Wind Speed Dog was still looking at the sudden appearance of the battlefield with great curiosity. He only saw Qin Feng wave his hand, and then everything in front of him changed.

With its knowledge, it cannot know how the scene in front of it appeared.

“Okay, let’s go back and have a big dinner!”

Qin Feng smiled and patted the wind speed dog, and then rode on it.


Wind Speed Dog raised his head and howled, and immediately rushed towards the hut.

When he returned to the hut, Qin Feng saw Rotom coming back.

Rotom has now become a laborer. Originally, the teacher asked Luo Tuo to The purpose of Mu’s coming was to integrate into the Elf Illustrated Book so that he could help himself with Elf knowledge.

But now, Rotom could not help Qin Feng much in terms of Elf knowledge. After all, Qin Feng could see information about Elf~.

As a result, Rotom now needs to be integrated into the lawn mower to help him clean up the prairie.

After seeing Qin Feng come back, Rotom immediately flew out of the lawn mower, and then quickly came to Qin Feng.

The next moment, the Elf Illustrated Rotom flew out.

“I’m exhausted after a day’s work, Lotto.”

A weak expression appeared on the screen on Rotom’s body.

“Thank you very much, it helped me a lot. Qin Feng said with a smile

“Of course, Lotto, I helped you a lot! So, do you want to thank me properly? For example, treat me to something delicious!”

Rotom put his hands on his waist and said very proudly.

After hearing Rotom’s words, Qin Feng also smiled.

Why are all the elves in the house big and small now gluttons?

Rotom was originally Although it can eat other things as well, electricity is its best food, but the Rotom given by the teacher is different. It has eaten snacks and hot pot since the last time. He is out of control and is extremely interested in delicious food.

“Don’t worry, I naturally want to thank you very much. I’ll treat you to a big dinner tonight!”

“Feast? Really? Lotto! I loved the hot pot last time!”

“Of course it’s true. Since you like to eat, add hot pot to your meal tonight!”

“Great, I will be able to have a hot pot dinner tonight again Lotto!”

Rotom shouted happily, his figure kept flying around, looking extremely excited.

Wind Speed Dog and Wrist Power, who had already known about the evening meal, looked at them like fools at this moment. Looking at Rotom,

Qin Feng smiled and walked into the hut.

This is not a lie.

As for the hot pot, the cooking utensils at home cannot cook enough for everyone. The elves are full of food, so���The pot and rice are the staple food, and the vegetables are just supplementary.

When he came to the kitchen, Qin Feng already saw the two brothers and sisters waiting here.

The nosy maid didn’t know what Qin Feng was going to cook, so she simply waited here and prepared to help.

“You guys are so capable, great!”

And when Qin Feng saw that the countertops, floors and even the tableware in the kitchen were all very clean, he couldn’t help but give a thumbs up and praise the nurturing brother and sister.

“Na Na~”

“Na na!”

The Guanshi brothers and sisters responded with smiles after hearing this.

The Guanxi sister smiled shyly, and then pointed to the ingredients neatly placed in the corner of the kitchen, as if asking what to do with them.

These ingredients are all from Qin Feng bought it last time. Considering that there were a lot of elves, he bought a large portion. The last time he ate hot pot, he only ate less than half of it and stuffed the easily spoiled ingredients into the refrigerator.

After a moment, he pointed to the ingredients in the corner and said:”Today is a big meal, so let’s make them all edible. You guys help me clean all these ingredients, and then watch them cut. I’ll take a look and cook them.” What kind of dish.”

The vegetables I bought last time have no less than ten kinds. With some meat, ten dishes can be made at will.

After listening to Qin Feng’s words, the two brothers and sisters Ai Guanshi began to process these ingredients. , naturally the first step is to deal with the seasonings, such as garlic, chili, etc.

“Sun Coral, please go talk to the wrists and set up the hot pot grill like I did last time, and also set up ten small grills.”

“In addition, you tell Fengsugou to help me go to Huancao Village to invite Grandpa Song, Mr. Li and Dr. Luo to come over. Just say that I will treat them to dinner, and then go to the prairie to inform Mrs. Hua Jie that there will be a big dinner tonight. things.”

Qin Feng raised his head and looked at Sun Coral sitting on the sofa.

Although Qin Feng usually didn’t pay much attention to them, they were very obedient.

It can be said that the cabin has everything it should have, and there is a TV in the living room. It’s just that Qin Feng has never seen it.

But these days, Ji Li, Monkey Monster, and the others seemed to tinker with the TV out of curiosity, and finally successfully turned it on after finishing their work. They all sit on the sofa and watch TV together.

