Escape From Konoha

Chapter 138 The turning point of the war

After Liuli returned to the Kingdom of Ghosts, Shiraishi naturally knew the name and identity of the person behind the scenes who was controlling Bai Zetsu——

Uchiha Madara.

In the Valley of the End, the Uchiha ancestors were defeated at the hands of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama.

Whether in the past or today, a man with this name is undoubtedly synonymous with "power" and is always respected by people.

"Are you sure it's me?"

Bai Shitou sat in pain and rubbed his eyebrows.

To be honest, when Liuli suddenly told him such nonsense, his mind went blank.

I was shocked by this sudden fact.

If this news spreads, I don't know what a terrible storm it will cause in the ninja world. This is really unimaginable.

The legendary ninja who fought against the first Hokage actually faked his death and survived, and has been secretly plotting some terrible plan. Just thinking about it makes people shudder.

"I don't think that kind of power is fake. Even if all of us go up to fight together, it will be useless in the face of that kind of power."

Ruri used such high praise to express how powerful the legendary Uchiha ninja was.

This is also true. Liuli doesn't think that kind of power can be violated by them at this time.

The kind of power that can destroy the world, just a moment of display, will bring infinite despair and collapse to people.

You can also imagine how terrifying and exciting the battles of our ancestors were.

Uchiha Madara is like this, what kind of grace will Hashirama, the first Hokage who defeated Madara, be like?

It is a great pity not to be born in the same era as such ninjas.

"Isn't this evaluation a bit exaggerated?"

Shiraishi didn't believe it.

Regardless of his own strength, Ayane's strength is slightly weaker than Ruri's.

Liuli's hard power is enough to be on par with the contemporary Five Shadows. Even if he is weak, he will not be too weak. On the contrary, he can use his special bloodline to make up for some shortcomings.

The three of them join forces, even if it is a short head-on contest with the ninja forces of the five major countries, it will not be a problem.

After joining forces, defeating one of the five shadows is not a big problem.

Isn't this kind of strength comparable to that of Madara?

"I can only say that Madara's power is unimaginably terrifying and powerful. We are still a long way from our ancestors."

Seeing Shiraishi's disbelief, Liuli sighed.

To be honest, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that there could be such a terrifying power in the world.

But after witnessing the power of the legend, Liuli understood the truth that there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world.

In the past, she had always thought that the Five Kage's class was the pinnacle of the entire ninja world.

It is not difficult for a five-kage level ninja to be able to defeat a thousand people with one horse.

Reaching this level is already a peak that many ninjas find difficult to climb.

However, after meeting Madara and seeing the majestic and majestic Susanoo, I realized that even the Five Kage-level ninjas seemed to lack confidence.

Unable to determine the specific level of horror that Liuli said, Shiraishi had no choice but to use his improved secret technique to explore Liuli's memory and play back the episode where Madara showed his power.

After watching the entire clip, Shiraishi sat back down, the shock on his face quickly dissipated, and he barely regained his composure.

He finally understood the level of horror Liuli was talking about.

"Is that a state that humans can achieve?"

That immersive sense of oppression, just by being stared at, makes you feel like the blood in your body is about to freeze.

"Of course, Madara's power is the best example. Since he can do it to that level, I can naturally do it to that level in the future."

Liuli said confidently, and her self-confidence was not affected by Madara's power.

"Then, you need to be careful when coming into contact with these people in the future."

Shiraishi calmed down and said these words.

"Want to hide?"

"No. If Madara's power can remain in that state, then there is no need for people like him to do these little tricks behind the scenes and send those White Zetsu everywhere to collect intelligence. It can be seen that although his power is powerful, it must be There are certain restrictions. Location restrictions, duration restrictions, and usage restrictions are probably the reasons why he can't do it casually."

Shiraishi analyzed it this way.

If Madara's power can be used casually, there is no need for any conspiracy, just crush him from the front.

No matter what you want to do, no one dares to stop it.

Even if someone dared to stop it, it would be impossible to change the status quo. It would just be a few more corpses.

But Madara didn't do this, which meant that he couldn't activate this power anytime and anywhere, and it had some unique restrictions.

However, just by getting some information like this, this operation is of great significance.

Being forced to that extent meant that Madara's methods were almost exhausted.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to pretend to be like that and remain indifferent even after the weapon was taken away by Liuli.

Delaying time, preparing something secretly, using the so-called 'Izanagi's Technique', sacrificing a Sharingan to resurrect... Obviously, only people who are forced into a desperate situation will use such small means to buy time.

If Madara showed that kind of power from the beginning, then these small actions would be redundant, and with the personality of that Uchiha Madara, it is impossible to show weakness for no reason.

