Chapter 175 Your Lie in April is a hit! (Down)

【I really want to strangle you to death! Old thief! 】

[Old thief who doesn’t ask for much! I don’t want Ah Xun and Gong Sheng to finally find lovers and get married, I just want Ah Xun to survive! This is not too much to ask! 】

[Old thief, please don’t force me to kneel down and beg you! 】

[You don’t know how to draw other than the dead heroine, right? I *****! 】

[Woooooo! Axun just wants to live! What is her crime? Old thief, tell me! What is her crime? 】

【Blank! I thought I had desensitized myself, but now I still want to cry! 】

Every time they see Axun wanting to leave more memories with Kousei, these anime fans feel sore in their noses.

They can't hold on, they really can't hold on!

Axun, who was seriously ill, went shopping with Gongsheng while he was still able to move around, and together they returned to the school that held countless memories.

At this time, Axun smiled brightly, but Axun and the audience knew that this was probably the last time Axun came to school.

At school, Ah Xun suddenly became sentimental, fearing that Gongsheng would forget her in the future.

But Gongsheng just looked serious and said solemnly:

I will never forget you.

I will never forget it until I die.

Although it was just a seemingly ordinary sentence, the word death in the words made Ah Xun almost burst into tears at this moment.

That night, Gongsheng rode his bicycle and took Ah Xun for a stroll in the night sky. The atmosphere was as beautiful as the bright stars in the sky.

This is……

The last good thing?

When he saw Ah Xun couldn't help but burst into tears and cried on Gong Sheng's back.

The audience burst into tears!

Xiang Xiang cried like Ah Xun on the screen, while Zhou Siyu was also full of sadness.

In Lao Zei's works, it has always been so difficult for lovers to finally get married.

And Gongsheng in the story finally noticed something was wrong, because Gongsheng saw the shadow of his mother when he was seriously ill in Axun's body. At this moment, an indescribable and intense panic surged into Gongsheng's heart!

Axun confessed his physical condition to Gongsheng for the first time, and with one sentence, he broke through the defense of thousands of viewers:

Do you want to die for love with me?

Seeing Kousei's fear and pain, everyone suddenly began to understand such a character!

Indeed, the male protagonist Kousei is completely different from the hot-blooded male protagonists in many anime and novels. Kousei is introverted, unsociable, and sometimes very cowardly and timid. But this is how he can fully display his character. come out.

His mother was the first person Kousei loved, and she eventually passed away.

Gongsheng is afraid that the second person he falls in love with will also leave this world!

At this moment, Kousei was frightened and collapsed.

If life is just like the first time we met, why should the autumn wind draw a fan sadly?

How wonderful it would be if we could get along with each other as if we were meeting each other for the first time in life.




Since the middle of the plot, starting from the thirteenth episode, every episode will be broadcast, and countless tears will be harvested!

Axun's pain, Gongsheng's pain!

That's not the case in The Name of an Unheard Flower either!

The tears in The Name of a Flower are all concentrated in the last episode. You can just enjoy the first eleven episodes. And after watching it, you really feel healed, not depressed. This April is real Depressing!

Don't call it a girl, boys can't even hold it tight!

Such discussions appear in major forums and comment areas.

Even if the scolding is overwhelming, even if the old thief is accused by thousands of people, some passers-by can still find a strange phenomenon, that is, the rating of April has not dropped at all!

Unknown Flower tells a story about lost friendship, although the last episode made the audience burst into tears!

But after crying, these viewers were all happy. At least Meiko fulfilled all her wishes and was reincarnated, and the remaining people also regained their former friendship and original intentions.

Think about it now.

Isn't the ending of The Name of an Unknown Flower perfect?

Can it get better than this?

Meiko resurrected on the spot?

But April is different. As soon as the plot is halfway through, it starts to go crazy!

Even the innocent and cheerful Axun in the previous twelve episodes has become self-defeating because of the impending death!

This made thousands of Axun’s male fans even more distressed, beating their chests and shouting:

Lan Shou!

