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Chapter 467 Competing

This Chinese girl who impressed Cesare very well not only showed integrity and bravery in front of him, but also showed her ambition in front of Cesare once again.

Cesare didn't agree, but he didn't directly refuse either. Such a result was already very good for Jiang Se.

She continued her efforts:

"I don't know much about "The Lost City", but I have read the novel "The Prisoner" many times. It is very well written. Unfortunately, due to some reasons, it is not so famous." Jiang Se Feeling that the feeling of convincing Cesare at this moment is very similar to when she wanted to get the role of cardamom in "The Grand Event in Peking", she showed the attitude she had treated Hou Xiling back then, and explained to Cesare:

"There is no doubt that it is difficult to adapt such a novel that does not have a large readership base to the screen. It is impossible for other directors to do such a thing except for fans like you."

Jiang Se analyzed seriously:

"Even if there is such a director in the future, we have no way of knowing when such an idea arises, and I'm not sure if this director has your feelings for "Prisoner"."

Cesare didn't speak, obviously indicating to Jiang Se to continue:

"To be honest, I don't know what kind of impact such a movie will have." It's not that the director has tried to make a movie with religious metaphors, but it's very rare to really get a double harvest at the box office and word of mouth.

Even for a director like Cesare who has many excellent works, there is no guarantee that the adaptation of "Prisoner" will be welcomed by the market.

"But I think it would be a pity to miss it. You are an excellent director. I also see your sincere love for "Prisoner". I don't think anyone will read her so sincerely like you. Matthew would be very relieved to know that there are readers like you."

Jiang Se's eyes fell on his face:

"I don't think there will be any director who will be more careful than you when shooting "Prisoner." He even mentioned that after he got the copyright of "Prisoner", he has been trying to adapt it, with a cautious attitude.

Even in order to shoot this movie, he compromised with Huandao and Borgia, and obtained investment from these two companies by shooting commercial films.

"If I miss such an opportunity, I will feel very sorry." Speaking of this, Jiang Se sighed:

"It's very precious to have your friendship, but if I ask you at this time, aside from being a friend between us, give me a chance to audition for "Prisoner"? Even if it's not the main role, I want to try, I want to leave some shadow in my favorite works.”

Cesare had to admit that Jiang Se's last words touched a resonance in his heart.

Yes, he filmed "The Prisoner" not for fame, not for box office and word of mouth, but because, like Jiang Se, he wanted to leave his own shadow in his favorite works, and he wanted to use his own lens to capture such excellent works. The work is recorded, not willing to miss it.

The expression on her face was very sincere, he thought for a while, but didn't make a sound.

Jiang Se also wisely didn't say any more, leaving him a chance to think.

"Prisoner" is not a commercial film, unlike "The Lost City", which can use Chinese actors to arouse the desire of Chinese audiences to buy tickets and enter the movie theater, thereby increasing the box office performance.

This is Cesare's preference, this is his dream forbidden land, he will be more picky about actors.

Friendship is not a panacea at this time. In the movie hall, the Spanish director's work is very good. He exposed many real problems with black humor, and the audience in the movie hall laughed from time to time.

However, there may not be many audiences who actually watch the movie, and the enthusiasm of everyone is still in the familiar relationship between Cesare and Janser.

The recently famous darling of China and the great director have been whispering since the beginning of the movie, and their close friendship makes people very curious about their relationship.

The reporters were scratching their heads. At this moment, regardless of whether they had paid attention to the sales increase of the American "Film Talk" magazine or not, they all remembered this Chinese actress named Jiang Se because of Cesare.

Halfway through the movie, Jiang Se began to seriously focus on this humorous movie, watching the different situations of the hero and heroine in the movie, until the end of the movie, the audience stood up, and Jiang Se also stood up to applaud the director , Cesare, who also stood up at the side, applauded, and turned to look at Jiang Se:

"I thought I could give you a chance to try."

Jiang Se breathed a sigh of relief. After achieving this goal, she did not stay to disturb Tao Cen's time with Cesare after the movie was over. She greeted Tao Cen and said goodbye with a smile, ignoring Chen Jiao's eyes were full of vigilance.

After she left, Tao Cen couldn't help but began to guess about the conversation between Jiang Se and Cesare, but it was a pity that this was not a good time for her to inquire.

Cesare has a resolute personality, is too smart, and has a strong desire to control. When the friendship between the two is not in place, her rash inquiry will only make the great director feel that his privacy has been violated.

Therefore, Tao Cen didn't speak out to test, but she didn't mention it after Jiang Se left.

She looked at the time. After the movie ended, it was nearly eleven o'clock, and Tao Cen suggested:

"Sir, it's almost lunch time, why don't we move the lunch time forward, how about?"

Cesare shook his head and politely refused:

"Miss Tao, I think we can postpone our lunch a little bit."

He motioned to the assistant on the side to inquire about the movie schedule in the morning, and the assistant whispered:

"Sir, "The Devil" is playing at 11:20, and it happens to be in this movie palace." He had promised Jiang Se that he would finish watching her movie, and besides that, he really wanted to watch it Can Jiang Se's acting skills be able to take on the role in "The Prisoner"?

Cesare showed guilt on his face, "If this delays your plan, I wonder if we can change the time of the meal to next time."

Tao Cen heard his assistant's words, and knew that Cesare stayed because he decided to watch "The Demon" starring Jiang Se.

At this moment, Tao Cen's heart was not without fluctuations. She had cooperated with Cesare before, but after Cesare came to the French Film Festival, he did not go to see the film starring her except for promising to have today's lunch with him. In "Accidents", she and Jiang Se compete with each other in their relationship with Cesare.

Tao Cen is a smart person. Now that she has figured this out, she has no intention of continuing to pester her. Even if she still insists on having dinner with Cesare, she is probably just humiliating herself.

Jiang Se's arrival today completely destroyed the close relationship she had been trying to create with Cesare before that. Feng Shui took turns, she destroyed the connection between Jiangser and Cesare that day, and now finally one day Jiangser slapped herself back in the same way, and this slap was harder and louder than her original one.

Tao Cen pursed his lips, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Okay, since you still have something to do, I won't bother you. You can let me know when you are free."

She turned around briskly, but left a very good impression on Cesare, thinking of his breaking the appointment, he felt a little guilty towards this lady.

The first update! ! !

The first update on the 24th! ! ! I want to adjust my bad habit of being late, and I want to regain my status as a hardworking, simple and honest author in your minds! ! !

Please count the votes and give me some motivation. Hey, mules have to eat grass to move forward!

Knock on the bowl and beg for food!

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