The battle on the grassland has entered a fever pitch.

The fossil pterosaur opens its wings like a small airplane, and all its movements reveal dominance and wild superiority.

The fossil pterosaur’s wings swung violently, bringing up a burst of dust and strong wind, and launched a”sharp stone attack” on the mosquito-repellent frog.

Sharp rocks slope down towards the mosquito-repellent frogs like meteor showers.

The mosquito-repellent frog is not to be outdone. Although it is small in size, it is highly agile.

It uses the”water gun” skill to shoot sharp water jets at the fossil pterosaur, trying to disrupt its offensive.

The water column collided with the sharp rocks in the air, making a harsh sound. The scene was quite spectacular.

At this moment, the mosquito-repellent frog group also joined the battle.

They surround the fossil pterosaur, jumping while using”foam rays”, trying to slow down the fossil pterosaur’s movement with sticky foam.

However, the fossil pterosaur responded with a thunderous”dragon’s fury”, and the sonic attack caused the surrounding mosquito-repellent frogs to sway and almost become unsteady.

Although there are many mosquito-repellent frogs, in front of fossil pterosaurs,���Their attacks seemed to cause only limited disruption.

The”Dragon Wave” of the fossil pterosaur unfolds again.

Waves of energy ripples spread around, each wave causing the mosquito-repellent frogs to groan in pain.

At this moment, Qin Feng rushed to the scene.

When he saw this, he immediately shouted:”Stop, fossil pterosaur! This is not what you should do!”

The fossil pterosaur was stunned when he heard the sound, obviously surprised by the appearance of its owner.

It stopped attacking, but at this moment, a newly recovered mosquito-repellent frog took the opportunity to make a sneak attack and used”water flow rupture” to attack the fossil pterosaur.

This sudden attack made the fossil pterosaur furious. It turned around and struck back with”ancient power”. Huge rocks rose from the ground and attacked the mosquito-repellent frog.

Seeing this, Qin Feng hurriedly called to the leader of the nearby Giant Sting Bee.

“Quick, use your ‘silk spinning’ skills to separate his”five, five, seven, seven, seven, zero” people!”

He gave the order to the leader of the giant needle bees.

The leader of the giant needle bees immediately led other giant needle bees to fly over the battlefield and began to spit out sticky silk threads quickly.

These threads were like nets, gradually absorbing the fossil pterosaurs and mosquito coils. The frogs were separated.

The movements of the giant needle bees were very fast and precise. Soon, the entire battlefield was covered with layers of wire mesh, effectively blocking direct conflict between the two sides.

The fossil pterosaurs looked at these being separated by the wire mesh. The mosquito-repellent frog seemed a little confused and didn’t understand why its attack suddenly stopped.

It turned to Qin Feng, with a trace of questioning in its eyes.

Qin Feng approached the fossil pterosaur and patted its pterosaur gently.”These mosquito-repellent frogs are not our enemies, they are just protecting their territory,” he said.”

“We should not attack them without reason.”

The fossil pterosaur lowered its head, as if reflecting on its behavior.

The fossil pterosaur hummed softly, as if to express understanding.

It waved its wings gently, preparing to leave with Qin Feng.

At this time, the mosquito-repellent frogs also gradually recovered from their panic, They looked at this huge creature slowly leaving and seemed to feel a sense of relief.

Qin Feng looked back and said to the mosquito-repellent frogs:”I’m sorry for causing you trouble. I hope you can forgive us for our recklessness.”

After Qin Feng’s words fell, the leader of the mosquito-repellent frog rolled his big round eyes, seeming to be thinking about the meaning of the human words.

Its head tilted slightly,”Yo”.

Then it led A group of mosquito-repellent frogs slowly jumped towards the lake next to the farm.

Qin Feng and Zhuang Yafei watched the backs of these little creatures. They jumped and gradually disappeared into the grass, and finally merged into the coolness of the lake.

Turning to look at the battlefield, the originally picturesque grassland seemed to have been ravaged by a storm, and the ground was covered with sharp rocks and puddles.

Zhuang Yafei frowned and said helplessly:”Now, let’s clean up this place. It takes a lot of time.”

Qin Feng also felt a headache. Just when they were about to discuss the cleaning method, Qin Feng suddenly turned his head.

He looked at the fossil pterosaur beside him in a half-joking and half-serious tone:”Look at the good things you have done. You have to be responsible today. Clean up this place or there will be no food tonight.”

When the fossil pterosaur heard the words, it let out a roar of dissatisfaction. It was obvious that it had no interest in cleaning up this mess.

But when it heard the four words”no food”, its eyes suddenly became anxious.

It knew that the owner was not here. He was joking, so he reluctantly picked up the broom next to him and started cleaning awkwardly.

At first, Qin Feng was quite satisfied with the actions of the fossil pterosaur.

As time went by, he found that the situation was not as smooth as he imagined..

Although the fossil pterosaur is powerful, it is clumsy when it comes to handling delicate tasks.

