Entertainment Guru Rebirth

Chapter 573: Looking for theaters

In the evening, Xiao Yunhai came to a French restaurant and met Kerry and Jesse who had invited him to come.

Xiao Yunhai sat down unceremoniously and said, "Today, who of you two treats you?"

Kerry and Jesse glanced at each other, and pointed at Xiao Yunhai at the same time, and said, "You."

Xiao Yunhai said, "Why me again?"

Jesse smiled and said, "It's because of your "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". Congratulations, the global sales of this book has exceeded 50 million copies and it has become popular all over the world."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said: "I already know, OK? This is not the reason for my treat. But if Kerry can promise one thing, this meal will be mine."

Kerry said: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I hope you can show one of my Kung Fu movie "Jing Wu Heroes" at MGM Cinemas."

MGM Cinemas is the largest theater chain in the United States, with more than 5,000 screens covering almost all cities in the eastern and southern parts of the United States.

However, their shares in theaters are very scattered. There are more than 20 shareholders alone. MGM holds 46% of the shares in them, so they have always controlled the theaters.

If MGM can agree to show Xiao Yunhai's film, plus Paramount Cinemas and Columbia Cinemas, it will almost cover the entire United States.

Kerry frowned and said, "Xiao, China has an idiom called the distinction between public and private. I can't call the shots of your request. If you want to show at MGM theaters, you need to be approved by our company's expert group. You China There are very few films that make it into the US, so I can only give you a chance. If it fails, it depends on the people in the review department."

Xiao Yunhai confidently said, "Thank you, then. I believe there is nothing wrong with my movie."

Kerry smiled and said, "That's good."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Kerry, how long does it take for the American Film Censorship Board to complete the review?"

Kerry said: "Hollywood movies can be reviewed in three days at most. Foreign censorship is stricter, but it doesn’t take a week. I can find the relationship for you, and it’s almost three days. By the way, your film is What type? Are there any particularly violent or **** images? You know that American films need to be graded."

Xiao Yunhai smiled and said: ""Jing Wu Hero" is a typical Kung Fu movie, which involves martial arts of many countries. There are no violent and **** scenes. Of course, there are definitely action scenes, and there are many, but the main ones are It’s an introduction to Kung Fu."

Like the previous life, Hollywood movies in this world are also divided into p-level, pg-level, pg-13 level, r-level and nc-17 level.

P grade is a movie that everyone can watch regardless of age; pg grade is recommended to watch with parents; pg-13 grade is not suitable for children under 13 years old; r grade must be under the supervision of parents Watch; as for the nc-17 level, it is forbidden for fans under the age of 17.

According to the criteria for film classification, Xiao Yunhai's "Jing Wu Hero" has no particularly violent and **** images, and is suitable for fans of all ages to watch. If there are no surprises, it should be p-rated.

Kerry asked with bright eyes: "Is it the kind of kung fu that can hit ten?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "That's right. Those kung fu movies you watched before are basically fake. And my "Jing Wu Hero" combines more than 20 kinds of martial arts all over the world. Real kung fu. If you can learn a few tricks from the above, then you can use it for self-defense in life."

Kerry said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let me see it quickly."

For Chinese Kungfu, Kerry likes it very much, and even once studied it at the Chinese Martial Arts Hall in Los Angeles.

Unfortunately, after only three days of training, he couldn't hold on.

However, Kerry's interest in it has not diminished in the slightest, because he once saw the martial arts master crack a wooden door with a punch, which shocked him. This is why Kerry often goes to the underground boxing arena.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I will give it to you, but I hope you can pass it through as soon as possible."

Kerry patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, no problem."

Jessie smiled and said, "It seems that Xiao is going to entertain again this time."

After drinking and eating, Kerry took Xiao Yunhai's film to the review department of MGM Films and said to Minister Rose: "Mr. Rose, I have a Chinese Kungfu movie here. You need to review it and see if it can be published. It is shown in our theater."

Rose is a middle-aged man in his forties, with black eyes and an elegant temperament. He smiled and said: "Mr. Kerry, are you really asking us to review a Chinese Kung Fu movie?"

Kerry nodded and said: "This was taken by my friend. It should be very good. Maybe it will shine. I hope you can put down the colored glasses and take a closer look."

Ross smiled and said, "No problem. I will arrange for someone to watch it with me."

Kerry said: "And me. I am very interested in Chinese Kungfu."

The efficiency of the MGM review department is very high. In just five minutes, no fewer than ten auditors walked in.

Seeing that the number of people was almost the same, everyone went to a small theater.

In just one hundred minutes, I don't know how many times there were screams, applause, and admiration.

After the movie was over, Kerry asked Rose, "How do you feel?"

Ross laughed and said: "This is the best Kung Fu movie I have ever seen. Compared to our Hollywood action giants, they undoubtedly performed better. Mr. Kerry, I think we should introduce this movie, and the number of movies should be at least Ten percent. I feel this film will be popular all over the world."

Others also nodded one after another, admiring "Jing Wu Hero".

Kerry said: "I think my friend will be very happy after hearing this. However, what I need now is that it can pass the trial as soon as possible."

While Kerry and the others were watching "Heroes of Jing Wu", Xiao Yunhai called Tony from Columbia and Ange from Paramount.

Xiao Yunhai has signed a contract with Columbia to show five movies each year, with a schedule of no less than 5%, so Tony agreed without objection.

As for Paramount Cinemas, there is no problem. Because Xiao Yunhai is a shareholder and owns 5% of Paramount Cinemas, the amount of film scheduled can reach at least 10%.

Now it can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

As soon as the trial passed, Xiao Yunhai would immediately promote it, for which he prepared 30 million US dollars.

However, his propaganda strategy is very different from that of China. After all, the actors in the movie are just new faces to American fans, and no one knows them.

Therefore, 30 million dollars was mainly spent on the promotion of the trailer.

In order to give people a deep impression, Xiao Yunhai spent a lot of time on the trailer and changed it countless times before he felt that it was almost enough.

He is going to put this trailer on some well-known video sites and broadcast it in a loop for everyone to see.

If it can shock the netizens in the United States~www.wuxiaspot.com~, that would be the best

At 12 noon the next day, Xiao Yunhai arrived at the Carlton Hotel, where the press conference of Columbia Pictures was held.

Xiao Yunhai came very late, Tony's answering reporters' questions had ended, and a grand reception was being held.

As the actual helm of Columbia Pictures, Tony’s reception is of course countless celebrities. Most of the male celebrities wear suits and ties and behave politely, while the female celebrities are all dressed up and show off They are charming and sexy.

More than a dozen waiters who have been rigorously trained, dressed in decent clothes, with professional smiles, carrying trays, and walking through the crowd.


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