The caring maid skillfully put the prepared Wangwanggu into the rice cooker, filled it with water and turned on the electricity to steam the rice.

Because Sister Ai Tuan is better at this, Qin Feng brought it here to help him today.

Brother Ai Guanshi stayed at the farm to take care of the elves that Qin Feng didn’t bring, including taking care of fossil pterosaur eggs.

Qin Feng also left Liebite Land Shark in the farm. It was safe and he came here with peace of mind.

Qin Feng looked at the entrance of the market. Today happened to be a holiday. Coupled with the official publicity, the flow of people was very large. Even Qin Feng had been squeezing in before.

A market road for tourists. It’s only four to five meters wide, which can accommodate many people. Qin Feng even saw many people holding live broadcast equipment performing live broadcasts, introducing the agricultural products on various exhibition booths, and there were even a few of them – Qin Feng familiar person.

That is a blogger with a lot of fans on Longming short video. It seems that this is what the official said is a full live broadcast. There is a huge screen above the head, and all the booths are live broadcast. You can see above The barrages flowed by like a tidal wave.

The official operating methods are still powerful, and the publicity is indeed in place.

Qin Feng also discovered that his booth was actually at the front, and there were many booths behind him with no end in sight.

Seeing tourists arriving one after another nearby, Qin Feng said:”Haoli, Fiery Monkey, we have to get ready to start. The time to make money is now!” Upon seeing this, Ibrahimovic also sat on the exhibition hall. On your table, there is a mascot



Haoli and the Fiery Monkeys were full of energy. They stood next to the exhibitors, doing some soliciting movements and shouting into the distance.

Yesterday, Qin Feng specially found some videos on the Internet to show off. They were undergoing”training”, and although it didn’t look very standard, the effect was still there.

After a while, a tourist came to the exhibition booth curious about their recruitment.

This was a mother and daughter. Carrying a few bags, followed by Dolemia who looked extremely proud and raised her head. They had obviously spent a lot here and bought a lot of agricultural products they wanted to eat.

“Hey, after seeing so many places, this is the first time I’ve seen an elf take the initiative to solicit customers. However, it looks like there are very few agricultural products.”

The little girl who looked like she was still a student walked up to the exhibition booth and looked at it curiously.

Her mother did not say anything, but quietly looked at the agricultural products such as Wangwanggu and Gungun beans displayed by Qin Feng.

But after watching it for a while , both of them noticed something was wrong. The little girl was a little surprised, holding a piece of Wangwanggu and said:”Boss, I must have read it correctly, is the rice you sell here much larger than ordinary rice? Also, why do I feel like I still smell the tangy fragrance?”


As soon as she finished speaking, the extremely arrogant Dolemia’s eyes flashed with excitement, her eyes fixed on Wangwang Valley, and she let out a hurried cry.

“what happened? Doremia, why are you so anxious?”

“Is it possible that you want to eat these?”

Aware of Dolymia’s situation, the woman asked with some confusion.

She was naturally familiar with her own elf. Her Dolymia had a very arrogant temperament, and her family background was also very good, so for Dolymia Mia was raised very pampering, which also led to Dolymia being very picky about food.

Just like before, she and her daughter bought a lot of nutritious agricultural products and planned to take them back to Dolymia to eat. But Dolemia always looked uninterested.

But when she arrived at this exhibition, she suddenly became interested.…


“Na na~”

Dolimia nodded, staring at Wangwang Gu closely, that kind of desire was almost displayed on her face, and just at that time, the caring maid came to the exhibition with steamed Wangwang Gu in position

“smell good”

“Yes, it feels like the smell of rice. Who is so cruel as to steam rice on the spot?”

Originally, the aroma of agricultural products such as Wangwang Valley and Gungun Beans is very fragrant. The fragrance of the Wangwang Valley that has just been steamed is even more fragrant. It spreads throughout the neighborhood in an instant, attracting the curiosity of many nearby farmers at the booth. came over

“It smells so good. Is this smell actually the smell of rice in this pot? Usually the rice we eat only has a little aroma.”The little girl seemed to be intoxicated by the fragrance, with a satisfied smile on her face.

After smelling the fragrance, Dolymiya’s reaction became even more excited.

Qin Feng looked at it lightly, not overthinking it. Many reactions, Qin Feng knew very well that Wangwanggu and Gungundou had this effect. After all

, this Dorimia had attracted a lot of elves when it matured. Although he was very eager, he did not do anything extraordinary.

“Boss, can you try this freshly steamed rice?”

The woman hesitated for a while, but seeing Dolymia’s longing eyes, she asked

“sure. Qin

Feng replied with a smile, and then asked Haoli and the others to put the freshly steamed rice on the small paper plates they bought, and handed it to the mother and daughter, Dolemia, and the curious farm around them. Lords, Qin Feng also sent a copy.

