EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 33: Black's weakness

Standing in front of the huge French windows, Shi Man watched the fleet of 50 Caldari Badger-class industrial transport ships slowly leave the space station and line up in a neat formation outside the space station, which was very spectacular.

With the arrival of the No. 2 Squadron of the Mord Regiment, the escort, the fleet began to leave in a mighty way.

"I hope the plan goes well..." Looking at the disappearing fleet, Shi Man sighed

Shiman is self-aware, if it is really an interstellar war in the game, he can still command, but the reality is not a game, he will only add to the superfluity, or even drag the legs.

So staying in the space station is the right way!

"Manzi, there is a 10-10 expedition of Serpentis, are you together?"

Derk Ellis sent him a private message, and Shi Man ran back immediately: "Here we come!"

Professionals should do professional things. Shiman doesn't understand wars, but he is professional in playing games!


The mighty transport fleet came to hide in a meteorite belt in the border galaxy of the Alpha star field, and the second squadron of the Mordu regiment began to inject energy into the jump engine, ready to jump into the battlefield at any time.

The hyperspace jump engine equipped by Mordu's regiment is the latest technology in New Eden. The maximum jump distance reaches a full 5,000 light-years, and the average charging time is only 15 minutes.

Whether it is the jump distance or the preparation time before the jump, they are already at the top level in this world.

But because this time is a hyperspace jump across several galaxies, the preparation time is very long, and it takes a full 5 hours to charge the jump engine.

On the other side, the No. 1 Squadron led by Mod is already waiting quietly beside the accelerated orbit, and can enter the Black Chess galaxy through the accelerated orbit at any time.

In the Black Chess Galaxy, the leader of the Black Chess Consortium, Ackerman Uriah, is pacing slowly in the combat command room of the Legion Fortress. On the round table in the conference room are the captain of the First Fleet, Benjamin Milo, and the consortium. Logistical manager Adams Kent, on the other side is a fuzzy holographic projection, plus the urn placed on Zhuo Shang Ted, this is the highest level of the Black Chess Army since it occupied the Black Chess galaxy to divide up the benefits five years ago. Gathered like this for the first time.

"Jamin Milu is right. It's just an unknown small force. There's no need to mobilize people like this, right?" Adams Kent bent his index finger and tapped lightly on the table, breaking the suffocating situation. tranquility.

"Yeah, this little character named New Eden came out of nowhere, there's no need to call me over, right?" The guy on the holographic projection made a sharp sound, like scratching glass. Harsh.

"That's right, Ted's **** to defend the accelerated orbit is only 36 people, and he was killed by a hundred destroyers because of carelessness. Give me a little time for the First Fleet, and I will definitely press these guys to death in the Star Sea. Now!" Jamin Milu said as he arranged the expensive cigars in his hands on the table, sparking a burst of sparks.

He was already dissatisfied with Ted's guarding the accelerated orbit with the most oil and water. He had the most powerful First Fleet in his hands, but he could only station in the remote galaxy around Black Chess. It made him very unhappy.

"Nothing?" Ackerman Ulea stopped, glanced at everyone, then slammed the table and pointed to the urn on the table, "Ted is also one of the shareholders of Black Chess, Even the brother who fought the world with us, now that he is dead, or was he killed in his own home in an execution-style way, do you know how to mobilize the army?"

Everyone looked at the small box posting Ted's photo and fell silent for a while, even Benjamin Milu, who had always been hostile, stopped talking.

"Okay, how old are you? Do you think it was twenty years ago, so angry every day!" Adams Kent looked at Ackerman Ulea, who had been with this guy for decades, He couldn't believe that the chief was so angry because of Taita's death.

Back then, his own children were all killed by his hands, so he couldn't believe that in this guy's eyes, besides interests, there were things like feelings that could move him.

"I don't care if this guy Ted dies or not, but he left us with a huge problem!" Sure enough, Ackerman Uriah walked to Ted's urn, his eyes suddenly became bloodshot and red , Sweep it down on the ground like throwing garbage, and the ashes are scattered everywhere.

