Escape From Konoha

Chapter 315 Daughter’s Time

"I'm in."

After knocking on the door, without getting permission, Juuzang walked into the office on his own from the outside.

Yagura, who was sitting at the desk and working, had not yet spoken, but the Jounin Ao who was beside him was already glaring at Juuzang with dissatisfaction.

"Hey, this is the sacred place where Mizukage-sama works. It's not a vegetable market. It's not advisable for you to come wherever you want."

As the oldest Jonin in the Kirigakure Village and the current Mizukage's right-hand man, Ao unceremoniously taught Juuzou a lesson for his rude behavior.

"But, I came here after receiving an order."

Juuzang said with a smile, not listening to Qing's lesson at all.

Just as Ao was about to continue speaking, Yagura interrupted Ao, shook his head, and put down what he was doing.

"Forget it, Qing, this guy's character is like this, it's not a big deal."

As long as he can contribute to Kirigakure Village and have a little bit of personality, it should be regarded as a unique sign of a strong person.

After all, Juuzou is one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure Village. As a Jonin, he can be regarded as the elder of Kirigakure Village.

"Thank you so much for your magnanimity, Mizukage-sama. So, what do you want from me? I'm about to lead the team on the next mission."

Juuzang asked with a smile.

Currently, he is in a genin team and serves as a guide to the jounin.

The difference is that the members of this genin team are not ordinary guys.

She has corpse veins, ice escape, and a little girl whose strength is even more unfathomable, maybe much stronger than herself.

I really don’t know where such a monster came from.

Because there is no detailed information record in the genin database of Kirigakure Village.

After listening to Juuzou's question, Yagura picked up the pen and clicked on the table twice before speaking slowly: "There is no rush to perform the mission. Regarding the member of your team, Mahiru Kazuhime, I want to make her independent." , in other words, I will find another genin to join your team."

Juzo was slightly startled when he heard Yagura's words.

Mahiru Kazuhime is the most monster in his genin team.

Although he is not a blood-successor-limited ninja, he possesses powerful physical skills that are comparable to those of the Kaguya clan. He is also proficient in fire and water escape techniques, and can also use extremely rare auditory illusions.

There was so much chakra that Juuzang was a little doubtful about life.

Compared to Kisame Kisaki, who had already left Kirigakure, he might be even richer.

Juuzou didn't know where Yagura got such a genin.

All I know is that he was suddenly placed in the ninja school by Yagura, and he started attending the fourth grade. After that, he graduated from the school normally like other students.

According to expectations, it is very likely that he will be directly promoted to chuunin this year.

As a result, Yagura is now asking the other party to become independent from his team?

This confused Juzo very much.

"Well, can I ask, why? Mizukage-sama?"

Juuzang asked curiously.

Yagura thought for a while and said: "It doesn't matter if I tell you this. Mahiru Kazuhime is a pseudonym. Her real name is Chiba Kazuhime. She is the daughter of Chiba Shiraishi, the military leader of the Demon Country, and Uchiha Ruri. Daughter. According to the agreement, the other party can leave Kirigakure."

Juuzang suddenly realized.

As a veteran, he was also involved in Kirigakure's secret alliance with the Kingdom of Demons.

I just didn’t expect that the other party had such a profound background.

In this way, the other party is still a ninja who has inherited the Sharingan blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha clan.

If this is the case, the strength shown by the opponent now is probably far from its limit.

"Please keep the identity of Chiba Kazuhime a secret. Currently, there are no more than ten people in Kirigakure Village who know about it, including you. The files about her in the ninja school will also be completely deleted."

"That's it, I understand."

"Well, it's great that you can understand. Regarding the genin added to your team in place of Chiba Kazuhime, his name is Kito Suigetsu. He is Man Yue's younger brother, a member of the Kito clan, and an outstanding graduate of the school. .”

Yagura said.

"It's that kid, I have an impression."

Juuzang clicked his tongue.

Gui Deng Shui Yue is an arrogant kid who covets his beheading sword.

