Chapter 50 Lin Mo will finally win the championship of [Tomorrow’s Superstar]!

The camera switched to Xue Zhiqian, who stood up and looked at Lin Mo very excitedly, saying:

“Lin Mo, as before, I won’t talk about the melody, just the lyrics.”

“Sometimes I am really curious about how much knowledge you have in your mind and how much literary reserves you have to use words so perfectly!”

“Let’s just say that these few lyrics you added not only continue the ambitions of Liang Qichao’s ancestors, but also contain your own hopes, so people won’t sound jerky.”

“That’s why it feels like those lyrics come from the original text!”

“Even I thought at first”

“Those majestic lyrics in your chorus are from the original text, so I searched the original text on my phone. But I looked several times and couldn’t find it. I suddenly realized that these lyrics were written by you!”

“If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t be able to accept it at all. I wouldn’t be able to accept that someone could continue writing”Young China” written a hundred years ago.》!”

“But if it were you, I would be willing to accept it, because you have created too many miracles, and because you have impressed me with your talents time and time again!”

Lin Mo said:”Thank you, Teacher Xue Zhiqian!”

Teacher He looked at Yang Mi again and said,”Mimi, do you have anything to say about Lin Mo’s”Young Chinese Story” just now??”

Yang Mi was also very excited. She picked up the microphone and said:”As a celebrity promoter on the beauty track, I just want to say one thing, Mrs. Lin Mo is so handsome!”

As soon as these words came out, the audience also started shouting.

Yang Mi continued:”This is the first time I see Lin Mo wearing a shirt, and I feel that he is very sunny, very positive, and very manly!”

“When Lin Mo sang this song just now, he was standing in the middle of the stage, standing under the white light. I really feel that he is the best portrayal of a Chinese boy”

“So I also think that Chinese teenagers should be like Lin Mo, shine in their respective careers, work hard, read poetry and books, and be full of talents!”

I have to say that Yang Mi’s evaluation is indeed good. The audience also shouted loudly, obviously agreeing with Yang Mi’s words.

Lin Mo nodded and said with a smile:”Thank you, Teacher Yang Mi.

Teacher He looked at Hua Chenyu standing aside and said,”Huahua, do you have any comments on Lin Mo’s performance just now?”

Hua Chenyu picked up the microphone and said:”Since Lao Xue commented on Lin Mo’s lyrics and Sister Mi commented on Lin Mo’s appearance, let me comment on the music of this song!”

“To be honest, Lin Mo has progressed really fast, especially compared to when he first participated in the competition, he has undergone a huge transformation.”

“I have said before that whether it is”Xiaochou” or”Lonely Warrior”, the lyrics are well written, but there are always huge problems with the music.”

“I admit now that what I said at the time was too exaggerated. In fact, Lin Mo’s music at that time was not bad, but it was not perfect, so I deliberately said it a bit unpleasant just to stimulate Lin Mo and let him learn more. Composition skills”

“But it was also because of my actions at that time that I received a lot of abuse and a lot of online attacks. But I don’t regret it”

“As a tutor, it doesn’t matter if you get scolded. As long as the students can learn something and make progress, what does it matter if you get scolded?”

What Hua Chenyu said is called sincere love.

There were even some tears in the corners of my eyes, as if I felt so wronged.

Hua Chenyu took a deep breath and continued:

“Of course, those things have passed. You can look at Lin Mo now. You can feel the progress in his music. Although I can’t say that it is 100% related to my stimulation, it is more or less related.”

Speaking of which

Hua Chenyu looked at Lin Mo and said:”Your music was written superbly today. It perfectly blends with Mr. Liang Qichao’s original text. The music has ups and downs, strong and weak, and a strong sense of empathy. It’s very good.” ,very good!”

After saying that, Hua Chenyu put down the phone and sat down.

There was a burst of sadness in the audience

“Hahahahaha, isn’t this Lin Mo’s finals? Before the players had time to sell out, the instructor started to sell out!”

“I really laughed. Hua Chenyu is planning to clear his name in the finals, right?”

“When he criticized Lin Mo before, why didn’t he expect this day?”

“I still say the same old saying, is there a song by Hua Chenyu that is as good as Lin Mo’s work?”

“To be honest, Hua Chenyu is quite talented in acting. Her performance was really good. I almost cried just now. It looked so aggrieved!”

