Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 53 Greed Is Contagious

This afternoon, Lu Xiang noticed some wonderful changes in the law enforcement compound.

From downstairs to upstairs, she met a dozen or so people strolling in the corridor with hamburgers in their hands. In the past, if there were no cases at this time, most of them would stay in their respective departments and wait to clock out. Will wander in the corridor.

The law enforcement officers came and went in the corridor, causing the whole building to be filled with the smell of meat. Those who didn't know it probably thought they were running a restaurant.

The miasma!

Lu Xiang, whose appetite was aroused by the fragrance, snorted coldly. She quickened her pace and closed the door immediately after entering the office to prevent the seemingly ubiquitous fragrance from polluting her office.

What's so amazing, she can eat food that is several times better than this every day.

Being able to make so much food in one go, without even thinking about it, I knew it was Song Lan's good deed.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiang silently made a decision - Song Lan must be asked to cook three dishes and one soup for her tonight.

Not long after, someone knocked on the office door.

"Please come in."

It was Captain Doug from the Special Operations Team and Section Chief Snake from the Crime Analysis Section who entered the door. She informed the two of them to come to a meeting in the afternoon. The theme was to fight the remaining criminal forces in District 17 in one go.

After Chai Ke's death, it also indicated that the largest criminal group in District 17 was going to be destroyed. This was the time when they went all out to wipe out Chai Ke's remaining forces and the criminals who were eager to replace Chai Ke.

This is the strategic policy formulated by Lu Xiang when he was transferred to the 17th District. Her ultimate goal is to drive out all the criminal gangs from the 17th District, so that the city will usher in a new life of long-term stability. Now, the last The most important and most difficult step has been completed. Once Chai Ke is dead, the remaining leaders of criminal groups are paper tigers.

If Feyn's arrival hadn't caught her off guard, the action against the remaining criminal groups would have started earlier.

But now, Lu Xiang had to re-evaluate his plan.

Because she suddenly discovered that the law enforcement officers in District 17 also looked a bit like paper tigers—Doug and Snake came to the meeting with hamburgers in their hands, and she had just managed to block the smell from the door, As a result, as soon as the two of them entered, her entire office fell into an instant.

These two people are simply biochemical virus pathogens!

Sensing Lu Xiang's piercing eyes, Doug and Snake looked at each other in blank dismay. Did they offend Supervisor Lu today?

After thinking about it, the hamburgers should be eaten while they are still hot, and Song Lan specifically told them that the sauce inside would not taste good if it was cold.

In order to buy this burger, they queued for nearly half an hour and spent 103 watts, almost missing the agreed meeting time.

"Report to Supervisor Lu, today... Huh? Is it this kind of taste? No wonder they are all rushing to line up."

Even Captain Doug, who has always been known for his calmness, was amazed. Originally, he had no plan to go to the psychological counseling department today, but when he returned to the department in the afternoon, he found that more than half of his men were missing. They all went to the psychological counseling department to queue up.

In line with the principle of understanding the thoughts of his subordinates, Doug went to the psychological counseling department temporarily, and happened to meet Snake, who had the same goals, on the way.

"Hurry up and eat."

Lu Xiang raised his eyebrows, "We have a meeting after eating."


The meeting on cleaning up the criminal remnants of the Seventeenth District lasted for an hour. During the period, Doug and Snake expressed their views from different perspectives, analyzed the current situation in the Seventeenth District, and locked four people who threatened to kill them after Chai Ke died. The criminals who took over Chaike territory.

The main task of the law enforcement officers in the next few months is to destroy these four criminals one by one.

An hour later, Lu Xiang's office was completely polluted.

Doug and Snake walked for nearly ten minutes, and she still felt that the office was full of fragrance.

This house can't stand it anymore!

But the smell in the corridor still lingers, even if the windows are opened in the corridor, it doesn't have much effect.

Lu Xiang gritted his teeth and went straight to the psychological counseling department.

Since you can't escape the scent, it's better to fight poison with poison, and see what kind of moth Song Lan is messing with.

When they arrived at the entrance of the psychological counseling department, Valian was already calling the colleagues in line to leave in an orderly manner. It was almost the end of get off work time, and one of the principles of their department was never to work overtime.

