The orange-yellow elf with three bee holes and one wing on both sides resting on a flower in the distance, isn’t it the three bees?

When Qin Feng was watching TV in his previous life, he was more interested in the three bees.

The three bees live in groups. Each group is led by a queen bee. The three bees will be loyal to the queen bee in the group from birth. They have bee instincts. The three bees will go out to collect nectar for transportation. Return to the lair and make a terrifying sweetness.

The queen bee will use the honey produced to give birth to offspring, and the so-called frightening sweetness in the legend is not actually a frightening thing. After many years of human exploration, it is also known that the so-called frightening sweetness is made by the three bees. Very high quality honey.

This kind of honey is difficult for even the three bees to make, because the essence of making honey requires nectar, and there are many kinds of flowers, and the nectar produced by each flower has a different taste. Each three bees have different tastes for the nectar. Preferences are also different.

No one knows which three bees collected the high-quality nectar to produce the extremely high-quality honey. The price of high-quality honey produced by three bees on the market has reached an extremely terrifying level. The price per kilogram is more than 1,000 yuan!

Because, like other honeys, in addition to tasting better, it can also enhance one’s physical fitness after eating it. Although the effects are the same, after research, high-quality Three Bees honey is more effective than ordinary honey. , which also makes everyone pursue high-quality Three Bees honey.

The main reason why the hive honey on the farm is so popular is because of its quality.

“There are three bees here, doesn’t that mean there is at least one bee queen group here? It’s also strange. I haven’t seen three bees in the forest over there, but there are them in the forest here. Is it because of the terrain, trees, and flowers?”

Qin Feng couldn’t help but murmured. The trees and flowers in the forest here are actually very different from the forest on the right.

In order to make it easier for him to distinguish, Qin Feng decided to give the two forests a very simple name. The forest on the left is called the Forest of the Right, and the forest on the left is called the Forest of the Left.

“Sizzling beer!”

Besides, after seeing the three bees, the giant sting bee immediately let out a hurried cry, as if it wanted to launch an attack. On the other hand, the circle bears did not have much emotion.

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and asked the giant sting bee,”Do you know that three-bee bee?” In other words, what grudge do you have against Three Bees?”

Qin Feng knows the character of the Giant Needle Bee. It is also the kind of character that only wants to protect its own territory. Although it has a strong sense of territory, it will not take the initiative to attack wild elves outside its territory.

And Facing this three bees, it had such a reaction. Qin Feng couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

“Sizzling beer!”

The Big Sting Bee nodded, and then told the situation between it and the three bees.

Rotom was not here. Although Qin Feng could not understand what the Big Sting Bee said, but after getting along with it for so long, most of what it meant to Qin Feng Everyone can understand.

The giant needle bee can’t remember the approximate time period. It only remembers that when it was still a unicorn bee, a queen bee broke into the right forest with many three bees, trying to rob them.

The territory of the giant needle bee group was naturally disapproving, so as to obtain more nectar. The tribe led by the giant needle bee leader at that time went to war with the queen bee. The battle was very tragic and many people died. In the end, neither side could do anything about the other. The queen bee could only take the three bees away.

Not long after, the leader of the giant sting bee, who was still one-horned at the time, died of his injuries. The insect saw this scene with its own eyes, and naturally had hatred for the three bees in its heart.

However, after so many years, even though it evolved into the giant needle bee and became the leader, it never saw the three bees and the queen bee again.

“Don’t worry, as long as I’m here, things like before will never happen.”After Qin Feng heard this, he spoke to Big Needle Bee.

“Sizzling beer.”

The Big Needle Bee nodded. Although it wanted to take action against the three bees, it also knew that the other party was only three bees, and it could only passively accept a battle at that level. It just let go of the hatred of the previous generation. It would be too rude for a three bees to have no reason now.

If you want to really solve this matter, you have to find the original queen bee!

“Let’s go find the queen bee today. I don’t want to see my elves at odds with each other on the farm.”Qin Feng said

“Sizzling beer.”

After getting the consent of the giant sting bee, Qin Feng took Eevee and the others and quietly followed the three bees.

The three bees flew around in many flowers, and finally seemed to have finished collecting nectar. Flying towards the depths of the forest,

Qin Feng released the power of the wave guide and controlled the distance to the extreme. The three bees could not detect Qin Feng and Eevee following it at all, and just followed it slowly along the way. It is rare to see a few elves. Qin Feng guessed that this should be the territory of the three bees. Although their territorial awareness is not very strong, the instinct of the elves to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages will still keep them away from the territory of powerful elves..

