Escape From Konoha

Chapter 792 Raikage’s Considerations

Yu Yin, the atmosphere in the conference room was a bit deserted, and the only few people in it seemed relatively silent.

The defeat of the Bird Country was beyond their expectations. The number of White Zetsus who escaped was less than one-tenth of the original number. As a result, the total number of White Zetsus dropped by a quarter in two days.

If this continues, Bai Zetsu stationed in the Kingdom of Rain will most likely end up with his entire army annihilated in the face of a strong attack from the Kingdom of Ghosts.

Listening to the information conveyed by Bai Jue on the front line, it was not necessary to be afraid. After all, from the beginning, Bai Jue was just a consumable on his chessboard that delayed the pace of the Kingdom of Ghosts. No matter how many casualties there were, it would not cause any turmoil in his heart.

However, the speed of this defeat surprised him and also disrupted his deployment. This is the most troublesome part.

"Nagato-sama, do you want to change the plan? The Kingdom of Demons does not intend to delay with us, but wants to attack the Kingdom of Rain as quickly as possible."

Bai Jue asked.

Now that almost the entire Kingdom of Birds has fallen into the hands of the Kingdom of Ghosts, once they have digested the results of the Kingdom of Birds and established a stable marching route, it is self-evident that the next step is to approach the Kingdom of Rain. It can even be said that they have made all preparations to attack the Kingdom of Rain.

Facing the Kingdom of Ghosts, no matter from the sky or from the ground, there is no success. Facing such a difficult enemy, even Bai Jue, who was not afraid of death, was extremely depressed.

The other party is like an extremely solid piece of iron, which is impossible to attack and leaves no weak points for others to take advantage of.

Nagato shook his head and said: "No need to change, the plan remains unchanged. Delaying the pace of the Alliance Army is still the main task at present. We can't find any opportunities from the Kingdom of Ghosts, but there are still many loopholes on the Alliance Army's side. You can get in and cause trouble for them. However, the details can be slightly modified."


Bai Jue tilted his head, as if confused.

"Let the remaining White Zetsu in the Country of Grass shrink their front line, and then move to the Grass Hidden Village area to build a position there."

Nagato's fingers tapped on the table, making a crisp sound, and his tone was neither slow nor slow.

"Kusagakure? Is this useful? You know, the Kingdom of Demons doesn't even look at the towns of the Kingdom of Birds, and just blows them up."

Shiro's methods were ruthless in the Kingdom of Ghosts, and I still feel frightened when I think about it now.

Although the Kingdom of Birds has been reduced to a war zone, in the final analysis, the nobles and civilians of this country are still alive. They are only temporarily transferred to live in the corresponding safe zone, and sooner or later they will come back to take over the Kingdom of Birds. Therefore, as long as Bai Jue occupies these places, if the Kingdom of Ghosts still wants to be famous, it cannot ruin these places at will. This was used to increase the casualties of the Demon Country's military and lock their troops firmly in the Bird Country, making it impossible to break through the defense line established by Bai Zetsu in the Bird Country in a short period of time.

However, the current result is completely opposite to Akatsuki's expectation. The frontline commander Chiba Kazuhime, without blinking an eye, directly ordered the bombing of many towns in the Kingdom of Birds, and personally went into battle, burning several forests. He doesn't care about the damage to the Bird Country at all.

Therefore, the idea of ​​letting the ghost country's military throw a rat weapon into a trap completely failed.

Bai Jue was worried that the Alliance Army would also want to follow the example of the Demon Country's military. In that case, even if they occupied important sites such as Kusakuin Village in advance, they might not be able to slow down the Alliance Army.

"The decision of the Demon Country is indeed a bit tricky, but the Alliance Army may not give such a decisive order. Kusagakure Village is the residence of Kusagakure ninjas, and it is an extremely important military area of ​​​​the country, not to the Alliance Army Among them, there are at least a thousand Kusagakure ninjas joining them. If they take the same measures as the Demon Country, how will the Kusugakure ninjas in the Alliance Army view them?"

Nagato had a look of interest on his face.

