"Young master, please come in!" The foreman Bao Gan led Xiao Mao

to a place, which was a personal warehouse of gray-black D-colored iron ore rock, made of a special ore of abyss stone, which was not only extremely hard, but also could release a strange wave to prevent the exploration and teleportation of super Pokémon, and could also shield the signal and prevent the machine from peeping~

The price is generally not cheap to make a vault


Treasure room space. It's not too big, it's not too small, it's not 500 square meters! After all, this kind of space is not too big to collect ore.

Xiao Hat has gained a lot this time, not only planting his own nails when the leaves are withered, but also having his first power and small territory. Even the collection of the foreman's bag surprised him.

"I'm just oh~ Bao Gan, you're really rich!" Xiao Mao just glanced at it, and felt a little dry mouth. Dog's head gold, not to mention all kinds of rare ores!

There were so many props and things he didn't know. But he knew a lot of things. What kind of fire stone, water stone, thunder stone? He didn't talk about the preciousness, but they were all piled up in a small pile, a small pile of ......

Although many of the Evolution Stones are not of good color and purity, and some are cracked and broken, the number is enough to make up for this.

A few hundred dollars, that's ......

Voge ...... Dragon's teeth, dragon scales. The scales of the heart, the fangs of the deep, the scales of the deep, although many are fragments...... Can't stand a large amount. Barrels are outrageous ......

"Tut-tut~ an eye-opener!"

is quite right for such wealth and many props, but Xiao Mao is from the Damu family in the end, and there is no possessiveness and greed in his eyes.

"Young master, it's really a dragon among people!" Bao Gan has been quietly observing Xiao Mao's expression, but he didn't expect Xiao Mao to be so calm, so he kept admiring and exclaiming, but there was no trace of greed.

From his experience, it can be seen that Xiao Mao is not pretending. If Xiao Mao is pretending to be and has hidden from him, then it means that Xiao Mao's city and scheming are far above him. Either way. How young you can do that...... I was even more in awe of Xiao Mao in my heart.

"I didn't expect there to be coral fossils, shell fossils, claw fossils, rhizome fossils...... here" is getting more and more confused.

"Are these all dug out of the ground at the construction site?" Xiao Mao couldn't help but ask the foreman.

"Yes, Master Xiaomao. The foreman replied respectfully.

This is strange to him.

What was this underground part of the construction site? Why did these things exist? Could it be the ruins of an ancient seaside city? They moved inland. The current city of Withered Leaves was built later.

The truth is not necessarily, the tsunami ...... 600 years ago

Well, there's no time to dive into these things right now. Wait until the quartz convention is over. Take a moment to explore the construction site, find out the origin and history of the land, and

maybe make some major discoveries.

The biggest takeaway of this trip is the discovery of the Blastoise's MEGA Evolution Stone in these collections. It's really fucking lucky. And one more. Ah?......

"Okay, I'll take these three!" Xiao

Mao was not greedy, so he finally chose three things, which were the apologies of the trio of foremen who had been said before. A Blastoise Mega Evolution Stone, a Bankira Mega Evolution Stone, and an Unknown Egg.

"Young master, do you take these?"

the foreman was a little stunned.

It's not that Xiao Mao takes too much, but too little, or Xiao Mao proposes to move all his collections, and he won't have an opinion, but~

"Young master, if you like it, can you take a few more?" It's okay to move them all, mine is your ......

" "Thank you for your kindness, Bao Gan!"

Xiao Mao waved his hand and refused Bao Gan's kindness, and he was afraid that this new subordinate would misunderstand, so he still explained to him with a smile.

"A gentleman loves money, and he takes it in a good way! I only take what belongs to me, these are all apologies that we have to say in advance, so I take it with peace of mind, and the rest is your private property, and I feel uneasy when I take it~"

This is some insistence in Xiao Mao's heart! It's

stupid and pretentious, but this is him...... And greed is nourished by small things...... So...... Desire is a poisonous snake~ Once it breeds, it will always corrode the heart~ It is

best to restrain it from the beginning.