This time it fell into his hands, so he had to be 'trained' well.

It's not good for a genin to be so arrogant.

"Besides this, there is another thing."

Yagura took out a document from the drawer.

Juzo walked over and took the document from Yagura's hand.

It's an application.

After seeing the content above, Juuzang's eyes widened.

Yagura smiled and said: "As you can see, this is a challenge application. Zabuza Zabuza, the jounin in the village, wants to challenge you to a fair duel to decide who owns the beheading sword. Juzo, what do you mean? How about it? Agree or refuse?"

The owners of the seven ninja swords in Kirigakure Village are not fixed.

In the past, due to the system, the Seven Ninja Swords were often replaced by different ninjas.

But after Yagura came to power, the control of the Seven Ninja Swords became stricter.

Although the challenge system has not changed, with the winner holding the Ninja Sword, in order to be more fair and just, the replacement battle of the Seven Ninja Swords will be officially arranged by the Mizukage to host the competition.

"Of course I don't have any objections. It's just a lesson to the younger generation who doesn't know how to be generous now, and let him know how scary his seniors are."

Juuzang laughed maliciously, showing his sharp teeth without any fear in his eyes.

The beheading sword was taken from the previous sword owner. Now that someone challenged him, he had no reason to be timid.

This Kirigakure jounin named Mochi Zabuza is commendable for his courage.

"As long as you have no objection. However, Zabuza Jonin is very strong, and I look forward to the duel between you. The duel will take place in three days."

Yagura didn't take sides on this matter.

Although Juuzang is the elder of the village, one day the decapitating sword in his hand will be taken away by others.

The alternation of old and new is a natural principle.

Just like his position as Mizukage, it will be transferred to the next generation of Mizukage sooner or later.

"Yes. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Well, go ahead and call Chiba Kazuhime over. It's time for her to leave Kirigakure Village. If you keep her here, I'm worried something might happen."

Juuzang nodded and walked out of the office.

There are many things that the Kingdom of Ghosts has to deal with next.

It is necessary to submit a diplomatic letter to the Fire Country and send a mission to Konoha to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Now that the rebel ninjas in the Kingdom of Oni have been "released" by Konoha, they can no longer act in the same way as rebel ninjas. In such a game, they must act according to the rules.

There is also the need to sign an armistice and compensation agreement with Sunagakure Village in Kazami Castle in the Country of Wind.

The land one hundred and twenty miles north of Fengjian City belongs to the Kingdom of Ghosts.

He also obtained the right to garrison Fengjian Castle for thirteen years.

Therefore, the agreement does not require the Kingdom of Wind to make any compensation, as long as the past loans can be repaid in full and in full with interest.

The remaining things can be dealt with later, and there is no rush.

In the office, Shiraishi was sitting on his chair and began to process documents related to negotiations with the Country of Fire and Konoha.

The main purpose of this visit to the Land of Fire and Konoha is to fulfill the contract.

After all, they asked the Fire Country and Konoha to remove their status as traitorous ninjas, and help the Oni Country gain an advantage at the Five Shadows Conference, as well as the last deal that followed - to recover the legacy of the Konoha Uchiha clan. All must be fulfilled.

After completing these, the Kingdom of Demons will release Jiraiya and fulfill the agreement.

To be honest, Jiraiya is not a big threat to him. Although the magic is very powerful, and the two summoned immortals from Mount Myoboku seem to be very powerful, the activation time is slow, and the two immortals cannot leave Jiraiya's body. , Shiraishi only felt that Jiraiya's sage mode was full of loopholes.

In addition, Akako's ability, to a certain extent, can limit the performance of Jiraiya's sage mode and forcefully destroy the 'balance' between Jiraiya and the two sages, making it impossible for Jiraiya to enter sage mode.

Therefore, there was another consideration in keeping Jiraiya.

With Jiraiya's fate, the secret of Orochimaru's pursuit will be revealed sooner or later.

Then, Nagato's identity might also be exposed.

