After lunch, Jiang Se took Feng Zhongliang's arm for a walk in the garden, while Pei Yi stayed in the living room to watch TV, leaving time for the long-lost grandparents and grandchildren.

"You follow A Yi back to Pei's house early, don't make the elders wait too anxiously."

Feng Zhongliang had been urging her since eating, but Jiang Se was not in a hurry. Hearing that he read a lot, he smiled and said:

"It's not in a hurry."

"Why are you not in a hurry?" He raised his voice when he heard it, "The old man should have known the news of your return a long time ago, and he has been procrastinating. What is it like?"

"Grandpa, I just want to be with you." Jiang Se's words hit the softest part of Feng Zhongliang's heart, and he couldn't be serious about her.

"What's there to accompany? The old man won't die for a while, and he can see it anytime."

He was moved in his heart, but he refused to be convinced: "It's not too late."

"I can see it in the future. Now I want to accompany you and talk to you." Jiang Se lowered his head, "In the past, I grew up with you, so close, but some words Still holding back in my heart, I dare not mention it.”

The back is far away, and there is no chance to mention it.

"That was the time when I regretted the most. I had a lot of thoughts that I didn't have time to tell you, and I don't know if I will have the opportunity to bring them up again." Thinking of the scene at that time, she laughed. Feng Zhongliang gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Later, thanks to Pei Yi's recognition of Jiang Se, through Pei Yi's relationship, she was able to enter and leave Feng's mansion, reconnect with Feng Zhongliang, and tell him many things that she dared not say before, and found that Feng Zhongliang was not as difficult as she imagined. close.

Her grandfather's stern appearance was just to cover up the loneliness in his heart, and sometimes he drove people away with sneering words, just wanting someone to stay and care about him.

Under his eccentric temper, he actually has a very soft heart. He would scold people when he saw that she was wearing less clothes. Every time she came, he would ask Mama Wang to make tonic for her.

I used to think that what he loved was just gardening flowers and plants and doing his own things, but after he was reborn, he found that he also cared about what books he read, what kind of tea he tasted, what kind of paintings he watched, and where he liked to sit.

He clearly misses her, but he has been holding back and dare not make phone calls. Instead, he stays up in the middle of the night just to read her news online.

Knowing that she was coming back, she changed a few sets of clothes, and waited at the door early in the morning, looking in the direction of the door countless times, listening to the sound of cars coming in.

Because of her, I will try to let go of my prejudice against celebrities, and I am willing to step into a movie theater for the first time in my life, just to watch her movie at midnight.

"I heard Uncle Liu mentioned it."

But Feng Zhongliang wouldn't tell her these words. The old man's temper was as usual, and he liked to keep things in his heart.

"Say you've been staying up late lately, and you don't listen to what you say. You were in good health before, but because you went to bed late, Dr. Zhao reminded you." She scolded, Feng Zhongliang felt good in his heart, but scolded him in his mouth :

"Little Liu talks too much."

Jiang Se's rebirth means more than becoming another person to her. It also makes her cherish the hard-won family relationship even more, and understand each other better with her grandfather.

"Uncle Liu did something wrong. You are angry with him and just scold him. He has been with you and has taken care of you for many years. He has long been like a relative." Jiang Se said this, Feng Zhongliang It didn't sound right, and he said with a sullen face, "Did he ask you to intercede?"

"Uncle Liu is also concerned about you."

After hearing this, Feng Zhongliang didn't make a sound.

Xiao Liu really cared about him, but everyone has their own negative scales. He glanced at Jiang Se and didn't like the worry in her eyes.

Her face is different from Feng Nan's, but her temperament is exactly the same, her eyes are clear, why didn't she realize that this child is her granddaughter?

Feng Zhongliang's heart softened, and he sighed:

"I'll think about it carefully." When he said this, Jiang Se helped him take another two steps.

The plants in the garden are lush, and the clumps of roses reveal their young branches, bringing the brightness of the beginning of summer.

The weather at the moment is really comfortable, neither hot nor cold, and the afternoon sun is warm and can shine into people's hearts.

Feng Zhongliang was silent for a while, and suddenly asked:

"Grandpa hasn't recognized you for so long, will you be angry?"

In the past, with his personality, he couldn't ask such a question no matter what.

He has a good face and is stubborn all his life. Not to mention bowing his head to the younger generation, he is quite polite and cautious even when interacting with Mr. Pei. Asking such a question at this time proves that he really has this matter in his heart, and he is very uneasy. Worried that the granddaughter will think about this matter in the future and become a shadow.

He knew Feng Nan's character well. After the kidnapping case, Feng Qinlun and his wife accused her several times. Later, although she was still Feng Qinlun's obedient daughter, she always lost some intimacy with her parents.

"Sometimes sad."

She nodded honestly, "But you are a grandfather."

One sentence made Feng Zhongliang feel even more distressed, but Jiang Se changed his mind: "Actually, I am more afraid of your anger. I entered the entertainment circle and became a star you don't like. You asked me not to make movies a few times, but I refused." Didn't listen to you."

Feng Zhongliang knew that she was trying to make him happy, so he ironed it in his heart, but he deliberately put on an angry look on his face:

"I know you're not worried, you girl, you can't do without me watching!" He coughed twice again when he said this, with a somewhat uncomfortable expression:

"But "Devil" is not bad, but you are too thin, and this actor is too hard."

He is already trying to accept the changes in his granddaughter, trying to learn to understand Jiang Se's work, trying to enter her world and get closer to her.

At noon, the two grandparents sat in the garden, talking about Feng Nan's childhood, Jiang Se's work, Pei Yi, "Devil" and "The Grand Event in Peking". close.

When Jiang Se and Pei Yi left Feng's house, the old man insisted on seeing him off on crutches. Xiao Liu helped him walk hundreds of meters, until the car drove farther and farther, and Jiang Se could still see him in the rearview mirror The figure is getting smaller and smaller.

The dinner population of the Pei family is not as simple as that of the Feng family. The meaning of this meal is not only a dinner, but also the meaning that Pei Yi officially brought Jiang Se back to the Pei family to become a member.

Everyone from the third room of Pei's family showed up. Mrs. Pei carefully observed Jiang Se this time and asked about her future plans.

Academically, Jiang Se is going to continue her graduate studies. She has good grades. Although she has not been in school for a long time, she has not given up on her homework. She is still reading the books she should read, and she will not give up on her career for the time being.

To marry Pei Yi, in addition to the natural relationship between the two, there are many things she has to bear.

Before the wedding, she will learn some things that should be learned from Mrs. Pei, and she will also attend some social gatherings of Pei's family in the future.

Regarding Jiang Se's continued work, Mrs. Pei did not comment. Jiang Se's etiquette is impeccable, and there is no messy news in the entertainment industry. Several seniors in the art world have good comments on her. He also maintains a very good relationship with old artists like San Yuhu and Hou Xiling. Compared with Feng Nan, it is a world apart.

The movie she acted in didn't have any out-of-the-ordinary roles. The Pei family had already checked the information clearly when she stepped into the door of the Pei family.

Apart from her family of origin and having a tainted biological father, Jiang Se can be said to be impeccable.

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