Every time it swings the broom, it accidentally breaks the broom due to excessive force.

When the tenth broom was broken mercilessly, Qin. Feng finally couldn’t bear it anymore and exploded:”Are you cleaning up or doing destruction? Looks like I need to retrain you.”

The fossil pterosaur lowered its head, as if sensing the owner’s displeasure.

Qin Feng took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and began to instruct the fossil pterosaur on how to use power correctly.

He first asked the fossil pterosaur to observe how he used a broom, and then gradually Guide it to imitate.

Qin Feng patiently corrected all improper movements, explaining everything from controlling strength to the correct way to hold the broom.

During the process, Qin Feng also specially emphasized some basic principles in elf training, such as how to sense. And regulate their own strength, and how to choose appropriate actions in different situations. Although the initial training was full of challenges , under Qin Feng’s patient guidance, the fossil pterosaur gradually learned how to control its huge body and strength.

After several failures and attempts, it was finally able to use a broom to clean up more skillfully, instead of just using force.

During the training process, Qin Feng continued to encourage the fossil pterosaur so that it would receive positive feedback after success.

“Look, you can do it! Try again and remember, be gentle.”

The fossil pterosaur also seemed to feel the owner’s expectations. Its movements became more and more stable, and its power control became more and more precise.

Zhuang Yafei observed from the side and made some suggestions from time to time.

She suggested to Qin Feng:”Add some games to the training elements, may have made fossil pterosaurs more willing to be trained”

“For example, we can set some small goals so that it can find some small food as a reward after completing the task.”

Qin Feng accepted this suggestion and implemented it immediately.

He prepared some snacks that the fossil pterosaur liked. Whenever the fossil pterosaur completed a cleaning action correctly, he would give some food as a reward.

The learning efficiency of the fossil pterosaur Significant improvement, it began to participate more actively in the training.

As the training progressed, the fossil pterosaur not only became more adept at cleaning, but also became more and more responsive to Qin Feng’s instructions. , fossil pterosaurs learned some basic commands such as”stop”、””Take your time” and”this way”.

The fossil pterosaur seemed to enjoy this process, and would swing its tail excitedly every time it learned a new skill.

Time passed by, and when the afterglow of the sunset shone on the farm, the original The destroyed grassland had returned to its former cleanliness.

The fossil pterosaur stood on the clean grassland, looking a little proud, while Qin Feng and Zhuang Yafei gave each other a satisfied smile.

As the sun gradually set, the horizon became smeared. The faint sunset glow and the wind on the grassland slowly brought a chill.

Qin Feng and the others had just finished their day’s work. When they returned home, they saw the busy figures of the Ai Guanshi brothers and sisters filling the room with the aroma of food. , everything is orderly, warm and comfortable.

In the kitchen, Brother Guanshi is placing the last dish of stew on the table, while Sister Guanshi is placing a special snack plate for elves on the table. It was filled with all kinds of delicacies, from human barbecue to elven energy fruits, all delicious in color and flavor.

As soon as Qin Feng stepped into the restaurant, Eevee and the three gophers were already eagerly surrounding him.

Ibrahimovic’s big eyes shone with anticipation, while the three gophers kept digging on the ground, as if trying to create the best viewing position.

Ibrahimovic jumped on the chair lightly and tried to get closer to Qin Feng. The three gophers trotted all the way, trying to approach from the other side.

Since its group was on the right track in the farmland, it no longer needed to stay in the farmland.

Zhuang Yafei and Lin Wenguang stood aside, watching this scene. They couldn’t help but smile at each other.

They were used to the little competition between these elves, and found it very interesting every time they saw it.

“It seems that Ibrahimovic and the Three Gophers are about to start their performance again. Zhuang Yafei said with a smile

“Yes, I can see their”fighting for seats” every time I eat. It’s really a worthwhile trip.”Lin Wenguang responded with a smile.

Qin Feng shook his head and smiled. He was used to it.

He gently patted Ibrahimovic’s head and made a”please” gesture to the three gophers.

In his After being comforted, the two elves finally settled down and each found their own place.

As everyone sat down, Ibrahimovic picked up the food gracefully with his paws, and said softly,”咘咒咒”, and ate gracefully.

The three gophers were completely different. They almost buried their faces in the plate and ate hungrily with the sound of”danadana”.

The contrast between the two made people at the table chuckle from time to time. The atmosphere was warm and pleasant. Qin Feng talked with Zhuang Yafei and Lin Wenguang about today’s work and tomorrow’s plans.

After the meal, everyone helped clear the table and put away the leftovers quickly and skillfully. , ensuring that the elves’ food dishes are clean,

Eevee and the three gophers no longer fight, but stay together.���Playing, occasionally making a few cheerful calls.

After cleaning up, everyone said goodbye to the night one by one.

Zhuang Yafei and Lin Wenguang thanked them for the good time tonight and returned to their respective cabins to rest and prepare for tomorrow’s work.