It might be feasible to create a direct conflict between Konoha and Akatsuki.

When there is no way to determine Nagato's specific strength, it is a feasible plan to let Konoha test it out.

At the moment, he is still working on his mission to the Land of Fire and Konoha. The matter of receiving the Uchiha clan's inheritance will be left to Ruri.

Therefore, the mission to the Fire Country and Konoha will be led by Ruri.

After processing the documents in this regard, Shiraishi leaned back on his chair and took a long breath.


At this moment, there was an inaudible sound from the window, which made Shiraishi couldn't help but turn his head.

The moment he turned his head, with the vibration of the air, the sword wind stabbed towards his neck.

Without any movement, the Shadow Dancer's Shadow Blade emerged from the shadows.

Under the attack of the sword wind, a gap visible to the naked eye appeared on the hard shadow blade, which barely blocked the sword wind, causing the attacker to retreat to a relatively safe place for Shiraishi.

The Shadow Blade then made up for the gap, split into four branches, and slashed towards the attacker's limbs respectively.


Shiraishi's voice sounded, and the Shadow Blade stopped attacking and slowly retracted into the shadow.

Shiraishi looked at the attacker. She was a young girl of twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a tight-fitting outfit that was mainly black, with some inconspicuous blue-purple lines painted on it.

She has long black hair and a childish face, but already has a somewhat beautiful and awe-inspiring temperament. Her dark pupils seem to contain unmelted ice and snow, and are somewhat indifferent.

Facing this girl, Shiraishi's mind suddenly drifted back to the scene when he first met Ruri at the Konoha Ninja School more than twenty years ago.

The temperament and demeanor of this girl are very similar.

There was a scabbard hanging on the girl's waist, and an unsheathed blade in her hand. Even from a safe distance, Shiraishi could feel the sharpness of the blade, which made his eyes sting.

Baishi looked helplessly at the girl who wanted to 'assassinate' him, and said, "You don't have to greet me in such an exaggerated way as soon as you come back, do you?"

This girl is none other than his and Liuli's daughter, Chiba Kazuhime.

As an 'overseas student' from the Kingdom of Demons sent to Kirigakure Village, it is now almost a time of success.

"But it still doesn't pose a threat to you, right?"

When Ichiki saw Shiraishi retracting his hand, he had no choice but to put the sword blade back into its scabbard without any intention of apologizing.

Shiraishi was not surprised by this.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely not be spared so easily.

However, seeing how cute my daughter is, I can forgive her.

"There's really nothing I can do about you. Have you been there at home?"

"Well, I just went back and took a look, and the two of them were fighting. You are really guilty, old man."

Ichiki looked at Shiraishi with disdain.

In the past, because she didn't understand this, she had always been curious about the relationship between her mother and Aunt Ayane.

Why Aunt Ayane’s child will be her and Asuka’s brother or sister.

But when I grow up, as my experience increases, some things will naturally become clear to me.

"As I said, I'm only in my early thirties, I'm not old yet."

"Wouldn't it be better to go home and take care of yourself? Or maybe I'll give you a ride?"


Shiraishi sighed and didn't want to worry about this.

"Yakura asked you to come back, so there should be something for you."

Ichihime took out a scroll from the ninja bag and placed it on the table in front of Shiraishi.

Baishi picked up the scroll, but didn't take it apart immediately, but threw it into the drawer next to it.

"Where do you plan to serve next?"

Shiraishi asked this question.

Kazuhime's basic education course has ended, and she has experienced official genin life in Kirigakure Village for several months. She must have accumulated some experience in performing tasks.

But because of his request, there has been no one in Yagura's team, where Kazuki is, to perform difficult tasks above B level.

Even B-level tasks are rarely performed, and most of them are D-level and C-level tasks.

Because in Shiraishi's view, these two levels of tasks are the closest to the reality of the world.

Tasks of B-level and above are the domains that only ninjas can touch.

The Ghost Country is different from other countries in that it has laid a good foundation for the welfare and security system of the domestic people, and has a tight alliance between the people, the government, and the military.

