Among the billions of people in the Dragon Kingdom, a king-level trainer can tell everything even if he just speaks it verbally.

After subduing this biting land shark, in his opinion, even if the young boy in front of him is just an ordinary trainer, he can still be called a king-level trainer.

Nothing else, he is the trainer of this biting land shark, and this biting land shark, which was just a wild elf just now, only listens to him.

And on the side.

After hearing Lu Lin’s words, Cao Yan looked at Ibrahimovic and said calmly:”Lu Bureau, you are wrong. If I am not mistaken, this little brother’s Ibrahimovic is also a king-level strength.”

Before, he was wondering why Qin Feng was able to stop Ye Sheng just by biting Lu Shark?

Judging from Qin Feng’s story, he had already faced Ye Sheng before he came into contact with Liejie Lu Shark. How could he possibly stop him without the strength of a king?

He has rich experience, and after carefully looking at Qin Feng’s elf, he discovered that this Eevee is also very likely to have king-level strength!

Because, he can feel a special feeling on Ibrahimovic. This feeling is the breath of a powerful elf!.And not only that, his fire-breathing dragon also quietly informed him just now that this Eevee is not much weaker than it!

However, he could clearly feel a childish feeling in Ibrahimovic, but that childish feeling was mixed with power, which was very outrageous!

What shocked him even more was that even he, the fire-attribute king of the Dragon Kingdom, had never heard of a person like Qin Feng.

Not only does he have the king-level Eevee, but he also has powerful elves such as Wind Speed Dog, Circle Bear, and Boss Cordora. Among them is an elf that he has only seen in the illustrated book!

That was an elf that lived in ancient times, the Strange Jaw Dragon!

He felt extremely confused. It seemed that the country had not resurrected a strange jaw dragon for a long time. He had seen all the strange jaw dragons that had been resurrected. Based on the country’s research on ancient elves, it was absolutely impossible to give the strange jaw dragon to private individuals. Trainer’s.

So where did this strange jaw dragon come from? The aura on his body is not fake! 330

Not only that, he also saw a Bulbasaur with a completely different color among the elves being treated!

With his knowledge, he naturally recognized it as a shining Bulbasaur flower at a glance. In normal words, it was a strange color.

A heterochromatic elf whose body color is completely different from that of the same kind. Heterochromia is actually a disease, just like albinism, but in fact heterochromia has no effect on the elf.

On the contrary, because of its unique color, all the collectors and trainers in the world are moved by it, and they all dream of getting an elf with different colors.

Apart from anything else, elves of different colors are priceless in the market, only slightly worse than quasi-god elves!

“King-level Ibrahimovic?!”

After hearing Cao Yan’s words, Lu Lin suddenly looked at Ibrahimovic in surprise.

How could such a small, cute-looking guy have the strength of a king?

He didn’t want to believe it, but There was no way, Cao Yan was one of the Eight Heavenly Kings and a top Heavenly Kings trainer, so he naturally disdained this joke.

Lu Lin couldn’t help but look at the elves such as Fengsu Dog who were being treated in the distance, feeling the hugeness. The feeling of oppression caused by his body shape made a suspicion arise in his mind.

“King Cao Tian, then these little brother’s wind speed dogs and circle bears, aren’t they…”

Lu Lin stopped talking, but no one could guess what he wanted to say.

But Cao Yan hadn’t answered yet. Han Xuan raised her eyes slightly and said in a somewhat surprised tone:”Bureau Lu, you are not wrong. Those elves all have good strength, and most of them are only one step away from the quasi-king level.”

“With such strength, he can already obtain the position of a king like the two of us. But I have never heard of your name before.”Han Xuan’s pair of breathtaking beautiful eyes couldn’t help but stare at Qin Feng closely, showing an expression of interest.

But more importantly, she was a little suspicious.

Regarding these words, Qin Feng also He just smiled back and didn’t plan to answer. After all, to them, he was a king trainer who suddenly appeared. He had no reputation before, so it was normal for him to be suspected.

However, his identity was a real Dragon Kingdom. Citizens, there is Lu Lin, the director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau here. He can find out his identity with a single check, so why waste time explaining?

“Unexpectedly, there is a king-level trainer in Lanchang City, Song Province. I thought that I would be admitted to the Heavenly King Hall for biting a land shark, but I didn’t expect that I would already have a king-level elf.”

Lu Lin’s eyes showed some surprise. From the previous conversation, he could know that Qin Feng was from Lanchang City, Song Province, and he was definitely a Heavenly King-level trainer who had not entered the Heavenly King’s Hall.

If Qin Feng was willing to Leaving a name in the Heavenly King’s Hall means that during his reign, Song Province has produced a Heavenly King-level trainer. This is a great honor, and he may even have the opportunity to climb up a step further.!

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly:”The Palace of Heavenly Kings?”

He knows about this Heavenly King’s Hall. As long as there are Heavenly King-level elves, they can be regarded as Heavenly King-level trainers and can be recognized by the country, so they can leave their names in the Heavenly King’s Hall, and thus they can enjoy More national resources!

“That’s right, does King Qin have time to go to the city to register for the Heavenly King’s Hall? Lu Lin asked, and his title had already been changed from Little Brother to Qin Tianwang.

Lu Lin was full of expectations. He was also an elite trainer. At his age, he had nothing to pursue.

If he really wanted to say that, , then there is only a higher status.