As for the TV, there is everything to watch.

Now everyone is gathered outside, and only Sun Coral is sitting on the sofa watching TV. Qin Feng glances at it, it seems to be urban love. The drama is an urban love drama with elves as the main theme.

It tells the story of Charming Cat, a daughter of a rich family, who longs for a free life, so she escapes from her home and comes to a small city.

He was penniless and ended up living a life without a stable place to live, without enough food or sleep, and was even bullied by the gangsters in the city.

But in the end, Charming Meow was rescued by a brave and handsome cat boss and experienced a lot. Many very dangerous things, and finally leading a happy and beautiful wandering life.

In ordinary terms, this is an old-fashioned urban love story, but at least Qin Feng saw Sun Coral and Zhili. of relish

“”Hey, hey, hey, hey~”

After hearing Qin Feng’s words, Sun Coral stretched out her little hand and pressed the remote control next to her to pause the TV, and then skipped towards the outside of the house.

This look was completely harmonious. It makes no difference to an obedient child.

Not long after, Qin Feng heard a slight noise coming from outside the house. It seemed that they had begun to set up a hot pot and hot food grill.

“Okay, I’m going to do something big today!”

“Na Na~”

“Na na!”

Qin Feng rolled up his sleeves and started to deal with the meat in the refrigerator.

Sister Aiguan was very smart. She had already defrosted the meat before and placed it on the upper shelf of the refrigerator.

All she had to do was take it out. If you cut it directly, the meat at the back will be softer.

Qin Feng placed a piece of pork on the cutting board, then picked up the kitchen knife and started cutting.

Qin Feng was going to make boiled pork slices. One of Feng’s favorite dishes is also very simple to make.

You only need to cut the cleaned pork into slices of moderate thickness, then heat the oil in a pan, add the dry red pepper and stir-fry, add water, meat slices and After cooking many small ingredients and bean paste for seven to eight minutes, the aroma came out.

Then, Qin Feng put in the cabbage washed by Sister Guanxi one by one. After cooking for a while, it was like this. A dish is 80% complete.

The next step is to move. Qin Feng poured the dish into a specially purchased plate and went outside. Qin

Li and the others had already set up a hot pot and hot dish grill.

Feng stepped forward and put the pot of vegetables on a hot vegetable grill, lit a small fire underneath, and let it cook slowly. When the other vegetables were almost cooked, the boiled pork slices were ready. It was done.

After telling Zhili that they were not allowed to eat, Qin Feng immediately returned to the hut and prepared the next dish.

Due to time constraints, Qin Feng did not plan to cook anything difficult. They are some very simple dishes: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, stir-fried pork with peppers, shredded hot and sour potatoes, stir-fried dried celery, stir-fried cauliflower, kelp and egg drop soup, minced meat tofu, stir-fried vermicelli with minced meat and pepper, cold shredded shredded peppers, and shiitake mushrooms. Steamed chicken.

Nine dishes and one soup. Qin Feng made each dish in a large portion, enough for seven or eight people to eat together.

Of course, if it was the elves, they would just taste it.

Although the portions of these dishes are large, they are only for humans.

All ten dishes are placed on the hot dish grill outside the house, keeping them hot, and the large pot of hot pot on the side has already started. It ’s time to cook.

I don’t know what ingredients the hot pot base is made of, and the aroma can be said to spread all over the place. The more difficult-to-cook meat slices are put into the hot pot and cooked first.

, in the distant forest, the Circle Bear family of three and the Giant Needle Bee also came over.

They could not hide the excitement in their eyes, and Wrist, the Little Lucky Egg and the Monkey Monster were even more happy to dance.

“oh? Are you new here? Lotto?”

Rotom’s excitement has not dissipated yet. On the contrary, he became even more excited after the hot pot started cooking.

Seeing the mother and son of the circle bear standing by the hot pot and watching, it also stepped forward to ask.


The female circle bear nodded, then pointed to the drooling and useless mate next to her, and explained to Rotom.

After hearing what it said, Rotom immediately laughed:”Hahaha , you made the right choice, Lotto”

“Although we all have extremely special powers, humans are a smarter and more powerful race than us elves. The food and everything they study can help us grow better.”

“Everything here belongs to Qin Feng. No elves will threaten you, so just relax.”

Qin Feng just listened quietly. What he said before was not a lie. Whether it can bring a better life to their mother and son, he only needs to wait a few more days to find out.

· ···Asking for flowers· ···


Qin Feng was watching this scene, but suddenly Ibrahimovic’s cry came from beside him, but this cry seemed softer than usual.

