Chapter 65 A group of powerful singers gathered together to sing live!

Lin Mo then completely started the hot song concert mode!

Sing the ten songs from his album in sequence.

The first song is undoubtedly”Xiaochou”. After all, this song launched his entertainment career and brought him into the public eye in the shortest possible time.

Fans are also deeply impressed by this song

After singing”Relief of Sorrow”, it was”The Lonely Brave Man”》、《got windy》、《Compendium of Materia Medica》、《Nocturne》、《Fearless》、《old boys》、《people like me》、《”Qilixiang”, and”Young China” sung in the finals》

One song after another!

Wave after wave of cheers!

And this is definitely the most luxurious playlist in history

Because all the songs in it have been on the Chinese music trend list. This is an honor that many singers and songs have not received!

Think about other singers holding concerts. As long as one song is on the trend list, it can be used to brag about the entire concert.

He would even put that song directly to the end and appear as the finale song!

But look at Lin Mo again

Every song he sings is on the trending music charts

Isn’t it normal for him to be on the trending music charts??

This can also explain why Lin Mo had 70,000 viewers willing to spend money to buy tickets less than half a year after his debut!

Because every song by Lin Mo is a masterpiece!

Every song is a classic song!

To be honest, one person has more than ten masterpieces.

Do you believe it??

The most interesting thing is that there is an exclusive playlist on Penguin Music!

The name of the playlist is [One representative piece per person]】

As the name suggests, it collects the masterpieces of all singers. Many singers have basically one masterpiece since their debut.

In other words, after opening this playlist, you will hear the unique masterpieces of each singer.

This often means that each singer has only one masterpiece.

Only when I got to Lin Mo.

The author of that playlist most likely doesn’t know how to choose. After all, every song of his is widely circulated and every song can be considered a representative work.

In the end, I had no choice but to put in all Lin Mo’s songs.

After clicking on this playlist, the top ten were all songs by Lin Mo, so many netizens left messages on it, jokingly calling it [Lin Mo’s exclusive playlist]】!

At the Bird’s Nest live concert, the carnival lasted for more than two hours

During these two hours, everyone had fun and sang to their heart’s content, releasing all the grievances and accumulated emotions they had suffered in their daily lives at this moment.

Lin Mo stood on the stage. He took the lead in singing every song. He sang a line, the audience sang a line, he sang a part, and the audience sang a part!

Unknowingly, this concert gradually turned into a chorus concert!

As long as Lin Mo said the title of the song on the stage, the fans in the audience would immediately start singing. The fans were more proficient in memorizing the lyrics than Lin Mo. They didn’t even need to read the lyrics or look at the prompter board.

on the stage

Lin Mo looked at the fans singing quietly below and couldn’t help but murmured:”Why do you feel like I am the only one in the audience?”


Lin Mo is very satisfied with this situation!

Seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces and watching everyone singing loudly, Lin Mo felt very happy.

After another half hour, Lin Mo took the lead and finished singing”Young China”》

After the song ended, the audience finally couldn’t sing anymore.

Lin Mo smiled and asked loudly:”Are you tired?”?

Fans were still stubborn and responded loudly:”I’m not tired!”

Lin Mo looked at a fat man in the front row and asked with a smile:

“This young man, your face is pale. If you sing for a while, you will probably fall into a coma due to lack of oxygen. Isn’t this tiring?”

As soon as these words came out, the audience also burst into laughter

Lin Mo continued:”Okay~ everyone has been singing for more than two hours.”

“If you haven’t studied systematically, your voice will be injured if you sing again. Everyone, let’s take a rest. I’m going to change clothes, and then let’s start the second half.”

Say it

Lin Mo looked at the fans and said softly:”In the first half, you sang to me for so long. Thank you. In the next half, you rest and I will sing to you.””

“Ahhhhh! You are wonderful!”

“Lin Mo! Lin Mo, you are great!!!”

“I love you Lin Mo! I love you!!”

“Lin Mo! Lin Mo!”


As soon as these words came out, the audience suddenly screamed

Female fans were even more smitten by Lin Mo’s gentle arrangements!