The composition of the alliance forces is extremely complex. Although most of them are ninjas from the five major countries, the support of the ninja villages of the small countries is also a powerful boost. And Cao Yin is one of them.

If the Alliance Army takes the same action as the Demon Country and directly bombs from the outside, then there will definitely be a certain split within the Alliance Army due to the Kusagakure ninjas, which will make Kusugakure dissatisfied with the Alliance Army's attitude, and the other small country ninja villages will also be popular. Panic. Although Akatsuki would also pay a price for this, the cost of being able to inflict this level of heavy damage on the Alliance forces was completely within control.

And if the Alliance army adopts street fighting to attack the White Jue troops, it means that the Alliance army will have to pay a bloody sacrifice for this.

No matter which one it is, it can successfully delay the Alliance Army.

Having said this, Bai Jue also suddenly realized that indeed, the composition of the Kingdom of Ghosts and the Alliance Army were completely different.

There are some things that the Ghost Kingdom can act without scruples, but the Alliance Army needs to consider the attitude of its allies and cannot fire at some sensitive areas at will. Otherwise, the Alliance Army would easily split internally.

"I understand, Nagato-sama, I'll go get ready right now."

Bai Jue left the conference room excitedly and conveyed the instructions to the front line.

After Bai Jue left, Xiao Nan asked: "In this way, can we successfully hold back the Alliance Army?"

Nagato replied calmly: "I don't know, but it's worth a try. Even if the prediction is wrong, it will only lose some White Zetsu. Moreover, whether it is the Demon Country or the Alliance Army, they are too arrogant."

As the saying goes, all clay figures have three parts of fire, let alone humans.

Although there was no change in Nagato's expression, he felt dissatisfied with the arrogant and domineering behavior of the Demon Country and the Alliance Army. They seemed to completely ignore Akatsuki, treating him like meat on the chopping board, and could be dealt with in any way.

Even if the whole battle is defeated, it will not affect Bai Zetsu's morale, but Nagato urgently needs to vent his sullen mood.

"Now we need to give them some color to see."

A sharp light flashed across Nagato's reincarnation eyes.

The First Regiment, which was charging at the forefront of the Country of Grass, immediately noticed a change in the movements of the White Zetsu troops.

This abnormal movement immediately aroused the vigilance of the reconnaissance unit of the First Wing.

"Do you know where they are moving to?"

In the tent in the camp, a precise map was hung on the blackboard. Darui, the captain, and a dozen squadron leaders were all in the tent, waiting for intelligence instructions from the reconnaissance force.

"They are moving towards the southwest of the Country of Grass. Their current location is probably in this area."

This member of the Scout Troop didn't hesitate to point at a certain location on the map.

"Move to the southwest, are you planning to evacuate the Country of Grass?"

A squadron leader frowned, a little confused about the troop mobilization situation of the Bai Jue troops.

"Indeed, if they retreat like this, they will soon leave the Country of Grass. But their marching speed does not seem like they have given up on the Country of Grass. They are calm and orderly. They may also be changing their positions."

Akimichi Teiza expressed his opinion.

"Move the position? Where else can we turn?"


Akimichi Dingzao squinted his eyes and looked at the Kusakuin Village located in the southwest of the Country of Grass.

The residence of the Kusanagi ninja, the military center of the Country of Grass.


Some squadron leaders have not yet come to their senses and chewed on these two words, but some squadron leaders with keen minds, including Darui, the co-captain, all looked down, obviously guessing something terrible.

"No, they must be stopped. Let all the support troops of the 10th and 13th Squadrons of the 1st Regiment, the 2nd Regiment and the 3rd Regiment be dispatched to intercept their troops before their large force reaches Kusagakure."

Darui gave the order decisively and planned to put it into action.

"Wait a minute, Captain Darui, it's too late to give the order now. The location of our camp is near Kannabi Bridge, which is too far away from Kusakure Village. Moreover, it has been occupied by Bai Zetsu from the beginning. , now they are just shrinking the front line and returning their strength to defense. If we pursue them rashly, we will fall into their trap. We don't have the ground-clearing methods like the Kingdom of Ghosts to deter Bai Jue."

Dingzuo said.

After all, when the information was passed to them, the Bai Jue troops had already launched operations.

