“Ta Na!”

Seeing the flying mantis rushing towards him, Ivysaur’s eyes flashed with strong fighting spirit, and strong vitality suddenly appeared under his body.

All the weeds and wildflowers around him began to grow rapidly, and it was completely green..In front of Ivysaur, an energy ball quickly condensed.

Phew! With the blessing of the grass field

, the energy ball condensed very quickly and was launched almost instantly!

They are both extremely talented. If they grow up in the wild, they will definitely be the overlords. However

, that will be in the future.

Everything is almost doubled.

Although the energy ball is a powerful skill, in the eyes of Flying Mantis, this energy ball is too weak!

Instantly, the scythe struck down, and the energy ball immediately suffered a heavy blow and exploded. Opening up, the figure of Flying Mantis suddenly appeared in front of Ivysaur

“Two hits!”

Victory is expected,���Feng ordered.

The Flying Mantis’ scythe was raised immediately.

Not long after, Ivysaur was lying on the ground with injuries all over his body. Qin Feng also threw out two elf balls and subdued the furry sheep behind it.

After successfully subduing them, Qin Feng quickly released them and treated them

“I don’t mean to hurt you, Rong Rong Sheep. Your strength should be pretty good on the prairie. However, there are these Meili Sheep behind you. It’s just that you are useless and cannot protect the entire group.”

“Do you know Mrs. Hua Jie, one of the overlords of the prairie?”

Qin Feng looked at the Rong Rong Sheep who had recovered a little from his injuries and asked.

It seemed that after being subdued, he realized that Qin Feng would not threaten the Meili Sheep, so the Rong Rong Sheep’s attitude became much better. After hearing Qin Feng’s words , it nodded.

It was one of the three overlords of the prairie.

“Mrs. Hua Jie is currently subdued by me. She is my elf. The Meili sheep you lead must have a difficult life on the prairie, and they have to resist many unknown dangers.”

“You can lead the Meli sheep to Mrs. Huajie’s territory and tell it about me. It will arrange for you and your tribe to live on its territory. With its protection and my protection, you and your With the Meili sheep behind me, they can live peacefully on the prairie.”

“This prairie belongs to me. I will transform this place into a pasture in the future, and many elves will live in it. You will no longer need to worry about potential and locational dangers.”

Qin Feng said.

In the Meli sheep group, which is only protected by Rong Rong Sheep, to be honest, it is very dangerous on the prairie.

After all, they have to face many dangers and difficulties. The first is the issue of territory. There will definitely be There are many elves coming to compete with them for territory.

The second point is the enemy. Some carnivorous elves will prey on the Meili sheep. I am afraid that these aspects are rarely shown on TV, but this is reality and it seems beautiful. But it’s not that beautiful.

Among the hunters on the prairie, only the mongooses that Qin Feng saw were killed. Those were very powerful elves, and the Meili sheep were also in their diet, perhaps because they were overpowered. Defeated, Rong Rong Yang looked at Qin Feng deeply, then nodded in agreement.

“Well, now it’s your turn〃¨ “Qin Feng looked at Ivysaur. Shining elves were very rare, let alone shining elves in the wild.

The only difference between the glittering elves and ordinary elves is the color, and there is no other difference.

In the eyes of humans, shining elves are just rare, but in the eyes of elves, if they look different, even if they are only different in color, the same race will not accept its existence.

Therefore, it is very difficult for glitter elves to survive within the same race, and they will most likely be kicked out directly. Even in the wild, they will be bullied by most elves because of their different colors.

In the eyes of this Ivysaur, Qin Feng saw the desire to become stronger. Judging from its previous display of fighting spirit when facing the Flying Mantis, it was also extremely belligerent.

“I think you seem to want to become stronger. Although I don’t know what your relationship is with the Meli sheep group, but now, I want to cultivate you. Follow me and you can become stronger. How about you continue to stay here? , or follow me? Qin Feng asked.

Ivysaur does not live on the prairie. Although there are some that live in the prairie, they are definitely not in such an intermediate position. At most, they live around the prairie.

Ivysaur The living environment of Grass is still in the forest.

After hearing what Qin Feng said, a flash of excitement suddenly appeared on Ivysaur’s face, but the excitement immediately dissipated and it looked at Meili Yang. The tribe and the Rong Rong Sheep then shook their heads.

“Da Na”

“Okay, I respect your choice, but I still want to know, what kind of concerns do you have?”

Hearing Ivysaur’s answer, Qin Feng also expressed his understanding. The elves are all intelligent. They are not machines. Naturally, they cannot be forced to do anything.

“Da na.”

Rotom, who had been following me, was patting me all the way. Now after hearing Ivysaur’s words, he translated it in a timely manner.

