Although the battle on the shore was short, it also attracted many elves in the water.

Qin Feng had already seen several mosquito-repellent frogs and Gotha ducks coming here, and at the same time, they were also attacked by water guns.

Damn territorial consciousness, this is obviously my territory!

“Ibrahimovic, it’s time to go.”

Qin Feng could only remind Ibrahimovic helplessly, and then turned around and left.

Whether it is farmland, orchards or aquaculture, Qin Feng can’t get it right now, he can only do it step by step.

However, he has conquered the Sun Coral , having a water elf is equivalent to a big step forward!

Taking the Sun Coral elf ball, Qin Feng and Ibrahimovic hurried back to their cabin.

It was already noon, and Qin Feng prepared the two monkey monsters. The elves also brought a portion of the food to the gophers who were guarding the farmland.

From the appearance of the gophers and the farmland, it can be seen that no elves came to cause trouble during this period. Now it seems that the farmland has stabilized, but it is still. It needs to be continuously mined.

After all, Wangwang Valley can mature in one month. There are still more than two months before winter, and it can be nearly mature in three batches. Of course, the more farmland the better. In the afternoon, Qin Feng finished his meal.

The hoe took Ibrahimovic to the farmland.

This time, Qin Feng planned the reclamation of the farmland, taking the current farmland as the center, opening up new farmland around it, and leaving a path for pedestrians and two fences.

The monkey monsters were too busy at home, so they wanted to follow them anyway.

Although they were injured, they were very active in doing chores, not because of the threat of Eevee.

The gophers were extremely happy, and Qin Feng.

When a field is opened, it will plow it well.

Sometimes Qin Feng even digs out some grass roots, branches, insects and other things from the ground, and it happily eats them.

, the work is not difficult at all.

Apart from Qin Feng, it is the only one who hopes to continue cultivating farmland.

After all, it can play and have plenty to eat.

Qin Feng also released the sun coral and wanted it to help water it. water, but Qin Feng still underestimated the enthusiasm of the sun coral. The moment it was released, it rushed towards Qin Feng with a smile, and its body, which was already larger than the ordinary sun coral, fell on Qin Feng’s body. , and immediately pushed Qin Feng to the ground.

To be honest, the sun coral was a little heavy, and Qin Feng couldn’t get up for a while.

After receiving Qin Feng’s order, it happily poured water on the farmland. At first ,

Ibrahimovic was very interested in helping Qin Feng sow the seeds, but later on, he suddenly lost interest in this repetitive and single task. After making sure that Qin Feng would not be in danger, he He ran around, looking here and there, and even if he found a bug, he would be very happy to see the farmland exuding vitality after his work, and the elves accompanying him. , Qin Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and felt that he was not very tired anymore.


Qin Feng was busy for a while, and when he was about to sit on a wooden post to rest, Ibrahimovic staggered towards this side, seeming to have something in his mouth. Some distance away, Qin Feng also He couldn’t see clearly, but he only knew that it was something the size of Ibrahimovic’s head.

Qin Feng got up curiously and walked towards Ibrahimovic.

When he came to Ibrahimovic, Qin Feng discovered that Ibrahimovic was holding one in his mouth. A mushroom.

After picking up the mushroom from Ibrahimovic’s mouth, Qin Feng looked at the tooth marks left by Ibrahimovic, and then knew the type and name of the mushroom based on its appearance.

“It’s actually a big mushroom? This kind of mushroom is very precious and difficult to cultivate artificially. It is generally found only in the wild.”

Because it tastes good, whether it is making soup or slicing and frying meat, it is a must-have. Even in the city, it is extremely expensive.

Qin Feng did not expect that Ibrahimovic would come back with a big mushroom in his mouth, but the next moment , Qin Feng became a little excited, because things like big mushrooms grow in patches under ancient trees and do not appear alone!

“Ibrahimovic, where did you find this big mushroom? Qin Feng asked quickly


Seeing that the big mushroom he brought back was useful, Ibrahimovic shouted excitedly, and then ran forward.

Qin Feng quickly followed.

After a while, after walking about a few hundred meters, a bush appeared in front of him. , Ibrahimovic dived directly into the bushes.

Qin Feng followed suit, and the next moment, the scene in front of him shocked Qin Feng!

In front of him, there were dozens of wooden piles, and the tree trunks were very big. You can see the clear growth rings on it. I don’t know what elf made it, but it was cut very smoothly, and it seems to have been a long time ago. After all, there are small and large mushrooms growing on and around the wooden pile.

Big mushrooms grow together, and they are very valuable.

There are at least a hundred mushrooms in such a large area, and they can be sold for tens of thousands!

“Ibrahimovic, you are really my lucky star!”

Qin Feng happily hugged Ibrahimovic and kissed him, and then started to pick these small mushrooms and big mushrooms. These are all money!

Ibrahimovic also tried hard to break the mushrooms off the tree stump with his claws. He didn’t know Why is Qin Feng happy, but as long as the trainer is happy, then he is happy!

After a while, Qin Feng picked all the small mushrooms and big mushrooms, a total of one hundred and twenty, no more, no less. The basket was filled with all the mushrooms.

The sudden wealth made Qin Feng no longer want to continue farming, so he just took it as an afternoon vacation for himself.

When he returned home, Qin Feng took out the small mushrooms and the big mushrooms. After one point was divided, each took out a third and packed it up again, then carried it on his back and walked out the door.


Seeing Qin Feng leaving with the mushroom on his back, Ibrahimovic followed beside him, looking at him with some confusion.

Upon seeing this, Qin Feng said with a smile:”We went to the village chief’s house.

After two days here, the village chief gave me a lot of money.

Great help, but giving money directly is too vulgar.

Simple rural people will not accept it.

It is difficult for the village chief to see small mushrooms and big mushrooms.

I gave some to him as a thank you for helping me before.


Ibrahimovic ran ahead happily. In fact, Qin Feng sighed in the house more than once. Thanks to the village chief’s help, Ibrahimovic also knew that the village chief was a good man!

He asked the villagers about the location of the village chief’s home. Finally, Qin Feng came to a two-story self-built house with a basket on his back.

Qin Feng walked up and knocked on the door.

“Woof! Woof!!”

But the next moment, the door suddenly opened, and immediately after, a Cady dog roared angrily at Qin Feng.

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