Of course, at this time, many Hua Chenyu fans began to respond

“You are really a group of villains, a group of people who judge a gentleman with a villain’s heart. If it weren’t for our boss, would Lin Mo have made such rapid progress?”

“That’s right, we Huahua sacrificed ourselves and let you scold us for so long. Why? We just want Lin Mo to grow up quickly!”

“You are a bunch of ungrateful people. Our boss is Lin Mo’s benefactor. You just don’t thank him, but you still slander him every day. How can you bear it?”

And this time.

A line of colorful barrages appeared in the middle of the screen:

“Stop talking nonsense! Before, you said that if it weren’t for Hua Chenyu’s humility, Lin Mo wouldn’t even be able to touch the Golden Music Award~~ But what was the real situation later? You forgot so quickly!”

As soon as this barrage appeared, the live broadcast room quickly returned to silence!

no way~

The content of this barrage is really irrefutable!

There was a lot of noise in the live broadcast room

on site

Lin Mo is relatively peaceful. He is unwilling to listen to Hua Chenyu, let alone talk to Hua Chenyu.

Teacher He stepped forward to save the situation and said:”Thank you to the three star promoters for their evaluation. Now let us invite Kun Kun to the stage. The three instructors please give Kun Kun a score first.”

Xue Zhiqian showed off his fans, sixty points

Yang Mi showed off her fans, seventy points

Hua Chenyu showed off her fans, eighty-five points

Obviously, Hua Chenyu gave Kunkun a low score this time.

Because he knew that even if he gave Kunkun a perfect score, it would still be of no use at this moment.

So it’s better to hit it lower, so as not to get angry again.

Teacher He nodded and said,”Next, let’s ask three star reviewers to rate Lin Mo!”

Xue Zhiqian quickly wrote down the results on the paper and then showed them directly

“One hundred percent!”

With a sweet smile on Yang Mi’s face, she turned over her cardboard, which also had a score of 100 points written on it.

Hua Chenyu smiled at Lao Xue and Yang Mi, and then opened his own cardboard, and there was also a hundred points written on it!

This is the outrageous operation of a person like Hua Chenyu, but his behavior not only failed to win the favor of netizens, but made many netizens find it funny.

after all

If you really have a tough attitude and really think Lin Mo is not good at composing, then just stick to yourself and give low scores from beginning to end.

In the last two games of the game, your scores have risen so much. Isn’t it obvious that you are just showing off??

As a senior host, Teacher He said directly without waiting for netizens to struggle with this issue:

“Thanks to the three star reviewers for rating Lin Mo”

“Then it’s everyone’s turn to exercise their power!”

“All live viewers and friends in the live broadcast room can log in to Weibo and enter the topic of the [Tomorrow’s Superstars] championship battle to support the two players.”

“five minutes later.”

“The staff will count the support rates of the two people, and the one with the higher support rate will become the champion of this year’s [Tomorrow’s Superstar]”

After Teacher He said these words, people immediately took action, and not only did they act on their own

He also called on his relatives and friends to cheer Lin Mo together.

Time passes minute by minute

Lin Mo seemed very calm.

He was very confident in his performance just now!

I have the same confidence in this song”Young China”!

So just wait patiently

But Kunkun on the side looked much flustered.

The whole person was distracted, his lips were pale, and he was obviously very nervous.

However, he was not worried about losing the game, because Kun Kun also knew himself and knew that he could not beat Lin Mo. loadAdv(7,3);

However, he doesn’t want to lose too badly.

I just sang”Swords Like Dreams” with Lin Mo, which was already embarrassing enough

If the gap in the number of votes is too big now, then the face will be completely lost.

Soon, a countdown appeared on the screen

Teacher He and netizens count down together




“time up!”

“Please look up and watch the big screen, witness the birth of the final son of tomorrow, and the emergence of the strongest label together!”

The voice fell

The huge screen was divided into two, with Kun Kun’s real-time support popularity on the left and Lin Mo’s real-time support popularity on the right!

Three star promoters gave Kunkun a score of 215 points, which is equivalent to a thousand popularity points.

That is to say

Kun Kun received a basic popularity value of 210,000, while Lin Mo received a basic popularity value of 300,000

The staff gently presses the switch

Real-time statistical results were displayed on the big screen, and the popularity of the two began to rise crazily.

Four hundred thousand!

Half a million!

Seven hundred thousand!

Nine hundred thousand!

Both of them rose very quickly

And Kunkun vaguely felt that his popularity seemed to be rising faster.

