This is why Jin Lao, The Condor can reach the top of martial arts.

The details in this kind of novel may sometimes make readers feel surprised or applauded, but only professional authors know how difficult these details are.

For example, in Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, as an author, you have to carefully set all the moves and content, and this is on the premise that there is no additional connotation.

Xiazhou Culture...

It's really profound.

This was not said by the readers of Jiuzhou, but by the readers of Xiazhou themselves.

Because of Xiazhou culture, even Xiazhou people themselves often have only a partial understanding of it. Xiazhou has been around for five thousand years, and even many majors in universities only specialize in one period.

The old thief really writes about a character and has the charm of that character.

Zhou Botong is so interesting...

Hahahaha! Old naughty boy!

The Jianghu world of The Condor is really exciting.

Zhou Botong is the younger brother of the magical king Chongyang in The Condor. He is innocent in nature and loves to tease others, so he is known as the Old Naughty Boy.

Regardless of trivial matters, he and his junior Guo Jing became sworn brothers!

This kind of character, even if you just write the setting and don't describe the story, will attract the favor of countless viewers.

The same was true in the previous life. Among the vast group of fans of The Condor, he is probably the most lovable character in the hearts of readers. He is simple and innocent, behaves like a child, and is also a righteous person.

In the plot, Guo Jing faces Hua Zheng and Huang Rong. One is his childhood sweetheart and fiancée, and the other is a lover who has been flirting with each other. The classic love triangle scene has made many readers who have been fans of the old thief since Sword and Fairy. Suddenly said:

You can still see the shadow of Lao Zei's previous books. Lao Zei seems to like to write about the emotional entanglements between two women and one man.

No, no, no, it should be said that the emotional descriptions in The Condor Shooting are more mature.

Because online novels evolved from physical literature, early online novels were greatly influenced by physical literature.

For example, Shooting the Condor and The Deer and the Cauldron have influenced a large number of online writers and their works.

This is the meaning of classic works.

Since the release of The Condor Shooting in the morning, there has been a Shooting the Condor craze across Xiazhou.

Yes, this craze started before most readers had finished reading The Condor.

In the morning, the entire novel forum and blogs were discussing Qiu Chuji, the Seven Strangers of Jiangnan, and Guo Jing.

From noon to afternoon, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and Dog Beating Stick Technique suddenly became very popular!

In the evening, the appearance of East Evil and West Poison, the Southern Emperor and the Northern Beggar possessing magical powers, the Five Ultimates, and characters such as Zhou Botong once again set off a wave of craze!

One of the biggest reasons why there is such a heated discussion is that the standard of this book is really too high.

It's so high that you don't even need to read the ending of The Condor. Just a few chapters alone make readers want to put The Condor on the altar!

Hey, brothers?

I have a question?

Why are there no Shaolin and Wudang sects in The Condor?

On the novel forum, a post like this attracted Lin Qiu's attention.

You know, among the many sects in martial arts novels in the past, Shaolin and Wudang can be said to be the sects that have appeared the most. There are so many sects that readers are a little tired of them, so it is still a bit unaccustomed to not seeing the two sects of Shaolin and Wudang for a while. of.

Lin Qiu had previously registered the Cement Sealed Heart account on the Book novel forum to cooperate with book promotion, and immediately wanted to log on to the forum to reply.

But some water friends have already replied below:

Brother!! The Wudang Sect was established in the late Yuan Dynasty, and The Condor was established in the Southern Song Dynasty!!

As for Shaolin...

I don't know. The old thief should have an explanation later. It is unlikely that such a big sect will be missed.

Lin Qiu put down the keyboard. Indeed, the description of Shaolin in Mr. Jin's novels has always been a controversial point.

Regarding the explanation in this trilogy, Shaolin gradually declined because of the Huogong Toutuo Incident. As for the exact reason, I am afraid only Mr. Jin himself knows this.

Anyway, the content of the novel is whatever the author creates. After all, it is not a real historical novel.

When I think that there are two more masterpieces of martial arts like this, I feel happy, brothers!!