The male fans also kept cheering, even louder than the female fans.

The photographer took the camera and scanned the auditorium

It was surprising to find that the number of male fans at the scene was almost the same as the number of female fans.

And this is also a manifestation of strength. For a man to have so many fans of the same sex is the best manifestation of strength and talent!

Unlike some young celebrities, all fans are girls

When Lin Mo came off stage to change clothes

It’s the guest’s turn to perform!


All lights are turned off

The audience is all curious who is the first guest?

next second.

A female voice came,”Good evening, everyone.~”

After hearing the sound, a large group of fans immediately reacted

“It’s Deng Ziqi!”

“Purple! It’s Zi Qi here!”

“Wow, oh my gosh! My favorite female star is here!”

“goddess! My goddess is here!”

That’s right, the person who came is none other than Deng Ziqi

When she learned that Lin Mo was going to hold a concert, she immediately expressed that she wanted to be a guest. After recommending two or three commercial performances, she accommodated Lin Mo’s concert schedule.

Afterwards, Deng Ziqi took the stage and sang a famous song”Bubble”》!

Deng Ziqi has much more acting experience than Lin Mo

After stepping on the stage, he felt like a fish in water, quickly igniting the atmosphere of the scene and raising the atmosphere to another level!

Deng Ziqi was halfway through singing, but the audience didn’t have time to shout

Another female voice appears again!

This sound is more ethereal, completely different from Deng Ziqi’s, but it sounds just as good.

Many viewers also recognized the owner of this voice, who was actually Zhang Liangying!

After the two beauties came on stage, the audience cheered even more enthusiastically

Many male fans stood up and shouted the names of Deng Ziqi and Zhang Liangying.

After the two girls finished singing bubbles, they simply sang another song”Drawing Hearts”》

The two beauties also know how to play and sing each other’s famous songs.

After the two women finished singing, they held hands and slowly bowed to the audience.

Then he walked off the stage to rest and prepare for the next performance.

At this time, two people wearing black peaked caps were sitting in the corner of the seats.

The one on the right is easy to recognize, it’s Kunkun

The one on the left is Zhang Feng

These two people really couldn’t understand why 70,000 people came to watch Lin Mo’s concert?

So, I bought other people’s tickets from scalpers at a high price before entering the venue.

Kun Kun and Zhang Feng lowered their heads, not daring to be seen by others.

After all, before the concert started, these two people made sarcastic comments to Lin Mo.

If you were photographed by others now, you might be on the hot search list today.

Kunkun glanced around and whispered:”Chairman, do you think these people are all bastards?”

Zhang Feng turned his head, his eyes were unhappy, and he cursed secretly:”Is there something seriously wrong with your brain?”

“There are 70,000 people, and everyone can sing Lin Mo’s songs. How can these people be stooges?”

“Judging from the situation at the scene, we completely underestimated Lin Mo!”

Kunkun nodded and said:”Chairman~ I think [Tomorrow’s Superstar] was so popular at that time, it will definitely be a great addition to the players!”

“How about~ while [Tomorrow’s Superstar] is still a little popular, I’m going to hold a concert?”

“Fuck your eggs! Zhang Feng cursed angrily:”Are you really cerebral palsy, or are you pretending to have cerebral palsy?””

“[Tomorrow’s Superstar] was so popular at that time, do you think it was directed at you?”

Kunkun said weakly:”I must be as popular as I am, right?~”

“Yes, a little bit!”Zhang Feng responded affirmatively.

“Don’t dream, I won’t be able to give you a concert in three to five years!”

“At first, I thought that since you and Lin Mo have both entered the finals, the two people should be about the same strength..”

“But now it seems that the gap between you two is too big. If Lin Mo is a flower, maybe you are not even the green leaves on the side.”

Kunkun raised his head and asked,”Then who am I?”

“Cow dung!”

Zhang Feng blurted out without thinking,”I didn’t know until I came to the scene today that Lin Mo’s singing skills are so terrible!”

“What’s even more frightening is that these songs of his are really great, and the lyrics of each song can quickly touch people’s hearts!”

