Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 932: Doomsday Wasteland Rescue

   Chapter 932 Rescue of the Doomsday Wasteland

   The sun was still blazing at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, but Hans arrived a little cooler.

   Maybe it was the illusion caused by Osman's deadly eyes.

  Father Brad turned his head to look at Osman holding Sophie and a group of menacing Kuhaha, his eyes rolled around.

   In an instant, he put on a shocked expression.

   "What's wrong? Is Osman holding Sophie?"

   "Yes, yes." Hans whispered.

   "Osman, is Sophie injured? I still have a little alcohol here, use it." The priest shouted loudly to Osman, who strode forward.

   "You don't need fake mercy! Ask the **** Hans, who shot and killed Miss Sophie!" Bolt scolded beside him.

   "Ah? Mr. Hans, please explain why you shot your own churchmates." The priest was furious.

   "It was they who wanted to rebel and wanted to be deserters, so I had no choice but to shoot." Hans raised his chest and said righteously.

   "Is that so? Then you shouldn't shoot your own people, you are guilty!" The priest's face changed and he continued to speak loudly.

   "Yes, I accept your punishment." Hans lowered his head and said softly.

   Osman turned his head and glanced at them, expressionless, with a hint of sarcasm and despair in his eyes.

   He looked back at Lu Fei and said hoarsely, "Mr., thank you for coming to the rescue, but unfortunately, you are late, Sophie, Sophie is dead!"

   Speaking of Sophie, the tears in his eyes flowed down unconsciously.

   "Cough, sorry, I lost my temper. I have a few words to talk to you privately."

  Lu Fei looked at Osman's twitching mouth, desperate eyes, and tears that came when he said it. This long and rough guy is the master of suffering, he shouldn't be lying to himself.

   No one has such good acting skills in crying scenes, not even Lei Jiayin.

  Lu Fei took the initiative to step forward, driven by his professional habit, and reached out to touch Sophie's neck, who was being held horizontally.

   "What are you doing!" Osman took a step back and said furiously.

   "I'm sorry, occupational disease, I'm a doctor. Can you confirm that this young lady still has vital signs?" Lu Fei smiled apologetically and asked softly.

  Osman looked suspiciously at Lu Fei's sincere expression, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

   "Okay, okay! Please check with the doctor."

   "Call me Jack, please put this lady on the ground."

   "Okay, is she still alive?" Osman gently put down Sophie and asked with a trembling voice.

   "Shh, don't bother Jack, he's the best emergency doctor." Robbie leaned over and couldn't help saying.

   Osman immediately closed his mouth and looked nervously at Lu Fei who lowered his head and touched the carotid artery.

   Lu Fei put his fingers on the carotid artery with a solemn expression.

   immediately lay on Sophie's chest and listened carefully, and stood up after ten seconds.

   "People are still alive! But it's not far from death. There is too much blood and a very weak pulse."

"Ah! Still alive? Please, save Sophie, as long as you save her, you can let me do anything!" Osman fell to the ground in ecstasy, and immediately hugged Lu Fei's right leg, suffering pain pleading.

   "I'm not interested in men, shut up! Don't cry, answer my questions first."

   "Woooooo, fine, may I ask."

   "What blood type is she? Where is the gunshot wound?"

   "Oh, Sophie has blood type A. I stayed with her in the hospital, I can't go wrong. The gunshot wound was caused by the Glock pistol, and the part was in the lower abdomen." Osman wiped his tears and said loudly.

   "Now, I want to fight for time with the **** of death, everyone obeys my command!" Lu Fei got up and looked around and shouted.

   "Yes! Everyone listens to you!" Osman and Bolt repeated loudly.

   "Yes, so do we!" Hulk shouted after him.

   After thinking for a second, Lu Fei began to give orders loudly.

   "Everyone with blood type A raised their hands. You two, arrange for someone to carry a long table and two chairs here. The room is too dark and unsanitary, which is not conducive to surgery."

   "Understood, Sophie and I are of the same blood type, Bolt, you bring someone out to the long table for dinner!"

   Bolt immediately ordered a few people to follow him to the small building.

   Some of the seventeen or eighteen people left behind raised their hands, and some asked Lu Fei loudly.

   "Mr. Jack, I don't know my blood type either. Can I give blood to Sister Sophie?"

   "I seem to have blood type A, I can't remember."

   "I'm blood type O, so I should be fine."

   Before Lu Fei could speak, Robbie got angry: "Shut up! Help, don't ask questions if you don't know what blood type you are, and if you talk again, get out of here!"

   Lu Fei patted Robbie on the shoulder in admiration and turned to look at his team.

   Jennifer, Adam and Kate on the roof all raised their hands.

   He nodded at the three of them, and just as he was about to speak, he caught sight of the priest and Hans and the others watching silently from the side, and their eyes even had a sense of watching a play.

   "Father, if you have no plans to give Miss Sophie a blood transfusion, please leave here." Lu Fei waved rudely.

  Hans was furious: "This is our territory, why do you issue orders! You ride on a horse..."

   The voice didn't fall, and the sound came from the roof of the car.

  Kate looked at Hans and his party expressionlessly, holding the trigger on the gun handle with both hands.

Father    looked up at the source of the voice, smiled awkwardly, and showed a kind and caring smile.

   "Excuse me, Dr. Jack, please be sure to save Miss Sophie. We will prepare a dinner party to thank you for your rescue. I hope you will appreciate your time."

  Lu Fei nodded and smiled: "Okay, sorry, let's go, I'm going to start saving people."

   Father nodded, turned and left.

   A group of blond men with guns took a few steps backwards, then ran to keep up with the team.