Lu Xiang walked through the crowd and walked to Song Lan's desk.

"It's a good idea to attract people with food."

She thought that Song Lan had brought all the kitchen utensils from home to the office, but when she looked around, she only found an instrument that looked like an automatic drink vending machine.

"Well, that's my strategy."

Seeing Lu Xiang coming, Song Lan quickly took off her earphones and paused the movie which was nearing its end.

As he said, the fewer departments there are, the more they need to perform their duties.

Valenne is responsible for maintaining the order on the site, Roger is responsible for solving the psychological problems of the consultants, and Elmon is responsible for providing meals. As the section chief, his job is naturally to guard the rear and support others spiritually.

"Your strategy is to sit here and watch a movie?"

Lu Xiang admitted that the plan to sell hamburgers was indeed a success, but she never expected that Song Lan would be able to spare time to fish at such a busy time.

"This tactic is not as simple as imagined, and it is very important for the choice of food supply."

Song Lan introduced her plan eloquently, "The reason why I chose hamburger is because this kind of food is not only easy to make, but also can be eaten while walking."

In order to let the people who bought the hamburger take it away, Song Lan did not set up any extra seats in the office, "At the same time, I temporarily improved the sauce of the hamburger, using a special sauce with a stronger taste, so that the Make sure that when they walk and eat, the whole corridor is filled with the smell of burgers."

Generally speaking, law enforcers are not so fanatical about food.

However, gluttony is contagious.

In particular, the office is full of aromas. When you look up, you can see the scene of colleagues eating, and you don’t need to pay too much to buy hamburgers. It’s nothing more than coming to their department and queuing for a while.

In this era of depleted food, a person who wanders around with food is no different from the pathogen in the T virus.

Before long, they will be able to spread the virus called "Greedy" to every department.

And the first person to spread the virus was Comrade Zhuang Chi from the statistics department.

"No wonder."

It was only then that Lu Xiang suddenly realized that the smell in the hallway was actually "poison" intentionally put by Song Lan, "It's okay to provide hamburgers, but you can change the sauce back tomorrow, otherwise it will affect normal work."

She didn't want to wait until it was time to catch the prisoner, and the members of the special operations team assembled with a hamburger each.

"Also, you take this."

"This is……?"

Song Lan glanced at the note Lu Xiang handed over.

There were three dishes and one soup written on the note. He looked up suspiciously and met Lu Xiang's eyes.


Lu Xiang didn't change his face, "I mentioned a point of view in the book I read."


"Fat water does not flow into outsiders' fields."

Thanks to yamasakill for the reward of 100 starting coins!

Thanks to idgod for the reward of 500 starting coins!

Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the splintering rain!

The heart-to-heart ratio of the two characters has exceeded 700, unlocking the seventh small theater:

Small Theater Part VII:

Wednesday, noon on a certain day of a certain year.

"Song Lan!"

Not long after the meeting, Lu Xiang grabbed Song Lan who was staying in his office and organized all his staff to watch the movie together.

She had worked so hard all morning, but this guy was fishing here as if nothing happened!

"I'll go out for a while, you continue to study the mental outlook of rescuers, and come back later to inspect you!"

Song Lan put on a serious face on purpose, yelled at his subordinates, and followed Lu Xiang out the door obediently.

"Learning the spiritual connotation of a rescuer again?"

Lu Xiang raised his eyebrows.

He had been using this excuse since she first met Song Lan.

"Live and learn."

"Now it's time for them to learn your spiritual connotations."

Lu Xiang said, "A coalition government meeting was held today, and one of the contents of the meeting is the promotion agenda for you."

In an instant, Song Lan was like a bolt from the blue.

Seeing his frightened appearance, Lu Xiang felt much better.

Among the people she knew, Song Lan was probably the only one who was afraid of being promoted.

She intentionally frightened Song Lan for a while before she said, "I raised objections, and this proposal was finally dropped."

"Lu Xiang!"

The panic on Song Lan's face turned into ecstasy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she couldn't help hugging Lu Xiang, "I really love you to death!"

Lu Xiang blushed and lowered his voice a little, "There are many people here, please keep your voice down!"

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