Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 42 Walk? What a joke, my dear academician (fifth more!)

Chapter 42 Walk? What a joke, my dear academician

(Fifth more!)

At this moment,

The two invigilators in the examination room held their breath!

They are also out-of-town math teachers.

Stagger is responsible for proctoring,

Naturally also recognized Su Chen coming,


Su Chen's ghostly answering speed surprised them!

Do not deceive me online!

What's even more awesome is...

Last big question!

"Proving the Riemann Conjecture"

Su Chen is actually writing this question!

A topic with a face value of one point has little impact.

The candidates were shocked, but at the same time they didn't pay much attention...

Because of this issue,

100% give up!

Just one point anyway!

And Su Chen,

It's actually writing!

The two teachers looked at each other...

"Did it scribble?"

"Or, does he really know?"

Right now!

Su Chen's answering action came to an abrupt end!

He stopped writing! ?

"I'm afraid it's a miscalculation, and the derivation is wrong... How is this question so simple?"

The two invigilators thought in their minds!

And what they don't know is...

Su Chen is not into a mathematical misunderstanding!

he is.......


"There is not enough space for the answer sheet!"

This year's college entrance examination answer sheet, specially set up a large area of ​​answering area of ​​two pieces of paper......


For proving the Riemann conjecture...

Still not enough!

Even if it's enough for him to roll noodles!

Even in the state of precise control of the super-brain and body,

He can't even finish it!

On Su Chen's roll,

The first answer sheet is full.

It is full of dense mathematical formulas, various deductions and arguments,

"This is less than one percent!"

Su Chen frowned!

If you write it down in such detail,

The range of what he could write a book...

"It seems that

Only abbreviated! "

There is no way to add an answer sheet for the college entrance examination.

Because it's all machine input,

The answer sheet has specifications.

Answer sheets are not calculation papers and can be supplied indefinitely.

One or two answer cards!

Su Chen made an immediate decision, and there was one answer card left.

He can save as much as he can,

Write the outline of each step of the argument on it,

It is impossible to write all the details!

The proof of the Riemann conjecture,

is a conjecture about the zero-point distribution of the Riemann zeta function ζ(s).

On the number of prime numbers less than a given number!

It involves almost most of the current mathematical knowledge of human beings,


Euler's identity, negative powers, understanding complex functions,

zeta function...

There are even some laws and laws that have not yet been discovered,

If Su Chen wrote everything,

It's not as simple as a book!

And some geometric figures,

Partial graph of prime numbers,

He couldn't even draw them all...

Only abbreviations!

Write as much as you can without naming the main idea.

To a layman, this is a book from heaven!


Insiders, after deep research,

You will find the doorway inside!

This time,

Su Chen's brain is super-brained,

The body is under the most terrifying precise manipulation,

Fill both answer sheets!

His handwriting, incomparably small,

Almost reached the limit of writing small characters with this 0.25mm fountain pen!

You can only see clearly with a magnifying glass!

But the section is clear,

Clear logic!

. . . . . . .


On the last line he wrote the following text:

"After the above arguments,

Prove the Riemann conjecture,

Real and effective - Su Chen. "

"June 7, 2025 at 4:59 pm."

Su Chen looked at the last line with admiration.

He can guarantee...

a few days,

Or ten days later,

After the marking team found this test paper,

What an expression.

After more time,

This test paper has been exposed...

Be publicized on the world...  

How shocking would the cutting-edge mathematicians on the whole earth be.

he promises,

The last two lines of text,

It is the most beautiful two-line character of this century.



This is just the beginning,

It can only be said that the two most beautiful lines of this century——


. . . . . . . . .

Five o'clock in the afternoon!

Jingle Bell!

Write the last line.

The handover bell rang.

Su Chen calmly waited for the papers to be taken away,

The invigilator looked at Su Chen...

That's godlike worship!

If it wasn't for his status as an invigilator now,

He can't wait to kneel directly to Su Chen and call him teacher!

Although he didn't see what was written inside...

He doesn't understand either,


It just feels awesome!

. . . . . . .

out of the exam room,

It still feels the same as the previous three years.

The difference is that his mentality has changed.

From the seventeen-year-old boy back then to the twenty-one-year-old now.

At this time, most of the candidates were boys and girls aged seventeen or eighteen.

They are in groups of three or five,

Just like Gu Xiaoxi, Han Haoyang and the others a few years ago,

Chatting about exam questions!

"My God, I witnessed history, it turned out to be Riemann's conjecture!"

"It doesn't affect me because I haven't heard it at all,

Just one more point, I didn't watch it at all. "

"What is the purpose of this question? Is it to test God Su?"

"Don't be stupid, this question,

I can't figure it out for over a hundred years.

No matter how good Su Shen is, it is impossible to solve it! "

"I guess, I just want to kill Su Shen's spirit. I heard that the proposition group has been messed up by Su Shen in recent years! This time Su Shen, anyway, can't get full marks!"

"Yeah, the three-year myth of full marks has been shattered!"

. . . . . .

The students were talking.

Su Chen smiled and said nothing.

Let the bullets fly for a while!

From the end of the exam to the marking of the papers,

When the real examiner saw Su Chen's paper,

At least ten days.

These ten days,

It is also estimated that it is the last day that Su Chen can play freely.

The next day, I finished my comprehensive and English exams.

on the network,

Questions about mathematical propositions,

It's been a riot!

Discussed for days in a row!

"Mathematics in the college entrance examination, the Riemann conjecture appeared! 》

"Proposition group vs Su Shen, take the exam questions as a joke! 》

"This is a very inappropriate method! 》

"This is an irresponsible approach, severely punish the proposition group! 》

"In order to break the myth of full marks, is the proposition group so inferior? 》


push on,

There is also "What if someone confirms the Riemann conjecture? 》

"I proved the Riemann conjecture in the college entrance examination, will the country recommend me to college? 》

Various types of topics remain high...  

Of course, netizens still know how to do it, and have left comments:

"Guide? What are you kidding me, my dear academician! You are directly arranged to be an academician!"

"Promotion should be possible, right?"

"Prove Riemann's conjecture, will the country send me a stainless steel washbasin?"

"After proving Riemann's conjecture, if I accidentally kill someone, will I go to prison?"

"What are you talking about, my dear academician, it's just a small mistake during the experiment, which caused the death of one person... What's your fault?"

. . . . . . . .

Ji Province,

On the expressway from Qindao back to Shangjing,

The rear of an Audi a6,

Wang Qingyun showed Xie Ming the news on his mobile phone.

With the end of the high school entrance examination,

Their batch of proposition officers,

Also ended the closed life.

"As expected."

"The two of us are supposed to be scolded as a dog-blood sprinkler."

Although the above approves,

Because it is only one point, but it is also an unprecedented feat.

As we all know,

In their system,

It's easy to follow the rules,

Introducing the old and bringing forth the new is the hardest and most irrational behavior.

. . . . . . . .

"I didn't expect to be scolded so fiercely on the Internet. This time we probably will be punished."

"Look at this."

Xie Ming took out his mobile phone at this time and skillfully entered a URL.

Logged into a mysterious website.

Opening the screen is a familiar burst of music!

Immediately it is-

Beauty dealers deal online....

Wang Qingyun was startled!


What are you doing?

The driver in front is someone sent from above. Why are you looking at this kind of website in front of others?

If there is no one, do you still have to do craft work?

You are not young anymore,

You are a forty-nine-year-old boy! *

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