Elf Leader

Chapter 310 Dignity

Not all of the four people chosen by Ye Li were given to Phoenix King. One of them, Ye Li, was given to Cresselia, the God of Dreams.

Cresselia has been kept in Ye Li's hands and is not used, so it is better to give it to his subordinates.

Another person gave it to Lugia, who Ye Li took the time to capture before.

In this way, the four captains of the Guards used two Ho-ohs, one Cresselia and one Lugia.

Ye Li will continue to give them elves in the future. No matter what, he must at least have the strength to overwhelm his subordinates. Otherwise, how will he convince his subordinates?

Celebi in Ye Li's arms looked at the surrounding environment and the big colorful bird below, and shouted happily: "Bi-bi-bi-"

Ye Li looked at Celebi in his arms: "Celebi, you have worked hard for following me these two years."

Celebi looked up at Ye Li, then opened his arms and hugged Ye Li: "Bi——"


The next morning, Ye Li stood on Palkiya, walked out of the door of space, and looked at the island in front of him.

The island is the one where Ye Li brought the dead demon to Xerneas last time. This time Ye Li is revisiting his old place.

Xerneas had already sealed the space door when Ye Li came out last time, so he couldn't see the space door this time.

Ye Li pointed to the general direction of the previous space door and said to Palkiya: "Use the sub-space split to open the space there."

Palkiya nodded, raised his arm and drew it in the air, and a space crack suddenly appeared in the air.

Ye Li jumped directly to Palkiya and walked into the crack.

The space is still the same as it was before, with green trees and shade, sunlight shining on the green trees, and the scenery is beautiful.

At this time, a colorful figure jumped on the branches in the distance and ran towards this side.

The elf was extremely fast and arrived in front of Ye Li in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Xerneas's voice also sounded in Ye Li's ears: "Human, why are you here? I have already helped you, go back!"

Ye Li smiled: "Xerneas, long time no see, but don't worry, I'm not here to see you this time."

Xerneas raised his eyebrows: "Then what are you doing here?"

Ye Li was too lazy to pay attention to Xerneas, stood on Palkia and flew to the side, and soon disappeared in front of Xerneas.

Xerneas was immediately confused when he saw this. He didn't know what kind of water was in Yeli's gourd.

Ye Li came to the big tree where Xerneas lived before, found a suitable location, opened the door to the game world, and then called his parents out.

After the two elders came out, they stood on the branches and looked at the distant scenery, feeling very good.

Ye Li looked at them: "Dad, Mom, how are you? It's not bad here, right?"

The two elders nodded,

Ye Cheng: "Yes, it's really good here."

Ye Li: "Then you stay here first. If you need anything, just follow me and I will bring it to you."

Ye Cheng: "school"

Ye Li: "Okay, then I'll help you build the house before we leave."

The family of three started to get busy, but fortunately, with the help of the elves, a wooden house was soon built on the tree.

This place will become the home of the two elders for some time to come.

Ye Li helped them build the house and then left. He also brought rice and other things from home, including bacon and vegetable seeds.

All other daily necessities have been brought from home, so there is nothing missing for the time being.

On the top of the big tree in the distance, Xerneas stood on it, looking at the busy family below, and Ye Li who was riding Palkiya away from behind. There was nothing, lying on the branch with his eyelids drooping.


At night, under a dark night, under a big tree in Jingnan County, Wang Xin walked over with a backpack on his back, looking around as if he was looking for something.

At this time, a voice came from the tree: "Don't look, I'm up there, you come up."

Wang Xin looked up and saw Ye Li standing on top wearing a black robe.

Wang Xin quickly released the elf and flew up.

After Wang Xin stood firm on the tree, he lowered his head and said, "Boss Sakaki."

Ye Li: "Have you done everything I asked you to do?"

Wang Xin quickly took off the backpack on his back and handed it to Ye Li: "It's all done. The four pieces of clothing are here. The others are being made. Because of the quantity, we can't get out today."

Ye Li took the bag: "Okay, I understand. Didn't the news leak out?"

Wang Xin said hesitantly: "I did it while concealing my identity. No one should know."

Ye Li: "Where are the elves? Have they been tamed?"

At this point, Wang Xin immediately gained confidence: "Tell Boss Sakaki that he has been tamed."

Ye Li nodded, opened the bag, and took out a piece of clothing and a mask: "Very good, since you have passed the test, you will be one of the leaders of the Guards from now on. Take the clothes back and wait for me follow-up orders."

Wang Xin: "Yes!"

Ye Li waved his hand: "Go!"

Wang Xin: "Yes!"

Wan flew down with the elf and quickly disappeared.

After Ye Li watched him go with relief for a while, he turned around and hugged Celebi and flew to the other side.

Tonight, Ye Li and the four people he met last night met each other at different places. This was the different place agreed last night.

After confirming that they had all tamed the elves, Ye Li distributed the clothes.

Back at the villa in the evening, Ye Li gave them an order to screen their subordinates and then send the information to him.

The four people we met today are just the framework of the Guards Regiment. Now that the framework has been set up, the next step is to fill it with things. After the framework is filled, the Guards Regiment will be completely formed.

After arranging everything, he lay on the bed, completely relaxed, and then just follow the steps together. Ye Li didn't want to be tired anymore.

In the next two days, Ye Li spent the next two days in the game world catching elves. In the next two days, he caught eight Phoenix Kings and seven Lugias.

It happened that Wang Xin's people had already been screened, and Ye Li handed over the elf to them.

Once again, Ye Li originally thought that the alliance would launch an attack last night, but it didn't happen, and he didn't know what they were thinking.Anyway, as long as they don't attack, Ye Li doesn't want to take the initiative to fight.His purpose is very simple, wait for the Lianmei people to gather, but then directly capture all the top strength gathered by the alliance. But it will be much smoother to launch a counterattack later.But fortunately, the people selected by the Guards have already obtained the elves and are taming them. I believe they will be tamed in a short time. Tonight, the atmosphere of the Rockets became tense. Everyone knew that today was the time for the league to attack.Some people have begun to feel nervous, and they cannot help but be nervous. You must know that this is the world's top gambling power, the Alliance. Elf Alliance Leader w w.48490/

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