Of course, this is not to say that Xiaomao has no desires.

Without desire, without desire, that is a saint.

Xiao Mao asked himself that he had not yet reached that height, and the reason why people are human is because they have wisdom and can control their desires.

"Young Master~" Bao Gan, then I felt Xiao Mao's mind and pattern. A little distracted, he looked at Xiao Mao, and his heart was very complicated......

'Being able to resist such temptation at a young age, and perseverance, is really worthy of being the offspring cultivated by that big man...... Is this the difference between the big family and us gangsters?

' But he is more optimistic about Xiao Mao's future, one person has ascended to heaven, and as the first follower of the young master, his status will also rise!

This little gadget of oneself is nothing. Although it is already a huge fortune in the eyes of secular people, for the top forces, it is nothing, and money is ......

thingWhat he wants is status, to stand in the sun.

But the dirty things I have under him can't be anymore. With the determination to completely surrender, at this time, Bao Gan secretly decided to put his subordinates in order, and cold light and cruel ...... flashed in his eyes from time to time

This is a great opportunity to cross classes with my brothers. If anyone drags his feet, don't blame him for being ruthless!If those two idiots still can't figure it out, just disappear!'

Xiao Mao won't care if he knows.

[Nonsense, people take refuge in you and show their loyalty to you. Why? Because you are handsome? Or is it the spirit of a king?

] [Or by feelings, don't be funny, it's driven by interests.] In Xiaomao's opinion, you'd better ask for something. He can rest assured. Otherwise, how could he motivate his subordinates to serve his ......]

[The mutual exchange of pure interest relations is a truly stable relationship in a sense. The others are all imaginary ......]

"Accept me, you won't regret your choice today." You'll get what you want in the future, and it's not too far off.

After Xiao Mao understood what the foreman wanted, he said confidently.

"Yes, my subordinates believe in the future of the young master!"

This is the promise given to him by the master, which is great...... He was more willing to serve ......

Shigeru's promise is extremely powerful! This is the promise of the top three generations in the Kanto region. Although not now, but in the future. But this piece of flatbread foreman is very useful to him, ah......

As a character like him who wanders into the gray area, he is afraid that he will not see hope...... As long as there is the slightest opportunity, he will desperately seize it...... After all, who wouldn't want to soak up the sun if it's not for life.

Another round of shopping.

Shigeru helped identify a lot of items that were written unknown.

Then tell Bao Gan that it is best to exchange them for resources and money, these things are garbage if they are not used in their hands, and the husband is not guilty, and it is also a huge rich ...... to gather together

There are many people on the construction site, and it is inevitable that it will leak out...... It's better to change it to resources and improve the strength of yourself and your subordinates as soon as possible, after all, the strength of these people they have now can't be put on the table.

For Xiao Mao's instructions.

"Yes, my subordinates understand!" It's a good thing that the master expects you again, which means that he attaches great importance to you.

"I'll arrange it as soon as possible. "

And he has a very clear positioning for himself, just do what the master tells him to do, not to mention that the master is right, he occupied this acre and three points of land before, and it was okay to rely on the number of people, and then if he wanted to expand, he would have to be strong~

"Well, you look at it, I believe you can do it well!" Xiao Mao also nodded. Don't use suspicious people, don't suspect people.

"Thank you, young master. Bao Gan looked at Xiao Mao so trusting. He didn't even ask about the power of his subordinates, and he didn't doubt that he would take the opportunity to expand his strength with the help ......of the name of the Oki family

Suddenly, my heart was warm, and the person who was a confidant died.

I made up my mind to train a group of elite trainers who could be used for Xiao Mao......


that, Xiao Mao rejected the idea of the contractor to take him to visit the Dead Leaf City, and said: "Lao Tzu, a big man, take you a big man." Jokes? You want to, you're not a beauty. "

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