In the secret room at this moment.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the strange oil painting.

Su Keunshuo couldn't help but swallowed. His eyes became more and more complicated, because there was something very wrong with this painting, as if it was deliberately implying something.

"Exactly the same, even the position of the chairs and table settings"

"This shouldn’t be wrong! The bald brother wearing a gold necklace frowned and said,"

No, what's going on? Why isn't the middle part drawn?""

Everyone was very surprised, because this work only painted the surrounding areas, and there was no sign of insufficient ink.

The Northeastern girl gritted her teeth and boldly guessed:"Is there any secret hidden? So it was wiped out?"

The delicate girl who looked very polite blinked her eyes, and she suddenly had an idea:"Is it possible that special techniques are needed to be able to see the middle picture?"

"Maybe it was painted, but the ink used was different, it was white."

"Just like that invisible pen!"

A word that woke up the dreamer!

Everyone immediately had a direction, because this guess was very likely to be the truth.

The corners of Su Keunshuo's mouth raised slightly, and it was true.

When he first entered the escape game, this girl was afraid, so she didn't He didn't show it.

At this moment, he has slowly become familiar with the rhythm of the game, and his thinking has become more active.

Moreover, a girl's thinking perspective is actually very different from a boy's perspective.

He even felt that the girl's reasoning and guessing were spot on.

A certain technique or approach must be used to see the blank content in this painting, which is quite convincing reasoning.

Su Keunshuo said in a hoarse voice:"Light!"


"Or look to see if there are eyes, glass or the like through refraction!"

"Everyone, look around carefully!"

I probably didn't expect it to go so smoothly and get everyone's approval.

The girl said with a smile in her eyes:"Also, if it still doesn't work, dripping water may also appear, but the picture will probably be messed up."

As soon as I finished speaking, there was a sound.

The indoor temperature prompt was updated at a time.

【Current temperature: 36 degrees Celsius】

【is accelerating and continuing to heat up......】

Everyone suddenly fell into a nervous mood again, and immediately began to look around for related objects.

Su Keunshuo took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down.

He looked at the painting and deliberately used the light in the room to observe it from multiple angles, but there was nothing.

The middle spot is still empty.

The refraction of light even made him subconsciously doubt. Is there really a painting in the blank space?

Why do you think it was deliberately not drawn?

He subconsciously wiped the sweat from his forehead, and the back of his clothes was covered with sweat. This damn place had begun to slowly show the temperature of a steam oven.

In just a short time, the temperature has risen two degrees.

I'm afraid it will only take a while to break through 40 degrees.

If it weren't for that key, the temperature would not rise faster, and everyone would have more time to look for clues.

Of course, he didn't want to blame anyone, after all, this was something we witnessed together.

I didn't try to stop the other person's behavior.

But the next second.

That sentence came to Su Keunshuo's mind again.——"Being cautious will only lead to death!"

If we talk about the hidden meaning behind this painting, how should we understand it from the perspective of prompts?

Is there any crisis in this painting that needs to be faced?

Su Keunshuo stood there quietly, he wanted to carefully Compare everything in the house, even a piece of paper or a cup, to match what is in the painting, otherwise it may be the key to solving the puzzle.



Time passes by and falls on the table. The hands of the watch were moving.

Everyone was sweating profusely, and everyone was looking for it.

At this moment, the northeastern girl picked up a pair of glasses with some excitement, and surprisingly it was the body that fell on the ground. It's on the ground, and it's stained with some blood!

"How about trying this!"

Everyone was vaguely looking forward to it. Maybe they would be able to see by wearing these glasses.

Everyone gathered over, and the eldest brother wearing a gold necklace also took the glasses and put them on. In the end, he shook his head with some disappointment and said:"No!"

"Try it under light reflection?"

"How about the other way around?"

"Turn your glasses upside down?"

Su Keunshuo simply gave the painting to these three people to study, because the corner of his mouth was slightly raised at this moment, and he had already found the difference between the painting and the scene.

Yes, it is this corpse.

I have always felt that just now There is something wrong with this corpse. I don’t know what its significance is.

But now I find that it is indeed very abrupt and superfluous.

There is no such corpse in the oil painting. Even if it is really there, it should be hidden in a place that is not painted.

Is this possible? This meant that the body should be moved and landed in the free space in the middle of the painting.

He found that he had vaguely grasped the trick, and was only one step away from the truth hidden behind it!

Su Keunshuo's mind was spinning very quickly. At this moment, he was reasoning and thinking crazily, and finally realized that there seemed to be no need to look for the so-called answer. Maybe as long as the body was moved there, there would be some changes!

So based on his previous memories, he dragged the body to the center of the room. Position.

His speed was very slow, dragging the body, taking one step and stopping one step.

Mainly because he was not sure where the body should be to trigger the mechanism.

Seeing this scene, the other three players all looked at each other. At first glance, it was obvious that they were a little confused and did not understand what was going on.

But they could only continue to study the oil painting in their hands.

After all, this is the most important clue at the moment.

Su Keunshuo frowned and pulled the body that was still dripping with blood. He took a step and found that there was no movement. He deliberately waited for a few seconds and found that the situation was still the same. He continued to move forward.


And he was extremely cautious, and he did not dare to miss any tiles. He forcibly placed the middle of the secret room. I walked through all the positions.

At this moment, there was a beeping sound.

The indoor temperature prompt was updated at the same time.

【Current temperature: 38 degrees Celsius】

【is accelerating and continuing to heat up......】

The indoor temperature has risen by another degree, and it is an extremely critical number. It is the normal temperature of the human body.

This means that the entire enclosed space will have a higher body temperature than the human body, and various discomfort conditions will appear one after another.

Netizens in the barrage were also a little nervous

【It feels so difficult, what secrets are hidden in this oil painting!】

【Something is wrong!】

【Damn it, I also think there is something wrong with this corpse, but I just don’t know how to deal with it!】

【Let me give you some popular science. According to the information I just checked, when the outdoor temperature is below 33 degrees Celsius, the human body radiates temperature. At 35 degrees Celsius, you will start to sweat and your heartbeat will speed up. At 38 degrees Celsius, you will experience a situation similar to heat stroke.】

【What is mentioned above is that the indoor temperature has been at this level for a long time. For this game, I think another set of data is more applicable. The human body can last for a full hour in an environment of 71℃; at 93℃, it can last for a full hour. 33 minutes】

【I think it’s all wrong. This is boiling a frog in warm water. In fact, the body is constantly being consumed. They will never be able to survive 71 degrees Celsius.】

【It should be that when the temperature exceeds forty or fifty degrees, you have lost the ability to escape, and in the end you are just waiting for death! 】

At this moment, there is a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Everyone is thinking about how long it will take for them to clear the game.

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