Escape From Konoha

Chapter 553 Longdi Cave (1)

Faced with such a tempting proposal, it would be a lie if Nagato said he was not tempted. Among the many relics that Madara left him, it can be said to be all-encompassing, whether it is the long-lost Yin-Yang Dun, or the many secrets about tailed beasts, they all have everything that one expects to find. But there is only one thing that does not appear in it, and that is magic.

Regarding the matter of immortality, I only mentioned a few words, and I didn't know the method of practicing immortality at all.

Although Nagato has never practiced senjutsu, it does not hinder his understanding of the power of senjutsu. Even the first Hokage who defeated Madara was a practitioner of senjutsu. It can be imagined that senjutsu is a different kind of The power of the regular chakra system. Madara also has a very high opinion of celestial beings.

Not only those who are far away, but those who are close by, such as Orochimaru and other weirdos, are also working tirelessly on the road to pursue immortal arts. This shows the special status of the power of immortality.

For such a powerful technique, Nagato would naturally want something.

But at the cost of attacking Mt. Myoboku...

After a moment of excitement, the emotion on Nagato's face returned to calmness again.

Attacking Miaomu Mountain is no small matter. This holy land has existed for thousands of years, and no one knows what kind of monsters and monsters exist there.

It's okay if it succeeds, but if it fails...does Yuyin Village have the ability to withstand the pressure after failure?

Although today's Amegakure Village has developed over the years, it has always been difficult to satisfy Nagato in terms of military strength.

Despite the purchase of new weapons from the Kingdom of Ghosts, the military strength has been steadily improved. However, while Yuyin Village is carrying out arms trade with the Kingdom of Ghosts, the Kingdom of Ghosts is also trading arms with the other five major countries, and the volume of arms trade with the five major countries is far beyond what Yuyin Village can compare with. The comprehensive military strength of the five major countries will only increase faster than Yuyin Village, not slower.

This is the disadvantage of the Rain Hidden Village. If you win, you can protect yourself. If you fail, the Rain Hidden Village and even the Kingdom of Rain will lose any room for maneuver among the big countries.

"Mr. Shiraishi, I think the strength of the Demon Country family should be enough to take over Mt. Miaomu alone. Why do we need to seek help from outsiders?"

Nagato asked this question.

Shiraishi thought for a while and replied: "Nagato-dono may have misunderstood. First of all, it is impossible for all the power of the Kingdom of Demons to be invested in Mt. Miaomu. The reason why we seek cooperation is to reduce risks as much as possible."

"Then why do you come to me for help?"

Nagato planned to get to the bottom of it.

"Based on our previous cooperation many times, both parties have obtained stable and lasting benefits and have a deep foundation of trust. As for the other big countries..."

Nagato did not fully believe what Shiraishi said.

Shiraishi can seek cooperation with Yugakure, and naturally he can also seek cooperation with other forces.

But now Shiraishi found him directly instead of looking for other ninja villages to seek cooperation. This can only mean one thing. The relationship between the Kingdom of Ghosts and the other five major countries has deteriorated more seriously than he imagined.

Compared with the traditional five major countries, Yuyin Village is more trustworthy.

Because as Shiraishi said, their previous cooperation has already established a good foundation of trust.

Sometimes integrity can be more effective than imagined.

"Speaking of which, Nagato-dono, do you still have any questions?"

Shiraishi paused and asked Nagato.

"I need detailed information from Miaomu Mountain before I can make a judgment."

Nagato said without changing his expression.

Shiraishi tilted his head and signaled with his eyes to Kazuki behind him.

Ichiji took out a scroll from her arms, placed it on the round table, pushed it gently, and rolled it to a stop in front of Nagato.

"Xiao Nan, take Mr. Shiraishi and Miss Ichiji down to rest."

Nagato got the scroll and did not watch it immediately. Instead, he asked Konan to arrange for Shiraishi and Kazuki to go down and rest.

The matter is so important that he cannot make a decision all at once. He must carefully consider the pros and cons of all aspects and weigh the pros and cons.

Xiaonan nodded and left the place.

"You two, please come with me."

