At this moment, there were only two figures left on the huge ship.

It was a man wearing a puppet clown mask, and a young boy with extremely messy Japanese-style hair. These two people have always been leading the pace to pass the level.

In the end, he pulled back from the brink and escaped the hidden crisis of this lifeboat.

The wind blew slowly, and it was obviously a scorching sun.

But looking at the crimson blood floating on the water and the head floating on the sea, I still felt cold all over.

Su Keunshuo took a few breaths and then turned around suddenly, looking around the deck of the ship to see if there was anything worth paying attention to that could help them escape.

According to the memory just now, this ship has five floors in total, and the place where everyone was locked up in the iron prison at the beginning is the bottom floor.

Then going up is the warehouse area and the area where the monsters are imprisoned in the research institute.

The first floor at the top belongs to the activity area of the institute's personnel.

At this moment, judging from the waterline of the ship, the water level has risen to the third level.

Because the flames burned the ship, there were holes and cracks everywhere.

The penetration rate of water is naturally accelerated.

Therefore, after analysis, it takes about ten minutes at most, and the boat will be completely submerged without even needing it.

When the time comes, even he won't be drowned.

The monsters underwater will also give them a nightmare experience, and the final outcome will be extremely miserable.

There aren't many things visible on the deck. It looks no different from an ordinary ship. It even looks a little crude. You can't judge the situation inside the ship based on its appearance.

A grunt!

The young boy with extremely messy Japanese-style hair also said in a trembling voice with some fear:"What should we do?"

"Can't escape in the water"

"That can only……"


When he said these words about flying, he subconsciously raised his head and looked around, but in the end he was still very disappointed and said:"There is no rescue plane."

"Do you want to send a signal?"

Su Keunshuo's heart trembled. Sure enough, this guy is the real seed player. He dared to conceive the idea of flying into the sky. There is nothing around, how can you fly into the sky?

He took a gulp of water and said in a hoarse voice:" Take a walk around first and confirm everything that is currently available before making a final decision!"

So the two men divided into two groups, one to check the left half of the deck, and the other to check the right half.

The temperature of the flame was very hot. Although it had not completely burned, thick smoke was already billowing from the gaps in the deck. Floating out.

Su Keunshuo has no doubt that if he doesn't pay attention, his feet will burn.

At this moment, he feels very heavy. Although he already knows that he is just one step away, there is no clue about this last step because there are indeed many people around him. There was no usable boat to escape.

Coupled with the danger in the water, people dared not even think about going into the water.

There was nothing that could fly on the boat, let alone a helicopter, or even climb up. There is only a rusty roof in the space.

And the cab is not outside, but on the third floor inside the hull.

At this moment, it is too late for the raging fire to enter the cab.

Damn it!

His nerves are tense , looking at the thick black smoke slowly rising from both sides, even his breathing became heavy.

Su Keunshuo suddenly raised his head and looked around. Since the hope of escaping is not on the ship, is it possible that it is everywhere now? The location they were in was not the vast expanse of sea.

It looked more like the interior of a channel valley. There was no one everywhere, and they were very panicked.

There were many large wooden barrels on the deck of the ship, which contained fresh water and some fruits. In addition, , and there were many ropes used for fixation.

Su Keunshuo's eyes became more and more profound, and he vaguely smelled something.

Judging from his experience of passing the limit level many times, these very long ropes and the large wooden barrels everywhere must have been used to escape. A prop, I just don’t know how to use it.

His eyes finally looked at the young boy with extremely messy Japanese-style hair. After all, this player is the seed player of this game, and the other party’s opinion is also crucial.



"Not strong enough!"

"Come over and try it out!"

At this moment, a young boy with extremely messy Japanese-style hair was trying to turn a huge turntable on the deck.

Su Keunshuo immediately frowned, ran to the side of this guy and took a look, vaguely remembering what it was.......



The young boy with extremely messy Japanese-style hair gasped:"Yes, the anchor, this ship is fixed here."

"I want to try if I can reel in the anchor, so maybe it can slip away with the waves!"

"Look at this place surrounded by mountains on three sides"

"As long as we hit it in any direction, we have the possibility of climbing up the mountain!"

Su Keunshuo was suddenly shocked. Good guy, this method is very maneuverable. He also tried to pull up the anchor with all his strength.

However, the extremely heavy force seemed to be stuck.

"No, it’s too heavy!"

"Damn it, two people are simply not strong enough. If only those two guys hadn't died!"The young boy with extremely messy Japanese-style hair couldn't help complaining.

At this moment, there was a snap.

Suddenly, their hearts trembled. They looked back.

They found that the fire had already reached the deck, and there was already a fire below. Black fire marks.

Su Keunshuo took a breath, stared at the barrels, and then said:"These barrels seem to have come in handy!"

There is a bucket full of water in it, which is used to flush on the deck, which can have a very good cooling effect.

Although it can only be delayed for a short while, at least the fire cannot be completely burned out so quickly before we figure out a way. Come up.

However, just when he was about to walk over and overturn these wooden barrels, the young boy with extremely messy Japanese-style hair said hotly in his heart:"Why didn't I think of that! You are still awesome!"

"Yes, these barrels can come in handy!"

"I understand more and more how to play this game. You must make use of everything around you."

"There are ropes and heavy barrels here!"

Su Keunshuo opened his mouth slightly, what the hell?

He was suddenly startled and found that the other party had tied up the barrel with a rope, and then he realized what was going on.

It turned out that he wanted to use the method of throwing the barrel under the boat to gain strength. , turned the huge anchor turntable, and pulled up the anchor stuck underneath.

He couldn't help but think of two words in his heart.

Damn, awesome!

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