Chapter 348 Li Xiaoran broke the news!!

“Don’t reveal too much. If the show airs, I will be scolded to death by the audience.”

Although the news was revealed, Yang Mi was not angry. She just reached out her hand through the cuffs of Luo Shao’s short sleeves and gently squeezed his biceps as before.

Because this action looked very similar to They were holding hands, and the picture looked very sweet and harmonious.

Luo Shao was used to her being like this, and she just looked down at Yang Mi

“Everyone has some cute questions when watching a movie, and that’s okay.”

“It’s just a hypothetical question, not true.”

What he said is right. When everyone watches a movie, cute hypothetical questions like this will arise. Everyone does not understand it. Luo Shao explained this to solve some troubles for Yang Mi after the program is broadcast.

And The two of them have talked so much, and now it’s time to talk about Li Xiaoran.

“Li Xiaozai, how did you and Luo Shao meet?”

Weijia took the initiative to ask Li Xiaoran

“At first, I just heard about him, but I knew his parents.”

Li Xiaoran answered Weijia’s question

“Luo Shao’s parents?”

He Ling was a little confused.

“Haha~ They are Xiao Xiu’s parents.”

Li Xiaoran’s explanation made everyone suddenly realize

“It was his dad who said he wanted to invest in a movie,”Inception”, and invited me to star in it.”

“It was also at that time that I really got to know Xiao Shao and realized how talented he was.”

Speaking of this, Luo Shao smiled and did not interrupt.

“Did you decide to star in”Inception” from the beginning?”

He Ling asked Li Xiaoran


Li Xiaoran immediately denied it and explained:”I was not hired to star in this movie at the beginning.”

“They hired me to play the female villain Bibi Dong in”Douluo””


Everyone was very surprised when they learned that she was originally cast in this TV series.

“Haha~ Let me tell you something interesting. In fact, at the beginning, I didn’t want to take the role of”Douluo””

“First of all, it’s a villain. I don’t want to play a bad guy; secondly, this drama is starring some young boys. I’m thinking that if I act in it, these children may not be able to handle the roles given to them at my age.”

The audience all understands what Li Xiao said and understands that she feels this way.

“Then how did you think of taking it?”

He Ling continued to ask Li Xiaoran what was behind him.

“Later I thought, since it was a work invested by a good friend, I would treat it as a favor.”

“This was the idea at first. Later, Luo Shaotong and Xiaotong’s father invited me over for dinner that night. I knew that Xiao Shao wrote novels and the script was adapted from his novels.”

“His mother also gave me the novel”Trap” to read.”

“That night, I saw from around 11 o’clock to around 5 o’clock in the morning, almost 6 o’clock in the morning, and it was already dark.

At this time, He Ling interrupted and asked,”Is it because it’s so beautiful?””

“Not really!”

“Hahaha~” Li Xiaoran’s answer surprised everyone, and everyone laughed.

“Really, it’s not that it doesn’t look good, but that I’m not interested at all. It can even be said that I don’t quite understand it.”

“What kind of soul beasts, soul rings, and other skills are there? There are too many and too complicated.”

“You said that as a person in my 30s, I can’t keep up with my understanding when reading this kind of novel.”

Li Xiaoran expressed her feelings, which made Luo Shao, the author, couldn’t help laughing.

“There’s nothing I can do about it. This is a request from a friend, and I also have a good impression of Xiao Shao.”

“After all, a boy of thirteen or fourteen can write a script, so the impression must be very good.”

“But at that time, I wasn’t convinced because of this, and I was still a little reluctant to act in this drama.”

“Later, after some time, Guan Shaozeng called and said that he had a movie script and it was a huge production with an investment of several hundred million.”

“I got the script and after reading it, I was immediately conquered by the brain-burning plot.”

“It was also from that time that I no longer resisted the script of”Douluo”.”

What Li Xiaoran said made He Ling ask anxiously:”Do you think”Inception” will be used as compensation?”

“No, I think that the reason why I can’t understand”Douluo” is because it’s not something I can understand at my age.”

“I don’t understand it, but young people like it, and it’s a new theme. It’s not martial arts or fairy tales, but a fantasy and magic type. If young people like it, give it a try.”

“Later, I had no intention of resisting, but what I didn’t expect was that a script that I didn’t like at first could become so popular abroad?”

Finally, when Li Xiaoran expressed his feelings, everyone laughed.

“The same goes for”Inception”. I didn’t expect that the box office would be so strong, with a box office of more than 800 million US dollars.”

Luo Shao, who is a screenwriter and producer, held his hands and smiled at Li Xiaoran beside him.

At this time, Luo Shao said childishly:”I won’t look for you to film in the future.”

“Hahaha~ You can’t do this. Anxious

Li Xiaoran quickly smiled and coaxed Luo Shao:”Sister, I really couldn’t understand it at first. No wonder I have such thoughts.””

Luo Shao means that it is naturally not true.

“Then I want to ask Luo Shao, how did you come up with the idea of finding Li Xiaoran to play Bibi Dong?”

He Ling asked, and Luo Shao naturally said:”Actually, I am also very entangled in the choice of this role.”

“First of all, when I was writing the novel, I portrayed Bibi Dong so perfectly.”

“Even more beautiful than Xiao Wu, the female lead, is portrayed”

“So when I was choosing roles, I had five requirements: first, I must be beautiful; second, I must have long legs; third, I must have good acting skills; fourth, I must have a strong aura; and fifth, I must have temperament.”

“In fact, at first I wanted to cast Yang Mi, but she matched the beauty, long legs, and temperament, but her acting skills were still a bit lacking, and her aura was not strong enough to play such a villain queen.”

What Luo Shao said made Yang Mi unable to refute

“Another problem is Sister Mi’s voice. Her voice is a bit milky.”

“This kind of voice can’t be domineering; she will make a scene when she speaks”

“Some people may say that you can find dubbing in the later stage, but because we were filming, producing and broadcasting at the same time, we didn’t have that much time to find dubbing. All we used was simultaneous sound and original sound.”

“Finally, after much thought and searching, I accidentally saw a play by Sister Li Xiaoran called”Harbin at Night”. I thought her Republican style style was very nice.”

“I imagined her and this role in my mind and thought it was a perfect fit, so my dad invited her.”

After Luo Shao told these inside stories, all the audience really understood.

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