So he couldn’t help but show a hint of joy. If it continues to rise at this rate, he may not necessarily lose.~

Even if you lose, it’s not much different~

But just when Kunkun was feeling complacent, his rising speed suddenly slowed down.



Nine hundred and eighty thousand


Nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand eight hundred


Suddenly, it stopped completely!

Kunkun immediately felt the urge to scold his mother.

Just when I felt there was hope, I was immediately disappointed.

Ninety-nine hundred thousand?!

Not even a damn million!!!

Kunkun turned to look at Lin Mo’s real-time popularity. There was no slowdown in his performance..

It has now risen to 1.5 million


two million

three million

five million

Eight million

Ten million!!!!

Kunkun couldn’t help but feel frightened when he looked at Lin Mo’s popularity.

This speed is amazing!

This popularity value is even more frightening!

Ten million!

I am not even one-tenth of others!

The audience in the audience and netizens in the live broadcast room cheered warmly

For a moment, the words”Lin Mo Superstar” echoed throughout the scene!

It resounded throughout the live broadcast room!

resounding in households across the country who are watching!


Lin Mo’s votes stayed at 11.9 million votes!

Yang Mi and Xue Zhiqian in the front row immediately stood up and cheered for Lin Mo together.

Although Hua Chenyu was a little reluctant

But seeing the appearance of the other two mentors

He also slowly stood up and said in a weak voice:”Well, well, that’s good, that’s good, well, that’s good, that’s good.””

Embarrassed and at a loss.

Of course, who cares what Hua Chenyu thinks at this moment?

Even the photographers didn’t give Hua Chenyu any shots.

Everyone is immersed in joy!

Everyone celebrates the result!

After all, along the way, the secret manipulation of the program”Tomorrow’s Superstars” has become too obvious.

A vase player like Kun Kun can reach the finals, but the talented player Zhou Nannan was unfortunately eliminated.

The most bizarre thing is that a Hertz speaker just passed five levels and defeated six players and reached the semi-finals. There is nothing more outrageous than this!

So at first, netizens were worried that no matter how good Lin Mo performed, he would still not win the championship in the end.

Now that they saw the real-time data and confirmed that Lin Mo won the championship, they were relieved and started to celebrate Lin Mo together!

Director’s room

Huang Wenli was smiling all over her face. She leaned on the chair and murmured:”Although the process is not perfect, I like the ending very much.” The assistant director understood what Huang Wenli meant and said:”Yes, most of the things in life are perfect. No, to get to this point, the process is no longer important. What is important is the result, which everyone is very satisfied with.”

Huang Wenli nodded

Then stood up

Kang Yu walked to the side

Kang Yu asked in confusion:”What’s wrong? Director Huang? Is there something wrong??

Huang Wenli solemnly said:”Thank you, thank you for your previous decision

Kang Yu knew what Huang Wenli meant. He looked at Lin Mo on the stage and said:”Actually, I should have come earlier to watch everyone’s competition and the dazzling singer on the stage. Maybe the decision should be made at the beginning. It has changed, but it is too late to say this now. It would be perfect for Lin Mo to win the championship.”

on site

Teacher He shouted loudly:”Then I announce that the overall champion of the first season of [Tomorrow’s Superstars] is Lin Mo!!!!!!”

“From today!”

“He is the strongest label!”

“From today!”

“He will move towards a farther and more brilliant future!”

“Let us bless him and wish him a bright future. We will always accompany him and keep going!!!!”


The 1,500 spectators in the audience were completely excited.

on the stage

Xue Zhiqian and Yang Mi rushed to the stage and hugged Lin Mo. Zhou Nannan and other contestants also gathered around Lin Mo to witness this grand and joyful moment.

The live broadcast room was also flooded with barrages.

“Lin Mo is awesome!”

“Congratulations to Lin Mo for winning the championship!”

“Lin Mo, you are my eternal god!”

“It’s destined to be a carnival tonight!”

“Lin Mo, you must remember our agreement to hold a concert before the year before. We will see you there!”

The carnival lasted for more than an hour

Teacher He even went on stage five or six times in a row, which was able to control the enthusiastic audience to a certain extent. There was no way the audience was reluctant to leave, and they all shouted loudly in the audience

at this moment

This game has lost its nature as a competition and is more like a carnival night for a group of people with a common hobby.

Lin Mo picked up the phone and said:

“Let’s do this~ let’s sing a song together”

(End of this chapter)

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