Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 97: Girlfriend Zhang Yaoyao Seduces Su Chen! International Air Show! Air Combat Drill! (Eigh

Chapter 97: Girlfriend Zhang Yaoyao's Voice Su Chen! International Air Show! Air combat drill! (Eighth more! One automatic subscription plus one more!)

farewell to everyone,

real man,

Su Chen never looked back at the explosion.

Finished coercion,

Don't look at the girl's surprised expression.

Su Chen got on the Hongqi 15 in the middle,

Zhang Yanghao took a deep look at Su Chen's back,

Also got into the car.

Zhang Yanghao was not familiar with Su Chen before,

only know his talent,

In his impression,

such a great mathematician,

Generally, they don't really care about the nationality of the country.

Who will provide them with the best research conditions, they will make a choice.

This is something that is impossible and understandable.

Throughout the ages, many outstanding scientists have gone outside,

Because there is a better scientific research environment outside.

after all,

In a place, where conditions are limited, the truth cannot be studied,

And what scientists chase most is truth,

Another place can offer and they will basically go!

Only very few people can buck the trend!

These homeopaths, they are great scientists,

These contrarians, they are immortal heroes!

Zhang Yanghao originally thought that Su Chen was the former,


Today's speech,

Completely changed all my thoughts on Su Chen!

It's a really big feeling,

A true patriotic youth with big ambitions!

The so-called like-minded, great luck!

Zhang Yanghao now has a feeling of being a confidant of Su Chen!

. . . . . .

Street BBQ...

Gu Xiaoxi looked at the direction where Su Chen was leaving without crying,

"I'm waiting for your return. Nian

"Waiting for the day you change the world."

. . . . . .

Everyone looked in the direction where Su Chen left,

Silently pay attention.

"Su Chen...39

Jiang Xinyue's eyes move...

More admiration for Su Chen.....

There is also an inexplicable emotion.

When I get home at 26, I must ask my father,

Father actually knew Su Chen......

And they seem to have worked together!

. . . . .


Her father must have revealed nothing to her.

The top 50 insiders of the Achilles heel plan are still in principle.

Even Zhang Yaoyao and her boyfriend, who are powerful and realistic, respect Su Chen in awe.

Zhang Yaoyao became jealous at this time,

She is no longer jealous of Gu Xiaoxi's excellence, but jealous of Gu Xiaoxi having such an excellent boyfriend.

If you take the initiative, can you seduce Su Chen?

She is very satisfied with her figure, after all, it is the ceiling of the micro-fat world. When she takes the initiative to attack, Su Chen is so young, she must not be able to refuse?

She knew that Su Chen definitely didn't like her, but she took the initiative to send her to be a tool head office? It shouldn't be a problem if Su Chen is not in charge of anything, right? It just needs to maintain a pure and deep relationship. Is it possible? Suddenly this woman made up a lot of scenes in her mind, accounting for a few of the memory...

. . . . . . .

"Good job, lad. 35

Zhang Shaozhong looked at Su Chen approvingly.

He also heard Su Chen's words!

to be frank,

Now this batch of post-90s and post-00s, and even post-10s, is really powerful!

They have confidence in their own country! Confidence!

He had some comments on Su Chen before.

After all, Su Chen proposed to add that question to the college entrance examination questions,

It's really embarrassing.


Seeing Su Chen's answer sheet,

Hearing what Su Chen said today,

Completely regard Su Chen as someone who is in the same camp with them!

"Well said!

"Hundreds of thousands, no, millions, tens of millions!"

"Their burning youth! 39

"Won't be let down!"

"You and I are looking forward to it..99

"The day we truly shook the world! 35

. . . . . . .

Zhang Shaozhong's eyes were burning with wild hope!

Blocked by technology for too many years!

The truly top fighter aviation side is in serious stagnation. …

He can't wait now...

Want to show the world their power!

"Right now, the world situation is quite tense... If we are in the air, we can't come up with a real national weapon..

"Presumably those enemies will be ready to provoke all kinds of provocations! 35

Zhang Shaozhong shared some forms of popular science to Su Chen.


We have strong air power, but the enemy's side is stronger!


"They provoked frequently...flying around with advanced fighter jets...

And once,

We have a real surplus of weapons!

They will freak out!

"They'll be stingy, they'll be afraid to come!

"This is the deterrence of force in times of peace!

Zhang Shaozhong narrowed his eyes!

Among Su Chen's fighter parameters...

That's a leap of several levels!

Even stealth parameters, flight speed parameters... are far more than the current f22 data!


"Within a year, we actually built this fighter...

"If the combat parameters of the f67 are really as you said...

"Going for a lap at an international air show...

"What will they look like!?

"What would they think about the whole world of aviation!?

0. . . . . .

When Zhang Shaozhong said this, his whole body was shaking with excitement!


"The world international air show, it stands to reason that we will not show the most trump card weapons...

"However, the situation in the past few years has been really tense, and we need a national weapon! Put it on the table ruthlessly to shock Xiaoxiao!

"If you can succeed, then you are the first hero!

Zhang Shaozhong said to Su Chen!

Next year's international air show is a time for countries to show their muscles on the stage!

is the largest number of participating countries,

The biggest one ever!

It's a real war in peacetime!

Because the situation in the parallel world has become more and more tense in recent years...

Not only show advanced fighter jets or weapons at the air show...