“Especially the two new songs”Once Upon a Time” and”Blue Lotus” sung at the beginning. I really almost collapsed! I burst into tears~~”

Zhang Feng’s words really praised Lin Mo from the bottom of his heart.

After all, before this

He had heard of Lin Mo’s name and had once extended an olive branch to Lin Mo.

But he never knew much about Lin Mo’s true strength. Before that, he only valued the influence of his fans.

I even thought at first that the level of Lin Mo and Kun Kun must not be much different.~

After all, [Tomorrow’s Superstars] is just an amateur talent show. There can’t be any powerful beings like Lin Mo and Kun Kun who can win in the finals.

This means that Lin Mo should be a little better than Kun Kun!

It was precisely because of this judgment that he decided to blackmail Lin Mo. After all, in his opinion, Lin Mo’s level was definitely not very high. A little guidance from netizens would make netizens and fans question Lin Mo, and then not come to this concert

But now after the concert.

Only then did he realize that Lin Mo’s level was so high and every song was so deeply rooted in people’s hearts!

With such strong strength and appeal, it’s no wonder that online public opinion doesn’t have much influence at all.

Zhang Feng regretted it more or less. He regretted that he spent millions to get the navy to come to Heilinmo some time ago.

on the stage

After Deng Ziqi and Zhang Liangying finished singing, the stage returned to darkness

Suddenly, a light fell down

Lin Mo first appeared in the audience’s field of vision

He was sitting on a high stool, wearing black clothes, a leather jacket on the upper body, silver decorations hanging on the clothes, a pair of black trousers on the lower body, and a pair of leather boots. He suddenly felt handsome and handsome!

At the same time, live accompaniment drummers and guitarists also joined in

“A song”I’m Still Young, I’m Still Young” for everyone!”

I saw Lin Mo holding the microphone and speaking briefly.


A whistle blends into the accompaniment, giving people an extremely lazy feeling

“in this world~”

“looking for your dream~”

“You ask me where my dreams are~”

“I am still young~”

“I am still young~”

This time, Lin Mo’s voice was extremely hoarse, low and magnetic..

Even the deepest voice ever

Fans have never heard such a low voice. They always thought that Lin Mo is a singer in the high range and must not be very good at bass.

But after hearing Lin Mo’s magnetic low voice, he had to admit that~

His bass is also full of charm!

Lin Mo put the microphone to his mouth and glanced lightly at the audience

“they all said~”

“We have forgotten our ideals~”

“In those frivolous days~”

“I don’t cry, I don’t run away~”

When Lin Mo’s deep voice sang on the stage, a female voice suddenly came out. The female voice seemed gentle but powerful. Surrounding Lin Mo’s voice, the two voices blended and collided with each other, creating a different kind of spark.

At this time

Another light shines on the other side of the stage!

One wears a red navel-baring suspender on the upper body, and a white long skirt on the lower body. The long skirt is slit on both sides, and the white and long thighs are presented to the audience.

Her facial features are particularly three-dimensional, her bright eyes are like twinkling lights, her flaming red lips and fair skin make her look extraordinarily beautiful.

This beauty is no one else

It was the new friend Lin Mo met in”Singer”

Zhang Bichen!

Like Deng Ziqi and Zhang Liangying, after learning that Lin Mo was going to hold a concert, she called directly and offered to help sing.

Hence the song”I’m still young, I’m still young”》!

Having said that, this girl Zhang Bichen is really good.

She’s pretty, has a good figure, and can sing well

I just don’t know why.

Zhang Bichen in the previous world could actually miss that mage?

It’s true that people can’t understand it

However, fortunately, in this world, this does not happen

There is no interaction between Zhang Bichen and that mage. loadAdv(7,3);

Returning to the stage, Zhang Bichen’s voice makes the main part of this song even more beautiful.

Although the two voices are completely different from each other

But different pitches form a harmony, and the harmony forms a resonance, creating the most pleasant sound.