Shiraishi stood up and said to Nagato: "I hope Nagato-dono will give me an accurate answer within three days."

After saying that, he took Yiji and Xiaonan and left the conference room.

As the door closed, Nagato withdrew his gaze, placed the scroll in his hand on the table, spread it out, and began to scan the information on it carefully.

Soon after, Konan, who arranged for Shiraishi and Kazuki to go to the lounge, returned.

After returning to the conference room, she saw that Nagato was not sitting on the original seat, but walked to the window, quietly looking at the rain scene outside, and could still hear the patter of rain.

There was only a half-open scroll on the table, and it seemed that Nagato had already finished reading it.

Because Nagato's back was turned to her, Xiaonan didn't know what Nagato's face was like at the moment, so she asked aloud: "How about it, Nagato, do you want to agree to this cooperation with the Kingdom of Ghosts?"

Nagato heard Konan's question but did not respond immediately and continued to listen to the sound of rain outside.

Obviously, he was still thinking about whether to agree to Shiraishi at this moment, and the two sides cooperated to capture Miaomu Mountain together.

"The leader of Miaomu Mountain is called the Great Toad Sage. According to legend, he is a close friend of the Sage of Six Paths and has the mysterious power to see into the future."

When Nagato told this information, he naturally showed his fear in front of Konan.

As for the person in this world that he can trust without reservation, Xiaonan is the only one now. Therefore, in front of Xiaonan, he does not have to be secretive, but speaks directly.

"Over the years, Mr. Jiraiya has publicized the prophecies made by Mt. Miaogi more than once, as if targeting Chiba Shiraishi... However, it is only to this extent, and it is not enough for the kingdom of ghosts to go to war with Mt. Miaogi."

Konan continued following Nagato's words, she was wondering about this.

Predictions can be big or small, but escalating the situation directly to the level of war would be too much.

Nagato turned around, looked at the scroll spread out on the round table, and said calmly: "No, the kingdom of ghosts has done a lot of work to understand Mt. My expectation was right, Mt. Miaomu must have done something secretly to make Qianye Shiraishi make up his mind to destroy Mt. Miaomu, and the proportion of prophecy is actually not high."

If it was just a prediction, Nagato didn't believe that Shiraishi would make such a risky move.

But there is one exception—for example, when investigating Mt. Miaomu, he accidentally discovered that Mt. Miaomu was detrimental to the kingdom of ghosts, which prompted Shiraishi to make up his mind to attack Mt. Miaogi. Then everything makes sense.

"It seems that he also hid some important information while cooperating."

Xiaonan looked unhappy.

Nagato smiled lightly: "It's human nature, if it were me, I would also hide some important information when cooperating, so that outsiders can't get it. But it seems that Miaomushan can push him to this point. It’s not small. A holy land of psychic beasts that should be in a neutral position has been hostile by the kingdom of ghosts instead, and it doesn’t look like a fairy art coveting the holy land... The secrets here are really curious.”

" we need to investigate Mt. Myoboku?"

Konan felt that he could use this opportunity to grasp more trends in the Kingdom of Ghosts and prepare for the subsequent plan to capture the tailed beast.

Nagato shook his head and said: "These are just useless efforts. Bai Jue has investigated these holy places in the past, but it is basically difficult to sneak in, or sneak in by luck. Those Bai Jue will disappear without a trace. No bubbles can come out. The water in the Holy Land may not be shallower than the water in these big countries, it may even be deeper."

If this were not the case, the Kingdom of Ghosts would not come here to seek cooperation, but would choose to devour Miaomu Mountain for themselves.

"Then your plan is..."

"Let me think about it. This cooperation is not a trivial matter. Even I have to consider whether I can bear the price I will face after failure. This time it is not as small as before..."

A holy land that has been passed down for thousands of years, and the Great Toad Immortal who is also related to the Immortal of Six Paths... To be honest, Nagato felt that this matter was too difficult.

The deeper he gets into the power of the Samsara Eye, the more Nagato understands what the Sage of Six Paths means to this world.

Is it possible that a person who can make friends with the Sage of Six Paths and chat and laugh together is a simple existence?

"I thought itachi where you were going, but it turns out the target is the country of medicine."

