Lao Wu's dizziness was not faked, as the sudden stop of his emotional aura could prove it.

Feng Yi pouted.

Forget it, this is useless, and ask another question.

According to what he heard just now, who else is the person who knows the insider planning all this...

The one who ran away seems to be the "boss" among them?

He is cunning and ruthless enough, running so fast, leaving his brother so decisive.

Generally speaking, this kind of boss must know the most, and he is also the one who makes plans, so he can't really let it go.

However, there is no rush.

Feng Yi **** the three unconscious people here.

Except for the one who just passed out, the other two also dragged over. Feng Yi found some ropes in their luggage. From the smell on the ropes, they were used to tie goods or other prey, but now they are used on them. It is especially suitable for San himself.

Legs and feet are bound, fastened.

Shut your mouth too!

Huh? The one next to me seems to be waking up!

Come again!

Seeing the person who was about to wake up, Feng Yi was knocked unconscious again.

The three of them tied everything up and threw them into the tent. All weapons, equipment, tools, goods, etc. on them were searched out, and everything in the tent was also searched.

Finally, close the tent, leaving only a few ventilation holes.

Feng Yi looked around again, picked up the steel shovel that was bent by him, and straightened the metal rod.

It was dark, I couldn't see anything clearly, and everything happened suddenly. The "Old Five" didn't know what the steel shovel was like at that time, he couldn't see it, and he didn't pay attention. He might have been confused at the time.

Feng Yi straightened the shaft of the steel shovel. Although there are still traces of being destroyed, it cannot be proved that Feng Yi made it, and it can also be blamed on these poachers themselves - just use it if you look at it Frequently, who knows what they have done with this shovel?

For the rest, the stunned people spoke nonsense, which was not very credible.

Anyway, Feng Yi was wearing a mask, so no one knew it was him.

Feng Yi is very satisfied with this dark and harsh environment, for him, it is simply an excellent cover!

Counting the time, the "boss" has already run for a while. Wait a little longer and let him run a little further.

Feng Yi has his own ideas.

When he was eavesdropping before, these few people called each other "boss", "second", "third", "fifth" and so on. Now there are only three, including the "boss" who ran away, there are only three. Four people, indicating that there are other members of this gang.

The fast-moving "boss" must have gone to find the remaining members.

After a while, as long as Feng Yi follows the trail of the "boss", he will probably be able to find the remaining members.

A group of brothers, of course we must get together in a round circle, without one less!

During the waiting period, Feng Yi had nothing to do, took the straightened steel shovel, shoveled the snow around the tent, and buried half of the tent.

Seeing that the entire tent was about to be buried, Feng Yi stopped.

The three of them were **** and thrown here, firstly because they didn't want to get their lives on their hands. Second, Feng Yi felt that handing these people over to professionals would definitely lead to more clues.

Pull out the radish and bring out the mud. From this point of view, it looks like a senior poaching gang. From poachers to buyers, there are several links in the process, which can involve many people.

Under the temptation of huge benefits, I don't know how many people participated in it.

This kind of thing is of course the most reliable to leave to the official.

Throwing the steel shovel aside, Feng Yi found a rock and sat down.

In the wind and snow, under the low temperature and dark environment, Feng Yi seemed to be fine, and his actions were not affected at all.

The cold wind blows, and following Feng Yi's breath, the "snake letter" on the mask spits out.

After picking up the bag containing the money, Feng Yi opened it and took a look.

Inside are all cash notes, about half a million.

From the conversations that Feng Yi heard before and the complaints made by the "old five", the money was for the kidnappers

of. The kidnapper is the one who went to the shed to kidnap Feng Yi.

"500,000? It's only worth 500,000 to tie me once!"

It's unbelievable!

Feng Yi stared at the bunches of banknotes.

After all, I am also an Internet celebrity, and I am also an expert of the UNBPA!

It's only worth 500,000 yuan once tied?!

Combined with what those people said...

In other words, these poachers spent half a million yuan to hire someone to tie him up, and then resell him for another ten million?!

So **** smart!

Moreover, in retrospect, the casualness of the conversations of these poachers seems to be no different from kidnapping pigs.

It was too easy just now!


If it hadn't been for taking into account the weather and making people survive, Feng Yi would definitely have to go back and beat them to fractures and internal bleeding!

Putting the money bag aside, Feng Yi continued looking through their goods.

There were not many goods in their hands, and some of the animal skins were probably collected from others.

Damn! There is even a piece of snow leopard skin!

Judging from the smell, this piece of leather has not been made for a long time.

Still have to hand it over to the authorities!