With the speed at which they move underground, it will not be easy for the Alliance squadrons to catch up. They might even fall into the traps designed by them, causing unnecessary casualties.


Darui clenched his fists hard and sighed in dissatisfaction.

"They plan to use the same methods they used against the Kingdom of Ghosts on us. They plan to have a decisive battle with our alliance forces there."

Ding Zuo sighed, speaking lightly, but his eyes showed an extremely deep and solemn look.

Maybe, the Alliance Army will really suffer heavy losses this time.

"Anyway, let's send this information to the headquarters first. Fortunately, Mr. Kazekage is rushing to the front line. The second and third regiments will also support many people. The situation may be more optimistic."

Dingzuo can only use such words to cheer himself and others up.

The others also knew it was just words of comfort, but it was a trap, and one they had to jump into.

The violent aura vibrated continuously in the water prison space.

The Kyuubi's attack was both swift and fierce, leaving Naruto no chance to counterattack.

The countless will energy of hatred, like a rising tide, began to devour Naruto's sanity step by step.

That strong hatred, even if Naruto was recognized by his other self, could not help but be exaggerated by a violent aura in his eyes, and some dark colors condensed in the originally clear blue pupils.

Naruto gasped for air, gritted his teeth, and kept jumping back to avoid the claws of the nine tails.

"What's this……"

Naruto gently covered his forehead, and countless voices screamed curses in his ears. The demonic sounds filled his ears, so that he could only move with his remaining sanity.

Countless darkness filled this space, making it impossible for Naruto to avoid it.

"Naruto, don't think that with the recognition of that coward and the power of the old man of Six Paths, you can compete with me. You will soon become a fragment of my hatred and become a part of me. Come on, sink, come This dark paradise is integrated with my flesh and blood!”

The Kyuubi stared with fierce and violent beast eyes, revealing its mouth full of white fangs, ferocious and evil, as if it saw the moment when Naruto fell into darkness, the moment when he became the incarnation of hatred.

"I won't be fooled by this kind of thing..."

Naruto gritted his teeth and held on.

Before he could finish speaking, the demonic sound, which was like a curse, mixed with resentment and viciousness, poured into his brain again, making his whole body stiff——

——Go away, demon fox!

——People like you are better off dead.

——Sandaime, really, why do you let someone like you enter the school?

——Becoming Hokage is really ridiculous.

——You can’t even pass the genin exam. You are truly a loser. Your life is just a waste of food.

Soon this sound disappeared, and another voice of resentment that penetrated directly into Naruto's heart and made his soul throb also sounded -

——Why should we save these people? Wouldn't it be better to let Sasuke kill them?

——Don’t come to suppress our resentment!

——I want revenge!

——Destroy the hateful village and all the villagers!

--tolerant? mercy? Cowardly and boring. The way to forgive the world is to destroy it completely!

——I despise you, Uzumaki Naruto! He obviously has such powerful power, but he doesn't dare to take action!

Naruto's face was twisted to the point of turning blue. He clearly wanted to abandon such an extreme approach, but there were more voices in his heart that wanted to forcefully change his will and hate the world.

"Ha ha……"

The sound of breathing became heavier and heavier, and even the speed of dodge began to decrease rapidly.

The sharp claws swept across and knocked Naruto away immediately.


Although he didn't vomit blood, it made Naruto scream in pain, roll over in the water prison, and fly hundreds of meters away.

"It seems that the outcome has been decided. Now, you can't hide anymore. Sure enough, you are not what the old man of Six Paths said... the child of prophecy and so on are all lies."

Kyuubi grinned an exaggerated and ferocious smile, raised his head slightly, and chakra balls of different sizes began to gather in front of Kyuubi.

The Tailed Beast Tama, which was brewing with the aura of destruction, started again in front of the Kyuubi, aiming at Naruto.

"Turn into dust for me!"

The aura of destruction brewed to its peak, and invisible ripples spread out in the space, as if wrinkles in space appeared.


Chains shining with brilliant golden light stretched out like long snakes from the fluctuating void, and instantly wrapped around Kyuubi's limbs and neck, interrupting its movement of gathering Tailed Beast Jade.