Kisame, who was following Itachi, immediately understood where Itachi's destination was when he saw the three huge mountains in the distance.

As a result, he grinned, revealing a smile that could be called vicious to outsiders.

Itachi beside him said nothing, just looking at the three mountains in the distance.

Those three mountains are located in the center of the sea, so the two of them can only go there by boat.

Seeing Itachi didn't speak, Kisame didn't bother him either. He just rowed while looking at the three mountains on the sea with interest.

According to the information he knew, this was a place called the Crying Wolf. It was a large ninja village many years ago. Like ninja villages in other countries, they relied on task commissions to earn living expenses.

However, because the land where this Ninja Village is located is full of mountains and green fields, all kinds of medicinal herbs can be collected, so it is also called the land of medicine by outsiders. But even though it is called a country, it is essentially just a village.

But because of the abundance of medicinal herbs, the ninjas in this village began to become lazy. As the land continued to be rich in medicinal herbs, they could make a lot of money just by selling medicinal herbs. The ninjas in the village became increasingly useless... until a few days ago. The Declaration of Neutrality was announced years ago, directly transforming from a ninja village into a gathering place for drug dealers where the whole village accumulated wealth by selling medicine.

It must be said that this change made many people feel sad.

Kisame knew this place because the country, or rather the village's medicine dealers were too famous. Even big countries would send people here every year to purchase large amounts of medicinal materials, making the villagers here rich overnight.

Rowing the boat soon came to the land.

Kisame walked to the solid ground first, and Itachi also walked off the boat and looked up at the mountain road in front of him.

A vermilion torii gate stands in front, with the words 'Wolf Crying Eighty-eight Gates' written on it.

Looking towards the mountain road, there seemed to be endless torii gates stretching up the slope.

Kisame joked: "Eighty-eight gates... shouldn't there be eighty-eight torii gates built here? Wouldn't that mean we have to abandon the world a total of eighty-eight times?"

Torii is the dividing point between the human world and the heaven. Even a shrine in the land of ghosts cannot build so many torii on its own shrine.

Besides, this used to be just a ninja village, not a shrine.

"This represents the determination of the village where the wolf cries as a neutral party."

Itachi explained.

Kisame tilted his head.

Abandoning the world eighty-eight times means that he has no dispute with the world and is completely neutral?

I don’t understand what the people in this village think.

The reason why this place can remain neutral is because the big powers currently want it to be neutral. Once the big powers change their minds, neutrality will not be able to protect this place.

Kisame followed Itachi through the torii gates along the slope of the mountain path.

Guixier enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way. Although the villagers of this village had strange ideas, the reputation of being rich in medicinal herbs was not in vain. Before we reached the tenth torii gate, we saw that the mountain was full of various flowers and plants. The flowers were fragrant and colorful, and it really gave people the feeling of ascending to heaven.

Even in winter, it is so beautiful, which surprised Kisame.

At the top of the mountain, there is an entrance that has opened a giant door, surrounded by tall walls, and only this entrance can enter.

Before entering the village, Guixie could smell the strange smell of countless medicinal herbs mixed in the air.

There are countless stalls on both sides of the street, and vendors shout enthusiastically in front of their stalls to attract customers.

Even the well-informed Guixie encountered difficulties when he saw the medicinal materials sold at the stall, and he knew only a very small part of the medicinal materials.

"The Land of Wolves' Cry is worthy of being called the Country of Medicine."

Kisame sighed softly.

Gorgeous buildings abound here, and the villagers' faces are plump and rosy. It may seem that they are just vendors at small stalls, but in reality they may be wealthy businessmen.

No wonder that in the past, major countries came here to purchase medicinal herbs. It was even inappropriate for the villagers of this village to simply abandon ninjas. They even despised the existence of ninjas and opened medicinal herbs stores. It was completely reasonable.

Being a ninja is only worth a little money, Kisame can probably guess the psychology of these people.

"However, is it okay for us to swagger in like this?"

Kisame looked at Itachi.

"It doesn't matter. This is a neutral party. As long as we don't cause trouble, they won't drive us away."

