Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 24 Letter (recommendation ticket requested)

Because the design of military exoskeleton devices must take into account the recovery of the wearer after death, and Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong were also familiar with this kind of items in the previous two months of training, so they are no strangers to this, so Shang Jianyao Jian Yao found the button after only a few gropings, and successfully closed the integrated system and energy backpack.

After completing this step, the next job is nothing technical - undo the metal buckles at the auxiliary joints one by one.

While fiddling with the clasps on her elbow and wrist, Long Yuehong opened her mouth and closed it again.

After he hesitated to speak three times, he finally couldn't help suppressing his voice and asked:

"You weren't nervous just now, weren't you afraid?"

Shang Jianyao, who is in charge of the legs, pointed to himself:

"Are you asking me?"

"Who else is here besides you?" Long Yuehong asked angrily and amusedly.

Bai Chen was repairing the jeep behind him, and Jiang Baimian took a pistol and went around to the other side. In the small area where the body was, there were only him and Shang Jianyao.

Shang Jian Yao patted the corpse's thigh:

"And him."

"..." Long Yuehong wanted to scold the guy opposite, but she was a little scared for no reason.

He thought of the stories grown-ups used to frighten children.

Shang Jianyao restrained his smile, and said "hmm":

"It will definitely be nervous and scary."

"But I can't see it at all." Long Yuehong blurted out.

Shang Jian Yao nodded lightly:

"Because I told myself in my heart: Your goal is to save all mankind."

"... What's the connection?" Long Yuehong felt that she was used to seeing Yao and her mind twitched from time to time, "I mean, why are you not afraid or nervous?"

Shang Jian Yao replied with a serious expression:

"On the way to achieve this goal, sacrifices are inevitable."

At this moment, Long Yuehong didn't know whether to say Shang Jianyao was normal or abnormal.

He quickly decided to drop the subject, and asked instead:

"Don't you feel bad? Killed two people with your own hands.

"It wasn't so long ago that they could talk, laugh, walk and dance, alive and well.

"Uh... It doesn't have to be uncomfortable, anyway, don't you have any special feelings?"

Shang Jian Yaowei nodded invisible:


Long Yuehong breathed a sigh of relief.

Shang Jianyao continued:

"I want to make two more shots."

"...Why?" Long Yuehong gave up trying to synchronize her thoughts with Shang Jianyao.

Shang Jianyao glanced at him, then turned his gaze to the jeep behind him:

"It never occurred to us to rob them, hurt them, shoot them, and they've been hostile to us from the start, stalking us and attacking us at every opportunity.

"If we hadn't played beyond our capabilities and made one more mistake, we would be the ones lying here and being searched, and you think they would feel special about it?

"No, they only sing songs, spit on us, eat our energy bars, eat our compressed biscuits, eat our military cans, and make hot pot with the black marsh iron snake we killed. Can this be tolerated?"

A similar picture flashed in Long Yuehong's mind reflexively, which reminded him of the intense hunger he often endured since he was a child.

He suddenly flew into a rage:


After answering, he immediately went limp, like a basketball that hasn't cheered up for a long time:

"However, I still don't feel so comfortable."

When Shang Jianyao heard this sentence, the corners of his mouth slowly opened, showing a slightly exaggerated smile:

"It's dirt.

"Get used to it."

"It's as if it's not the first time you've come to the surface..." Long Yuehong muttered, and got busy.

It didn't take long for them to open all the metal clasps and take off the military exoskeleton device from the body.

Jiang Baimian had returned to the side of the jeep at some point, and said thoughtfully:

"Long Yuehong, give it a try and see if you can control it."

Similar things will always make some men crazy, and Long Yuehong is one of them. Regardless of the blood remaining on the exoskeleton device, he hurriedly urged Shang Jianyao, and with the help of the other party, adjusted the length of the auxiliary bone , put on the energy backpack, put on the iron black helmet, and locked the metal buckle.

After the self-inspection of the integrated system was completed, Long Yuehong took a look and hurriedly reported:

"There is still 23% of the electricity, and it is said that it can be used for 1 hour and 55 minutes."

"Don't believe this, this is just a situation where you maintain normal exercise and only do basic operations. If you want to fly like this guy just now, running and jumping like this, and all systems are overloaded, I think it will take half an hour at most." Jiang Baimian Lifting his left leg, he pointed to the body of the man with his toe.

"En." Long Yuehong began to do various basic movements.

After a series of operations, he said in surprise:

"Team leader, this is much easier to use than the one I tried in the company before!"

Jiang Baimian let out a "huh":

"It was imitated by the company. Don't even think about it. Once we become a biological company, how strong can we be in machinery and electronics?"

"That's right." Long Yuehong excitedly tested the rest of the functions of the military exoskeleton device.

Shang Jianyao still squatted in place, searching every pocket of the corpse, even the inner layer of the pants.