“give me a bottle of wine~”

“give me another cigarette~”

“Leave as soon as you say~”

“I have plenty of time~”

“I don’t want to live in the future~”

“Crying alone, unable to move forward~”

“give me a bottle of wine~”

“give me another cigarette~”

“Leave as soon as you say~”

“I have plenty of time~”

“I don’t want to cry alone in the days to come, unable to move forward!”

Although these two lyrics are exactly the same

But the mood of singing is completely different

The first section is relatively calm.

The tone of the second section was directly raised, and the sense of power was quickly reflected.

Then the drummer started to speed up, and the musicians also started to speed up the frequency, raising the atmosphere to a higher level.

The lights above Lin Mo’s head gradually dimmed.

On the entire stage, only the glowing white Zhang Bichen could be seen. Her look today was so beautiful. With her as white as jade skin, it was so easy to see the gentle breeze blowing through her hair.

Her eyes became firm, and then she began to sing

There is a difference between Zhang Bichen’s part and Lin Mo’s part

In the first verse of this song, Lin Mo’s voice was extremely low, without any explosion or power. It seemed that he was making a statement and foreshadowing.

Zhang Bichen’s singing is full of power and full of contrast with Lin Mo’s previous narrative.

“in this world~”

“Looking for your future~”

“You ask me where the future is~”

“I’m still young, I’m still young~”

“they all said~”

“We have forgotten our ideals. In those frivolous days, I will not cry or escape!”

The blower set in advance blows towards Zhang Bichen

Her long hair is flying in the wind, and her eyes are looking directly at the camera and the audience

This confident charm made everyone in the audience cheer again and again

at this time

Zhang Bichen stood up, walked toward the center of the stage, and sang again.

“give me a bottle of wine~”

“give me another cigarette~”

“Leave as soon as you say~”

“I have plenty of time~”

“I don’t want to be in the future~”

“Crying alone, unable to move forward~”

Lin Mo also stood up from the high stool and looked at Zhang Bichen on the stage. The two looked at each other and stared lovingly at each other.

Speaking in tacit agreement at the same time

“give me a bottle of wine~”

“give me another cigarette~”

“Leave as soon as you say~”

“I have plenty of time~”

“I don’t want to be in the future~”

“Crying alone, unable to move forward~”


After singing this part.

The audience immediately burst into deafening cheers and shouts.

Too burning

Too explosive

Lin Mo’s voice was deep and hoarse, while Zhang Bichen’s voice was high-pitched and charming. The two voices were one high and one low. When combined, they created a strong sense of passion!!


rear corner

As the chairman of Shanhai Culture Media Company, Zhang Feng should be sincerely dismissive of

But at this time, after hearing this song again, he was completely agitated.

The whole person kept swaying and cheering along with the rhythm of the song

The most excessive thing is

He even raised a fan sign!

Raised a fan card to support Lin Mo!

Kun Kun on the side looked at Zhang Feng’s actions and really didn’t know what to say.

How he wanted the chairman to calm down!

How much does he want to question the chairman?

“Are you crazy?”

“The person on the stage is Lin Mo!”

“It’s the Lin Mo you’ve been resisting!”

“You spent so much money in the past few days, so many media outlets blamed Lin Mo, and even you yourself wrote an article angrily against Lin Mo. Today you just gave in?”

“Is there any mistake?”


These words only existed in his heart, he did not dare to say them out loud.

“Depend on! Irritated!”

Kunkun cursed secretly in his heart

Looking at Zhang Bichen on the stage, a trace of admiration flashed deep in his eyes.~

To be honest, Kunkun is definitely Zhang Bichen’s most loyal fan. He has liked Zhang Bichen for many years.

Over the years, Kunkun’s biggest dream is to grow into a big star and then get the opportunity to cooperate with Zhang Bichen

But until now

He didn’t even get a chance to talk to Zhang Bichen

I even met him not long ago and asked for Zhang Bichen’s WeChat account, but was rejected by Zhang Bichen.

This made Kun Kun even more jealous of Lin Mo!


Everyone participated in [Tomorrow’s Superstars] together and reached the finals together

Why can you, Lin Mo, sing on the same stage as Zhang Bichen?