Itachi knew the rules here very well. Even if he was a rebellious nin, he would not be targeted as long as he did not disturb the order here.

Kisame felt relieved now. He didn't want to be nervous all day long, otherwise even he would feel tired.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion ahead.

A group of men wearing uniform uniforms surrounded a woman in the middle and pointed something similar to a blowpipe at the woman, as if they wanted to launch an attack.

"Is that the wandering witch from the land of ghosts?"

Kisame looked at the woman surrounded by men. She was wearing a red and white miko uniform, with an aster flower badge hanging on her waist similar to her identity. She was obviously a wandering miko from the land of ghosts.

"What do the people in this village want to do?"

There was a hint of surprise in Kisame's eyes.

Although the major powers in the ninja world are not afraid of the Kingdom of Demons, the forces that are not afraid of the Kingdom of Demons are definitely not included here.

Or, just because you think you are a neutral party, you can act unscrupulously?

Itachi glanced at it and whispered: "In the past, someone in Wolf Cry refined something called green fire powder..."

"Green fire powder? I remember that was..."

"It is said that it is the main ingredient used to refine the elixir that can cure all diseases and achieve immortality. However, after being mixed with water, the green fire powder will explode violently. The people in this village used the green fire powder to develop powerful A decent firearm, able to repel attacks from wandering ninjas many times.”

"Then why do you want to fight with the Kingdom of Ghosts..."

"Because the Kingdom of Ghosts has blocked their way to make money. They even claimed that the firearm technology of the Kingdom of Ghosts was developed by stealing their green fire powder technology, and they have repeatedly requested reasonable compensation from the Kingdom of Ghosts."


Kisame was speechless.

But think about it, the arms business of the Kingdom of Ghosts is now very popular in various countries. In comparison, Cry Wolf, where firearms technology is still in its infancy, appears unsatisfactory in this regard. As the saying goes, blocking someone's way of making money is like killing your parents. The arms trade in the Kingdom of Ghosts has obviously greatly harmed the interests of the Wolf Crying Village.

In addition, the Crying Wolf has close relations with some big countries, and it has begun to become arrogant. For them, even if they offend the Kingdom of Ghosts, it's not a big deal. A group of greedy businessmen will do anything for money.

"Kisame, let's separate here. I need to buy some medicine."

Itachi was not very interested in the disputes between the Crying Wolf and the Kingdom of Demons, or in other words, he was not interested in all disputes.

After saying this, Itachi walked straight forward.

Kisame watched Itachi leave, focusing on the Wandering Miko who was arguing with the guards of the Crying Wolf. Then he changed his gaze, walked elsewhere, and started to buy the medicine he needed.

Three days flew by.

Yuyin Village, in the meeting room.

Nagato meets Shiraishi in person here again.

Presumably after three days of careful consideration, Nagato had made his choice. Therefore, before Nagato could speak first, Shiraishi asked first:

"Nagato-dono, three days have passed. Can you give me an accurate answer now?"

Regarding this question, Nagato did not answer, but asked: "Before that, I would like to ask first, what is the chance that we will take down Mt. Miaogi together?"

Baishi said without hesitation: "Ninety percent."

Nagato's expression remained unchanged, but his voice became deeper: "I need to hear the truth."

"Ninety percent."

Shiraishi still has this answer.

As for whether he deceived Nagato or not, only he knew in his heart.

Nagato did not make any comments on this answer, but said: "I think Mr. Shiraishi should know that Yuyin Village is not as big as the country of ghosts. If it fails, what kind of predicament will it face? You and I I know it all.”

Shiraishi nodded, he had expected this.

"Nagato-dono, please make any requests."

"Unfortunately, I don't have any requirements."

Nagato gave this answer.

Shiraishi frowned.

Nagato looked straight into Shiraishi's eyes, and said, "Actually, no matter what the winning percentage is, it's hard for me to agree to the cooperation deal proposed by Mr. Shiraishi this time. For me, the risk I have to take is too great. Our Kingdom of Rain , Unlike the Ghost Country, which has great undertakings, one failure is only a slight effort."

"Nagato-dono means..."

"I refuse to cooperate."

Nagato replied calmly.

This was a decision he made after careful consideration.

