Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 82 Biology Question: How to Become a Superman? The third!

Chapter 82 Biology Question: How to Become a Superman? The third more

In Su Chen's eyes,

It's boundless ambition!

Brush brush!

I chose the most suitable and best answer under the current system,

Then write it up!

The countless fighter designs and all remaining in my mind have been saved!

His brain is now a treasure trove of human future aviation fighter sequences!

Loaded with all possible future fighter jets of mankind!

He saved all the models that are more powerful than the f22 in the future! Waiting for future use!

Brush brush!

Write like a fly,

When other students are still writing multiple-choice questions,

Su Chen has already filled the last small question on the answer sheet on the front and back of the first page.

The special small millimeter carbon pen has played a perfect role,

A general design drawing that occupies a quarter of the size of the answer sheet,

It can only be seen clearly with a magnifying glass!

There are dense labels, serial numbers, names and terms and so on.

After Su Chen entered the state of God in the college entrance examination,

Not only is the body completely controlled by the brain,

His facial features are also extremely sharp, and his eyes were a little short-sighted before.

But after experiencing the state of being in the state of the gods in the college entrance examination,

Binocular vision has long exceeded 5.0, breaking the human limit...

those grains of rice lettering

Su Chen can see clearly without the aid of a magnifying glass.


This ability has not been lost because of the disappearance of the college entrance examination status,

Instead, it continued after the high school entrance examination.

This led to Su Chen looking for female friends, who valued the skin very much.

Otherwise, under his eyes like magnifying glasses,

Slight blemishes on his face, acne pits, acne, oily heads, etc., he can't stand it!

Even with thick makeup, Su Chen seems to be full of grainy nausea! 26

Fortunately, Gu Xiaoxi, Lin Youwei, Ouyang Xue and others have naturally beautiful skin!

on the answer sheet,

Four or five design drawings in a row, with multiple angles and details.

jumped on the paper.

Under conceptual competence,

Everything Su Chen on the test paper is authoritative,

The straight line he drew at will, and tested with the most difficult tool of cosmic civilization, is also an eternal straight line.

The scale he draws, say 1:49,

Human civilization evolves for another million years,

Using their most powerful tool to detect, also 1:4:9!

There was a joke that aliens came to the moon and left behind three stone tablets.

But there is no text, just the width of the stele is 1:4:9.

The first time man walked on the moon, the measurement was 1:4:9,

Later, in the development of civilization for millions of years, with the progress of science and technology,

Detection tools and accuracy are also advancing rapidly, no matter what civilization is used to detect,

Always 1:49!

This alien civilization arrogantly displayed their civilization strength with the simplest things!

Su Chen!

That's it!

The college entrance examination is one-third of this acre!

He is God, He is God!

. . . . . . .

Invigilators are stunned!

This f*ck!

Is it the quality of the top scorer!? Is this the quality of the Riemann conjecture to prove a person?



Two female teachers and sisters invigilating the exam,

Obviously just started working not long ago, only twenty-six or seven years old,

Just graduated from graduate school and engaged in the education industry, now everyone is looking at each other in dismay!

They pretended to pass by Su Chen inadvertently......

Take a look, it's amazing!

The patterns and symbols above...they haven't seen it before, they don't understand it, but they are shocked!

It's like writing a book from heaven!

"God...so fast, this man is so fast!

The lady kept screaming in her heart!

Su Chen's hands are like machines!

That's right!

Su Chen this time,

Full firepower, in order to ensure the accuracy of the design drawings, the design scheme, and the accuracy and speed of mathematical logic,

Writing with both hands at the same time!

Like a sophisticated printer!

In the state of God at this moment, the brain is infinite, not to mention distraction and dual use,

Even if it is divided into 10,000 parts, it is easy to do!

Because this is conceptual ability!


about an hour,

Su Chen filled all the remaining six front and back answer sheets!

The answer sheet is densely packed, and from a distance it looks like it is all blacked out.

Use a magnifying glass to see the design drawings of each chapter and the structure of each component...

Design drawing part numbers and explanations. send

Motivational assembly, specific techniques... and overall logic, including mathematics, applied physical language design...

Mathematical formulas, physical formulas have written a lot!

But Rao is so,

The front and back of the six huge answer sheets can't be written all over.

So Su Chen probably wrote some table of contents and bullet points...

It also includes some production and construction plans on the domestic basic disk,

Details to a domestic manufacturer, a certain steel model..

No matter what!

. . . . . . .

Su Chen can only be abbreviated like this, because under the blueprint,

Even the blueprints of an airplane can fill several bookstores!

For example, the design drawing of the great white goose of Mao's country is enough to fill two small buildings!

It is impossible for him to draw all the drawings,

It can only be a rough sketch of the general design!

After writing, Su Chen was in the last little corner——

Habitually signed his name——


An ordinary college entrance examination student:

Su Chen.