Instead of adopting the one-country-one-village system to manage the country like the five major countries.

In Shiraishi's view, such a system has fatal flaws.

The representation of military power is seriously divorced from the popular base.

Ninja Village is self-sufficient, and the source of soldiers is only generated from within Ninja Village, and will not be drawn from the rest of the country.

Ninja Village, which represents a country's military power, is connected with the outside world by relying on money "deals".

Outsiders pay, and the ninja village pays for ninja labor.

It is a transaction between merchants where money and goods are cleared.

This approach cannot be said to be wrong, but too indifferent and too profit-oriented.

Therefore, Baishi is not worried at all about how much the people in the northwest region of the Wind Country will reject the Ghost Country.

Sand Hidden Village sacrificed many ninjas, is it related to those people?


The connection between them and Sha Yin belongs to the trading transaction between merchants, only money and profit transactions, and there is no too deep connection basis.

Because the ninjas of Sunagakure Village are all selected from within Sunagakure Village.

They will not expand their recruitment and form a huge network of relationships with people across the country.

When the Kingdom of Ghosts attacked the Kingdom of Wind, it did not cause any harm to the ordinary people. Even if it accepted that part of the population, they would only be in an adaptive rejection, not hatred, and resistance forces would appear.

The ninja troops of the Kingdom of Ghosts have always been selected from all over the Kingdom of Ghosts. After formal training, they have formed a large scale and have a network of connections all over the Kingdom of Ghosts.

Sometimes, those ordinary people who seem inconspicuous and weak can also be the "eyes" of the Ghost Kingdom to monitor its enemies.

Not only the local population of the Kingdom of Ghosts, but also a considerable part of the military forces of the Kingdom of Ghosts are people from other countries.

The Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Earth, the Kingdom of Rain, and even the Kingdom of Wind also have proportions.

Shiraishi hopes that the Kingdom of Ghosts will stick to this route and select the most elite ninjas from across the country. Those who cannot become ninjas can also engage in other careers and contribute to the construction of the Kingdom of Ghosts.

Shiraishi also hopes that Kazuki can take such a route.

Before reform, we must first clarify who are our friends and who are our enemies.

I believe Yiji is already very clear about this.

Konoha has a traditional one-country-one-village system.

Kirigakure Village is breaking away from this system and moving towards the people's line.

The Kingdom of Ghosts has achieved this basic goal.

Yiji has personally seen and heard three different types of countries with her own eyes and ears.

Hearing Shiraishi asking where he would work next, Yiji was stunned for a moment, and knew that this might be a more severe test than before.

And next, there will be big moves in the Kingdom of Ghosts.

The pace of the Kingdom of Ghosts will not stop arrogantly just after defeating the Kingdom of Wind and gaining the strength to make other major countries recognize the Kingdom of Ghosts.

What comes next may be more difficult than defeating the Sunagakure ninja from the Kingdom of Wind.

The one-country-one-village system established by the first Hokage further stabilized the power of daimyo and nobles, and unconsciously reduced the people to dust.

Even if the Ninja Village is incorporated into the country, its contact with the people still relies on 'employment' to maintain contact.

Such a connection is fragile and extremely sad.

The people are a humble power that has never been developed by anyone.

What they need is not love, but resistance, fighting, and getting back what belongs to them.

His own father, Shiraishi, was pioneering such a path.

In the future, this is also the path she will follow her fathers and stick to.

Stand at the top of the world and take a look at a scenery that has never been seen in the ninja world for thousands of years.

Shiraishi took out a map with the locations of two small countries marked on it.

"Since you haven't made up your mind, let me give you a choice. The Country of Yu and the Country of Waves. You choose a region, armaments and money, and I will prepare them for you. In these small countries close to big countries, establish Belong to 'our' power. When the Fourth Ninja War begins, they will become a sharp blade that pierces the heart of the great nation!"

"The Country of Waves?"

Ichiji looked at the small island-shaped country on the map between the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Fire, thoughtfully.