Therefore, Shiraishi can determine with great certainty that this is Madara's final and biggest trump card.

As long as this difficulty is overcome, Madara's problem will not be a concern.

There is only one way to overcome it, and that is to become stronger than Madara, or to be equal or slightly weaker, and use persistent tactics to slow down the enemy.

Well... with the combined strength of the three of them, even if they fight to the death, they probably won't be able to do this, and there is a high probability that they will be wiped out by Madara.

Therefore, before you are ready to face that kind of power, the best way is to avoid Madara, limit his range of activities, eliminate Bai Zetsu, break all the 'tentacles' that extend out of him, and let Madara hide in the dark. Become a blind man without ears.

For Madara, intelligence gathering is a very important part.

Even if you don't face Madara directly, you can weaken Madara's power by destroying White Zetsu.

"The current manpower is not enough, right?"

Liuli asked.

"Yes, because the Ninja School has just opened, I have to be responsible for teaching medical ninjutsu and other courses. I also have to be a consultant on daily business and research..."

Thinking about it carefully, he really wears many hats. After Liuli left, he never left the office and basically spent all his time in the office.

There is no other way. Putting aside the rest, the training of medical ninjas cannot be delayed.

Although there is some cooperation with Konoha, those medical ninja resources are only part of it, and it will take several years before they can be recycled.

But the Kingdom of Ghosts usually needs medical ninjas who can take up their posts in a timely manner.

Medical ninja is a popular profession in the current ninja world. You can't meet any wild medical ninjas outside, let alone win over and cooperate with them. You can only invest a lot of resources to train them yourself.

Currently, Konoha is the benchmark in the medical ninja industry.

The Kingdom of Ghost's current investment in medical ninjas has only just begun.

Although Shiraishi is confident of catching up with Konoha in the future, it will be an extremely long time.

The achievements of the Kingdom of Ghosts in the medical industry are only the development of drugs and equipment. In terms of 'doctors', they are in relatively short supply.

And these professions are the parts that must be filled in order for a sound country to exist.

Having a complete industrial system that belongs entirely to our own side is more important than anything else.

Shiraishi understands very well that without a complete industrial system, the future will be controlled by others in some aspects and unable to be independent.

Therefore, this third ninja war is particularly important.

Arms and medical care were real profit-making industries during the war.

For Ziyuanhua Pharmaceutical Company, the orders received in just a few months after the war started were a stifling astronomical figure.

Just a few days ago, Yunyin Village also secretly placed a big order. It is obvious that Yunyin Village also plans to officially intervene in this ninja war.

Konoha, Sunagakure, Iwagakure, Kumogakure, and the four major ninja villages are fighting against each other, leaving only Kirigakure, who is alone overseas and has not expressed his participation.

But Kirigakure Village also has some cooperation with the pharmaceutical companies here, but it's just not as in-depth as other Ninja Villages.

This is related to the closed policy of Kirigakure Village.

After all, this is the land of blood mist.

When Shionhua Pharmaceutical Company first settled in, it encountered a lot of resistance. In the end, it was through the relationship with the daimyo that it reluctantly signed various treaties with Kirigakure Village.

For example, you are not allowed to interfere with anything in Kirigakure Village, and you are not allowed to wander around the village at will. You are not allowed to inquire about news. You are not allowed to go out casually unless you have something to do. You are only allowed to stay in a small circle, etc...

Until now, Shiraishi didn't know what the detailed situation inside Kirigakure Village looked like.

Being so closed off to outsiders, I really don’t know what to say.

After Liuli left, Baishi was left alone to handle things.

Usually Liuli is a high-level person who doesn't have to worry about anything. Her mission is only to practice and fight. After leaving, Shiraishi can probably guess that Liuli went back to find a secluded place to practice.

The appearance of Uchiha Madara aroused her strong competitiveness.

"I really want to find a secretary who can do a good job..."

Shiraishi poured himself a cup of hot tea and drank it, sighing after relaxing.

"Then what kind of secretary do you want, Mr. Shiraishi? Can I do this?"

Hearing this voice, Shiraishi knew who was coming.

"There's no need to do things carelessly. As long as you don't cause me any trouble, that's the greatest help."

Shiraishi said.

She doesn't do anything serious all day long, and the tasks assigned to her are just cheating and sneaking around.

"But I can provide various services to Shiraishi-kun."

Ayane had a naughty smile on her face.

"You are almost twenty years old, you are no longer a girl."

It means telling her not to act cute here, it's not cute at all.

"Nonsense, I will only be eighteen next year."

"Is your age increasing negatively?"

"Yes, this is the only place that is increasing in value in a positive direction. Do you want to come and touch it?"