Officials should be able to follow this group of people to find other scattered poachers, and some people who poach secretly. Feng Yi himself doesn't have that much time and energy to investigate such things.

Check the things around the tent again, and put away those dangerous animal traps. Feng Yi looked at the time, it was time to find the leader who slipped away.

Identifying the scent information in the air, Feng Yi was a little surprised.

The opponent ran faster than he expected!

As expected of someone who can be the boss, he runs faster than others!

Running so fast in this climate shows that he knows enough about this place and has made enough preparations!

Sure enough, to be able to commit crimes for so many years and evade official arrest, he really has enough scheming and ability!

On the other side, the "boss" who slipped away quickly has already scolded him thousands of times in his heart at this time.

At the same time, he was also rejoicing in his heart, fortunately he slipped away fast!

He is very vigilant, not only outsiders, but other brothers in the gang. He is also on guard. The more critical this is, the more he cannot be taken lightly. Therefore, he can wake up with a little movement.

When the third child got up to go outside, he was sober. He wanted to prevent the third child from doing anything that was not good for him.

As soon as the flashlight outside flickered, he knew something was wrong. The third child's flashlight had always been held very steady and would not shake so much.

Whether it was the third child who was wrong, or other accidents, the boss shot arrows decisively in that direction. I would rather kill by mistake than let go of any suspiciousness!

Soon, he guessed that someone else touched it, whether it was an official person or someone who wanted to cheat, they were not easy to deal with.

So he woke up the second and fifth children, and when the two went to confront the infiltrator, he slipped away first.

Hearing the sound of the wind and the movement in the tent, it was very likely that the second and fifth children could not stop him, so he quickened his pace and took another escape route that he had not told the rest of the gang. There is already a rope there.

Even the second child who is recognized in the team and knows the terrain best here, doesn't know that the boss has done this.

The boss had planned in advance that if they were together, they would go over the mountain by another road, but if he was alone, they would go down this steep cliff and use the rope to go down.

Putting on the protective helmet, he didn't dare to turn on the light. Although he knocked on the rock wall many times, there were snow and small stones falling from above, but it was nothing serious.

Enduring the pain, landed at the predetermined location, and then went down again. Lie down in the snow, took a night vision goggle to look around, found a snow-covered path, continued walking for a while, and saw the road.

A car was parked there for an unknown period of time, and the windows were covered with a layer of snow.

Panting heavily, he went over and knocked on the car door.

"Who?!" The person inside said vigilantly.

"It's me, fourth and sixth, open the door!"

The door opens.


The two inside showed surprise, and looked behind the boss again, but they didn't see anyone else.

"Where are the second brother, the third brother and the fifth brother?" one person asked.

"Don't turn on the light! Let's go in first!" The boss got into the car and closed the door.

The curtains in the car were also drawn, and the lights inside were turned on.

The warmth in the car warmed his face stiff from the wind and snow.

"Brother, what's going on? Why are you here at this hour?" Another person couldn't help asking.

According to their plan, other people will come here during the day tomorrow, and then leave together.

The boss looked gloomy: "Someone came over, and the second, third and fifth children were all left behind."

"Official people? Or someone else?"

"I don't know, but the opponent is very powerful, even the fifth brother can't block it."

When he said this, the boss's eyes were painful, his face was tangled, and there was a strong reluctance in his eyes.

Hearing this, the two people in the car panicked.


A little bit, but the feelings are not deep, and in this crisis situation, of course, my own life is more important.

The sixth child with a shotgun tightened his fingers and said, "Let's drive away now?"

The boss groaned for a moment, thought for a while, and then said after his body warmed up, "Don't turn on the lights, it's easy to be found!"

It's really difficult to drive in this weather and at night. This road is not very safe. The car can't drive fast on the road, and it's easy to be spotted. It's better to walk. If you find something wrong, you can hide at any time.

The geographical environment here is different from the other side, and the other side is more desolate, but the further you go here, the more trees there are.

They left other cars five kilometers away in the woods.

Lao Liu said: "Then let's not drive, just walk over there, big brother, without delay, let's start now? Anyway, there are night vision glasses in the car, so we can drive at night."

The fourth child beside him frowned. Just looking at his appearance, he looks like a very ordinary, honest and honest mountain man, who seems to have no intentions, and usually does not have a high sense of presence in small groups.

The fourth brother opened his mouth and said hesitantly: "There are still a lot of goods in this car, so we just left it? This is the goods that the few of us managed to hunt, big brother, why don't you take the sixth and leave first? I am here to guard, if no one comes, I will drive after you?"

