Chapter 125 I feel like I can score 100 points!!

For the final exam, all the students in the school are working hard to prepare for the exam, except for two people.

Luo Shao and Zhao Lusi, one of them is a genius academic master, don’t worry, the other has given up.

Even Guan Xiaotong himself is preparing for the exam seriously.

During the exam, Zhao Lusi took the time to turn around and look at Luo Shao, and kept winking. Luo Shao, who was sitting behind, noticed her eyes and raised the corners of his mouth.

Needless to say, this girl wanted his help, passing a note or something. Luo Shao didn’t speak or pass a note to her, he just put his hand on her back.

Luo Shao couldn’t remember how many times he reached out to grab Zhao Lusi’s bra strap.

And sometimes, when he got bored, he would write on Zhao Lusi’s back with a pen, drawing and painting.

Of course, I didn’t use the pen refill to write on her clothes, but used the end of the pen, the end that couldn’t write with ink, to write and draw on her back.

At that time, he was teasing Zhao Lusi, making her feel itchy on her back.

But it was different now. Zhao Lusi was originally sitting in front of him.

Luo Shao sat behind him. He reached out to Zhao Lusi’s back and wrote the answer on her body with the end of the pen, letting Zhao Lusi feel what he was writing.


Feeling the tickling sensation coming from her back, Zhao Lusi understood very cleverly that Luo Shao was helping her.

Although her back was facing, she could feel the real feeling of Luo Shao’s presence on her back. The order of writing on her back.

When Luo Shao used a pen to write on her back and teased her, she actually thought about what Luo Shao wrote on her back. Because of her experience, Zhao Lusi was very You can quickly feel what the answer written by Luo Shao is.

“It seems that there are no benefits to her writing and drawing on my back to tease others.”

“Hehe~ In this case…”

Zhao Lusi was secretly happy. Anyway, she didn’t pass the note, so she wasn’t cheating.

She was just deceiving her now, and she could still explain it even if the teacher saw it. Luo Shao pretended to be sleeping, holding her head with her left hand and pretending to sleep., holding a pen in her right hand, writing and drawing on her back.

In the classroom, there was an invigilator on the podium, and there was also an invigilator at the back door. The invigilator behind noticed it, but did not step forward to stop it. Because he could not see it., this is Luo Shao passing the answer to Zhao Lusi.

In fact, some teachers are also very open-minded. You can cheat, but as long as you don’t do it too blatantly and don’t pass the note to them without showing the evidence, you must be able to cheat under the nose of the teacher. If you succeed, that’s because you are good.

Luo Shao, who originally could finish the exam in 20 minutes, ended up cooperating with Zhao Lusi and spent two hours to finish it.

Zhao Lusi looked at her test paper with satisfaction.

She stood up and was about to hand in the paper, and Luo Shao Shao also stopped.

Before Zhao Lusi stepped forward to hand in the paper, he handed her his test paper and asked her to help.

After handing in the test paper, Luo Shao and Zhao Lusi came out of the classroom


Zhao Lusi came out and happily jumped on Luo Shao’s back,”That’s great. Luo

Shao hugged her legs and said with a smile:”Such results are false. Do you think that’s okay?””

“It’s okay, I’ve given up studying anyway”

“Now if I want to get better grades, I just want to make myself more comfortable during the New Year.”

“I know my grades. Anyway, I want to be an actor in the future.”

“Even if I don’t score 0 in the college entrance examination, if I pass the art exam, it would be great to be able to attend some art colleges.”

Lying on Luo Shao’s back, Zhao Lusi felt very happy.

In fact, Luo Shao herself had the same experience as her.

In the past, he was also a bad student when he was in school, and he often cheated in exams.

In fact, he got the result even though he knew he was cheating. It doesn’t matter if your good grades are fake, but you still have to do it. Why? It’s not only to satisfy your vanity, but also to reduce the gap with other students. Even if it’s fake, it’s fine. High scores can make you happy. That’s enough.

At the very least, it won’t affect your mood during the winter and summer vacations. That’s enough.

“Let’s go to the cafeteria for dinner.”

Luo Shao carried Zhao Lusi on her back and walked towards the cafeteria. Did Guan Xiaotong come out? If she did, she would also go to the cafeteria to look for them.

After finishing the exam and handing in the papers, Guan Xiaotong came out and went directly to the cafeteria to find Luo Shao. Zhao Lusi.

When she arrived, she saw that the two of them had already packed their meals and found a seat to wait for her to come.

“How long have you been here?”

Guan Xiaotong came over and put the pencil case on the dining table.…

“I just finished cooking and sat down.”

If this was said by Zhao Lusi, then Guan Xiaotong would have no doubt, but if it was said by Luo Shao, there would be a problem:”How could it be? Didn’t you hand in the paper in 30 minutes?”


Zhao Lusi’s smile made Guan Xiaotong think of a possibility.

“Oh, did I give you the answer?”

You don’t need to ask any more questions, you can know the answer from Zhao Lusi’s face that doesn’t hide anything.

“Hmm, I feel like I can get 100 points this time, haha.”

Happy Zhao Lusi made some noises like dinosaurs


Seeing her so happy, Guan Xiaotong was also happy for her.

Luo Shao was eating next to him and asked Guan Xiaotong:”Is it enough? If it’s not enough, I’ll get another dish. Looking at the dishes on the table, Guan Xiaotong said:”Is there any braised pig’s trotters in the canteen today?””

“Yes, there are pork trotters and fried pork ribs.”

When he first went to get food, Luo Shao had already seen

“”Uh-huh, I want a braised pig’s trotters, a fried pork ribs, and an egg tart.”

Guan Xiaotong happily said what he wanted to eat.

The food in their Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University is still very good, of course. Yes, the food is diversified, which also means that students’ consumption will be high.

This is not forced. You choose what dishes to eat and how much to eat based on your own financial situation.

People like Luo Shao and Guan Xiaotong never care about money., anyway, just eat less and be happy at school.

Zhao Lusi used to be careful about budgeting, but since the beginning of this semester, she no longer cares.

Because she can freely swipe Luo Shao’s meal card for whatever she wants to eat.

Luo Shao’s meal card will always be There is money in it. If he goes out to film, the meal card will be in Guan Xiaotong’s hands.

But if Luo Shao and Guan Xiaotong both go out to film, then the meal card will be in Zhao Lusi’s hands. The three of them are here During the semester, she used the same card.

Last semester, Zhao Lusi would still use her own meal card, and she didn’t dare to eat too much for fear of spending too much money.

After the summer vacation, she filmed her own movie and found her future. After doing what she wanted to do, she no longer restrained herself. Anyway, Luo Shao was rich, and she would also be rich in filming in the future. She would be a good person if she took Luo Shao’s money now and returned it to him in filming in the future.

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