Ayane pointed at the huge thing in her collar.

It does look tempting.

But now he is exhausted every day, and he doesn't want to die from it one day.

Just dealing with Liuli alone was a bit overwhelming.

Plus one who looks more energetic...

Please spare me, I really can't stand it anymore. I lamented in my heart.

"Did you hear what Liuli said just now?"

Shiraishi turned back to the topic of the matter and asked.

"Although there is no shared memory, I did hear the news about Uchiha Madara."

Ayane put away her playful smile and looked solemn.

Seeing that Ayane finally regained her serious expression, Shiraishi nodded and continued: "That is a monster, and Liuli still has reservations about what he said. Just feeling that kind of power through memory is not in the same dimension as us. No, among the ninjas I have encountered so far, no one can match Madara's strength."

Not even close.

And that was just a moment of realization.

If you go to the scene and experience it for yourself, you will be even more shocked by the divine power that destroys the world.

"I don't advocate taking the initiative to contact Madara, at least for the time being. The only good news is that Madara's power cannot last long, and there may be location restrictions, so he can only stay in a small area. Cut him off The 'tentacles' sticking out, that's what we're going to do next."

"Is it me after Liuli?"

Ayane knew that Shiraishi was a prelude to asking her to work as a coolie.

"Our side is short of manpower. I am a little worried about handing it over to the rest. Your reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance capabilities are among the best, and your high-speed physical skills can also wipe out the enemy immediately when you find it."

"Where are Bug Man and the others?"

"They are building a reputation in the underground black market, and they are not allowed to have any contact with us on the surface. According to the information sent back from the secret, as their reputation as 'Xuan Yuzhong' grows, it has attracted Iwagakure's attention. "


Ayane looked strange.

Shiraishi smiled and said: "Onoki, the third Tsuchikage of Iwagakure, is a very interesting ninja."

As one of the Five Kages, Tsuchikage Onoki is a maverick in the ninja world, which is nothing new.

For example, he likes to hire bounty hunters from the underground black market to deal with things that are inconvenient for Iwagakure.

Or recruit group-type ninja mercenaries to participate in the war.

According to various information feedback from the battlefield of Grassland, many of Iwagakure's troops are bounty hunters who are involved in the underground black market.

Although as Tsuchikage, one of the Five Kages, hiring foreign ninjas to join the fight between the five great powers has somewhat lost the prestige of the Tsuchikage.

But this method has indeed effectively reduced the sacrifice rate of Iwagakure ninjas, and only needs to pay funds to get the same amount or even more than expected returns. Why not do this kind of thing?

While the other four shadows disdained to hire underground black market bounty hunters, the third generation Tsuchikage Onoki had already established a stable and viable transaction chain with the underground black market.

Not all bounty hunters can enter Ohnoki's field of vision.

Ohnoki first focused on the credibility of the bounty hunter and the bounty hunter group, and then checked their capabilities and what situations they could be used in.

So far, the bounty hunters who have worked with Ohnoki have said that the Tsuchikage is very generous and does not bully customers.

It can be said that this is the basis for both parties to stabilize the transaction chain.

Both parties are very credit-conscious.

Once credibility is lost, the transaction chain will naturally fall apart and cease to exist.

Nowadays, Chong Man and others' Xuan Yuanzhong have gradually become famous in the underground black market.

The task completion rate is 100%, and its credibility can be ranked at the forefront of the underground black market.

As one after another difficult and dangerous tasks were completed from the hands of the insect man and others, it was expected that they would enter the field of vision of the Tsuchikage.

Being employed by a wealthy businessman in the ninja world and being employed by Tsuchikage, one of the Five Kages, are two different concepts.

Because the bounty hunters hired by the Tsuchikage, without exception, all rose in value in the end.

In other words, bounty hunters hired by Tsuchikage Onoki are equivalent to being labeled as 'high-quality', and will later be favored by higher-level wealthy businessmen and officials as mercenaries who specialize in serving big shots.

The collected information, as well as the collected funds, also showed a linear growth.

In addition, there are three bounty hunter teams, all of which have performed well recently, are experiencing steady appreciation, and have great room for appreciation.

It shouldn't be too long before Tuying is labeled as a 'boutique'.

"What does that Tuying plan to trade?"

Ayane asked curiously.

"Destroy a supply point in Konoha."

Shiraishi replied.

"The degree of difficulty is very high."

"This is considered to be a certificate of merit. That Tuying is up for sale. If it succeeds, there will be greater cooperation waiting for Zongmen and the others."

The information of Zongnan and others has not been disclosed.

Even when he went to Konoha to meet him before, he only participated in the battle of the four-member root team.