Lao Liu thinks this method will work.

There are indeed a lot of goods in the car. It is a pity to give up, but carrying them will affect the journey.

"Fourth brother is right. Someone may not come here so quickly, big brother, why don't we just follow what fourth brother said?"

The boss sighed and said softly, "Fourth brother, when this incident is over, we won't pursue the previous ones, they are all our brothers!"

Hearing this, the fourth child was shocked instantly, and cold sweat broke out on his back. He is sure that the things he did privately before have already been known by his elder brother!

The fourth child stammered: "Big...Brother."

The boss patted him on the shoulder, "Remember what I said." He didn't say anything to him, and he and the sixth child packed up their things, got out of the car and left quickly.

The fourth child watched them walk away, looked around vigilantly, closed the car door, and let out a long breath.

He was the only one in the car, and the fourth child did not flinch as before.

She moved her stiff neck and locked the car door.

The car windows are open a little bit to let in air, and they are covered by curtains. The lights in the car are not bright enough to see from the outside, but there is enough in the car.

There were goods in the car that they hadn't had time to sell, and he was really reluctant to part with them.

He opened a bag, took the only two packed Shahtoosh shawls left in it, and hid them on his body. One big one and one small one, it doesn't take up much space when packed well, and it's light.

Shahtoosh shawls are light and soft and can pass through rings, so they are also called ring shawls.


Although they hunt Tibetan antelopes and sell the Tibetan antelope cashmere, they also sell the Shahtoosh shawls they have made to domestic buyers.

Compared with foreign buyers, although the number of domestic buyers is small, they can still close a few orders every year.

It's not convenient for him to carry the animal skins in the car, but two Shahtoosh are still very easy.

He took Shahtoosh's private work, and he could get a lot of money by handing it over to the buyer.

He secretly sold a few orders with everyone's things without telling the rest of the gang. The "previous ones" mentioned by the boss just now refers to this matter.

However, we are about to run away now, the second brother, third brother and fifth brother may not be able to get away, maybe we will break up after this time, the things here are too wasteful, it is better to let him sell more money!

He didn't just wait in the car as he told his elder brother just now, but packed his things and planned to get out of the car later and find a place to squat nearby.

This car has a big target and is dangerous!

Find a hidden place to squat, and if you find something wrong, run away immediately! He has already figured out where to hide next!

When this turmoil is over, he will sell all his goods and earn a lot of money!

Thinking of the benefits these would bring him, the fourth child showed excitement, and the greedy smile on that seemingly simple face looked particularly unsuitable.

I'm smiling.

Tuk tuk tuk!

There was a knock on the car door.

The fourth child's smile faltered, and he immediately changed into vigilance, holding a gun in his hand.


There was no response from outside.

Tuk tuk tuk!

Three more knocks.

The fourth child quietly turned off the lights in the car, and carefully opened the curtains covering the windows.

But there was a layer of snow outside the window, and I couldn't see anything, and there were no lights outside.

He dared not open the door, nor did he dare to lower the window. It's definitely not Big Brother and Sixth Brother outside!

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

Ring again.

At the same time, a voice came faintly from outside:


The voice was a little stiff, a little trembling, and hoarse, and it didn't sound very lively.

Fourth child: ...

Dare not speak out.

The facial muscles were tense, and the hand holding the gun was slightly white.

The cold wind blowing in through the cracks in the car window made the hairs on his neck stand up.

At this time, a little bit of coolness is magnified countless times!

The fourth child is not as afraid of ghosts as the fifth child, but this does not prevent him from suspecting that there are no good people out there!

"Who are you?" asked the fourth child.

"A passerby~" said the voice outside.

The fourth brother's eyes flashed fiercely, took the flashlight, glanced at the gun in his hand, and slammed the door open to shoot out.

However, when the light of the flashlight shone in the past.

A black bag was placed on the ground, and the bag was zipped open, revealing that it was full of money!

The fourth child's eyes are straight.

At this moment, a shadow, like a poisonous snake aiming at its prey, restrained the person within a few tenths of a second.


The flashlight rolled off.

The light shone obliquely in the sparse woods not far away.

Under the light, those scattered shadows superimpose, appearing more ferocious.

Throwing the unconscious person aside, kicking the weapon in the opponent's hand aside, Feng Yi got into the car.

There are a lot of animal skins in the car, all of which are first- and second-level protected animals. It seems that these people have committed a lot of murder in the reserve.

The human scent on these is very mixed, even if they didn't hunt them by themselves, they were collected from other poachers. In addition to animal skins, there are Tibetan antelope cashmere.