Not long after, Qin Feng saw more three bees. The area in front became wider and wider. Qin Feng even heard the loud sound caused by the water falling. These three bees seemed to be heading towards that place. And go.

A ray of light in front attracted Qin Feng’s attention. After seeing everything in front of him, Qin Feng was a little dumbfounded.

There was a valley in front of him, but the difference was that there was a huge waterfall at the end of the valley!

Under the waterfall is a large lake! The land in the valley is covered with grass. You can see a lot of elves on the grass. There are also many fruit trees on the grass. Although this lake is not as big as the lake on the farm, it is still huge! It’s like a so-called paradise!

In this valley, you can see many three bees floating in the sky, and there are even many three bees that combine with each other to form sweetheart walls floating in the sky to rest. At first glance, the sweetheart alone is no less than ten pieces. It is composed of at least more than thirty three bees. There are also three bees scattered throughout the valley and in the forest. How terrifying the three bees here must be. The number?

Just look at the scene in front of me. The three bees and other elves are living in the valley in a friendly manner. It is completely impossible to imagine the scene described by the giant needle bee.

“Sizzling beer!”

The giant needle bee is not afraid of these three bees. It glanced at a figure next to the waterfall.

The figure was orange and black, with distinct colors. There was a pair of wings behind it, and the bottom of its body was as enlarged as a honeycomb. , there is a ruby-like structure above the red eyes. With this appearance, it is the Queen Bee!


Because the scene in front of him was surprising, Qin Feng appeared above the valley without doing much to block it. Behind him were the Circle Bear and the Giant Needle Bee. Such a huge figure was still unobstructed, almost As soon as they appeared, they were immediately noticed by the three bees in the valley.

They all took off and chirped loudly, as if to warn the bees near the waterfall. The queen also immediately grasped the message conveyed by the three bees, and her eyes immediately turned towards Qin Feng.

“It’s over, it’s been discovered.”

Aware of the current situation, Qin Feng also gave a bitter smile. He originally wanted to observe this place in the dark, but he was fascinated by the scene here and couldn’t help but walked out.

Now that he has been discovered, I’m afraid it’s inevitable. But after a few seconds of this confrontation

, Qin Feng suddenly discovered that the three bees seemed to be just warning and not launching an attack.

Not far away, the queen bee was slowly flying towards them.

Under Qin Feng’s puzzled gaze, the Queen Bee slowly flew not far away in front of him.


The queen bee held each other’s little hands, looked at the stranger in front of her, and asked her own questions.

“It seems like they are still friendly right now?”Qin Feng murmured, and understood that Queen Bee was asking why she appeared here, so she said,”I’m here to find you, Queen Bee.”

“Do you still remember the time when you and the three bees broke into the territory of the giant needle bee?”

“Sizzling beer!”

The giant needle bee also made an invitation to fight at the right time, and the two needles immediately pointed at the queen bee.


The movements of the giant needle bee obviously scared the queen bee. The queen bee waved her hands in panic, and then quickly explained.

Listening to the queen bee’s explanation, the giant needle bee looked confused, but the double needles in front of her arms were…

Slowly putting it down, the queen bee explained that it didn’t know the territory of the giant needle bee.

It had been staying in the valley since it was born, and said that you had found the wrong elf, and the giant needle bee also felt that something was wrong.

The character of this queen bee seems to be completely different from that of the queen bee that broke into the territory of the giant needle bees before.

At least, she was surrounded by them like now, but she was not attacked, at least that bee before. It was absolutely impossible in front of the Queen, and Qin Feng also heard the meaning of their words, looked at the Queen Bee and asked:”You don’t seem to be the Queen Bee that the Needle Bee is looking for, I’m sorry to disturb you. , I would like to ask you, apart from you, are there other queen bees and three bees in this forest?”

“Bi.”The queen bee shook her head, indicating that she was the only queen bee in this forest.

Moreover, since a long time ago, there was only one queen bee group in this forest. If Qin Feng came to find the queen bee, There’s nothing you can do about it, it’s a new generation of queen bees. The previous queen bees all died of age.


Qin Feng was slightly startled. He heard the Stingy Bee say before that he thought it happened in recent years. Why does it seem like a long, long time has passed now?

The life span of elves is much longer than that of humans. This is As everyone knows, what the giant needle bee said about it when it was a unicorn beetle probably started decades ago.

Now these three bees and this queen bee are brand new existences in the group. , what happened in the past, now we can’t find any opponents, so just venting our anger on them is really a bit overbearing.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ·····

The double needles of the giant needle bee have been put down. After listening to the queen bee’s words, it looked at the three bees, and the hatred in its eyes seemed to be much less.