Lan Shou!

In the past, Ah Xun used music to pull Gong Sheng out of the dark quagmire and the shadow of his mother step by step. Now the situation seems to be completely reversed.

In order to rekindle Axun's hope for life, Gongsheng made up his mind to use the sound of his piano to awaken Axun's nostalgia for music.

This was originally supposed to be an ensemble between Axun and Gongsheng, but Axun could only listen to the music on the other side of the computer in the ward, raising his hands and accompaniment in the void.

These scenes are like tear gas bombs.

As the story of April gradually comes to an end, the audience is once again looking forward to it, because Kousei once again extended an invitation to Axun to perform in an ensemble!

This time, Gong Sheng wanted to walk side by side with Ah Xun and play the beautiful music together.

Ah Xun suddenly trembled, obviously he had given up, but when he heard the ensemble, Ah Xun's heart still surged with expectation and yearning.

Old thief! Be a human being!

Please! Just let us see the second ensemble!

woo woo woo woo--

Don't be so awesome! The requirements are not high, just fulfill your wish!

On the barrage, humble words kept floating on the screen!

Although he has been deceiving himself, all viewers know that with the current plot development of April, there is a high probability that Akun will not survive, and the ending will be the same as Meiko in The Name of the Flower!

But in The Name of the Unheard Flower, Meiko fulfilled all her wishes in the world and left with a smile, at least she had no regrets.

This kind of death may be quite sad at first, but it is completely acceptable to the audience and readers.

But the kind of death that is still regrettable, such as Baguio, Jiangyang, and...

The death of these characters makes readers feel a little bit heartbroken!

The old thief is such an author, but what can the audience do?

From the initial abuse, to the subsequent pain, and now to the humiliation, this step is all too familiar to the old fans of the old thief. Haven't they been abused in this way before?


Stop talking about them, even we can't handle it!

The old thief really deserves to die. He is so cruel to the female character. He must have been heartbroken by a woman in real life.

Yes, in Lao Thief's novels, few female characters end well. In addition, Lao Thief's descriptions of emotions are so delicate. It is basically certain that Lao Thief has suffered emotional pain.

The expression of emotion in a work is often the author's own emotional expression.

The author's own experience in love is limited, and the emotions he depicts will certainly not touch people's hearts.

If the author himself is a scumbag, he will definitely portray the characters lifelikely.

If viewed from this perspective, the image of the old thief emerges vividly on the paper, further ruling out the suspicion that the old thief is Lin Qiu.

too naive.

It's really naive.

Come on, a fatal blow.

I am waiting.

Zhou Siyu shook his head and said.

As a loyal fan of Lao Thief, he really knows Lao Thief very well.

The plots of Lao Thief's works have never been logical.

The more you look forward to something, the less likely the old thief will write anything.

The more you fear something, the more the old thief will write about it.

Zhou Siyu seemed to be able to hear the old thief's lewd laughter on the other side of the screen!

Eleven days.

Fans of the anime April just feel that they have shed more tears in these eleven days than in the past eleven years!

The old thief's account just retweeted the preview of the finale of April. In just one hour, there were half a million comments!

“Same old thing, we’ll play with the rest.”

For eggs.

The book friends of Xiaodao League shook their heads when they saw the abuse, attacks, prayers and kowtows from thousands of anime fans.

I just feel that there are still too many young people in the world, walking the same path they once walked!

What's the use of scolding?

The work is just such a work!

When Baguio's death caused riots across the Internet, the old thieves didn't even make a sound!

This is what entertainment works are like. If Axun and Gongsheng really lived happily together, would April still have such high levels of discussion and ratings, and would it be so memorable to the audience?

In its previous life, this work was not a T0-level anime, but it was a masterpiece in the hearts of countless anime fans.

I will enter April with no regrets in this life, and I would like to be friend A in the next life!

The book says that there is no such thing as a feast that never ends.

The book also said that there is no place in life where we don’t meet.