"There are only two packs of biscuits." Finally, he looked at the items in front of him with disgust.

These two packs of biscuits are not compressed, and there are rows of red river characters written on the packaging bags—because of the serious wear and tear, Shang Jianyao can only barely recognize "scallions" and "soda".

—— On Huitu, the two most mainstream languages ​​are Huitu language and Honghe language. The former is the common language of forces such as "Pangaea" and "Salvation Army", while the latter is mainly used in the Red River Basin and forces close to the Red River Basin. ——This includes "Original City", "White Knights" and "Orange Company", etc.

In addition to these two packs of biscuits, Shang Jianyao also found two pieces of letter paper and a badge.

Of those two pieces of letter paper, one was folded neatly, and the other was stacked together casually.

Shang Jian Yao unfolded the neat and clean letter paper, and casually commented:

"It's been folded many times."

After Jiang Baimian ordered Long Yuehong to be vigilant for four weeks, he went to Shang Jianyao, squatted down, and read the letter with him.

This letter is written in gray earth:

"Dear Father:

"I lived very well in the original city. Although I still have a little difficulty in reading, there are basically no problems with the conversation. No one can detect that I come from the wilderness...

"...The hierarchy here is very strict, but compared with the outside, it is beautiful like heaven. As long as you follow their rules, obey people who are higher than you, and find out your class and status, you can live relatively smoothly. ...

"...You don't have to worry about my studies. With the help of that person, I have already transferred to a formal college. As long as I graduate successfully, I can get rid of my status as a 'slave' and become a citizen...

"...I don't know if the food reserves in the town are enough? Although it is still summer, I heard from some students that this winter will be extremely difficult. I don't know where their judgments come from, but I just feel the need to tell you Let everyone make some preparations as soon as possible. Even if it is a rumor, I would rather believe it than ignore it...

"... You said last time that becoming a relic hunter is a good thing. Compared with being a robber, this profession is obviously safer. Of course, it is also very dangerous... Don't go to the newly discovered city ruins, don't go to the few people The ruins of the city that came back, and don't be a bandit anymore, although this will indeed bring back food for the winter to the town as quickly as possible...

"...I will try to find merchants in the city who dare to smuggle food, but I don't have any confidence, and I don't have enough resources to exchange. I just hope that the descendants of the elders who brought me to know more about the elders, see if they can Find opportunities from them...

"...Finally, I hope that you will always be in good health. I hope that the famine will not come. I hope that Uncle Jishun, Uncle Jinfeng, Brother Ayu, and Brother Qian Ning are all doing well, and that they can bring back enough food for their families. Everyone can wait until the Senate approves it, and wait until the day when it is integrated into the original city as a citizen instead of a slave. Also, the mother is very good to the mother, so there is no need to worry about it...

"...your little Angie."

After reading it, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao did not speak for a long time.

"This is dust." After a while, Jiang Baimian laughed at himself.

Shang Jianyao responded in a low voice:

"He read this letter no less than twenty times..."

A certain amount of judgment can be made from the creases of the letter and the condition of the paper.

Jiang Baimian wanted to tell Shang Jianyao that this kind of thing is life and death, there is no need to feel guilty because of it, but suddenly remembered something, so he could only pat him on the shoulder:

"Everyone has two sides, or even more than two sides, and it is completely different for your own children and for strangers.

"As a stranger, he doesn't need to care about what will happen to his child if he loses his father, he just needs to be glad that he is still alive.

"I know what you're thinking. I've also heard some rumors. I can tell you with certainty that the people in our company will not be reduced to this level of wilderness robbers. If they want to rob, they will only rob the hostile forces' supplies Team."

Seeing that Yao didn't speak, Shang folded the letter and stuffed it back into the inside pocket of the middle-aged man.

Then he unfolded the other letter, crumpled:

"mission details:

"Explore the area north of Yuelu Station and collect information about the target.

"Target Description:

"Male, unknown origin, about 1.8 meters tall, black hair and golden eyes, very handsome, and equally outstanding in charm. He likes to wear windbreakers, boots, gloves, and his hair is always neatly combed. He doesn't look like wandering in the wilderness at all. , the risk level is tentatively rated as 'high'.


"One ton of normal-grade flour (guaranteed by the guild).

"Task level:

"C, 100 credit points."

"This is the mission document of the Hunter's Guild." Jiang Baimian introduced, and then thoughtfully picked up the badge that Shang Jianyao found, "Yuelu Station is a relic of the old world in the Black Marsh wilderness. Further north is the depths of the Great Swamp, where dangers abound."

While talking, Jiang Baimian checked the badge in his hand.

The badge was brass in color, with a face embossed with fuzzy facial features on the front, and a knife and a gun engraved on the cheeks of the face.

The back of the badge is inlaid with a small chip.

This is the badge from the Hunter's Guild.

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket~

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