Seeing the situation of the Needle Bee, Qin Feng also knew that it now no longer has the idea of revenge for the previous tribe. After all, all the parties involved in what happened back then have gone. If a war starts for no reason now, That’s trouble.

Qin Feng looked at the queen bee and the three bees, and said:”Sorry, what we are looking for may be the former queen bee. Since it is no longer there, we have nothing more to say to bother you.”


The queen bee waved her hand, smiled and said it didn’t matter. Then she said something to a few three bees.

And those three bees then flew towards the waterfall.

It seemed that the queen bee wanted to express What, Qin Feng did not take the elves away immediately, but waited with some curiosity.

After a while, the three bees flew back again, and they formed a small sweetheart wall, and around them. Next, she was carrying a small earthen jar. A bit of golden and crystal clear viscous liquid could be seen inside the earthen jar.

The queen bee took the earthen jar from under San Bee, and then slowly flew to Qin Feng’s side. before���He smiled and handed over the earthen jar filled with honey.

Qin Feng said slightly:”Is this for us?”


The Queen Bee nodded with a smile.

Qin Feng took the jar and looked at the honey in the jar. This time he felt a different feeling.

Among the elves in the wild, the Queen Bee’s friendly attitude is really very special. It’s rare. At least before they were subdued, most of their elves had unfriendly attitudes.

…….. 0

For example, Bi Diao came to grab Wangwang Valley and Gungun Beans, and Circle Bear came to attack him.

“Thank you very much. I will accept this gift. Speaking of which, we are actually neighbors. I live in the hut outside the forest. If you need help with anything, you can go to the hut to find me.”Qin Feng said with a smile.

After this friendly contact, Qin Feng said goodbye to the Queen Bee and did not continue to explore the forest, because after seeing the honey in the earthen jar, Ibrahimovic and Circle Bear looked at each other. Looking at the honey, Qin Feng was a little dazed.

He got the Three Bees honey that he had never eaten before. Qin Feng also wanted to try whether this honey was as magical as people said. It would be inappropriate to continue exploring the forest in the afternoon. No.

Qin Feng also curiously asked Queen Bee about this earthen jar, and the answer she got was that they made it from clay and honey. Although the surface looked rough, it had the functions it should have. There are all these crock pots.

The reason why it made crock pots is because it saw crock pots before when it was a three-bee honey, and it felt that the crock-pot was very useful.

When it returned to the hut, the special fragrance of three bees honey was there. Immediately attracted the elves playing outside the house

“Just wait and see, you are indispensable!”

Qin Feng smiled, and then walked into the hut with Ibrahimovic, and called the carefree maid to assist him. Qin Feng planned to have a big fight.

Since he said that he would make desserts before, now seeing this Qin Feng naturally had an idea for the three bees honey in the earthen jar.

After taking out the baking box, whisk, low-gluten flour, vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, paper tray and other dessert-making tools, Qin Feng started to make it. Let’s start with dessert.

This dessert should probably be called dessert. This is a dessert that Qin Feng had eaten many years ago. It was called honey cake.

Sister Ai took care of other things, while Qin Feng beat a lot of eggs and added sugar. Mix it into the container, stir it manually with warm water until the sugar melts, then beat it, sift in even low-gluten flour, add vegetable oil, milk, and honey, stir to combine, and finally pour it into a silicone cup and place it. Put the paper tray into the baking oven for the set time and bake.

As the temperature gets higher, the oil, milk, and honey mixture in the paper tray in the baking oven begins to slowly expand, becoming plump and attractive.

When the time was up, Qin Feng took it out, dipped it in Three Bees honey with a small brush, and brushed it on top of the honey cake again and again. The crystal clear Three Bees honey covered the honey cake, making the honey cake The cake looked like a very high-end and tempting dessert! But this time, Qin Feng looked at many honey cakes carefully, but was surprised to find that there was no special food effect on them.

Qin Feng was a little confused, didn’t all the food he made have special effects? Why didn’t it happen this time?

The scent of the honey cake filled the whole room, and even the elves outside could smell it. Even inside, Qin Feng could hear them. Qin Feng smiled as he listened to their shouts. He didn’t think much about the special effects now

, because he was doing them in the largest baking oven. There were at least two hundred of them, which according to Qin Feng’s estimation, were enough for the elves to eat.

Qin Feng placed these honey cakes on a tray and walked outside to do it with Ibrahimovic cheering.

Người mua: Hirano Arashi

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