“Ivysaur said that it wanted to repay the kindness of Rongrong Sheep and Meili Sheep for saving its life, and it wanted to protect them, so it couldn’t follow Qin Feng, Luotuo.”

Rotom opened his mouth to translate.

“Protect them? It seems that you have had bad experiences in the past, but you may not fully understand that after this time, they will move to the prairie on Mrs. Hua Jie’s territory to live.”

“There, they will be protected by Mrs. Huajie, as well as the Radha tribe and my elves.”

“It is good that you have the idea of repaying them and protecting them. However, with all due respect, with your current strength, if you face a powerful enemy, you will not be able to resist it. If you believe carefully and want to protect them, the premise is that you are not I have strong strength, so that I can better protect them?”

Qin Feng said.

After listening to Qin Feng’s words, Ivysaur fell into deep thought. It wanted to be very strong. When it heard Qin Feng said that he would help it become stronger, it really wanted to follow.

But it had already It wandered here and was protected by other elves, such as Rongrong Sheep and Meili Sheep, so now it wants to repay their kindness and cannot leave, so it is in a tangle.


At this moment, the Furry Sheep came over from the side and patted the buds of Ivysaur, as if to say something.

After a long time, a serious look appeared in Ivysaur’s eyes, and he nodded at Qin Feng. nodded

“Have you made a decision? Then let’s go.”

Qin Feng smiled, took the Ivysaur back into the elf ball, and then informed the Velvet Sheep of the direction of Madam Huajie’s territory, then set off again on the Eagle.

This time, to explore the geography of the entire farm. Mainly.

Rotom will use the recorded images to record the entire process and make it into a map, and Qin Feng will also use the power of the waveguide to constantly remember the terrain along the way, so that he only needs to think about it in the future. It will directly construct the map and structure of the farm.

“Behind the prairie, is there actually a very long valley? There are mountains all around, and the height of the mountains is amazing. You can actually see wisps of white, that must be snow.”

Looking at all the scenes around him, Qin Feng couldn’t help but let out an exclamation.

After passing the prairie, he entered a valley. To be precise, it was a rift valley. The bottom was divided into many passages, extending in all directions. Qin Feng even I saw several fast-moving large rock snakes! All the roads in the valley were pressed by their huge and heavy bodies. This seemed to be the only way for the large rock snakes to go back and forth. There were all roads around the valley!

It is a series of continuous mountains, both short and high. The short one can be regarded as a mountain sitting above the valley, while the tall one can see a wisp of white on the top of the mountain. It is obviously snow, and even the mountains. It was still connected, like a mountain range, reaching into the distance.

Qin Feng was sure that all of that mountain range could not be his territory. He could only occupy part of it. After all, that mountain range was too big.

“.々 Bi Diao, let’s go down to this rift valley first and take a look.”

Sitting on Bi Diao, Qin Feng planned to take a look at the rift valley first, while Rotom kept taking pictures.

Qin Feng didn’t know how much memory it had, and he heard the sound of taking pictures along the way. , Rotom probably took photos of thousands of chapters.


Ibrahimovic was lying on the ground, revealing his two small eyes and looking down through a gap, letting out exclamations.

This made Qin Feng couldn’t help but smile. Ibrahimovic was not afraid of heights while sitting on Bi Diao’s body. Why are you afraid of heights when you get here?

Standing on the top of the rift valley and looking down, everything below is clearly visible. It was not so obvious from high altitude, but now standing here, Qin Feng can see a lot of rocks. The most obvious among them are the large rock snakes galloping along the roads.

With such a huge size, they must be powerful elves in this rift valley.

When we arrived, they were all single, but in fact, the big rock snakes live in groups. There are no less than six or seven big rock snakes seen now. In this rift valley, the number of big rock snakes has definitely reached more than twenty. It’s a big group!

In addition, you can also see the mountain rats and mountain kings hiding on the roadside of the big rock snake. They are constantly digging the ground, seemingly looking for something.

But as long as they hear the big rock snake. At the sound of galloping, they would hide in a hurry.

In addition to the pangolin rats and pangolin kings, there was also a kind of spirit similar to them, namely the screw gopher and the dragon-headed gopher. Qin Feng also saw a few here. , the number is obviously not as large as that of Chuanshan King.

“That is, Kodora?!”

When Qin Feng looked forward, a low light gray figure came into view. Its back was covered with several pieces of steel armor, and there were protruding ridges in the center of each piece. The obvious feature is that it is a Kodora!

“But Dora will only build its nest in mountains near ores. There are also mountains near this rift valley. So does its appearance here mean that there are mineral veins nearby?!”

Seeing the Kodora begin to dig up the ground, Qin Feng suddenly became interested.

Người mua: Hirano Arashi

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