That night, after opening his heart, Xiao Mao and his partners hugged each other and slept together, this was the most stable and solid time he slept ......

time"Roar~" The exchange sound was very slight.

The partners silently guarded Xiao Mao's side, couldn't bear to wake him up, and even had a clear division of labor and spontaneously prepared lunch. Maybe it's hungry!Or maybe he's slept enough, Xiao Mao woke up, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and Xiao Mao got up lazily.


" "Ahhh~ Sleep so comfortably!Ahhhhhh......h

"Hey, everyone, it's morning!!" Xiao Mao greeted his companions with a smile, and his mood changed drastically compared to yesterday. It was a smile that was suddenly bright, and it was very contagious.

In fact.

After figuring it out. Xiao Mao's eyebrows are gloomy, the whole person is a lot of sunshine, the person is also in good spirits, and his temperament has reached a higher level.


The partners also responded warmly, and then Kami Turtle brought toiletries and water for Xiao Mao, and the warm water was very intimately prepared.


and then Kami's turtle pulled him away. This made Xiao Mao a little curious, what this kid wanted to do.

"What are you doing, Kami Turtle, you mysterious ......

" "These, you prepared them?" Xiao Mao looked at the lunch in front of him with some incredulity, and was more full of emotion. Under their expectant gaze, Xiao Mao picked up the plate and started eating

~"Crunch~Crunch~" His nose was sour.

"You guys, do you have to be like this...... Do you want me to cry as soon as you wake up~ "The jam sandwich and vegetable salad in my mouth taste very good, huh... Why is it salty...... I'm just oh~

" "It's raining, it must be raining."

Xiao Mao lowered his head and ate his lunch, he didn't want to cry embarrassed to be seen: "Why do these guys have to be so touching." Do you find yourself so emotional now? I am moved at every turn..."

"My heart has softened! Who knows! Now, it doesn't seem to matter.

"This feeling is really good...... Xiao Mao feels that he is really happy to have such a group of reliable Pokémon partners.

"Ahh......h Delicious...... Delicious...... It's so delicious......

"Watching Xiao Mao gobble up his food..."Hehe~" The friends glanced at each other and smiled happily in tacit understanding, in vain they worked hard all morning to prepare in a hurry. It's incredibly warm at the moment.

"Sincerity for sincerity

, this is the bond!!" Xiao Mao said silently in his heart: "Grandpa, I think I understand that the power of the bond you said is the most powerful power......

"Now I feel that this is indeed a power that makes people have infinite warmth and courage

," "Perhaps, this is the reason why Xiaozhi is strong...... Always fearless, fearless, and always full of enthusiasm to support him to go on...... "

It's really true, if you don't come out for a walk, you can only see the palm-sized sky, and you can't see Mount Tai in a leaf, which is the pattern and vision."

"Partners, I'll ask you in the future

~" "Roar~"

The same words have different meanings to say at different times, and everyone seems to be closer and more like relatives.




Unconsciously, Xiaomao has walked to the Hualan Strait, the Hualan Strait, and the port not far away, there is the most intense and fierce tidal current in the Kanto region.

Unconsciously, Xiao Mao was fascinated by what he heard.

Sometimes it sounds like a strong symphony, the splashing waves seem to beat notes, sometimes it looks like the laughter of children, sometimes it looks like beautiful music, and sometimes it ...... like rumbling thunder

It's a feast for the ears.

Xiao Mao's whole person seemed to have been baptized, facing the sea, and paying high respect, this is the origin of life that feeds all things, mysterious and dangerous, and people should have a sense of awe......

"That's right, it's a water skill. "

The effect of the skill is very ordinary, and it keeps the body moist after it is used, and in the process, it reduces the power of the fire skill.

This skill seems to be very powerful, but it is actually very weak. Moisturizing the body has little effect on reducing the fire system.

Not only is it difficult to learn, it is not very practical, and the actual combat effect is not good... It's very unpopular, and it is estimated that not many people know about it now.

"Very good juggling ......," Shigeru commented.

Although he was a little surprised that the carp king would do this, he didn't take it seriously, and he was all about to turn around and leave.


"Silk~" is like being shocked, the chaotic thoughts in his mind seem to have suddenly exploded, and a touch of spiritual light is about to stand out, but for a while there is a layer of fog, I can't see it really, and I am anxious to die~

"What the hell is ......" is

not right at all, prompting him to stop. "No......" Xiaomao felt that something was wrong.

Words to the lips.

It's just uncomfortable that can't be said.

"Wait, how do I look familiar with this thing! I'll it! Isn't this the ......" suddenly came to mind.

"Wo Ri ~ Dafa ......

" Xiao Mao was a little excited, and saw the potential of this skill: "Isn't this the effect of Gaioca's characteristic "Sea of Origin"......

Okay, okay...... It's far from ......

" "Of course, is this an infinitely castrated weakened version?It's also universal.,It's definitely a fire-type Pokémon nightmare if you use it well.。 "

Good boy~ Am I a little too daring to think about it...... The civilian version of Gaioca's Sea of Origin, it's very exciting to think about...... "

Although it's a little whimsical, but life lies in tossing, don't do it, Xiao Mao feels sorry for himself, let him see this skill today, maybe it's providence or not!

"Others can't do it, I can, labor and management are ...... Carp King, don't go, let's talk about

it......" So, after Xiao Mao let out a bad laugh, he stretched out his black hand to the carp king, knocked him unconscious, and took away ...... coach

If you send it to your door, you don't have to use it in vain.


[King Carp: "Buckle ~ Take me away casually, have you asked my opinion, labor and management have no human rights !!

"] [Xiao Mao rolled his eyes: "Don't make trouble

, you are not human!" [King Carp said: "........."] [Xiao Mao continued to mend the knife: "What? Am I not right

? Are you a human being King Carp?"] [

King Carp vomits blood: "Buckle ~ I am not a human, but you are a real dog." Made, there are no human rights in the dish......"]


The days that followed.

It is the day of special training and penance, in this strange environment of the Hualan Strait, each of them strives to make themselves stronger.

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