After listening to Lu Lin’s words, Qin Feng couldn’t help but hesitate:”I have some ideas about this, but I don’t want to be famous. I run a farm. If it’s because of my status as a king, It would be bad if it affected the farm.”

Qin Feng is naturally willing to eat national food.

However, if he is certified by the King of Heaven, he may attract some cows, horses, and snake gods to the farm, and then affect the farm.

After all, the farm can only It was just the beginning, and it was far from mature.

The farm was very large and magical, so it would inevitably attract criminals such as the Flying Wings.

Qin Feng knew that his current strength was all brought about by the farm. , to be precise, it is brought about by completing the farm tasks.

If you have to face that kind of situation all the time, it is better not to verify the identity of the king.

Anyway, as long as you complete the farm tasks, your farm will get better and better, and the elves will also. Getting stronger and stronger.

After hearing this, Lu Lin hurriedly patted his chest and said:”Don’t worry, if you are worried about the impact of your identity being exposed, I can guarantee that I will never let anything affect you. You just need to hang your name in the Palace of Heavenly Kings. Okay, only king-level trainers know your existence”

“You can even use some methods to hide it. For example, you can apply to the country as the King of Heaven to become the leader of the battle development zone. In this case, you have strong strength and no one will doubt anything.”

“In addition, becoming a gym leader can also satisfy your unwillingness to reveal your identity.”

Lu Lin was afraid that Qin Feng would not be willing to go to the Heavenly King’s Hall to show his name, so he quickly made suggestions.

But I have to say that his two methods are really good. He packaged his strong strength as a battle leader and gym trainer. In this case , even if those criminals like the Flying Wings notice this, they will lose their minds because of the protection of the country.

When their elves become stronger and become champion-level elves, there is nothing to worry about.

Regarding the two methods Lu Lin mentioned, Qin Feng had some ideas about becoming the leader of the battle development, but forget it as a gym trainer, because although the two have similar status in the world, the difference is too big.

Gyms belong to the country, and everything is controlled by the alliance under the country. Training new trainers is one of the responsibilities of gym trainers. Even if something big happens near the city where the gym belongs, as a gym trainer , you must accept the call from the country as soon as possible.

In other words, everything in the gym is controlled by the state. Although the status of the gym trainer is noble, that feeling is not what Qin Feng likes.

It’s different. This is a battle facility established by powerful trainers. It is private, but because no competition is held, its international status is lower than that of the gym. It is just a battle against the leader. As the only boss in the development zone, no one can control you, and you are recognized by the country. You can even get national food because of it!

After all, most of the leaders in the battle are better trainers than the gym trainers! He is regarded as the country’s elite trainer, and the country naturally���I have to be very angry and agree to it.

Moreover, there is no need to use some weak elves like gym trainers to take care of new trainers and teach them in battles. They can just release their first-tier elves to fight against challengers.

Even Qin Feng doesn’t need to play in person. There is a battle field in the farm. Normal training is training anyway. When challengers come, can’t they just let Wind Speed Dog and Circle Bear fight on their own?

Not only have they fulfilled their responsibilities in fighting against the pioneering leaders, but they can also gain combat experience by fighting against trainers from all over the world. Why not?

“I will go to the agricultural products exhibition the day after tomorrow, and I will register my information then. Qin

Feng thought for a while and said

“good! good! good! Then I will wait for your arrival in Lanchang City, King Qin Tian!”

Lu Lin said hello three times in a row, expressing his excitement, and then exchanged a few words with Qin Feng, and then rode the armored bird to the depths of the forest to take charge of the overall situation.

After all, the remaining elf hunters of the Flying Wing Regiment are still there. On the run.

The matter has been settled, and the finishing touches are left to the police. King Cao Tianwang and King Han Tianwang are also preparing to leave.

“I am a very militant person. Although I also want to fight you, there is no way. Your elves are still being treated, and I just received a message from the superiors. In Linggang The city discovered another group of criminals who are no weaker than the Flying Wings. Han Tianwang and I need to rush there immediately”

“However, since you are ready to certify the King of Heaven, I believe that we will always have time to have a battle in the future.”

Cao Yan sat on the back of the fire-breathing dragon and said with some regret.

“Are you kings so busy?”After hearing what Cao Yan said, Qin Feng couldn’t help but ask.

And judging from Han Xuan’s intention, it seemed that she wanted to follow Cao Yan. It seemed that she was going to Linggang City to help arrest criminals.

“There is no way, we are different from you kings. Although Han Xuan and I are both the eight kings of the Dragon Kingdom, in fact, we are not the eight strongest kings. We just have our own ambitions. Since we have chosen to eat the country’s food and enjoy the spotlight, we naturally have to do things for the country.”

Cao Yan spread his hands, and then patted Charizard’s neck:”No more chatting, we have also added contact information. If anything happens in the future, just contact me. Of course, if I need your help with anything, I won’t be polite. gone.”

Han Xuan glanced at Qin Feng indifferently, then walked into the forest. Not long after, she rushed out of the forest on a mountain motorcycle.

It seemed that she deliberately took a detour to block him behind. Ye Sheng’s.

Qin Feng is now considered a king-level trainer, and Cao Yan is naturally willing to make friends, so he also added his contact information.

After the two left, Qin Feng sat on the ground quietly and looked at it. My elves not far away are receiving treatment, I don’t know what they are thinking about. ps: On the first day of April, come and support us with your monthly ticket.

Người mua: Hirano Arashi.

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