"New Eden?" Benjamin Milu asked tentatively

"Yes, it's the New Eden who killed this **** without any scruples in our house!" Ackerman Uriah panted heavily, and stepped on Ted's ashes a few more times in puzzlement.

"Does this New Eden have a big background?" Adams Kent straightened up when he heard the words, and looked at his leader with a solemn expression.

"Look for yourselves." Ackerman Ulea did not explain, and called up the recorder on the track at that time to project it.

The war recorder, which was less than half an hour long, covered all angles of the battlefield at that time, from the hundreds of destroyers appearing like a swarm, to the defeat of Ted's fleet, to the execution of Ted's execution, and it was very clear.

But this time, everyone's eyes were on the two destroyers, their expressions were a little horrified, and even the holographic projection guys were a little blurred.

"Liberated body?" Benjamin Milu's lips fluctuated slightly, and his tone was a little uncertain.

"Wrong." Adams Kent's face was so solemn that water dripped out, "This is a complete liberation!"

As a logistics manager who often deals with the battleship market, Adams Kent cannot admit that he is wrong. Last month, he saw with his own eyes a fully liberated display of the latest Tornado-class destroyer launched by Xingchen Heavy Industries at an exhibition. He can feel that the firepower of the destroyer in the video is even higher than that of the Gust class. Apart from the explanation of completely liberating physical energy, he can't find any destroyer of civilization that can have this firepower, even if it is a demon civilization!

"Grass (a kind of plant)!" Benjamin Milu stood up in horror. He didn't have the courage to declare war just now.

At best, they are a white-washed pirate fleet. Although they have been growing in recent years, they are not arrogant enough to dare to confront the regular army's fleet!

"Have you contacted the other party yet?" The person in the holographic projection frowned, and his voice was no longer sharp like it was at the beginning.

"I have contacted, but the other party refuses to solve the problem peacefully, even though I have already raised the compensation to the highest price that the legion can offer." Ackerman Ulea was also full of helplessness about this, and the guy on the opposite side only left a new sentence Eden couldn't bear to be insulted like this, so he hung up the communication after he had to hang up, and never picked up after that.

"So, you want me to bring the fleet to help you?" The person on the holographic projection raised his eyebrows and said with his head slightly tilted.

"Yes." Ackerman Uriah nodded without concealing his embarrassment~www.wuxiaspot.com~. "Just the five Xia-class battleships of Black's First Fleet can't stop New Eden's attack at all. I need your help."

The person on the holographic projection chuckled: "What's the price?"

"The black chess will be half of the income in the next 10 years!" Ackerman Uriah said without hesitation. He knows how many enemies he has. He is not dead now because of the existence of the black chess. If the black chess is gone, Maybe it will disappear into a corner without a sound!

"Half the income for the next 10 years is really tempting." The person in the holographic projection licked his tongue, but suddenly raised his head, "But I refuse."

Ackerman Ulea's face froze, and before he could speak, the person in the holographic projection spoke again: "Although my fleet is also completely liberated, if I lose one ship, I will lose one ship, and there is no way to replenish it. If there is no accident, it can be replenished continuously, how do you want me to fight?"

"This is the end of my relationship with you black chess. I will give you a piece of advice and prepare for the retreat!"

After finishing speaking, he cut off the holographic link, leaving behind three people with ugly faces.

In the silence, Ackerman Ulea suddenly raised his head and looked at the two of them: "I am not willing to just give up the black chess galaxy, I want to fight to see if the other party has a higher level of complete body Battleship, if there are only destroyers on the opposite side, it might be impossible to fight."

Adams Kent glanced at Benjamin Milu, who was leaning on his head like an ostrich, shook his head and said, "What if you can't beat it?"

"Can't beat it?" Ackerman Uriah paced to the floor-to-ceiling windows, opened the curtains and looked at the ships coming and going outside the window, as well as the accelerated track with plasma sparks flashing after activation, speechless for a long time


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