Although the Kingdom of Waves is located between the two great powers of Water and Fire, its location is closer to the Kingdom of Fire.

This small island country is likely to become a sharp knife for the Kingdom of Ghosts against the Kingdom of Fire in the future, piercing the heart of the Kingdom of Fire.

"That's right."

"What excuse do you have to enter?"

Ichiji asked.

In the early stage, when there is no way to ban the Kingdom of Waves, it would not be a good thing if other countries noticed the evil intentions of the Kingdom of Demons.

The same goes for this war in the Kingdom of Wind.

Even if the Oni Kingdom annihilated thousands of ninjas in Sunagakure Village, it did not encounter any international condemnation.

Being strong is one thing, but the most important thing is being famous.

Sunagakure Village first attacked the border towns of the Kingdom of Demons, ignoring the warnings of the Demon Kingdom's military. The Kingdom of Demons was a self-defense counterattack and was a righteous party.

Now in a sense, the Kingdom of Ghosts has become a key target of attention for all countries. Without a suitable excuse, they cannot find trouble in the Kingdom of Waves and infiltrate this country.

"This country, like the Kingdom of Wind, borrowed a large amount of loans and failed to repay them as scheduled. Because it involves the next layout of the Kingdom of Demons, I did not let Kakuzu collect debts from the daimyo and nobles of the Kingdom of Waves. Then we will use This is an excuse to settle in the Country of Waves. If they don’t agree, let them agree. When the time comes, I will ask Cardo to assist you. In this regard, you must listen to his opinions."

Shiraishi didn't care about Kazuki's worries and expressed his opinion.

Cardo? Yiji was stunned.

Then an image of a short man wearing black sunglasses and always smiling sinisterly appeared in his mind.

The other party is a veteran of the Ziyuanhua Chamber of Commerce. He was a loyal veteran cadre under Shiraishi more than ten years ago. He initially held an important position in the Ziyuanhua Pharmaceutical Company.

He has been transferred to Ziyuanhua Shipping Company as president.

He is a greedy and sinister guy.

But there is no denying the other party's ability. With this guy to assist him, the road in the country of waves will be much easier.

"Although the Kingdom of Waves is a small country and does not have ninja forces, don't take it lightly. Konoha will definitely be on guard when the time comes, and they will plan for it slowly... The most important thing is that the people who instigate rebellion against the Kingdom of Waves must be well-known and have a good reputation. When those nobles and daimyo make mistakes and let the people of the Kingdom of Waves resist, you can control them behind the scenes and don’t give anyone a clue.”

"I understand." Yi Ji looked at Shiraishi with a strange expression.

I always feel that my old man’s ability and awareness in planning rebellion are unexpectedly high.

She had seen Shiraishi's top-secret information during his time in Konoha, and after thinking about it carefully, she didn't think so.

According to Aunt Ayane, her old man started to lie to her when he was six years old and planned to defect to Konoha. Until the eve of leaving Konoha, he was still the successor of the Will of Fire recognized by the Hokage. After that, he became the most dangerous and wanted criminal in Hokage's place to be eliminated.

"Okay, it will take more than half a month to prepare these things. After signing the agreement with Sunagakure Village, we will arrange for you to go to the Country of Waves. Now, you and your mother are on a mission to Konoha and will set off in the afternoon. Bring back the heritage that belongs to the Uchiha clan. Just treat it as a trip to relax."

"I know, then I'm leaving."

Ichiji nodded and disappeared from the room.

After Ichiji left, Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally clean..."

Then Shiraishi opened the drawer and took out a stack of manuscript paper.

It was the confidential 'information' intercepted from Jiraiya.

I don’t know what kind of top-secret information is recorded on it, and whether it will endanger the national defense security of the Kingdom of Ghosts. As a military leader, I must strictly review this top-secret information.

Ruri will be on a mission to Konoha in the afternoon, so she can only use Ayane's Byakugan to unlock all the secrets there.

Let's find her to study it in depth tonight.

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