“Thank you. It smells so good.”

“Why is this so embarrassing? Let me give you some of the eggplants grown on my farm.”

The surrounding farmers are also generous people, and they have given Qin Feng a lot of crops produced by their farms.

Looking at the rice on the paper plate in their hands, the mother and daughter looked at each other and picked up the chopsticks that were also handed over. He just picked up a ball of rice and put it in his mouth


The moment their tongues touch the rice, the aroma and special texture stimulate their taste buds.

They can guarantee that this is definitely the most fragrant rice they have ever eaten in their lives!


Dolemia even swallowed the rice together with the paper plate in one gulp, with an expression of endless aftertaste on her face, as if she was tasting some unparalleled delicacy.

“Oh my god, this is the first time I have eaten something so delicious. Such a big piece of rice, and the steamed rice is so fragrant. There seems to be no such rice on the market. Is it newly developed by your farm?”

“After eating just this little, I felt like I was a little full, so strange!”

“Senyuan Ecological Farm, I seem to have never heard of this farm. Is it a new farm?”

“It’s a new farm, just behind Huancao Village under Lanchang City.”

Qin Feng smiled and chatted with these farmers. Because of the crowd and the fragrance in the air, many tourists who had seen the area came over curiously.

The woman and her daughter ate carefully. After finishing the paper plate of rice, she saw the crowd gathered and looked at Dorimia’s expectant eyes.

She had only one decision in her mind, that is, buy it!

“Boss, how do you sell Wangwang Valley?”

The woman glanced at the sign inserted on the bamboo stick and then asked.

Qin Feng wrote the names of Wangwang Valley on the four bamboo sticks to facilitate the guests to ask.

And on the sign, he also wrote the name of Wangwang Valley. Crops produced by Senyuan Ecological Farm

“These are the crops produced by our Senyuan Ecological Farm. Because our Senyuan Ecological Farm is a newly established farm, the crops produced this year are not large. The purchase limit of each crop per person is three kilograms, one kilogram is one hundred and fifty. Yuan.”

Qin Feng replied

“How many? Three pounds?”

Qin Feng’s words were obviously very impactful. The farmers who came here were all thinking about how to make their reputation known and then sell all the crops produced by the farm.

She felt very worried about people like Qin Feng who imposed purchase restrictions. Surprised.

But there is no way. There are so many people and traffic, and the crops produced by the farm are not many. If they are all sold at once, how can we achieve the publicity effect?

“Hey, three kilograms is three kilograms. Can you also try the other rolling beans and glutinous mushrooms?”


More and more people gathered, and the excitement before Qin Feng’s exhibition also attracted subsequent crowds.

Entrance to Lanchang Market

“Are you sure this is the right place?”

“Yes, I heard the boss say before that he would come to this agricultural product exhibition. Today is the first day. The boss should be here.”

“So, Ibrahimovic is here too? It’s so lively here, I’ll start a live broadcast to gain some followers.”

Two girls stood at the entrance of Lanchang Market, talking as they walked inside.

They were none other than Hu Yutong and Yin Yingchu who came to the farm for Ibrahimovic before!

The two and Qin Feng were on the Longming short video They are related to each other and can be regarded as Qin Feng’s friends. During the chat, they learned that Qin Feng would attend the agricultural products exhibition in the past three days. They originally wanted to go to the farm to meet Ibrahimovic, but they turned around and came here.

Speaking of which, Qin Feng’s fan base has increased so quickly largely because of them.

Two days have passed, and the live video of the battle and other videos on that day are still in the top ten and top thirty of the hot search lists. , Qin Feng’s account was gaining followers all the time. The two of them had no intention of buying anything, so they kept walking inside to look for Qin Feng. After a while, they saw a popular exhibition.

It was confirmed that this booth was Qin Feng’s booth!

Because they saw the cute appearance of Ibrahimovic sitting obediently, and the unique pink ribbon around his neck was Qin Feng’s Ibrahimovic!!

The two people took the live broadcast equipment and immediately squeezed into the crowd.

They did not go to Qin Feng for the first time, but came to Ibrahimovic.

“Ibrahimovic! Here we come!”

“That’s right! You are super cute today too! Let me touch it!”

Hu Yutong and Yin Yingchu immediately reached out their hands to touch Ibrahimovic as if they were hunters looking at their prey.


Before Ibrahimovic could react, two hands were placed on his head. When he saw clearly the owners of the two hands, a sweet smile appeared on Ibrahimovic’s face.

“You two are actually here.”

While the two were having a friendly interaction with Ibrahimovic, a voice suddenly came from the side.

It was Qin Feng.

After the busy work just now, Haoli and the others were very skilled and could understand the words on the weighing machine. Numbers, and Qin Feng happened to see the two women interacting with Ibrahimovic, so he briefly asked Haoli and the others to do the selling of agricultural products first.