It's just such a small gang, and there are quite a few people in contact with them. Officials can check.

Feng Yi got out of the car, kicked the unconscious person on the ground again, found the Shahtoosh shawl from the other person, and followed the animal skin on the car.

put together.

These are all evidences, which must be put away.

Skillfully tie up the people on the ground and shut them in the car.

There is the scent of the boss and another person here, Feng Yi chased after this side was dealt with.

But after a short chase, Feng Yi stopped again.

Carefully distinguishing the smell information in the air, he walked to the sparse woods next to him, followed the smell, came to a tree, and pawed.

Under the snow layer, the branches, leaves and soil were pushed aside, and there was a bag hidden inside.

Pulling out the bag, shaking off the debris and rocks on it, Feng Yi unzipped the zipper and saw what was inside.

Cash and gold nuggets.


Feng Yi couldn't help laughing at these.

If someone could see his expression at this time, they would find that the mask, which was originally painted in a strange style, became more evil because of this smile, like a gloomy villain.

There is only one person's scent on the bag. Feng Yi looked at the bag, and the smile on his face became even more "ghostly".

the other side.

The boss and the sixth child are not slow, they have walked out for a long time, and they are getting closer to the place where they hid the car.

Both of them were very silent. The sixth child actually wanted to ask something, but he felt that the eldest was in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to ask.

That's right, so few brothers, at least three were left behind, and the fourth child who stayed in the car didn't know if he could keep up. brother for many years

Boss is in a bad mood for sure.

In addition to the sound of wind and breathing, there is only the creaking sound of them stepping on the snow.

And at this time.


Dang bang bang!

It was like a lump of metal, with a crisp sound of impact.

The sixth child was vigilant: "Brother, did you hear..."

Before he could finish speaking, the sixth son noticed that the sound of his eldest brother's breathing became more rapid, which showed that his emotions were quite intense.

Wearing night vision glasses, he saw the expression on his elder brother's face, and was so frightened that he wanted to forget everything.

It was the first time he saw his elder brother's expression like this.

Like a raging lion, there must be enough blood to calm the anger.

Lao Liu swallowed, and asked cautiously, "Brother, what's that sound?"

The boss's facial muscles twitched, and the strong killing intent seemed to be devouring, even if he didn't look into his eyes, he could feel it.

The sixth child couldn't help but backed away, and at the same time he carefully distinguished the voice that came from it.

What exactly does this sound mean?

It actually made the big brother so excited.

The boss is indeed very emotional now, wishing to slaughter someone, if he takes off the night vision goggles, he will find that his eyes are bloodshot with rage.

Hearing those knocking sounds in his ears, the boss would squeeze out a few words from his teeth: "How dare!"

Earlier in the car, he told the fourth and sixth children that the situation was not right and left first, and said that when the second, third and fifth children were left behind, the entanglement and reluctance on their faces came from the heart and had no meaning. Adulteration. But what he feels distressed about is not the brothers in the small group, even if all the others in the small group are wiped out, he doesn't feel so distressed!

What he feels distressed about is the little treasury he didn't take with him!

Before planning this retreat, he learned through a secret channel that the official cleanup was very intensive. The leader of the gang like him focused on the target. After escaping, he would have to lie dormant for a long time.

In the past few years, he has kept part of the money obtained through poaching, trafficking, and some shady things, and the rest has been hidden in gold nuggets. Cash may not be available when taken out, but gold nuggets can be used anywhere!

It was his own little coffer, and no one else in the gang knew about it.

When planning this operation and making arrangements in advance, he thought about it. If it was convenient, he would take his small treasury with him when he evacuated.

If it is inconvenient, let the small treasury continue to hide there. anyway

The mountains are so big, and few people come to this area, the small treasury is very safe.

He will come to pick it up after the storm has passed.

Before the small treasury was transferred, he was alone at home, listening to the wonderful sound of these gold nuggets being struck.

For him, that is really the most beautiful voice in the world!

but now!

This voice was like a pair of invisible big hands strangling his heart.

He didn't know who the other party was, or how he found it, but those were not important anymore.

That cash! That gold!

Fall into someone else's hands!!

In the snow-capped mountains at dug out the bag, took out those gold nuggets, and threw them high. The gold nuggets fell and hit other gold nuggets, making a crisp clang.

There was a constant clattering sound, and the other party was telling him:

I found your secret yooooo!

The cold wind is getting bitterer, rolling snowflakes and raging in the mountains.

In the woods not far ahead, there is a car that they placed there in advance.

A little further and they'll be able to drive away.



Are you willing?!

Are you willing?!!

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