Qin Feng looked back and found that Ibrahimovic Bu walked slowly from the hut, but his eyes were bleary, as if he had just woken up.

“Have you woken up? We’re going to have dinner soon.”

Seeing Ibrahimovic coming, Qin Feng knelt down and picked it up. Seeing it nestled in his arms, Qin Feng asked with a smile.


Ibrahimovic murmured, and dug deeper into his arms.

It seemed that sleepiness was taking over more, even if the fragrance around him was constant, Ibrahimovic wanted to sleep even more.

“Luo Seke.”

Not far away, Mrs. Hua Jie held flowers in her hands and walked slowly towards this side, still looking extremely noble.

The moment he heard Mrs. Hua Jie’s voice, Ibrahimovic, who was still full of sleep, suddenly wake up with a start

“You’re here, pretty fast. Qin Feng said with a smile when he saw Madam Hua Jie arriving.

Wind Speed Dog should have gone to remind Madam Hua Jie first, and then went to Huancao Village to call for someone. With Madam Hua Jie’s speed, she could indeed arrive earlier.

“Luo Se Ke~”

Seeing Qin Feng, Mrs. Hua Jie’s proud face also had a slight smile. She came to Qin Feng and handed over the flowers she was holding.

“oh? Did you give it to me? Thank you very much.”

Seeing Mrs. Hua Jie hand over the flowers, Qin Feng was a little surprised, but he still thanked her and took the flowers.



Seeing Qin Feng taking the flowers, Ibrahimovic’s eyes immediately looked at Mrs. Hua Jie, and then there was a trace of anger on his face.

“Luo Seke.”

Ms. Hua Jie glanced at Ibrahimovic lightly, and then ignored him. Instead, she came to the hot pot and hot vegetable grill to take a look.

Wind Speed Dog had already told him before coming, so he There weren’t many surprises, except that it showed expressions of surprise from time to time. After all, this was the first time it had seen human food.


After seeing that he was ignored, Ibrahimovic couldn’t help stamping his little feet in anger, and then jumped directly from Qin Feng’s arms and went to Mrs. Hua Jie, preparing to open his mouth to sing the songs of birds and the fragrance of flowers.



At this moment, the barking of Fengsu dogs came from the distance.

Within a few minutes, three Fengsu dogs appeared in front of Qin Feng, one in front and two in back. On them sat Grandpa Song, Li Lao and his strike ghost, and Dr. Luo.

What surprised Qin Feng was that there was a Rose Leiduo accompanying Dr. Luo. It should be her elf.

What surprised Qin Feng was that Dr. Luo had an elf. , but I didn’t see her the first two times I went to her home.

【Name: Rose Redo】

【Gender: female】

【Attributes: grass, poison】

【Level: 35】

【Features: Natural reply】

【Individual values: physical strength (24), attack (20), defense (21), special attack (26), special defense (19), speed (22)】

【Skills: Poison Needle, Absorption, Poison Powder, Paralysis Powder, Venom Impact, Petal Dance, Aromatherapy, Parasitic Seed, Magic Leaf]

Dr. Luo’s Rose Leiduo is quite powerful, which made Qin Feng curious. Dr. Luo seems to be a city dweller. Why would he stay alone in a small village and become a doctor?

But before Qin Feng could think about it, Grandpa Song got off the Wind Speed Dog and said with a smile:

“I didn’t expect that you would invite me, an old man, to dinner. My meal was already cooked, but Wind Speed Dog suddenly appeared and asked me to follow him, but he didn’t allow me to refuse. Later I found out that it was you who invited me, an old man, to dinner.”

“Yes, old man, I am staying at home alone. I didn’t expect that someone would invite me to dinner. I’m really troubling you.”Mr. Li on the side also said

“If so, you two have been of great help to me. I would like to treat you to a meal to express my gratitude. Qin Feng said with a smile, then looked at Dr. Luo and said,”Doctor Luo, thank you for helping me treat my elf.””

“In the future, there will be more elves on the farm, and there will be a lot of trouble for you in the pit. I will treat you to a casual dinner without any restraint. Dr.

Luo nodded and said:”Then I’m not polite. For treatment, just come to me.””

“Menas, come out too, the dinner party is about to begin!”

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Qin Feng then released Menas. As soon as Menas came out, he rubbed Qin Feng’s face intimately and put aside Mrs. Hua Jie who was still confronting her. Ibrahimovic was immediately furious.

PS: This chapter is 4,000 words long. I will limit the next chapters to 3,000 to 4,000 words per chapter. After all, I can’t even finish a story with 2,000 words. Will get stuck and affect viewing.

Người mua: Hirano Arashi

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