As a result, the four-person team at the root was completely wiped out, and the corpses were recovered, and the data were well preserved.

The current contact with Chong Man is basically a one-line contact, just to prevent the leakage of information.

"Therefore, there are not many capable personnel left here who can be used. Those Bai Zetsu are scattered in too many places, and the generals are a bit busy."

"I know. I know how to summon people. It would be great if on the other hand, I could also be summoned. When I come back, I must give me a reward."

"Sorry, I will train the next batch of combatants as soon as possible."

After watching Ayane go out, Shiraishi took a long breath and cheered up to work.

A war broke out between Kumogakure and Iwagakure.

Shiraishi had already anticipated this result through some of Liuli's statements, so he was not particularly surprised by this news.

The Kumogakure jounin headed by the Third Raikage directly destroyed more than ten outposts in the Land of Earth, annihilating a large number of Iwagakure ninjas in one go, and their goal was very clear, targeting those currently in the Land of Earth. Precious iron ore mined.

Less than two days after Ayane left the Demon Country, such a big event happened in the ninja world, which naturally caused an uproar.

Compared to the fertile land of the Fire Country, Kumogakure prefers the iron ore of the Earth Country for making weapons.

After all, iron ore has the highest utilization rate, and the Kingdom of Earth is the richest source of iron ore, so it is naturally easy for it to be coveted by ninja villages of the same level.

However, what is surprising is that there are less than twenty Kumogakure ninjas who attack Iwagakure Village.

Although they were all jounin, plus Raikage, one of the five kage ninjas, it was really a risky move to go deep into the hinterland of the Land of Earth.

After Shiraishi learned this exact news, he couldn't help but sigh at Raikage's boldness, he really dared to do it.

Now, the war between Kumogakure and Iwagakure is inevitable.

For Konoha of the Fire Country, it was probably a relief.

But he was also more wary of Kumogakure.

Kumogakure's goal is more long-term. They are not eager to participate in the battle on Konoha's side. It's not that they don't want to pull Konoha off the altar, but before that, they need to accumulate more powerful power.

That is to seize the iron ore and other precious resources of the Earth Kingdom, develop Kumogakure's military power, and then go to war with Konoha after strengthening its strength... Maybe it is such a long-term tactic, rather than being obsessed with dividing it overnight. Win or lose.

After all, it is recognized as the strongest ninja village. Even the Hidden Cloud Village needs to accumulate more strength and be prepared to increase its winning rate.

For this reason, provoking Iwagakure's hatred does not seem to be a big deal.

The Ghost Country, which is located in a remote area, will naturally not be affected by the war. Shiraishi only analyzes the final direction of this war from the perspective of a bystander.

——About a week later, the latest news on the Earth Kingdom battlefield came back through intelligence personnel.

That is, after the Third Tsuchikage learned that the Third Raikage appeared in Earth Country, he personally led Iwagakure's demolition troops to stop the attack.

As a result, he was defeated in the battle and was seriously injured.

It is said that the entire waist of the Third Tsuchikage Onoki was beaten to pieces by Kumogakure's Third Raikage. The Iwagakure blasting force that was brought there was almost completely wiped out, and the losses were extremely heavy.


If he hadn't known that his intelligence officers worked carefully and conscientiously, Shiraishi would have almost thought that the contents of this intelligence were fabricated facts.

"It seems that Kumogakure is the biggest winner in this war."

Liuli came to Shiraishi's office and reacted after learning the news.

Recalling the scene of his brief fight with that Raikage, the opponent was indeed very strong, and he might have retained a lot of his strength at that time.

He was able to seriously injure Tsuchikage, one of the Five Kages of the same level, and even severely damaged Iwagakure's demolition force. From then on, the reputation of the Third Raikage as the strongest shield and spear will probably become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Baishi's expression suddenly turned solemn, and he carefully looked at the information in his hand.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Seeing Shiraishi's sudden change of expression, Liuli asked doubtfully.

"Liu Li, if you were that Thunder Shadow, what would be the first thing you do after defeating the enemy leader?"

Shiraishi asked seriously.

"Of course, we will continue to go deeper, expand the results, and defeat Iwagakure's momentum in one go."

Liuli didn't think about it and answered without hesitation.

After all, it would be a pity to let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass.

The iron mines of the Land of Earth are very attractive to the Third Raikage of Kumogakure. They must continue to deepen and further expand the results. This is the style that Kumogakure's leader should have.

"This is indeed a subconscious impulse that many people have. However, when a huge victory goes to the head, this is actually a very dangerous behavior."

"You mean?"

Liuli understood at once and understood Baishi's hidden meaning.

"Iwagakure is going to start closing the nets to catch fish..."

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