Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 556 The Footsteps of Revenge

A few days later, a dilapidated Bosing spacecraft with a big hole in its belly, driven by more than a dozen giant engineering robots, slowly approached the urgently built spacecraft dismantling plant near the space city, waiting for it to be disassembled fate.

In order to put safety first, this spaceship dismantling factory is three thousand kilometers away from the space city. Such a long distance, even if the spaceship explodes, it will have no effect on the space city.

This Boxing spaceship has just been fixed by the giant clamps on both sides of the berth. Thousands of remote-controlled mechas can't wait to land on the spaceship from the breach. These mechas are remote-controlled experts in their fields. Search for relatively intact technological equipment and eliminate internal safety hazards here.

Especially the anti-matter weapon room must be handled properly in the first place to avoid leakage.

Because it was hit by the ultra-high-density gamma-ray cannon of the giant turret, the sides of the spaceship were completely pierced, and the aftermath of the ultra-high energy leaked through the middle, leaving the interior in a mess, full of high-temperature erosion Traces, almost all electronic equipment have been completely scrapped, and many of them can't even see their original colors.

The power of the human giant cannon seems to be too powerful for the Boxings, and most of the trophies have been scrapped.

However, the inspectors were not completely disappointed, because the most important engines and power furnaces of the spaceship were roughly preserved. After all, most of these parts are composed of high-strength critical metals, and they are not directly hit, so they are easy and difficult to damage .

What's more, there is not only one Boxing spaceship in this batch, and the damage is also light and heavy. This spaceship is only the closest one to here. The first few ships destroyed by space fighters did not even penetrate the armor. , Those spaceships are the fattest piece of fat.

The spaceship of the Boxing people uses a dual engine system, one is a conventional engine, which is similar to the human engine, and the other is a curvature engine.

These two sets of engines were disassembled and cut for the first time.


The curvature engine among them was urgently sent to the curvature engine experimental factory attached to the Space Physics and Space Curvature Laboratory, and a large number of technicians immediately carried out detailed inspection and scanning.

Because to propel the interstellar spacecraft, the engines of the spacecraft have arrays, and they are all huge, and the curvature engine of this Bosingian is obviously even bigger, with a height of 200 meters, it is like a mountain peak.

This engine undoubtedly represents the most cutting-edge technology of the Boxing people, but the results of the test are both surprising and disappointing.

On the one hand, its metal is a titanium-magnesium alloy with a critical ratio of only 28. Compared with the 30 ratio commonly used by humans, the highest ratio can reach 33, which is really far behind. The processing technology and precision are too rough for humans, and the smoothness of the curved surface is obviously not up to standard.

On the other hand, this kind of engine is more mature than humans still in the laboratory, and the curvature caused by it is greater, but there is no technical gap in it, and there are no difficulties to overcome. As long as there is a real object, with human engineering technology , it can be imitated.

With this engine as a reference, a similar engine can be built in at most three months, even more advanced than this Boxing engine, smaller in size and stronger in power.

Technology is like this. Sometimes there is only one inspiration. An ordinary traveler came to ancient times. Although he could not immediately manufacture technology-intensive products such as mobile phones and cars, he could easily make them in a short period of time by relying on the manual technology at that time. Promote the development of society for decades and hundreds of years, and realize the great leap forward of science and technology.

However, to a certain extent, we can also see the comprehensiveness and profound heritage of Boxing people's technology.

Humanity's technology is almost deformed. It has always been emphasizing military affairs over civilian use, and overemphasizing technology over theory. There are many reasons for this, such as a strong sense of anxiety about survival, such as the short development time, but the biggest reason is the limited population.

So far, even though nearly a million clones are born every year, the total human population still barely exceeds 12 million, and nearly half of them are minors.

Although the proportion of high-end scientific research talents including engineers has reached an astonishing 6%, the number is still pitifully small under a relatively small base.

The number of 700,000 high-end scientific researchers may be able to support the healthy development and growth of a superpower before the end of the world, but now that humans have entered the interstellar civilization, the branches of various scientific and technological fields are becoming more and more detailed, and there are more and more categories. New disciplines , New fields are emerging one after another, and this amount of scientific research personnel is simply a drop in the bucket.

That is to say, the existence of nearly 90,000 super scientists who have taken the wisdom potion supports the continuous advancement of human technology, but it is also inevitable to focus on it because of the limited energy of human beings.

The research of these researchers is basically related to the military industry and the like. For those that cannot enhance human strength, or cannot be seen to enhance human strength in a short period of time, they will inevitably be ignored.


As more and more broken Boxing spacecraft were dragged to the space city, some relatively well-preserved equipment was also sent to various research institutions for research and analysis. Soon, a complete Boxing technological level evaluation report was ready. out of the oven.

The study found that human science and technology has slightly surpassed in the fields of critical materials, quantum energy transmission, industrial technology, and micro-processing, but is relatively backward in more than a dozen fields such as quantum computers, gravitational physics, and nuclear fusion furnaces.

Overall, humans are already at the same level as Bossing.

Fortunately, the victory of this war allowed these shortcomings to be quickly made up.

For the next six months, human science and technology has been developing at a rapid pace, and the strong industrial technology capabilities have allowed human beings to copy the advanced technical fields of the Boxing people with little effort, and to learn from each other's strengths and introduce new ones.

Human beings have not relaxed their mentality because of the victory in this war, and the wartime state has never been cancelled.

The same similar star field cannot accommodate the existence of two interstellar civilizations, not to mention the hatred between humans and Bossians, which has already been planted and is endless.

If this war has changed anything, it is that human beings have become more confident since the war, from looking up at Boxing to looking up, or even looking down, which has led to more passionate revenge and fanatical wars Emotions filled the entire space city.

The blood feud caused by the death of billions of human flesh and blood, the shame of escaping from the mother planet and lingering, and the hatred accumulated for twenty years, this is a huge force that can only be obeyed, not stopped.

The war machine has been activated.

But this war is no longer a passive defense, but an active offense.

The Bosians decide when the war begins, but they cannot decide when it will end.

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