After leaving Lampole.

Xiao Mao was also reflecting on himself, as if he had underestimated the combat power of this world, and only then did a malnourished stinger jellyfish make the electric shock monster try his best to get away with it.

It really doesn't hurt much.

Shigeru started his training program again. This time, it was stimulated to the big guy and saw the real powerhouse.

Xiao Mao found out that his subordinates were all problem children. Wave Bird (Eagle), Steady Turtle (Blastoise) Belly, Reckless Rhino (Iron Armored Rhinoceros) Hanzi, Tsundere "Dragon" (Tyrannosaurus) ......

This kid relies on speed, all kinds of extreme show operations, especially comprehending the meaning of one word, and developing his own new skill secret technique - Yan Hui in combination with Yan Hui skills.

It was the sword technique that instantly turned into three blocks in all directions, and it came from the inspiration provided by Xiao Mao.

"Bidiao~" -

Since then, Bidiao has called himself a swordsman and likes to seal his throat with a sword

~ Xiao Mao complained about this: "Big brother, are you a bird, are you a bird, do you have claws, do you have a sword? Return the swordsman

~" I like to show off the operation in front of others, tease other people's nerves at the same time, but also challenge my own speed limit, as long as Xiao Mao does not give the order to end the battle, he can cut the opponent countless knives without stopping~

" What is it called, the name of the second in the good middle. I like to seal my throat with a sword, this kind of character of death. Alas~"

Don't talk about him, the next Blastoise."

"Alas~ Isn't it just a joke!I won't really cook with you, as for remembering it until now?"

"But it seems that the soft-shelled turtle soup is really replenishing......"

Xiao Mao himself said that he was a little embarrassed. But one sentence reveals the mind again.

Seeing the resentful eyes of the blastoise, he hurriedly made up for it: "Ahem, cough~ Now he is an excellent warrior." My good partner

~" Blastoise panicked, and said secretly in his heart: ",,, I know, this old thief will not die in my heart, and I have to drink soup, no, I have to prove that I am useful~" Blastoise

should actually blame Xiao Mao for this, it is he who gives people young people and he causes psychological trauma and disgusting shadows to people's young hearts.

It's the thing that scared Xiao Mao and wanted to stew him with soup. Since then, this kid has listened to Xiao Mao's words very much, and he is especially afraid that Xiao Mao will use it to cook if he doesn't agree with him.

It's a pity for my life, it's very life-saving. The lock shell is hard and iron-clad. The tricks of these defense systems are called a rolling melon,

and the whirling shield that he was taught in the first place. The Shield of Retaliation is particularly high-speed spinning jets, as well as rolling.

As long as it involves the trick of escape and protection, the small comprehension of the blastoise is absolutely leveraged, and it is very desperate, and the openness of skill proficiency has soared. He is a master of defense.

Xiao Mao complained: "You are a guy in the water system, and the defense is stronger than the steel system one by one, it's too exaggerated!"

"And this kid's degree of caution is definitely against Wu Nanbo Bay~"

Looking at the eyes of the blastoise: Old thief, who do you say I should defend?"

"cough cough cough cough ~ You kid, it was just a joke at the time." Okay, okay, my fault, I shouldn't have intimidated children~"

This is the shadow of childhood, this pot Xiaomao admitted.

After defeating the other party, you have to launch two more rounds of compressed water bombs to bomb it, make sure that the other party is completely defeated, and then bless the two hard Bangbang skills before you go over to check, and you are cautious to the extreme~

Typical or just a simple smile and no shot, as soon as he makes a shot, he will definitely kill him, Xiao Mao thought: "If he is this kid of the fire system, I am afraid that he will have to crush the opponent to ashes, so that he can put his mind at ease," "

Don't be so cautious, many trainers who are at war with me are going to complain about me, saying that we have the habit of whipping corpses, and our psychology is distorted~"

The corners of Xiao Mao's mouth twitched when he saw the water bomb bombing. If you hadn't run fast, you would have really been complained, but you really didn't have to be wronged.

"It's a terrorist. Smiling tiger, belly. I'm going to be careful to guard against this kid, maybe one day he will even dare to hit my black stick, and take revenge back......"

Having said that, Xiao Mao was not really afraid, he just said it. Blastoises will never attack their companions.

Mangniu, ironclad rhinoceros, this kid.

It's fierce. The impact accelerates and then a corner collision, absolutely powerful. One trick is eaten all over the world. Physical damage is absolutely off-the-beaten.

"It's just that this Erha-like character is too grassy. "

Xiao Mao has a headache, this is a criticism.

The ironclad rhinoceros is very close to Xiao Mao and his friends, and it is almost unguarded, giving you a very affectionate feeling.

But this bastard is too energetic, no matter what kind of training he has, he can be alive and well, and from time to time he will give you an intimate "impact" trick.

"Alas~ Evil, this is my pot again. "

The last time Xiao Mao rode this guy, he raced a car, this guy was addicted, he had nothing to do, he had to pull Xiao Mao around, he didn't do it, this guy just rolled all over the ground.

Looking at the eyes of the big guy watching the play, I had to agree.

That's it, he's still used to it, he likes to come to a time when there are a lot of people, and he is coquettish, and Xiaomao is used to it.

"This person's dog temper, alas~"

But this kid is also the most hard-working one, the character of a little expert in demolition, if he doesn't practice until the surroundings are in a mess, there is nothing to destroy, and he will definitely not stop, which also causes his strength to fly.

This is also a point that Xiao Mao is quite pleased with.

The last tyrannosaurus, this guy king elf, is the most outrageous of them all, and he has to take a bath and wipe his scales every day, and he also has a dessert after meals. It's simple, what do you learn from watching idol dramas.

"It's all uncle, okay!" Xiao

Mao was speechless.

Thankfully, after Lampel subdued the giant stinger jellyfish, his Vision seemed to have evolved again.

I've seen more for myself.

Let's take the eagle as an example.

[Comparison of eagles: The state is stable, at this stage, it is recommended to take Yueling grass to improve the sensitivity and coordination of the body. With the consumption of hyacinths, it improves the reaction speed of the nerves and stimulates the body's nerve reflex arc. "

Only by thinking faster than carving can you grasp the initiative of switching between fast and slow, and at that time you are the speed ruler...... especially

the second one, hyacinth to improve the reaction speed Xiao Mao attaches special importance to it, after all, the speed is fast to master is his own, otherwise it is a high-speed javelin, sooner or later he will hurt others and hurt himself first.

After the evolution of the eagle, due to the increase in the strength of the body. The upper limit of the limit speed is constantly increasing, but the eagle no longer dares to open the full firepower, it is too fast, and the consciousness can't keep up with the speed of the body.

So now prompt hyacinths to assist.

In other words, now Xiao Mao's friends can even accelerate the evolution of their bodies, and their strength has progressed faster.

"Alas~ If this continues, the master is really invincible, how can others mix it!"

Xiao Mao Versailles said.

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