The blue is better than the blue.

Compared with his grandfather and grandpa, the gifts given by Lin Bai’s parents were even more exaggerated.

Seems like an ordinary company.

In fact, it is the top technology company in the country.

The market valuation is unimaginably high.

Do the math carefully.

A 5 billion game company, a billion dollar private island, and top technology companies that cannot be valued.

Are these just birthday gifts from the Lin family to Lin Bai?

This birthday gift is too extravagant!

Not to mention anything else, even if Yang Mi is in the entertainment industry.

It also takes several lifetimes of hard work to earn the money of a gaming company.

Let alone a wage earner, he would not be able to earn such a fortune in more than ten lifetimes.

And this is just one of the gifts.

There are also private islands and technology companies… it’s hard not to miss Versailles!

For a moment, everyone felt that Lin Bai’s previous tricks were conservative.

Everyone was even more jealous of Lin Bai’s hand-made gift.

“Where is the birthday present? This is simply inhumane”

“God, I want a gift like this too. Lin Bai, you should advise your mother Lin to practice the trumpet.”

“It should be too late for me to reincarnate now”

“It’s okay to be friends if you can’t be a son. I also want a gem pendant.”

“In front of you, you don’t look for a mirror to look at yourself. Are you worthy of being friends?”

Qiao Yi’s gentleness left a great impression on everyone.

I wish I could be reincarnated as Qiao Yi’s trumpet right now.

Unfortunately, Qiao Yi only loves Lin Bai.

The successor of a family worth hundreds of billions, all the people who accompany him He is a popular star in the entertainment industry.

This is simply a perfect life!

Who wouldn’t envy such a life?

Of course, the appearance of Qiao Yi is not only crazy about the fans in the live broadcast room.

There is also a blockage at the entrance of Wanliu Academy. reporter.

When Qiao Yi left, everyone’s speculation began.

“Not to mention that I will never have such a popular motorcade in my life, even seeing it again is a luxury!”

“Lin Bai’s mother is really inhumane!”

“What does she do? Why is there no news about Mother Lin at all?”

“Check, no matter how low-key Mother Lin is, I will dig out her identity!”

“Yes, I won’t leave today if I can’t find her identity.”

Lin Bai has been active in the public eye for a long time.

Everyone also knows that Lin Bai is a rich second generation who can’t be richer.

However, the Lin family has always been low-key in doing things.

In addition, Lin Bai and his family are not very good. Even if the media reporters want to inquire about the Lin family, they can only get a few words from Lin Bai.

As for the news about Lin’s mother, when we talked about it last time, Lin Bai only said a few words.

She is a woman with a net worth of hundreds of billions. Entrepreneur.

As for other things, Lin Bai didn’t talk much about it.

But this time, Qiao Yi’s appearance allowed everyone to find a new breakthrough.

Everyone was determined to dig to the bottom to collect clues.

Thinking of exploding The shocking news is the next hot news.

Everyone is very motivated.

However, there are still very few clues about Qiao Yi on the Internet.

At this time, someone followed the technology company Qiao Yi gave to Lin Bai.

Since it was Lin Bai Parents’ company will naturally find some information.

Follow this line.

The mystery of the Lindbergh family will soon be unveiled.

The ability of media people should never be underestimated

【When Mother Lin meets her daughter-in-law, she sees four rumored girlfriends. Where does Mother Lin’s confidence come from?】

【Lin’s mother’s net worth of 100 billion revealed, Zhumeng Technology’s hidden company】

【Mother Lin, what a great female entrepreneur!】

【The real leader of top technology companies, Qiao Yi, who dares to compete with overseas companies. 】


Hot search terms quickly occupied the top ten of the day’s news list.

Under everyone’s deep digging.

Qiao Yi’s net worth of hundreds of billions was quickly exposed to the public eye.

This unfamiliar-sounding name involves a well-known technological breakthrough.

The shortcomings of technology have given overseas companies an increasing advantage in the country.

Qiao Yi’s company, Yifeng Technology, is a domestic company that competes with this overseas force.

The reason why I say confrontation is because Yifeng Group has already had a good example. years ago.

Overseas groups have a technology monopoly on hard disk memory chips.

This keeps the price of hard disk storage chips high in the market.

In this regard, consumers can only pay high prices for the technology of overseas companies.

Just when overseas companies are feeling complacent.

Yifeng Group appeared in the public eye.

It took just a year to conquer the technology.

Hard drive memory chip technology is no longer exclusive to overseas groups.

Overseas companies have lost market dominance.

At the same time, they have also lost their absolute say in defining prices.

Before the other party could react, half-priced hard drive chips flooded into the market.

Overseas companies are forced to adjust their prices.

Give up one-third of the profit margin.

The fact that consumers can purchase at preferential prices is entirely due to Yifeng Group.

Yifeng Group also became famous because of this technology war.

Not only that.

Yifeng Group also controls two top chip technologies: storage chips and memory chips.

Even some foreign companies are far behind. at the same time.

Yifeng Group’s technological breakthrough.

It also increases the competitiveness of domestic products in domestic and international markets.

The so-called high-end technology of overseas companies is gone.

It is also completely possible to face a series of sudden changes.

The initiator behind this technological war is Lin Bai’s mother Qiao Yi.

A technology company that has not yet gone public.

With its excellent scientific research and technology, the company’s market value has soared to 300 billion.

If it is officially listed, the market value of Yifeng Group will double again on this basis.

Qiao Yi is the largest shareholder of this patriotic company.

Currently holds 56℅ shares of the company.

Have absolute controlling rights.

Everyone was once again shocked by Mother Lin’s identity.

It’s not just the current market value of Yifeng Group, but also the company’s soft power.

There are many groups of similar size.

However, these companies are more concerned about how much money the company can make.

Ke Yifeng Group focuses on the country’s top technologies.

To a certain extent.

It can be said that the country’s technological research and development also needs the support of Yifeng Group.

The influence and gold content of other companies cannot be compared with Yifeng Group.

Even if the market value is high, it is by no means on the same level.

He has such a high influence but is not understood by everyone.

Just because Qiao Yi and the Lin family do things in a low-key manner.

She is more concerned about the development of the company’s technology.

As for those important occasions on the road, there are dedicated persons in charge.

It is precisely because of this that few people pay attention to the woman behind the Yifeng Group.

But this time, since it was pushed into the public eye, it was destined to cause quite a storm.

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