"The child of prophecy is indeed a lie. But Kyuubi, even if Minato can't do anything to you now, don't forget that I'm still here."

A figure stood between Kyuubi and Naruto, with long red hair hanging down.

Kyuubi glared at the figure who interrupted his good deeds, bared his teeth fiercely, and even heard the sound of it grinding its teeth, and the hatred in the beast's pupils was about to overflow and turn into reality.

"After Minato, are you the stinky bitch, Kushina!"

"Damn it, Kyuubi's chakra is about to be leaked. This amount of chakra is too exaggerated!"

In the white space outside, Tenzou was sitting cross-legged on one side of Naruto. In the palm of his right arm, there was a black word 'seat' engraved on it. It was a type of Wood Release and could be effectively used to suppress tailed beasts. of chakra.

But at this moment Tianzang felt a huge mountain pressing on his body, and the palm of his right hand was also very hot, as if it was being baked on a raging fire. His face was dripping with sweat, and he looked like he was about to collapse.

No wonder he would be like this. The nine-tailed chakra emerging from Naruto's body has turned into three tails, and the negative energy carried in them is far greater than before. Even Tenzo's Wood Release cannot effectively suppress it and can only watch. Watching more and more Nine Tails chakra emerge from Naruto's body.

It will soon enter the four-tailed state, which is the limit of Naruto's control. And if the number reaches five tails or more, it will be very fatal.

At that time, the negative energy of the Nine-Tails will completely go berserk, and Naruto will be completely reduced to the Nine-Tails' blood food and become a part of the Nine-Tails. The Nine-Tails will also reappear in the world with the help of Naruto's body.

"Mr. Bi, think of a solution quickly!"

Tenzo anxiously asked Kirabi next to him for help.

If this continues, his Mu Dun will really be unable to hold on any longer.

"Even if you say that, I don't know what to do now. I can't communicate with Naruto's heart at all. The power of the Nine-Tails is too powerful, more powerful than the Two-Tails and the Eight-Tails."

Kirabi was also very distressed.

In the past, when assisting the two-tailed jinchūriki to train with Bokuto, such an accident had never happened.

But now just sneaking into Naruto and Kyuubi's consciousness space made him mentally exhausted.

Until now, I can no longer sense where that space is.

Only techniques targeting this aspect can be done, but unfortunately, he doesn't know this special secret technique at all.

The reason why he was able to enter the spiritual space of Naruto and Kyuubi before was because of the power of the Eight-Tails.

——Xiaoba, can I go in again?

——I guess not. The strength of the Nine-Tails guy is closest to that of the Ten-Tails. Even if it is only half, the chakra it possesses is far above the other tailed beasts.

The helpless voice of Eight-Tails sounded.

As a tailed beast, although its overall strength is at the top, it can be said to be second only to the Nine-Tails. However, as the strongest tailed beast, even it has an irreparable gap with the Nine-Tails. Even though there was only half of the Kyuubi left in Naruto.

——Is there really no other way?

Kirabi didn't want to give up.

——Now we can only believe in Naruto. If he is really the son of prophecy mentioned by the old man of Six Paths, maybe he can turn the crisis around. Other than that, waiting outside is all we can do.

Yabi said helplessly again.

Fighting the Kyuubi head-on is something only a fool would do.

If there are no means to restrain the Nine-Tails, such as Wood Release, Sharingan, Sealing Technique, etc., the Nine-Tails will be naturally invincible.

Just because of their unlimited chakra, the tailed beasts and ninjas are just as desperate.

A creature like the Kyuubi that transcends common sense can only be restrained by taking advantage of its weaknesses.

——The son of prophecy? The prophecy of Mount Myoki? Isn’t that place gone?

——Yes, that’s why I said ‘if’. Anyway, this world is becoming more and more unfamiliar, maybe it's just the old man talking in his sleep.

Yabi tutted, even now, he didn't feel it was a big deal at all.

Although it can't beat the Kyuubi, it can still run without any problem.

These years of dealing with humans have made Yabi understand a profound truth, that is, it is not a shame to run away if you can't fight.

The dignity of a tailed beast, what is that?