The fighter, in design, is named "J-67 (J-67)"

The name of the domestic fighter model, the fighter is named after the word "J",

Up to now, the fifth generation machine has reached 20 models,

Among them, the J-31 model, which is very popular on the Internet, is still in the state of the 310 verification machine.

Su Chen originally wanted to be named J26,

After all, this year is 2026,

But on second thought, in the huge knowledge just now,

It has already included the level of all domestic fighters,

J26 already has it,

There is no clear news yet,

However, the project has already been established and is under research and development.

There is no need for Su Chen to repeat,

Take a date today, June 7th,

He has played 67, there must be no overlap!

. . . . . . . .

After signing,

just right,

The college entrance examination bell also rings perfectly!

Su Chen receded from that state of god,

That state of the gods, from the beginning to the design of a perfect fighter jet,

It only takes less than 0.0001 seconds!

After leaving the state of God,

Su Chen completely mastered the design and manufacturing process of these fighter jets,


But thinking, as it should be, slows down.

"The knowledge stays, it's mine... 95

"I only wrote the simplest method in the college entrance examination answer, which is slightly more than the F22 fighter.

"And I still have everything in my head about countless fighter jets..


It's all my chips! 55

"A little disclosure can give a country the most powerful breakthrough in aviation and weapons!"


Not all of these things can be given out, but on the premise of ensuring freedom and safety, they become my chips and conditions!

Su Chen is very satisfied this time!

In the second part of the New World Project,

He will use a lever to move the whole world...

Unexpectedly, the first weight,

So many, so heavy!

Big money!

Special profit!

Earn blood!

"Zhang Yanghao, the knocker, came much more violently than Xie Ming in the first year!

Su Chen has a better plan,

That is, using Zhang Yanghao's special position and power...

Repeatedly ripping off and smashing wool!

"The next target is the human body!

Su Chen walked out of the exam room.

I thought so in my heart.

. . . . . .

After the exam, the students were all talking about it,

Talk about the difficulty level of Chinese mathematics today,

This year, there are surprisingly few complaints!

Because the grading team competed with Su Chen in the past few years,

It's getting harder every year, and the average math score is below 90.

This year has been relaxed for a year, and the questions are relatively simple!

The last big topic of this year, although outrageous, is cleverly hidden under the background of the proposition.

There is not as much public opinion storm as last year's Riemann conjecture!

Many people think that the last 0.5 question is a thinking expansion question!

This is how people are. With the lessons learned, the ability to accept bizarre things will be strengthened year by year!

The only thing that makes the candidates slander! is that there are too many answer sheets for the last thought extension question!

Eight answer sheets!

Most are empty!

What they don't know is that it's just for Su Chen!

. . . . . . .

That night..

There are a lot of discussions about math problems on the Internet, but not too many waves.

All are within the scope of normal discussion. The only point of questioning is that there are too many answer sheets. If someone sprays them, it is also a waste of resources.

After all, most of the 150 dollar dog and the public have been cleaned up this year!

Hua Shaoan, the leader of the proposition group, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, Team Leader Hua, look, it turned out well. 35

"I can't accompany you any longer."

In the early morning of that night, Zhang Yanghao said goodbye to Hua Shaoan.

"After the college entrance examination, you will have a long vacation.

"But my work, started."

Watching Zhang Yanghao leave, Hua Shaoan breathed a sigh of relief, he will lift the closure tomorrow,

The society did not cause the same turmoil and doubts as last year's Riemann conjecture exam questions.

You can have a good vacation!

However, Zhang Yanghao took his team directly to the High School Affiliated to Hangzhou University!

The proposition team is over here, he is coming to take over the security work of the Hangcheng Marking Team...

Taking the opportunity to insert it, he wants to see Su Chen's test paper as soon as possible!


"However, if Su Chen writes a mathematical theory point on the test paper, it can be crossed."

"At that time, it is logical to invite him to join the 031 task group!

Zhang Yanghao thinks so!

. . . . . .

the next day.

Su Chen came to the Science Comprehensive Examination Room as usual, and the next Science Comprehensive, English,

Su Chen didn't have much hope,

This year's mission targets have been reached,

The purpose of this year is the task of Zhang Yanghao, the knocker!



Integral and English, that is, using their own circular expansion law,

Expand your knowledge!

Among the science topics, Su Chen continued to grow his science knowledge...

I finished it in ten minutes, and then started from the beginning, one question at a time, word by word!

Try to expand the circle of knowledge to the maximum!

"Oh, it's actually like this every year...

The growth is already very small, equivalent to doing nothing.

Su Chen thought to himself.

"Unless there are problems in unknown areas in the physical chemistry and biology exam questions.

Su Chen shook his head,

Getting ready to submit..


Bright eyes!


The whole person started to get excited!


Su Chen's first reaction!

This is the question, make yourself a super human!!!.

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