Although this movie is not as popular as Demon Slayer, Your Lie in April, which has twice as much discussion as Demon Slayer, has reached its finale.

This day is Friday.

Whether you are a student party member attending class or a socialist party member working, anyone who is a fan of April will seem a little distracted on this day.

When returning home, these April fans had mixed emotions as the finale aired closer and closer.

How to describe their mood?





Anyway, all kinds of emotions are intertwined. I don’t know what kind of ending Lin Qiu, the old thief and Chang An will bring together!

Xiangxiang only hopes for a good result, while Zhou Siyu just wants it to be wonderful.

As a veteran fan, Zhou Siyu has long been attracted by CPU and inexplicably feels that tragedy is the true core of entertainment works.


Fingers crossed, April fans.


April fans were trembling nervously and taking deep breaths.

The eight o'clock bell sounded like a prelude to death.

Zhou Siyu couldn't help but look at the clock. The sound of the bell didn't sound like an ordinary bell, but more like the sound of a person in hell demanding his life.

The first scene of the plot on the last day made the hearts of April fans who were originally nervous and fearful sink.

The most feared thing happened.

And it happened so directly!

When Gongsheng and A'Du came to the hospital to visit Ah Xun, they saw that Ah Xun's ward was surrounded by doctors and nurses inside and outside, rescuing him!

Outside the ward, Gong Sheng could only see Axun's trembling arms.

Both the audience and Kousei were stunned, their lips were pale, and their whole bodies could not stop trembling with fear.

Rescue is underway now!

You guys should go back today!


The doctor rushed into the ward quickly, leaving only the stunned Kousei.

She had loved him for ten years, but spent the whole April making up a lie that she didn't love him!

Kousei collapsed, and so did thousands of anime fans from Kyushu!

They have no idea why Eastern works are created in this way!

The Story of Hachiko the Loyal Dog makes people cry!

Harry Potter is even more knives.

Now this anime April is even more pure.

Pure knife! !

Art Creator of the East!

Are they all sick?!

Across Kyushu, anger and despair continue to spread.

Gongsheng once played the piano for his mother, but her mother died of illness.

This time, it was Axun who brought Gongsheng back to the stage, but Axun was leaving too!

No one can empathize with Kousei's current collapse. Kousei no longer wants to play the piano.

Music can't save the one he loves. In this case, he might as well study medicine, at least he won't be helpless.

April in April.

It actually snowed.

This scene is so similar to the former Changqing Zixuan.

If we are covered with snow together in the future, we will grow old together in this life.

Every word between Axun and Kousei in the snow touches thousands of anime fans.

In order to encourage Gongsheng, Axun stood up unsteadily in the snow, imagining playing the violin. Such a beautiful scene, but it disappeared in an instant.

Axun cried in Gongsheng's arms and told Gongsheng that his most important surgery had been postponed to the day when Gongsheng played.

As long as Kousei's music accompanies her, she will no longer be so afraid, and she will definitely be able to hear it.

I am scared……

So scared...

Don't leave me alone...


Ah Xun's hoarse cry shattered the defenses of anime fans!

There will be a miracle! Right!

Old thief! Please! As long as you let Axun come back to life! I will buy one of your works from now on! No! I will buy two of them!

Miracles! I need miracles! Isn't anime the place where miracles are born?

Old thief, I promise you, as long as you let Axun come back to life, I will do whatever you want! Stop causing this tragedy!

Above the barrage, thousands of anime fans screamed in agony.

But in their hearts, everyone has the same hope as Ah Xun's surgery!

What if?

What if the old thief becomes kind-hearted?

What if Ah Xun’s surgery was successful and he survived?

Axun will definitely be able to hear Kousei’s music!

Just under this strong expectation.

Kousei walked onto the stage.

At the same time, Axun was pushed onto the operating table and slowly closed his eyes.

The pulse is steady!


Start the operation!

At this moment, all April fans were staring at the screen and clenching their fists!

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