  Hulk leaned into Lu Fei's ear and said, "At first glance, these people know that they are not good people. If they all fall down suddenly, they only need to yell at Kate, but it's just a matter of dozens of bullets."

Lu Fei took off his backpack and took out the first aid kit, and looked up at him helplessly: "Brother, we are not judges, and we don't know the right and wrong. Besides, we have to worry about dealing with these amateur players? I'm happy, I'll settle it by myself. them."

  Hulk nodded and turned to arrange defense. He was already very wary of the priest and his group.

  The long table was carried over by several people panting.

  Lu Fei motioned for Osman and several others to help lift Sophie to the table. His hands had been disinfected with alcohol gel, and he quickly put on a disposable surgical gown and gloves.

   and others put them on the operating table, and Lu Fei waved them away to keep them away. The germs on these people must be terrifying.

   Then Lu Fei called Jennifer over, briefly inquired about her physical condition and medical history, and began to draw blood from her body. After adding anticoagulant, the blood bag was hoisted and put into Sophie's vein.

   Jennifer, who has played a nurse and received formal nursing training, helped Lu Fei with blood transfusion after losing 200cc. Lu Fei pointed at Adam, and it was his turn to make him bleed heavily.

  Lu Fei then gave Sophie morphine and intravenous infusion of glucose to prepare for abdominal surgery.

He was busy making preparations when Osman and the others called out, "Doctor Jack, why don't you lose our blood, hurry up, this gentleman is so skinny how much blood can he have? !"

   "You people look disheveled at first glance. Maybe you have parasitic diseases or other immune problems. Blood transfusion is what killed Miss Sophie. Stop talking about it and get away from me."

   The Ottomans immediately closed their mouths, bowed their heads in shame and stepped back.

   "I told you to read more books. If you don't want to study hard, look, you must be embarrassed."

   "What's the matter with me when you make a fool of yourself?"

   "Well, if you don't read or read newspapers, you'll be stupid, otherwise we wouldn't be deceived by that old idiot Brad."

   "Bolt, this is the end of the world, where are the books and newspapers?"

  Lu Fei was asking Hulk to install the restraint belt, and his eyes were full of anger when he heard a few people retreated and were still rustling.

   "Robbie, drive all these people away! Let me hear them again, I'll, just... There's really no way."

   "I have a way, let them go and re-install the wooden fence, so they won't be long-winded when they are tired."

   "Good idea, by the way, prevent zombies from coming back."

  Robbie received Shang Fang's sword, rejoiced in his heart, and waved his hands to drive a group of bitter people to the entrance of the valley.

  Most of the Kuhaha obediently walked towards the valley entrance, but some deliberately walked slowly and let Robbie push them. It's been a long time since I've been in contact with a beautiful woman, and it's good to be pushed.

   These little episodes did not affect Lu Fei's surgery. He called Suzanne over and held up his medical flashlight to illuminate the wound.

  Even if there is sun, there are shadows.

   cut Sophie's clothes, cleaned and disinfected the skin, and cut with a scalpel.

   In such a harsh environment, he had to race against time and save his life first.

  The skin and fat were cut layer by layer, the abdominal cavity was quickly opened, the bleeding point was found, the bleeding was stopped first, and then the injured internal tissues were sewed up. Fortunately, Sophie's liver and large blood vessels were not hit.

  Resect several centimeters of large intestine and some connective tissue that were torn and broken, and re-sutured.

   Hemostasis, suturing, cleaning, and the speed of surgery is soaring.

  Rao is so, Sophie still needs a lot of blood to support her life. Adam and Kate lost 300cc of blood, and finally had to let Osman, who looked not so healthy, participate in the blood transfusion.

   Help comes first, the rest can only be discussed later.

   An hour later, Lu Fei sutured the last few stitches and added antibiotics to the glucose.

   Bandaged the wound and left a drainage tube for Sophie, covered it with the sterile white cloth he took out from his space ring, Lu Fei straightened up tiredly, and glanced at Sophie.

   There was a tinge of blood on her face, her big eyes were wide open with anger, and her mouth made a muffled sound.

   "I'm sorry, I stuffed it for you, I'm afraid you'll yell." Lu Fei took it down apologetically for her.

   "Why do I still have to toss on my stomach when I die! It hurts to death, by the way, there is still a sun in hell?" Sophie said weakly.

   "I'm a doctor, you're not dead, except for the scars on your stomach that will not look good in the future, and a few centimeters of intestines missing, nothing has changed." Lu Fei took off his mask and smiled.

   Sophie looked at him blankly, her eyes dazed, as if she didn't believe him.

   "Osman, come and get Miss Sophie, your ugly face is more convincing than a handsome guy like me!" Lu Fei turned his head and roared, and walked away discouraged.

Robbie hooked him back with a smile: "Miss Sophie's taste is very heavy, but mine is very light, you are the most handsome in my eyes. Dear, look, I asked them to put the wooden fence back up. Get up, is it great?"

  Lu Fei looked at Taniguchi in the direction of Robbie's finger.

   A group of people were busy beside the three wooden fences, and someone on the erected wooden fence was climbing on it and knocking down a wooden stick. The wooden sticks connected by thick ropes rose and fell, and they were being knocked back into the mud one by one.

  Hulk parked the pickup behind the wooden fence, and the infrasound horn at the front pointed to the mountain road outside.

  Lu Fei nodded, the team attributes of the brothers and sisters are getting stronger and stronger, and they don't need his orders to work.

   Lu Fei turned around and roughly interrupted a pair of idiots and resentful women looking at each other affectionately, holding hands.

   "Come on, lift up the long table and send Miss Sophie into a clean room. You have the final say on where to go; my team members, get in the car and follow them."

   (end of this chapter)

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