Because no matter whether he captures Miaomu Mountain or not, he has to bear the huge risk of being exposed in advance.

The serious consequences of this part cannot be compensated by this small profit.

On the contrary, as long as he follows the steps step by step, he can gain powerful power step by step, and there is no need to take risks to obtain any magic.

"If it's because the conditions are not enough, I can make another profit on the basis of the previous one..."

"This is not directly related to the profit margin. I'm sorry, Mr. Shiraishi, your trip was in vain. I'm sorry about the cooperation..."

Nagato remained unmoved.

His current accumulation is not enough, and he will not be able to stand in front of the stage before the tailed beast plan reaches the final stage.

In the past, Akatsuki acted too recklessly and became a pawn used by others in the war.

Because Hanzo stood in front of the stage, the Kingdom of Rain was targeted by various countries.

These are bloody examples of failure. If you want to achieve great things, you must have enough patience and not rush for success.

"...No, I took the liberty of disturbing you."

Shiraishi sighed and did not continue to pester.

This was originally a matter belonging to the Kingdom of Ghosts. Nagato did not want to get involved and had his own considerations.

If his position were changed, he might not agree to such a risky request for cooperation.

Since Nagato refused to cooperate, there was no point in staying here anymore.

Shiraishi decisively took Yiji away.

"What's next, old man?"

After putting on the raincoat and walking outside Yuyin Village, Ichiji turned around and asked.

"We can't count on Yuyin Village, so we can only start from other places."

Shiraishi looked at the gray sky, raindrops falling on his face, bringing an icy chill.

"Other places? Are there any partners we can consider?"

"Ryuji Cave."

Shiraishi said the name.

"Longdi Cave? The third holy land after Shigu Forest and Miaomu Mountain?"

Yiji was surprised.

"Well, I heard from the live slug that the white snake fairy in Longdi Cave seemed to have had some feuds with the big toad fairy in Miaomu Mountain in the past. Because of this relationship, the psychic beasts of the two holy places will also often encounter them. Sex creates a fight. Maybe this can be exploited."

Shiraishi talked about the information he knew.

"In other words, use the Holy Land to contain the Holy Land?"

"Yes, this is also a feasible solution. But to convince the White Snake Immortal, I'm afraid it's not that simple. I can only try my best."

"In that case, let's go and have a look."

Yiji was eager to try, wanting to see the elegance of the Holy Land.

"No, I can go there alone this time. There is something I need you to do now."

Shiraishi rejected Ichiki's companionship.

"What's up?"

Yi Ji asked curiously.

"Have you heard about this village in Wolf Cry?"

"That medicine country? What happened there?"

Yiji instantly remembered where the Wolf Crying Lane was.

It is one of the largest medicinal material supply bases in the ninja world and has close business relationships with many countries in the ninja world. Even in the country of ghosts, they occasionally go there to purchase medicinal materials and then transport them back to the country to make medicines.

"The medicinal material procurement team that went there before was attacked by unknown people. There were more than a dozen wounded, and one died. It’s a good thing that you go there and ask them to hand over the murderer and the instigator and make them make corresponding compensation.”

Shiraishi stared at Kazuki's face and said to her.

"That's it, then I'll go over and take care of it."

Yi Ji thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

Afterwards, Ichiki and Shiraishi separated and disappeared in the rain.

Staring at the direction in which Jiji left, Shiraishi withdrew his gaze and turned to another direction.

"Longdi Cave, White Snake Immortal, I hope you won't disappoint me this time... Before that, I have to go and meet Liuli first."

Longdi Cave is different from Shigu Forest and Miaomu Mountain. This is a notorious sacred place for psychic beasts.

The snake-like psychic beasts living there are not only cruel, but also very bloodthirsty and warlike.

To put it simply, the only condition for talking to them on an equal footing is to make them identify with each other in terms of strength. If they can't satisfy them in terms of strength, they will only become food in the giant snake's mouth in the end.

If the ticket to meet the White Snake Immortal is to be obtained through fighting at that time, then Liuli is the best candidate.

After all, he's just a medical ninja, not very proficient in combat.

For professional matters, let the professionals handle them.

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