Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 127: Tianxiang Jinyanluan

Three pairs of one, Tang Ao didn’t panic. He hit the weakest one on the ground with a few moves, and then turned the spear head to faint the other boy. Finally, he put away the spear and pulled out the shoe board. Watching Duan Batian coldly.

"Do you know who I am? Obediently kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistakes, otherwise my eldest brother will let you have nowhere to stand in the inner door." Duan Batian still looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, facing Tang Ao's gaze extremely, extremely Arrogant.

"Idiot! I care who you are!" Tang Ao couldn't help but said, erecting his spear, all his exercises and minds worked, and he slashed at Duan Batian.

Duan Batian didn't dare to be careless, and immediately summoned the four souls of life, biting his head and greeted him.

"Looking for death!" Tang Ao sneered, and 40,000 jin of giant force attacked Duan Batian's fate.


The four souls of life were collapsed at the touch of a touch, and the spearhead was not seen, and he drew it on Duan Batian's back.

"Puff!" Duan Batian immediately spouted a mouthful of blood, his body flew upside down like fallen leaves in the wind, and once again smashed a big hole.

Tang Ao slowly walked in front of him like a **** of death, lifted his foot and stomped on Duan Batian's fat face, "If it weren't for the sect to not allow the inner door to kill each other, the deity would definitely kill you. Sui. Go back and tell you that if you dare to provoke the deity again, the deity will let him kneel in Jiangwu Square for three days and three nights."

"Yes!" Duan Batian sprayed blood foam in his mouth, his teeth were scattered, and he squeezed out a word vaguely. He fainted when his head tilted.


Tang Ao ignored it and walked towards the northern part of the primitive jungle. It was the center of the virgin jungle. It is said that there was a great ape living there. Tang Ao wanted to try his luck.

Along the way, Tang Ao could encounter fewer and fewer strange beasts, and most of them had higher cultivation bases. It took a lot of effort to kill them with the cooperation of Xiao Kong. Tang Ao simply concealed the habitat, and detoured when there was a strange beast, ignoring it. Anyway, this trip had a good harvest, and Tang Ao didn't care about these few animals.

"Boom boom!"

The earth shook suddenly, and large swaths of birds and exotic animals in the western forest were frightened and fluttered.

Tang Ao was alert and jumped to the big tree beside him to detect the situation. The "Tianmu Jue" was shipped, and the situation ahead was clear.

A herd of eighty or ninety ancient bronze horses seemed to be threatened, and rushed towards the east in horror.

"What's the matter? These ancient bronze horses seem to be running for their lives!" Xiaokong's snake head poked out, with some doubts, he tilted his head and looked at Tang Ao.

"Yes, there is a big bird chasing them behind them. It's a pity that they are too far away to recognize the bird!" Tang Ao stared at the front and slowly said.

"Go! Go and take a look!" Tang Ao leaped forward, jumping to the west.


A loud and loud bird's song resounded through the entire primitive jungle, and the sharp cry shook Tang Ao's eardrums.

"I wipe it! It hurts my ears so far away." Tang Ao was shocked by the strength of Big Bird.

"What to do? Do you want to go over?" Snakes have a natural fear of birds and animals, Xiao Kong's snake body trembled slightly, and asked with some fear.

"No! Let's see its true body." After speaking, Tang Ao's figure resembled a sharp arrow shot out of a bow and shot forward.


There was another bird song, and the big bird ejected a huge fireball from the sky. The "boom" flattened all the ground hundreds of meters above the ground. The ancient bronze horse was frightened again, running faster and running rampant. , Ignoring everything in front of me, everything I passed by was a mess.

A huge figure swept past the midair, and the low-altitude flight uprooted all the trunks along the way. With a flap of wings, dozens of strong whirlwinds were rolled up, and the sand and rocks suddenly flew away, dust covering the sky.

"God, Tianxiang Jinyanluan!" After Xiaokong saw the big bird clearly, he was so frightened that he fell into Tang Ao's arms and did not dare to show his face.

A big red bird with its wings burning with heavy flames whizzed past Tang Ao's head; its wings spread out and enveloped the ground in a radius and a half of a mile, and its colorful long tail struck the sky like a rainbow; it was baked by the hot temperature. On the surrounding land, the green trees burned to yellow with just a few breaths, and some even directly ignited a raging fire.

"I rub! This big bird is at least above the fifth heaven of Yuan Wu realm, run and run! lest it be hunted down like last time!" Tang Ao probed the strength of Tianxiang Jin Yanluan, and immediately hid his breath.


Jin Yanluan raised his head and screamed, and the sound pierced the stone, a hot fire light in his abdomen lit up, "Puff!" Another flame spewed towards the horses below, and Tang Ao just hid underneath.

"I'll rub!" Tang Ao saw that the situation was not good, and "Mysterious Legs" was released instantly, jumping repeatedly on a dozen trees in front of him, like an ape, before he escaped from the explosion range of the fireball.


The fire blazed to the sky, and a mushroom cloud of dozens of stories high rose up; the heat wave caused by the explosion spread quickly and blew a large area of ​​trees; a violent whirlwind was rolled up, encumbering large and small rocks. Rage away in all directions.

"I rub!" Tang Ao jumped wildly all the way, avoiding the influence of the air wave, "It's really a fire at the gate of the city that has affected the pond fish. Even after hiding so far, I still caught up. It is not suitable to stay here for long!"

No longer caring about the earth-shattering explosions behind and the screams of various alien beasts, Tang Ao jumped all the way, away from the land of right and wrong, and headed northeast.

"At this time, a day and a night have passed, and there is still a day and a half before the end of the hunting convention. Use this time to look deeper into the jungle."

"Master, can you go back? Anyway, you have gained enough!" Xiaokong curled up in the arms of God, and the Jin Yanluan almost scared him to death just now. Who knew Tang Ao would continue to go Before exploring, the fear of the unknown ahead instantly overwhelmed the fear of Jin Yanluan.

"Hunted and killed a flame spirit dragon lizard in the Yuanwu realm, and its power is already 30,000 catties. If you don't fully use it, I am afraid that you will lose your life in the canyon. Going forward is full of opportunities. But there are too few life-saving means to deal with sudden dangers."

"You're right! Let's withdraw first!" Tang Ao thought about it carefully, and felt that what Xiaokong said was reasonable, so he returned to the original road. The ranking of the hunting competition is no longer important. More than a dozen strange beasts of Tier 8 and 9 and a strange beast of Yuan Wu realm are enough to get a certain ranking in the conference, not to mention there are a lot of ground flames.

A worthwhile trip!

What's more, I have gained a lot from this experience, and my achievements are important, but my inner feelings are also essential.

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