Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 2 Review (recommendation ticket requested)

Chapter 2 Review (recommendation ticket requested)

When the second hand of the old wall clock in the activity center, which was likely to stop at any time, creaked and turned three and a half times, lines of text finally appeared on the LCD screen.

Meng Xia and the others quickly searched for their names, and then breathed a sigh of relief one after another.

Most of them are not satisfied or excited, but not unhappy. For them, it is no different from taking the exam as usual, as long as the result is not too bad, anyway, their parents, grandparents, and grandparents also came here in this way.

The rest are more confused, because they don't know who their marriage partner is, which floor they are from, which department their parents belong to-even if they all entered college and received higher education, the people they know are still concentrated in the same department And "neighbors" on the same floor.

Long Yue Hongzai carefully looked up and down several times, and couldn't help but whispered to himself:

"Why isn't there my name?"

"Because your name is not good enough." Shang Jianyao next to him didn't change his expression.

"..." Long Yuehong wanted to refute, but sadly found that she agreed with the other party's conclusion.

This time, there are thousands of people who meet the conditions and are forced to participate in the unified marriage, and there are only two more men than women. If it is not for bad fate, bad name, and bad luck, how can they become one of the two unlucky ghosts? ?

Long Yuehong paused, then said sadly and angrily:

"Not even your name!"

He didn't see which woman Shang Jianyao had successfully paired with.

Shang Jian Yao slightly raised his right eyebrows and said:

"Didn't I say that? I have already applied to give up this unified marriage."

"This, this, really? How could the company, how could it agree..." Long Yuehong was stunned and confused, feeling like her world view had been subverted.

He has lived for 21 years, and he has indeed heard that those who meet the requirements did not participate in the unified marriage, but there are sufficient reasons: the other party is either lying on a hospital bed and may die at any time, or participated in the external operations of the Ministry of Security , I don't know if I can come back.

Anyone who is healthy and qualified within the company will not dare to violate the regulations.

This is one of the core obligations of being a company employee.

Long Yuehong was relieved by this incident, looked at Shang Jianyao and said:

"Are you prepared to accept a reduction in energy rationing?

"It's not bad. The scariest thing is the deduction of contribution points. You can't have enough to eat at all! We can only set D1 level, only 1800 points per month, and we can only eat meat once a week, and one-third of it will be deducted once." What is the concept of one?"

"The company agreed, and there is no need to deduct it." Shang Jianyao smiled slightly.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible..." Long Yuehong muttered to herself and suddenly thought of something.

If Shang Jianyao really applied to give up this unified marriage, it means that there will only be one more male than female participating in this marriage.

Only one more person...

I, I am the only unlucky one... Long Yuehong's mouth was half opened, and a strong sadness welled up in his heart.

At this time, the display screen began to turn pages, briefly introducing the basic information of those people who were successfully matched with the residents of this floor, so that they could find each other and go to the various "Order Supervision Bureaus" under the "Order Supervision Department" to register for marriage.

"Meng Xia, your husband is an outsider!" After everyone looked at it for a while, the female side was the first to erupt in exclamation.

Meng Xia's expression was slightly solemn, his eyes moved slightly, and he read in a low voice:

"Zhang Lei; male; birth: wilderness wanderer; age: 25 years old; was recruited by the company 3 years ago and has performed well; there are no hidden dangers; residence: No. 192, Area A, 622 floor; employee level: D4; electronic card number: 04311029189 ..."

"There are really outsiders..." Long Yuehong was also attracted by this incident, and she turned her head to discuss with her companions.

They all know that the company will regularly recruit wilderness wanderers to supplement the population and improve their genes, but because the residents on this floor have never worked with outsiders before, and no one has married them, so everyone is more concerned about this matter. Treat it as an anecdote.

"Meng Xia, it's actually alright. Although he used to be a wanderer in the wilderness, he is now a D4 employee. He is only 25 years old. He is very powerful!" The girl in a green top and blue trousers comforted her friend.

D4 means changing from an ordinary employee to a senior employee, senior employee, who can serve as a deputy for a small research project, a monitor of a factory production line, a deputy leader of a security force, or an order supervisor of a certain area on a certain floor. D1 has increased by at least 2000 points.

"But the effect of genetic improvement after adulthood is not so good..." the young man on the other side of Long Yuehong muttered.

At this time, he saw the information of his marriage partner:

"Zhou Qi; female; birth: internal employee; age: 30 years old; once had a husband, died for 5 years, and currently has a child; she is actively applying to participate in this unified marriage; there is no hidden danger in her body; residence: 569 floor B District No. 27; employee level: D4; electronic card number: 01609052558..."

"Yang Zhenyuan, your wife is 10 years older than you..." Long Yuehong also saw this entry.

Yang Zhenyuan, like most of his peers in the company, has a fair face, a strong body, and good looks, but he is slightly delicate and looks more introverted.

Hearing Long Yuehong's words, Yang Zhenyuan's face flushed, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

After a while, everyone finally wrote down the corresponding information, and then left the activity center one after another, ready to find their spouses, or go home and wait for the other party to come.

At this time, in the hall where there were still five or six people left, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Who is Yang Zhenyuan?"

"Me, what's the matter?" Yang Zhenyuan, who was chatting with Long Yuehong and Shang Jianyao, subconsciously turned his head to look at the door.

A woman came in at the gate of the activity center. She had a mature and charming appearance. Although her clothes were simple and monotonous, she couldn't hide her proud figure at all.

