Qingshan woke up in a daze in the morning. This was the most solid sleep he had had in this period. Most of the time, he could only meditate and empty himself to prevent himself from thinking about things, otherwise he would not be able to sleep at all.

Brother Jiu was sleeping soundly against the wall. Qingshan didn't disturb him. He got up and started practicing boxing. Senior Xiangwen stood aside and watched.

Qingshan wiped his sweat and asked,"Is there any new change in Mr. Xiangwen's arm?""

"Not yet. Cultivating a relationship can be accomplished in a day. It takes a while to realize it."

Qingshan nodded. These things cannot be accomplished overnight. We can only experiment little by little.

Senior Dongfang shouted to Qingshan,"Qingshan and Xiangwen eat first, and we will do experiments later."

"OK, here it comes."

Qingshan came to the living room, picked up the millet porridge, and finished the food in Fengjuanwanyun.

Today, we will also measure the five elements acupuncture points of everyone. Qingshan quickly applied acupuncture, and the assistant recorded the data. The first experiment was completed.

Xiang Wenxue After sitting for a long time, the Houxi point was opened and a faint green light was attached to the bionic arm. Qingshan stared at it to see if there was any change in the arm. The result was the same as yesterday. Qingshan didn't see any change.

Mr. Xiangwen said,"It's the same as yesterday." You can also feel the life source being absorbed by your arms.

Mr. Wang said,"Is the quantity increasing or decreasing?""

Mr. Xiangwen thought seriously,"There is no change. It's the same as yesterday."

"The time is too short and it is normal for there to be no changes."

Dr. Bilal stepped forward and said,"According to your experiment yesterday, the acupuncture points are deviated. So Xiangwen, you can activate the fire attribute acupoints and let Qingshan try which place belongs to fire. We will find a way to test all the five element attribute acupoints, and then you Will the effect be better if the five elements attribute and five element attribute acupuncture points are used for running-in?"

Qingshan fell into deep thought. What Dr. Bilal said makes sense. By experimenting with acupoints with other attributes, both parties will have the opportunity to understand each other in depth. It is indeed possible to improve the efficiency of grinding.

Mr. Wang asked Xiangyun,"Do you have any questions?"

"No problem, let’s go to the fire attribute acupuncture points first."

Senior Xiangyun opened the Yanggu acupoint, and a faint red light appeared. Qingshan started the experiment from the Yanggu acupoint. This time, he was lucky. He made contact with the fire attribute acupoint on his arm near the Yanggu acupoint.

Senior Xiangyun said."I can feel it vaguely, but it’s not strong."

Qingshan stepped forward to check. The contrast was so big. It shouldn't be. He picked up his arm and looked at it. It was beyond the scope of knowledge.

Professor Aye took the arm, and his assistant handed him the information on the arm. He compared the wood carefully. Let’s take a look at the data of attribute acupoints and fire attribute acupoints and see why there is such a big gap.

Professor Aye pointed at the data and said,"I don’t know if it has something to do with the materials. Look at the materials we use in Yanggu acupoint and the materials used in Houxi acupoint. Different, because the Yanggu point is located at the joint, there will be wear when moving. The wear is much greater than other places, so a lot of wear-resistant materials are added here to reduce the damage to the arm due to wear."

Qingshan took the data. He couldn't understand the specific content, but he could still tell at a glance that the materials used in the two positions were different.

Mr. Wang said,"Remake it as soon as possible with the same material proportions. Don't think about other issues, do everything possible. Make sure the proportions of materials in each part are the same."

Professor Aye directly called someone to prepare and deliver it directly, and also specified a time of 3 days.

Qingshan then experimented with earth attribute acupoints, metal acupoints, and water attribute acupoints. These acupoints were relatively accurate, but there was a deviation in the amount. This shows that the bionic arm is really great. They don’t know the acupuncture points, but the arm made based on the data basically matches the acupoints, which is really amazing.

Senior Xiangyun also turned on the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The acupuncture points began to slowly attach to the bionic arm, and the changes indicated by Qingshan were invisible to them.

Senior Xiangyun felt it for a while and said,"The fire attribute acupoints are too weak, and the water attribute acupoints are too strong. The fire attribute acupoints cannot wake up, and the water attribute acupoints are too strong." There is no need to call attributes."

Professor Aye recorded it and said to his assistant,"Let them make it according to the materials used for water attribute acupuncture points."

The assistant hurriedly called and asked the other party to turn around and make it according to the water attribute acupoints. The other party started cursing on the phone. A call came later and they had no way to make it.

Professor Aye took the phone and yelled back,"Experiment New changes may appear at any time, and you must keep an eye on me 24 hours a day. Not only must you be prepared to rework, but you must also complete the production within 3 days. Get out of here if you have one more day."

The other person was speechless and could still be like this, but there was no way he could be the boss and could only listen to him. Fortunately, the call came in time and they hadn't officially started yet.

Mr. Wang patted Professor Aye and said,"No. in a hurry"

"I'm really sorry, everyone. I lost my temper today. The bionic arm we made based on the data and simulated the real arm has such a gap with the real arm. No wonder the rejection and imagination are so frequent that it can't be stopped. The side also explains it. The data we adopted at the beginning were all flawed, and traditional medicine was not included in the scope of the investigation.

Dr. Pilar said,"Okay, let's take a look at the changes in Xianjia acupoints.""

Mr. Wang pulled Professor Aye aside. Jiu Ge sat on the floor. Qing Shi applied acupuncture according to human acupuncture points. As expected, Jiu Ge had no reaction at all, and no acupoints responded.

Master Jiu stepped forward and said,"Jiu Ge They are different from us humans, so don’t use small needles, use larger needles, and use the needles according to their proportions and the proportions of us humans."

Dr. Pilar stepped forward to help and began to calculate the proportions on Brother Jiu and mark these proportions.

Qingshan began to apply acupuncture, first considering that Brother Jiu's immortal family was most compatible with the wood attribute of the origin of life.

Qingshan used the needle It began to slowly penetrate his Houxi point. Dr. Pilar's marking was very accurate. As expected, this location was Jiu Ge's Houxi point. However, the green light emitted by Jiu Ge was different from that of Qingshan and the others. His was thicker. , Qingshan can clearly feel the vigorous breath of life.

Brother Jiu can skillfully use the origin of life.

Qingshan has successful experience. Next, he pierced the liquid gate acupoint of the water attribute, which was also successful, without thinking too much about the earth attribute. The Xiaohai acupoint, the fire attribute Yanggu acupoint, and the metallic Guanchong acupoint were all successful.

What shocked Qingshan even more was that Brother Jiu was able to personify the energy emitted by these acupoints. The five-attribute panda stood on the wine In front of my brother, these pandas are easy to recognize, the red fire cat, the blue water cat, the yellow soil cat, the green wood cat, and the white gold cat.

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