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Chapter 323 Suspicious

He Cong was dubious, she checked the time, it was already eleven fifty, and the premiere of "About I Love You" was coming soon.

A reminder that the audience can enter the theater sounded, He Cong put away his mobile phone, and he and his best friend were holding popcorn and preparing to enter.

Out of the corner of her eye, she seemed to see another group of people also heading towards the VIP hall of the movie theater. Among them was a tall girl in a silk scarf holding a bandaged young man on her arm. Some are like Jiang Se.


The best friend is already calling her, urging:

"What are you watching? Hurry up and watch it for a while, and I'm going to go back and write a film review."

My best friend had no intention of staying and watching "About I Love You" at all. She was just going to watch the beginning, get a general idea of ​​the movie, know where Jiang Se's performance is going, and write a film review to ridicule when she goes back.

After entering the movie theater, my girlfriend took two movie tickets first, then posted a selfie of herself in the movie theater, put it on her Twitter, and wrote: Send to Jiang Se's face Fans see it, Yan fans always think that having a face means everything, and I will slap my face with reason and evidence later! These are two movie tickets for "Caring", please spray after watching, don't say I'm irresponsible and ignorant!

The sound of advertisements sounded in the theater, He Cong was still thinking about the group of people he saw just now, and his best friend bumped into her:

"There are a lot of people on the Internet who have left messages for me, and they all support me."

She is a die-hard fan of Zhu Pan, and she joined Zhu Pan's fan support club at the beginning, and she still keeps in close contact with many of Zhu Pan's fans.

These people all hope to collectively suppress Jiang Se's arrogance, and they also try to hope that after Zhu Pan survives the contract with Century Galaxy, he will leave Century Galaxy in the future and develop again.

He Cong glanced at it absent-mindedly, thought for a while, and decided to tell her about his previous discovery:

"Wen Jing, I seem to have just seen Jiang Se."

She gestured to the scene just now and said:

"It looks like he came in with a man on his arm. The man is quite tall, over 1.9 meters tall, and his hand looks injured. A large group of people entered the VIP hall."


The girlfriend almost jumped up, "Isn't she widely rumored to have a boyfriend in the circle? She was also said to be the backstage, but I haven't heard much about it for more than a year, and there are also rumors in the circle that she has broken up. Century Galaxy has built her image You have to be like a fairy, and a fairy will also take other men's hands into the movie theater in the middle of the night? How old is that man? Do you remember what he looks like?"

The two had just chatted for a few words, and more and more people came in the movie theater one after another, and it was full of people in a while, He Cong checked the time, and it was one minute before midnight, and she made a silent gesture :

"Let's talk about it later."

The two of them were not sure that they would be able to finish this movie, and even many people who came in were just like the two of them, holding popcorn and Coke, and a lot of snacks. Many people came in in twos and threes, obviously they were all right. The movie, which was heavily hyped before its release, didn't hold much hope.

The cinema staff came in and turned off the lights, and the sound of chewing popcorn could still be heard around, and Jiang Se's voice sounded:

"Zhang Zhen, let's break up."

This sentence immediately exploded He Cong's spirit.

Knowing that "About I Love You" is a story that happened after the accident of the leading actor Zhang Zhen, but before that, in the film trailer, it was not mentioned that the heroine would break up at the beginning.

He Cong even heard someone whispering around:

"Break up as soon as you come, is this Zhen the male lead?"

The girlfriend also turned her head sideways and laughed:

"I'll see how Zhao Rang pulls it off."

In another hall of the theater, when Pei Yi heard a familiar voice, he instinctively clenched Jiang Se's hand.

The movie uses her original voice, her tone is heavy and exhausted, although she is not calling her name, she also knows that this is the "her" in the movie, but when she hears her voice ringing in her ears, she raises her voice. When it came time to 'break up', it still made his whole heart go up in his throat.

"We won't break up." He turned his head and looked at Jiang Se with a smile. In the dark, Nie Dan and the others were staring at the screen, not noticing their direction.

He boldly leaned over and wanted to kiss Jiang Se, but before he touched her, she had already leaned over and kissed him gently on the face.

There are many times when Pei Yi took the initiative, holding her hand and hugging her waist, but the times when she took the initiative to kiss him were rarely, let alone on such occasions.

He froze for a moment, and almost jumped up. His body seemed to be surrounded by clouds, so light that his feet couldn't even step on it.


He tremblingly opened his mouth, while Cheng Runing turned his head:

"Hush! Brother Yi, can you stop arguing?"


Pei Yi ignored him, grabbed Jiang Se's hand even tighter, put it to her mouth and kissed her several times, she turned her head to look at Pei Yi and smiled, Pei Yi felt that there was nothing interesting in the movie, it would be better to watch a real life her.

As for He Cong's movie, after Zhou Wei broke up with Zhang Zhen, Zhang Zhen had an accident and Zhou Wei attended the funeral.

He Cong and his best friend came here with the mentality of being critical, but from the beginning of the movie, speaking from the bottom of their hearts, they haven't seen anything wrong for the time being.

On the contrary, because the opening is different from other romantic literary films, it aroused the interest of the two.

From Zhou Weiqiang's exhaustion and embarrassment, to attending the funeral with her ex-boyfriend in her mind, to the development after the movie, there is no inexplicable dog blood in the two's imagination, and there is no love affair, even the best friend mentioned it as a joke at the beginning. The fallacy of whether the director will live the male protagonist like a crazily did not appear.

Zhao Rang divided what happened now and what happened in the past into two lines, and proceeded in an orderly manner without conflict.

He didn't even feel like letting He Cong play.

Zhou Wei, played by Jiang Se, is as pure as a drop of water in the movie. She is wearing an emerald green chiffon dress with a light-colored shirt from the back, and her slender waist has already blended into the scene.

When the hazy scenery of the West Lake, the green willows, the clear water, and the girl with long hair up to her waist stood by the bridge, He Cong even felt that his girlfriend's previous comments on Jiang Se were a bit too harsh.

She even felt that she could understand the feelings of those fans who liked Jiang Se's appearance. She even followed the storyline, completely immersed in the atmosphere of the movie, and somewhat complained that Zhang Zhen was too cold towards a beautiful girl like Zhou Wei.

In the movie theater, at some point, the sound of chewing popcorn became smaller and smaller, until recently it was almost inaudible, only the melodious music from the movie could be heard.

Everyone's thoughts followed the plot. When the analysis of the plot deepened and Zhou Wei recalled more scenes of Zhang Zhen, He Cong had already begun to feel that kind of sadness.

That kind of sadness was suppressed by Zhou Weiwei when watching Zhang Zhen's funeral, and slowly released bit by bit.

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