——In short, Bi, be prepared for the possibility of Naruto's failure and prepare to retreat. Once Naruto fails, if we stay here, we will definitely be torn into pieces by the furious Kyuubi.

After the eight-tailed advice, silence fell.

The news that the White Zetsu troops were converging on Caoyin Village was promptly delivered to the Alliance Army Headquarters with the help of the First Regiment.

It’s really a wave of ups and downs.

The speed at which the situation is changing is giving even the general staff, which has gathered think tanks from each village, a headache.

The staff members who received the news naturally saw Xiao's purpose at the first sight.

Since Caoyin Village is located in the southwest of the Country of Grass, not far from the Country of Rain, it was difficult for the Alliance to control it from the beginning.

At the beginning of the war, Kusakuin Village naturally fell into Akatsuki's hands, but after all, only a small number of White Zetsus were occupied there, and most of them were scattered in the wild to resist the alliance's attack.

However, the White Zetsu troops in the Kingdom of Grass shrank in full force and gathered towards Kusagakure. It was too late to stop them at this time.

And even if they knew it in advance, they would not be able to stop it. White Zetsu can move at high speed in various harsh environments. Without the large-scale firepower coverage of the Ghost Country, and penetration deep underground, they want to stop the White Zetsu troops. Transferring is a pipe dream.

"My suggestion is to simply abandon Kusagakure and use all aspects of the air force to attack the White Zetsu forces like the Demon Country did."

A member of the staff suggested.

"Yes, we can provide a large amount of funds to rebuild Caoyin Village afterwards."

Another staff member's proposal was equally radical.

With the support of the five major countries, it is not difficult to rebuild a small country's ninja village afterwards.

"That said, but in this case, the grudge still exists. There are already conflicts within the Alliance Army. At this time, we should try to avoid conflicts."

As one of the leaders of the General Staff Department, Mabuyi has some objections to this.

In any case, members of the Alliance Army have advanced and retreated together, and this cannot cause internal divisions.

"Then invite the leader of Kusagakure to come over and discuss it."

"No, if you invite the leader of Kusugaku here like this, whether it is because of the majesty of the Five Shadows or for collective considerations, he will be forced to choose to abandon his village, and he will feel resentful."

Shikaku rejected the proposal without even thinking about it.

"Let's attack directly."

Tsunade said at this time.


Shikaku looked at Tsunade.

Tsunade said expressionlessly: "No matter which method is chosen, Kusanagi Village will become ruins later. All we can do is to reduce the losses as much as possible. This is a battle where the enemy provokes and we have to respond. Raikage ,what do you think?"

The Fourth Raikage nodded.

"The Hokage is right. We must respond to this kind of provocation. The weapons we have developed cannot go deep into the ground like the Kingdom of Ghosts. So, it seems that there are two paths to choose, but in fact there is only one."

With that said, the Fourth Raikage looked towards Haiyi and Qing, and continued in an extremely serious voice:

"Send an order to Kazekage, as well as the captains of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd regiments, and tell them to advance towards Kusagakure at full speed. No matter what means they take, they must see results within three days. The Country of Grass Let the temporary command of the front line be handed over to the Kazekage. In addition, let all the Kusagakure ninjas in the three regiments stay at the rear. In this operation, they do not have to participate in the battle."


Haiyi and Qingxin were stunned, and conveyed the instructions of the five shadows in the headquarters to the relevant personnel and the alliance.

The people in the staff department also stopped. They are only responsible for thinking about countermeasures, and the people who make decisions are always the Five Shadows.

"I'll excuse you for a moment. Leader Kusagakure, I'll go over and explain it myself."

The Fourth Raikage stood up and walked outside under the gaze of everyone.

"Raikage-sama's mind is also very delicate and dexterous."

Shikaku looked at the leaving figure of the Fourth Raikage and showed an emotional smile.

"It's only at times like this that you act like a leader. Most of the time, you're causing trouble for me, and your head is filled with muscles."

Mabuyi smiled bitterly, not taking Shikaku's compliments to heart.

If others knew that her most common job was to change tables for the Fourth Raikage, they would definitely be laughed at.

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