Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 386 Human Sanctuary

Immediately afterwards, he found signs of pinching on one side of the branch, and the bark was slightly damaged.

This is an obvious and extremely simple trap!

Is it an intelligent race?

Or are there humans living here?

The ground is covered with weeds and dead leaves. Luo Yuan can't see any obvious footprints, but the smell in the air has not disappeared. In addition to mutants, there are other smells mixed in. These smells are strongly irritating, like It is the smell emitted when burning rubber, which is very pungent.

Luo Yuan's face was gloomy, he looked at the direction where the smell was spreading, moved his body, and quickly followed it.

However, after running for a few minutes, Luo Yuan's expression became more and more surprised. From time to time, some human traces could be found nearby, such as a half-broken metal spear tip, a few rusted bullet casings, and even some human bones.

Judging from the degree of rust on the spear tip and the shell case, these things have not been abandoned for a long time, probably less than a month, and there are likely to be human beings in front of them.

For ten minutes, Luo Yuan crouched behind a rock and looked forward.

This is a base located halfway up the mountain. Judging from the piles of rusted piles of rust on the square covered with vines and moss, which can hardly be seen as helicopters, it should be a secret military base before the end of the world.

It may be because of the same corrosion of the gate, or it may be for safety. The gate of the base is nailed and blocked by a large number of thick wooden boards, and there is a small hole on the side that only allows two or three to enter and exit side by side. This should be the real entrance and exit of this base.

At this time, it was completely dark.

There were no guards or lights nearby, and everything seemed quiet.

Luo Yuan's body was like a ghost, and he walked through the square silently and entered the entrance of the cave. The cave was about 1.8 meters high. Luo Yuan had to bend slightly to walk forward. The stones are so sharp that they are intertwined like canine teeth, and if you walk in it if you don't pay attention, you may be scratched out with a bloodstain.

This cave was obviously excavated by hand. Without the use of machinery, this is obviously a huge project. After walking more than ten meters, the cave was blocked by a thick layer of wood.

Luo Yuan pushed hard, but the board didn't move at all. There was obviously something blocking it behind.

He knocked on the door and shouted, "Open the door!"

"Knock what, you haven't come back so late, is it itchy, and you're just looking for trouble, right?" Not long after, a voice responded from inside, but the temper was obviously not very good

"If you tell you to drive, drive it, and make another squeak, be careful of your bones." Luo Yuan said in a low voice, like a cold wind biting the bone, with a hint of killing intent.

There was a moment of silence inside, and after a long time, someone cowardly muttered, not knowing what to say, and soon there was the rattling sound of the iron chain being pulled at the door, and the creaking sound of the winch turning.

It took a full ten minutes before the door was slowly opened.

Before it was fully opened, Luo Yuan's figure flashed and entered the cave. He looked around, and there were grease lamps lined up on the rock wall, burning quietly, but it didn't look completely dark.

"You... who are you?"

Four men with animal skins around their waists and old-fashioned rifles in their hands looked at Luo Yuan nervously. There were already many traces of civilization on their bodies, and even the rifles in their hands looked rusty. In fact, they don't have any clothes on their bodies except for the animal skins around their waists.

But what surprised Luo Yuan was that their skin was covered with a layer of translucent colloid one or two centimeters thick. Except for the facial features, they had already applied it all over their bodies, and the pungent smell left in the air before The taste is obviously emitted by this colloid.

And Luo Yuan's attire is like a civilized person entering a primitive tribe. While looking out of place, it also makes people feel mysterious.

Human civilization has fallen for too long, and the wilderness has long been a restricted area for human beings. There are dangers everywhere, and if you don't pay attention, you will die. How can such a person suddenly appear here, so how can they not be surprised.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, as if a light and shadow flashed in the air. Before they could see the other party's movements clearly, they felt a sore throat. They subconsciously touched their hands, and their hands were already stained with blood. His face turned pale.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, I'll ask you to answer? If I'm not satisfied, I won't be so lucky next time." Luo Yuan said in a deep voice, his momentum slightly exuding.

These four people are just ordinary people, how can they bear Luo Yuan's momentum, they only feel their legs go weak, and they are as quiet as a chill for a while.

"Nod if you understand!" Luo Yuan snorted coldly.

The four guards nodded hurriedly, for fear that they would be stabbed if they were too late.

"Very good, how many people are there in this base?" Luo Yuan sat down on a rock next to him with great confidence.

A guard glanced at the gun in his hand calmly, then looked at Luo Yuan beside him, swallowed, and before he could move, Luo Yuan's eyes crossed his eyes, his body trembled in fright, and he almost threw the gun on the ground. on the ground!

"You answer!"

"Two... more than two hundred!"

"How many evolutionaries are there, will you answer this time?" Luo Yuan pointed to another one.

"Ten...five evolutionaries?" A guard said tremblingly. As soon as the words fell, Luo Yuan's foot moved his body into the air. He was kicked into the air and hit the rock wall heavily. It slipped down and vomited blood.

"Give you another chance, how many evolutionaries are there?" Luo Yuan walked over to the guard who was vomiting blood, and sneered. He has keen senses, so how could such an obvious lie be hidden from him.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, eighteen...eighteen, here are eighteen evolutionaries!"

Luo Yuan asked one question after another. In order to save time, each of the following questions contained spiritual hints. These guards were ordinary people, and none of them could resist such hints. Almost understood.


He and Luo Yuan guessed right, this place was originally a secret military base deployed in the mountains.

After the end of the world, the situation deteriorated, and most of the troops and weapons here were transferred away, leaving only one company of soldiers.

With the gradual fall of Guizhou, because of the strong fortifications of this military base, it has also become one of the refuges for a large number of refugees.

At its peak, this refuge had a population of 50,000 to 60,000.

However, the threats of hunger, disease, and mutated creatures kept taking away the lives here. What was even more frightening was that under internal and external siege, there were several civil strife inside the base. A large number of people fought each other for their lives, and every time, dead bodies littered the field. .

Disasters have caused the population here to plummet like diving. Up to now, the entire base has become empty, and there are less than 300 people, of which evolution accounts for as much as one-twentieth.

However, even with such a small number of people, there are still three forces here.

The three forces led by the so-called Li Wang, Cao Cao and Scorpion Liu.

Among them, Li Wang has the most evolutionaries, Scorpion Liu has the strongest personal strength, and Cao Cao has most of the weapons, and he has gathered the most ordinary people, and it is Cao Cao's force that arrests the mutants.

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