The nosy brother and sister also finished washing and returned to their room.

Qin Feng took a short rest in the study, flipped through some books on elf care, and continued to expand his knowledge……….

There is a warm desk lamp on his desk. The soft light shines on the pages of the book, reflecting the dense lines of text……….

Eevee curled up in a ball on the small bed beside him, occasionally letting out a few soft snores, looking particularly at ease.

The moonlight outside the window shines through the curtains on the floor, like a thin layer of frost.

The night breeze gently blew through the treetops, bringing a hint of coolness.

Qin Feng put down the book in his hand, walked gently to the window, opened the window, and took a deep breath of the fresh air in the night sky.

As the night grew darker, Qin Feng’s room was filled with a quiet and warm atmosphere.

He gently got on the bed, next to the clingy Eevee.

This cute little elf seemed to feel the tranquility of the night. It called out gently, and then curled up comfortably in Qin Feng’s arms.

Qin Feng gently stroked Ibrahimovic’s hair, feeling the warmth and peace of mind it brought. Soon, he gradually fell asleep with the sound of Ibrahimovic’s breathing.

The morning light was breaking, and the sound of birds chirping outside the window was coming one after another. What woke Qin Feng from his sweet dream was the ringtone of his cell phone.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes, reached for his phone, and saw that the caller ID was Hao Tao.

“Qin Feng, I’m so sorry. I had an emergency room last night, so I couldn’t return your call in time.”

Hao Tao’s voice was apologetic.

“It’s okay, Aunt Hao, a doctor’s job is inherently full of uncertainty, I understand.”

Qin Feng’s voice was full of tolerance.

Hao Tao sighed softly, and then changed the topic,”I have already contacted those three hospitals about the milk matter.”

“They agreed to order ten pounds of milk to try out. I will pay you a part of the deposit first.”

“Great, I’ll make arrangements right now.”Qin Feng’s voice revealed a bit of excitement.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng quickly put on his clothes, gently put the sleeping Ibrahimovic back on the bed, and walked out of the room.

He knocked on the door of Zhuang Yafei and Lin Wenguang , and after a while, the two of them were also ready to go.

“We have to find a big milk tank to express the milk.”Qin Feng said to them.

The group quickly arrived at the Elf Conservation Area, where the air was filled with the fresh fragrance of grass and trees.

When they arrived at the habitat of the big milk tank, they found these huge elves eating grass leisurely.

Qin Feng Take out a bag of special elf food and shake it gently to attract their attention

“Come on, big milk jugs, come over here.”Qin Feng’s voice was gentle.

Several large milk cans came over slowly, and they were very close to Qin Feng.

Zhuang Yafei and Lin Wenguang also helped prepare the milking tools, and after careful disinfection, they started the milking work.

This kind of Although the work seems simple, it requires a lot of skills. Fortunately, they are all very skilled in the milking process.

The squeezed milk was as crystal clear as pearls. After about an hour, they successfully collected enough milk.

Qin Feng checked all the milk cans to ensure that they would not be lost during transportation. 2.7 leak occurs

“Well done on 2.7, let’s go back and prepare for shipment. Qin

Feng said with satisfaction, and the three of them then loaded the large cans filled with milk onto the transport truck.

After arriving at the distribution center, Qin Feng contacted Hao Tao and informed her that the milk was ready and would be delivered to each home soon. Hospital

“Great, I’ll notify them to be ready to receive it. Thank you again, Qin Feng. Hao Tao

‘s voice was full of gratitude.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng turned to Zhuang Yafei and Lin Wenguang and said,”Okay, our task is completed. The next step is to wait for feedback from the hospital.””

They handed the milk to the staff at the distribution center to ensure that all links met the standards.

After that, the three decided to go to a nearby small restaurant to celebrate.

Sitting in a corner of the restaurant, they ordered some simple dishes.

The atmosphere of the restaurant Warm and comfortable, with some elf-themed decorations placed around it, making people feel as if they have become a part of that fantasy world.

“This experience was really good.”

Zhuang Yafei said while eating:”Not only does it give us an in-depth understanding of the lives of elves, but it also makes us cherish all interactions with them even more.”

“Yes, every encounter with elves makes me feel novel and excited. Lin

Wenguang also added

“Don’t get too excited, there are many more opportunities like this.”Qin Feng said.

The night fell, the lights were soft, and the laughter of the three people echoed in the small restaurant.

Qin Feng opened the door, and a burst of fresh country air rushed towards him.

However, it was not just the fresh air that greeted him, There was also Ibrahimovic’s little face full of sadness.

His ears were drooping, and his eyes were shining with disappointment. He ran towards Qin Feng while making a”beep, bab, bab” sound in protest.

“Hey, Ibrahimovic, I’m sorry, I was indeed negligent this time.”

Qin Feng squatted down and gently stroked Ibrahimovic’s head.

Người mua: tieuturua

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