There will also be an air combat simulation session!

Pilots of various factions in parallel worlds,

There will be practical exercises!

In the spotlight, there will be a flight combat simulation of empty weapons!

This is a great opportunity to flex your muscles!

At this moment,

Almost all major camps around the world are upgrading their fighters and simulating battles!

Just for that moment next year!


Zhang Shaozhong took a deep breath:

"Now, the battle order has been issued from above,

But according to our current fighter strength,

There is some gap between the fighter level and the F22, it is difficult to win...

"Once we fail, it will be a blow to our morale, and it will also fuel the arrogance of the enemy..."

"But if your plan is really possible..."

"We'll have big long faces...

"At least for the next few years, they won't dare to yell at us in the air!35

"We're going to hit them in the face hard on the international stage!!!

Zhang Shao held his breath in the center!

Over the years, in this parallel world, the Eastern Gods have been subjected to enemies and suppressed in many ways!

How many flight events...

Is it the Eastern God who bears the burden of humiliation!?

How many Eastern God space fighters died in the blue sea and blue sky without firing a single bullet or a single missile!?


The technical gap makes us have to endure the burden!

For decades, we have been waiting for an opportunity....

Waiting for a chance for revenge!

Without Su Chen's plan...

This kind of humiliation will continue for a few more years...


this plan,

Let Zhang Shaozhong,

Saw a chance to exhale!

Saw a ray of light!!!

. . . . . .

Su Chen nodded,

Only then did he know that...

There is also the background of the air show simulation battle!

He had seen relevant reports before,

It is the largest air show over the years, the largest number of participating countries, and the most grand one at the same time!

But unexpectedly,

This air show is not the same as the previous peaceful situation to show muscles,

This time there is a real combat simulation mission!

This is already the best chance to show off your muscles under peaceful means!

Win the king and lose the bandit!

Once defeated, the enemy will intensify even more,

Once successful,

That's a different situation!


In the context of peaceful times,

The significance of this simulated battle is equivalent to a real encounter!

a hammer,

It is directly to determine the status and ranking of the international aviation field!

no wonder,

The entire aircraft industry, so Alexander!

Su Chen felt a heavy responsibility on his shoulders,



is excited!!!


Su Chen's f67,

If it is really created,

Technically, it is far ahead of the current international aviation capabilities!

It's really crushing!

Even the f22 is a side dish, and even if they secretly developed some other new models,

Su Chen also has the confidence to hang them up!

The parameters of the fighter cannot be faked!

that moment!

In the witness of the whole world...

When outsiders thought their technology was invincible.

The new F67 appeared, with a completely crushed data,

Slap in the face!


What a cool thing it is!?

Raise the power of our country!

Shake me east!!!

. . . . . .


Su Chen still has an idea in his mind!

The production cycle should be less than a year...  

The construction period is tightened, and the factory can be shipped in April and May



It is too late to carry out systematic training when it is produced...


Only one person knows the newest fighter jets best!

That is yourself!

The designer himself, naturally, clearly understands the operation method of the fighter!


This does not mean that Su Chen is better than other pilots, because the 150 is designed to understand and control are two different things!

Just like an engineer who builds a car, he doesn't necessarily know how to drive!


Su Chen has another solution!

This idea churned in Su Chen's mind..

But, now is not the time to say that.

. . . . . . .

Zhang Shaozhong said,

"That's why we are so anxious...

"At this moment, all the excellent pilots of our country,

They are all preparing for battle and training day and night.

"Their professional combat literacy has been achieved.

"And your task,

Just to make them a more capable fighter as soon as possible!""

"Get out of production as soon as possible to give them the most time to familiarize!""

"So, it has to be fast!

"I didn't believe that a new fighter could be produced in one year,

But your plan, the overall approach, taking advantage of everything that's available at the moment,

Cut out a lot of time-wasting tedious processes,

Give the answer directly, let me see hope!

"Your design, development and production, the whole country will open the way for you!"

"Hope you, don't let us down!


. . . . . . .

"Don't worry sir..""

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"5

Su Chen said!

. . . . .

"Good! 35

Zhang Shaozhong is very excited!


"You are officially welcome to join."

"Aerospace Science and Industry Rongcheng Aircraft Manufacturing sixth-generation fighter plan, codenamed Project 032!

Zhang Shaozhong holds Su Chen's hand!

"From today onwards, Zhang Yanghao will serve as the general manager and chief engineer. 55

"And Mr. Su Chen, you will be the chief designer of Project 032! Deputy chief engineer!"

"And Chief Theoretical Technical Advisor!"

"Your identity, from today onwards, will be strictly kept secret,

032 Project participants will know you,

But externally, you will also hide your name until the day when the results are announced!"

Su Chen nodded,

He totally understands this!

Zhang Shaozhong continued!

"In the next year, all production will make way for you! 35

"All industries will fully cooperate with you!

"The power of the whole country to create the 032 project!

"Looking forward to the day of celebration for you!!! 39

Zhang Shaozhong salutes Su Chen!

(The title of the book was changed from "Choose the perfect score in the college entrance examination, I will dedicate my knowledge to the country", and changed its name to "Full score in every exam, the whole people kneel and beg me to repeat the study"

Because the college entrance examination, and the country, are sensitive words, Khan!

The cover can only be changed, let's take a look, don't forget the book. ).

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