· ···Asking for flowers····· ·····

“Of course, boss, don’t underestimate the persistence of us”star chasers”! Hu

Yutong said with a smile.

“Boss, are these agricultural products grown on your farm? Yin

Yingchu looked at Zhan with curiosity. Speaking of which, although she went to the farm twice, she never paid attention to planting crops in the countryside. Her mind was always on Ibrahimovic.

Now she comes to Zhan. Everyone was nearby, smelling the tangy fragrance, and couldn’t help but ask

“Yes, it tastes good. Do you want to try it?”

“Boss, I want to try it.”

Before the two women could answer, a voice suddenly came from behind them.

Immediately afterwards, a girl and a lady came to Qin Feng.

Seeing the other party’s face, Qin Feng had a slight impression. , said with some surprise:”Are you the anorexic genius girl at the market?”

This girl and a lady are none other than the two people who caused trouble when Qin Feng was selling hive honey at the market.

Qin Feng remembered that someone in the crowd mentioned their names at that time, the anorexic genius. The girl’s name is Mu Qiaoqiao, and the lady next to her is her mother, named Hao Tao���He is the top doctor in the country.

Mu Qiaoqiao didn’t expect that Qin Feng could still remember her, and smiled slightly:”I didn’t expect that the boss could still remember me. I feel that this smells very fragrant, just like the honeycomb honey at that time, which makes me very appetizing. I can try it.” Taste it?”


Since it is going to be sold, there must be people who can taste it. If you give it up, you will get something. Qin Feng will let every tourist who comes, whether they want to buy it or not, have a taste.


“Is that Dr. Hao Tao? Anorexia, which even Dr. Hao couldn’t cure, can now be cured with a piece of rice?”

“The agricultural products in this boss’s farm are actually so effective? Some time ago, in a short video, it seemed that this same boss was selling hive honey from his own farm, and it turned out that this anorexic genius girl had an appetite!”

“This seems to be very close to my home, so I’ll go and join in the fun. If it’s really good, I’ll buy some back to try!”

Just when Qin Feng went back to get the Wangwang Valley for Mu Qiaoqiao, many people on the side recognized Mu Qiaoqiao and her mother Hao Tao. Even the live broadcast hosted by Hu Yutong and the two was instantly barred. After all, one of them is a genius girl and the other is a top doctor in the country. Their popularity is much higher than that of Qin Feng and Senyuan Ecological Farm.

“Here, I separated them, and the other beans and mushrooms are produce from my farm, you can try them too.”

Not long after, when more and more people gathered in Qin Feng’s booth, Qin Feng came over with several paper plates.

When he saw the food in the paper plates in Qin Feng’s hand, Mu Qiaoqiao’s The moment the paper plate filled with Wangwanggu came into her hand, she could n’t wait to eat it.

“tasty! I didn’t feel sick after eating it! mom! This is the same as when I was eating hive honey!”

After Mu Qiaoqiao took a bite, she did not feel the disgusting feeling that anorexics have after eating food. Instead, she wanted to take another bite.

This situation was the same as eating honeycomb honey at that time. It couldn’t help but She said to her mother in surprise, and then she looked at the rolling beans and glutinous mushrooms. Her intuition told her that these two foods also deeply attracted her!

“Boss, I want to try it too!”

“Boss, I want it too. I’m so greedy after eating it!”

The already popular show, because of the effect caused by Mu Qiaoqiao’s arrival, even the official live broadcast personnel gathered here to broadcast the current situation to the whole country in real time.

And under such circumstances, Mu Qiaoqiao also quickly finished the remaining beans and glutinous mushrooms.

Seeing this scene, Hao Tao couldn’t hide her excitement.

She felt that her daughter’s anorexia was actually cured these days! She returned to the situation where she felt nauseated after eating anything. The reason was that they had finished eating the honeycomb honey they bought.

After eating, Mu Qiaoqiao returned to the state of anorexia and has been following it online. As for Qin Feng’s situation, she also knew that Qin Feng was coming here today, so she immediately brought her daughter over.

In order not to fall into the state of anorexia that her daughter would return to after eating, Hao Tao immediately made a decision. He asked Qin Feng:”Boss, you should be here for publicity this time. The farm has just been established, so there are not many agricultural products.””

“I want to cure my daughter’s anorexia. I wonder if you can accept the reservation? I plan to order one thousand kilograms of these three foods next year!”

This sentence immediately aroused the reaction of the surrounding tourists. Many people quickly said:”Yes, that’s it. Who only buys three kilograms of rice at a time? Since your farm cannot produce so much this year, I will place an order for next year. I want three hundred kilograms!”

“Even anorexia can be cured and the taste is so good. This can be said to be the top rice in the country! It would be unreasonable not to buy it. I plan to buy 100 pounds next year!”Death.

Người mua: Hirano Arashi

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