"I'm Zhou Qi." The woman glanced at Yang Zhenyuan and nodded with satisfaction, "Let's go to your house first?"

Yang Zhenyuan was startled at first, then nodded frequently:


"Then let's go now?" Zhou Qi said with a smile like a flower.

"Okay, okay." Yang Zhenyuan said as he walked over quickly.

Long Yuehong stared blankly at the pair leaving the activity center, and couldn't help but lamented:

"What should I do next?"

Shang Jian Yao turned his head and looked at him solemnly:

"Great things await you."

"..." Long Yue's red face twitched, "Speak human!"

Shang Jian Yao smiled and said:

"Wait for the unified marriage next year."

"That's right." Long Yuehong sighed, "Hey, I don't want to do this anymore, I hope I can be assigned a good job tomorrow. Also, Shang Jianyao, I always feel that you are getting more and more abnormal, I mean the brain .”

While speaking, he pointed to his temple.

The most important thing for them next is to wait for the assignment of jobs, which will directly determine their future life—except for those who are pre-booked by the corresponding department because of their specialties, the rest of the higher education graduates have to wait for assignments .

Before Shang Jianyao responded, Long Yuehong saw Chen Xianyu, the director of the activity center, turn off the display screen, and slowly walked over with a cylindrical metal water cup unearthed from the ruins of the old world, so she asked casually with some anxiety:

"Grandpa Chen, what department do you think we will be assigned to?"

Chen Xianyu coughed:

"As far as I know, those who are just married and are about to have children will be assigned to relatively safe internal positions. Those who have not been assigned to a partner and do not need to have children for the time being may be a bit dangerous."

Long Yuehong's expression suddenly collapsed:

"I, I have to go back and tell my parents the result of the marriage."

Without waiting for Shang Jianyao's response, he walked out of the activity center with a sad face.

"Your parents haven't left work yet..." Shang Jianyao whispered, followed and left, and came to the aisle outside.

This is the 495th floor of the underground building. There is no sky, only a 4-meter-high ceiling, and long tube lights are inlaid on it uniformly at intervals, casting a fairly bright light.

For the internal employees of the company, it is day when the street lights are on, and it is night when the street lights are off.

Shang Jianyao looked up at the streetlight in front of him, then turned to another place in Area C.

On both sides of the road, the rooms are close to each other, and the width is only about two meters, as if the beehive in the textbook has spread out to the same plane.

Compared with them, the activity center is as spacious as a square.

After walking through two "streets", Shang Jianyao appeared in front of a relatively open place, where twelve elevators were placed.

This is the elevator leading directly to the "Research Area".

In this underground building from the old world, in order to prevent congestion and accidents, the elevators from the "living area" to the "factory area", "research area" and the "inner ecological area" in a narrow sense are separated. different regions.

The "management area" and "energy area" are merged with the "research area", and you only need to swipe your electronic card to confirm the authority before you can reach it.

Shang Jianyao waited for a while, entered the elevator in the middle, and pressed the number "21" casually.

Because it was working hours, the elevator did not stop halfway, and kept going down smoothly.

During this process, Shang Jianyao suddenly took out his electronic card and swiped it in the corresponding area.

Then, he pressed the metal button representing the third floor.

The elevator continued to descend, and it took a while before it stopped.

Shang Jianyao got out of the elevator, turned to the left, and saw a large metal door that was closed and opened. Outside the door were four armed security personnel wearing bionic armor that looked like upright lizards.

Shang Jianyao didn't try to get close to the metal door, but walked to the right along the aisle outside the door.

There are several rooms at the end of the corridor, but there are no door signs on them.

Under the illumination of the ceiling fluorescent lamp, Shang Jianyao knocked on the door at the farthest corner.

"Come in." A soft female voice came out.

Shang Jianyao turned the handle, pushed open the door, and saw a lady in a white coat.

Sitting behind a log-colored table, the lady appeared to be in her thirties, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose.

Her hair was neatly coiled, with only a few strands hanging down.

"It's you." The lady glanced at Shang Jianyao, smiled and pointed to the armchair opposite the table, "Sit."

Shang Jian Yao sat down and smiled as if he was going home:

"Good afternoon, Dr. Lin."

"Good afternoon, Xiaoshang." Dr. Lin raised his hair, took a folder next to him, and spread it out in front of him.

Then, she played with the black pen and asked casually:

"How are you feeling recently?"

"The appetite has increased a bit, sleep is normal, and the body is also very healthy." Shang Jianyao said while doing a movement to highlight the biceps.

Doctor Lin nodded:

"I've already applied for you to renounce unified marriage, have you seen the result?"

"Well, thank you." Shang Jianyao said with a smile, "Can I sing a song to thank you?"

"No need." Doctor Lin shook his head without hesitation.

She then tapped the pen:

"Actually, I'm curious, why do you have to give up unified marriage? Your situation is not serious."

Seeing Yao's expression corrected, Shang said in a deep voice:

"To save all mankind."

"..." Dr. Lin picked up the pen and drew a circle heavily on a certain part of the document in front of him.

Inside that circle was written a line:

"Moderate mental abnormality (suspected delusional disorder, to be observed)."

PS: The new book is released, please vote for recommendation~ This is free, please vote for me.

PS2: Thanks to Tian Ze Lv, the Baiyin League under the parasol trees, and thanks to passers-by Chacha, Xie Renier and other old friends for their rewards.

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