Chapter 113 [I lost my wallet...]

A two-line narrative spanning time and space. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and google it}

It's so smooth.

Sun Xuan touched his chin and said.

At this stage of the story, Sun Xuan knew what kind of story this volume was going to tell.

Wen Wu is the first, and Wu Wu is the second. It is difficult to say which of the three volumes is of higher quality, but in terms of conception and content, this volume The Long Night Is Difficult to See must be Sun Xuan's favorite.

An unjust case seven years ago.

Tracking down seven years later.

Two lines of progress go hand in hand.

If given to an author of average skill, the writing would inevitably be a little messy, but this old thief completely controlled the story.

Ever since his son kept talking about old thief in his ears every day, Sun Xuan was also used to this title.

It's time to start being miserable.

Sun Xuan felt the atmosphere in the text and judged.

Sun Xiao was stunned, What do you mean?

This Long Night may be very sad.

Sun Xuan judged based on his own writing experience.

Readers' psychological defenses have been open since the third volume.

In every update, they seemed to empathize with Jiang Yang and plunge into this unjust case.

After Zhu Wei was hacked and arrested, if Jiang Yang hadn't been guaranteed by his prospective father-in-law Wu Jian, Jiang Yang himself might have been doomed.

Starting from this day.

Jiang Yang walked on a path destined to be lonely.

[Jiang Yang, you know, now Aike is preparing for the selection examination for the highest inspection in the country. If you have nothing to do, don't disturb her anymore. Jiang Yang only heard this voice from behind. 】

【Fuck! When Jiang Yang hesitated at first, it was Wu Aike who had a strong sense of justice and encouraged Jiang Yang to investigate the Hou Guiping case. But now Wu Aike is leaving Jiang Yang? 】

【I! Hey...Jiang Yang, Jiang Yang! 】

[The once proud and high-spirited Jiang Yang of Pingkang County has now turned dim. Just reading the old thief’s words made my heart twitch. Isn’t Jiang Yang too miserable? 】

It’s hard to calm down!

Almost all readers feel outraged by the injustice!

Jiang Yang lost his future and his girlfriend, but even so, the Hou Guiping case, which involved many people, was still full of despair!

Jiang Yang was unwilling to accept it.

Readers are equally unwilling!

But at this moment, Jiang Yang turned his back and walked into the darkness.

[Jiang Yang walked towards the night, towards the light that might emerge in the endless darkness. He didn't believe that it would be difficult to see the light in the long night. 】

This calm word touched the readers' hearts at this moment.

Jiang Yang did not give up.

Even if the whole world tells Jiang Yang that this unjust case is over, there will be no possibility of it happening again.

Jiang Yang was still unwilling to leave, unwilling to give up the justice in his heart.

For a moment, everyone left Jiangyang.

Zhu Wei went to jail, Zhang Chao, and Wu Jian all persuaded Jiang Yang to give up.

But Jiang Yang just looked up to the sky and smiled bitterly. When he lowered his head again, he set foot on this road again, even if he was alone.

I just...

I want people to see this silent truth.

[Can Jiang Yang succeed? 】

[It must have failed. I just don’t know why Jiang Yang died and who harmed Jiang Yang! Did Zhang Chaoconscience find out? 】

[I can’t say there is anything wrong with what Wu Jian, Zhang Chao and others said, but the world needs people like Jiang Yang! Without Jiang Yang, how could we illuminate this long night? 】

If we say that Sword of Immortals and Zhu Xian bring readers emotions that range from ups and downs to sudden collapse.

So the book The Long Night Is Hard to See is a step-by-step process, pulling readers into the dark night together with Jiang Yang.

Just seeing this makes readers feel bad.

His whole chest felt like he was holding his breath, unwilling to accept Jiang Yang's situation, and unwilling to accept the injustice in this world!

No one would say that it would be impossible for him to be stabbed again or break his defense again.

The entire novel forum and book club are discussing the injustice faced by Jiang Yang!

Readers still open The Long Night on time every day.

It's just that every time I see the chapters in this third volume, it always makes readers unable to smile.

Originally thought to be a plot about a criminal detective case, the focus of the entire plot of The Long Night is entirely on the character Jiang Yang, and even Yan Liang has become a tool in telling Jiang Yang's story.

In the blink of an eye, it was three years later.

Things are different and people are different.

Zhu Wei is released from prison.

The policeman who was once known as Ping Kang Baixue now also looks lonely and lifeless.

Jiang Yang, Chen Mingzhang, and Zhu Wei, the three people who once worked hard to pursue the Hou Guiping case, now completely ignore the Hou Guiping case.

The three of them drank wine and mingled with each other in a drunken state.

That night, they drank and laughed heartily, and the world seemed to have changed society and people.

Jiang Yang, have you really given up...

The eyes of readers are full of despair.

In this world, if even people like Jiang Yang lose hope and are changed by the world, then is there still light in this world?

Jiang Yang's once bright eyes completely lost their sparkle, and he was reluctant to see his old friend.

Just when the readers are feeling sad, a mediocre but sharp knife is enough to tear the heart and lungs.

But it cut through everyone's heart with one knife.

[At the wine table, Chen Mingzhang, Jiang Yang, and Zhu Wei drank a toast, as if they were truly saying goodbye to their past selves. 】

[Jiang Yang collected Chen Mingzhang’s support money and said, “Old Chen, when I have more money, I will return the money to you.”]

[Just when Jiang Yang wanted to put the money into his wallet, Jiang Yang suddenly panicked, stood up and looked for it, and said blankly: I seem to have lost my wallet, so I just put it in my pocket.\

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