And if I add WeChat, I will be rejected?!

Not only that

What’s even more annoying is that the three powerful female singers of China’s new generation are all here today!!!

Deng Ziqi came and sang her famous song”Bubble”》!

Zhang Liangying came and also sang her famous song”Painting Heart”》!


Why can he get so much support and the favor of three powerful female singers?!

Kunkun couldn’t accept it and was unwilling to accept it.

He sat alone in the corner. The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt, and he couldn’t help but shed tears.

Zhang Feng on the side turned around and saw Kun Kun’s red eyes, and couldn’t help but sigh:

“Ah Kun~ I didn’t expect you to be such an emotional person, and this song by Lin Mo could actually move you like this!!!”

on the stage

Lin Mo and Zhang Bichen came together

Lin Mo looked at Zhang Bichen and sang affectionately.

“I’m struggling on the edge of youth~”

“I stare through the lens of freedom~”

“I’m wandering on the deserted grassland~”

“looking for ideal~”

Zhang Bichen also looked at Lin Mo. The two people looked at each other and felt an inexplicable burning feeling.

“I’m struggling on the edge of youth~”

“I stare through the lens of freedom~”

“I’m wandering on the deserted grassland~”

“looking for~”

“Looking for the ideal!!”

Zhang Bichen was full of firepower and sang high-quality high notes!

The high-pitched sound was even more continuous and lasted for more than ten seconds.

We haven’t waited for the audience to react yet

Don’t wait for them to recover from the shock

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Bichen began her singing again, and her ethereal and tender voice quickly broke into the hearts of the audience.

Damn it!

It sounds so damn good

Zhang Bichen’s turning point made countless people exclaim in the audience, made countless people sigh, and made countless people spit out fragrance.

It’s so fucking cool, this song sounds so damn cool

Especially after singing this chant, I felt like there was an electric current flowing through my body, and I felt numb on the spot!

on the stage

Lin Mo and Zhang Bichen started duet mode

Lin Mo took the lead in singing:”Give me a bottle of wine~”

Zhang Bichen followed closely:”Give me a bottle of wine~”

“Give me~”

“Give me~”

“looking for ideal~”

The two of them work very well together.

At the same time, the harmony group also quickly joined in, making the whole song even more powerful!

And the next clip is the time for the two to show off their singing skills.

In fact, Zhang Bichen has been relatively quiet in the past few years since his debut.

The songs I sing have never made any big waves.

The most famous is”Annual Rings”》!

Completely in the mid-range, no treble, no explosion!

So not many people know that Zhang Bichen has such a high explosive ability

And the current song”I’m Still Young, I’m Still Young” fully demonstrates Zhang Bichen’s singing skills. I can only say

Her high notes are unmistakable at all!

When Lin Mo reached the last section, he stopped hiding and directly turned on the treble mode, and the two people’s trebles collided together.

The two people looked at each other in the eyes, and sparks flew on the spot!!!

“This song totally blew up the scene!”

“I never thought that Bichen’s singing skills would be so terrifying! It sounds really nice to sing high notes!”

“Absolutely absolutely! Love it, love it!”

The audience was amazed

After Zhang Bichen finished singing the high note, he put down the microphone with downcast eyes and walked aside full of loneliness..

Lin Mo picked up the phone, lost the passion just now, returned to the low tone at the beginning, and whispered softly:

“in this world~”

“looking for your dream~”

“You ask me where my dreams are~”

“I am still young~”

“I am still young~”

This kind of treatment gives people a feeling of returning to loneliness after glory.

The emotion created by this kind of singing is completely different from the title of this song

The title of the song always emphasizes that I am still young

But the singing of Lin Mo and Zhang Bichen told the audience that all those glory and passion have passed!

Now only old age remains!

Only memories remain!

Only endless fantasies remain!

after fantasy

All that’s left is an ordinary life!

The beauty and passion of the past can only remain in memory!

PS: Additional update commitment: additional updates for every ten monthly passes! Additional updates will be added for every 100 recommendation votes! Every 500 rewards will continue to increase!

(End of this chapter)

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