I have never read martial arts. Are all martial arts novels so exciting?

“My literary skills are so deep that I never felt like I couldn’t put down the book when I read Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes!”

The author, Lao Zei, is really amazing. He can write in all genres. He is a rich man's version of 'Octopus'!

The Octopus that netizens call him is an online author on the Xianque Chinese website. He has written several novels of completely different types, including fantasy, science fiction, games, fairy tales, and urban novels, all of which have achieved good results. .

And the old thief, are you going to write a classic masterpiece for each genre?

Hahaha, it's possible. Maybe that's what the old thief thinks.

If you have the ability, just ask the old thieves to write science fiction. If you can write science fiction, I will be really convinced.

The old thief thought to himself: Mad, don't you want me to die?

It's so cool. After the martial arts trilogy is released, it should be followed by the martial arts TV series Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wu Que, a collaboration between Lao Zei and Lin Qiu.

From the time it was released in the morning until the evening, no reader had finished reading the entire Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Four volumes and 1.2 million words are too much.

A total of 1.2 million words, if read as an online text, it is possible for Internet readers with rich reading experience to read ten lines at a glance, but this is The Condor.

The text in Shooting the Condor is not traditional vernacular. Strictly speaking, it is called classical vernacular, which is different from classical Chinese and modern languages.

Many novels from the Ming and Qing dynasties are written in classical vernacular, and even modern people who read them dozens or hundreds of years later can basically understand them smoothly.

Mr. Jin's martial arts works have transformed this classical vernacular, not only losing the elegance of the classical language, but also being more understandable and acceptable to today's readers.

This leads to a certain threshold for reading and requires careful reading.



Let's see tomorrow.

Don't rush this moment.

Mr. Yu was reading intently when he suddenly felt someone calling him. When he turned around, he found that his son was looking at him helplessly.

In fact, Mr. Yu's temper is not very good on weekdays. Generally speaking, sons are not likely to disturb their father's reading. However, since about 10 o'clock in the morning, his father has been sitting under the pavilion motionless, eating something casually. .

If my father was still in good health, he would naturally not say anything, but Mr. Yu's health is not very good on weekdays. Reading books for such a long time this afternoon will definitely not be able to bear it.

Sure enough, he didn't feel it when he was concentrating on reading, but once he stopped, Mr. Yu felt a sense of soreness in his eyes and a sense of fatigue all over his body.


Mr. Yu rubbed his temples and eyes, and tears flowed out uncontrollably. He was really tired to a certain extent.

Emotionally, Mr. Yu really wants to finish reading this wonderful and magnificent martial arts work, but there are nearly two volumes of content behind it, and he will definitely not be able to finish it today.

Dad, what do you think of The Condor?

Mr. Yu said three words without any hesitation:

I'm not as good as that.

As soon as these three words came out, Mr. Yu's son's eyes suddenly widened.

Precisely because he knew his father's arrogant temperament, he was so shocked. If this was heard by the outside media, all kinds of news would be guaranteed to come out the next day. It is conceivable that he could be evaluated like this by the number one martial arts master in Xiazhou. Its weight!

Are you watching this afternoon?

Mr. Yu looked at his son.

look in.

Where did you see it?

Chapter 25, A Wild Shop in a Deserted Village.

This time, people from all walks of life appeared in this deserted village and shop. Yaojia, Lu Guanying, Yin Zhiping and Huang Yaoshi came one after another. Ouyang Ke captured Cheng Yaojia, Yang Kang rescued Mu Nianci, Hua Zheng dragged The arrival of Lei, Ouyang Feng's fight with Quanzhen's Seven Sons, and the death of Mei Chaofeng's acting master are all written very wonderfully and are the climax of this volume!

Then you can see faster than me. Tell me how you feel.

The father and son walked towards the house while chatting about the details of The Condor Shooting.

When we talked about the wonderful things, we became even more energetic and clapped our hands in praise.

In one day, The Condor received unprecedented recognition.

...(End of chapter)

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