

Therefore, Qian'er would never be happy following him. As long as Su Muwei exists for a day, there will be no peace of mind for Qing'er.

Gu Bailu hurried back to the main yard and came to the bedroom, thinking about whether to rush in or knock on the door to interrupt.

However, she found that her considerations were all superfluous. When she was hesitant, a dark figure rushed up and told directly: "Prince, Miss Su has an attack. Now her life is in danger, do you want to see."

Hei Ying dare to report at this time, it must be Lu Fenying's instructions, as long as Su Muwei's condition is wrong, he can report at any time.

It's just that this should be a little embarrassing. Gu Bailu looked at it. Sure enough, the two still overlapped together. Lu Fenying's expression showed that he was enjoying it now, and it should be the final sprint.

Gu Bailu did not intend to look at his privacy, but just wanted to know how much he liked Su Muwei.

Lu Fenying's brow furrowed in excitement and enjoyment, but his movements did not stop.

"Prince, Miss Su wants to see you." The black shadow outside the house didn't get a response, still numb her scalp and ran to death again.

The matter of Miss Su can't be neglected.

The big thing is not as important as Miss Su's body. This is the Prince's attitude.

Gu Bailu sighed with relief and sat down on the railing next to her. Without her starting, she could stop the humiliation for Qing'er. It couldn't be better.

Who knew she had just sat down, but there was a voice from Qinger Jiao Didi: "Prince, don't stop..."

Gu Bailu is full of black lines, what are you doing, Qinger?

She was a little bit angry, how could she let the beast be satisfied, how could she sleep and let him do whatever he wanted?

Qing'er is not such a woman!

She quickly opened her eyes again and looked at Qianer's face, where there was a half of emotion in that face.

Is it...

She suddenly remembered that she didn't give her the information she came out. She might think Su Muwei was sick because she was there?

She hurriedly said: "Prince, it's a bit unusual for Miss Su to have a body attack, so please take me to see it."

Shallow child's tight muscles loosened, and let go of his hands on Lu Fenying's neck: "Prince, Miss Su has something to do, you go."

Lu Fangying's long and narrow eyes passed a trace of displeasure. He had been empty for several months, and finally caught Qing'er, and she did not resist hard.

Not knowing what happened, he felt like he missed it this time, and he might be able to meet Shoner so easily again in the future.

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