Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 705:  Friends and enemies

"No, the sword has to go up."

"Come again."

"Raise it up, Lord Unter, this is not enough."

Far at the other end of the endless star road, the Bairegon empire of the heaven star began to usher in the coldest season of the year. Due to the unique geographical location of this kingdom, the winter time is very short. But because of this, people are not used to the winter weather. Yesterday, the first snow had already fallen. Even in the south of the empire, you can see the snowy scenery.

A layer of ice floes has formed on Lake Porttili, and within a month, the ice layer will increase to a thickness of tens of centimeters. Winter is even colder because it is short.

The unicorn castle has been covered with a silver coat of snow.

On the fully restored castle, Shirayuki visited the pavilion, dome, and square. They painted the outer walls of the castle, making the castle a bit less tough and more soft than usual. On one of the small squares of the castle, the ground covered with square masonry was cleared of snow. The two stone statues of women with broken arms on the left and right were silently watching the battle between the two people in the field.

The sound of a piece of metal clashing.

Although it is an iron sword, it does not open the front, so it is only a prop for fighting practice. When fighting again, one of the swords was twisted out and fell to the ground a few meters away. The owner of the castle, Ante, who inherited the entire viscountry collar, sat down on the ground. He was wearing linen and armor. The armor was welded with lightweight iron plates. The flexibility was good and the defense was not much better than leather armor.

But when used in practice, it was enough to protect Ante.

Unte panted, sweat already wet the linen under his armor. He has grown a little taller and has some muscles. He is no longer the thin boy before. After the death of his father Daniel and the old housekeeper, the boy is growing up quickly. At this moment, his eyebrows are a little less green, and he has more heroic air, and he has begun to have some lords in his gestures.

In order to make himself stronger, he asked Dalong, the current regiment of the Unicorn Legion, to train himself. But even so, he still couldn't beat the man in front of him. Standing in the bright sunlight of early winter, the pupils on his face seem to change color along with his mood. Unter remembers his eyes were red when he was fighting. And now, the blush was fading, and his eyes became blue like the sea.

Illusion? Ante thought, and then he stood up. The new housekeeper ordered the maid to send Ante a black-faced and fur-soled cloak so that the young jazz would not be invaded by the cold. Ante put on the fur cloak and said to the human in front of him: "Sir Edward, everyone says you are a smart man, but I didn't expect your sword to be so good."

Edward smiled slightly, and also took the cloak from the guard. After putting it on, he replied: "Thank you, Lord Angte. In terms of sword dancing, I am just a layman. Sir Ellen is the real master."

"By the way, Sir Allen seems to have been away for a long time, hasn't he planned to come back?"

"It seems that some important things have happened to Lord Allen's family. He has to stay to deal with it, so the return time has been delayed. No, Lord Allen is not here, but many people have made his mind." Edward Weiwei Smiled.

Ante invited him to a corner of the square, where there were tables and chairs, and the butler had ordered people to serve hot dishes. The two sat down, and Unter blinked and said: "I heard that Sir Allen has been recognized by the empire, as if he has been promoted to Viscount."

"The Viscount is just the beginning, Lord Allen will go further."

There was a sudden thud in Ante's heart. Edward saw it in his eyes and said lightly: "On this road, Lord Allen will make countless enemies. But at the same time, he will also gain many friends. Adults are always merciless to enemies. But to friends , But it’s excellent. It’s a pity that some people don’t want to be the adults’ friends, and would rather be his enemies. Master Angte, do you think they are stupid?"

The young Viscount changed his face again and said with a dry smile: "No matter how powerful Sir Allen is, I don't think he can win this way forever. So Edward, would you exaggerate what you said?"

"Perhaps you are right, but at least, in the southern border of the empire, I really can't find anyone who will be Lord Allen's opponent."

"If you say that, the Marquis of Iron Spear will be unhappy." Unte smiled reluctantly.

In the empire, the North is the South and the North. There are many strong people in the north, while the south is relatively mediocre. Although there are many knights in the territory, most of the knights who are truly powerful and able to obtain titles are in the north. Within the northern border, let alone the four great dukes are all in the north, there are dozens of marquis and earls of strength. In contrast, there are only a few dozen knights in the South, and the most famous is the Marquis of Iron Spear Hoy. Except for Hoy, the other dozen powerful jazzes are not ranked at all in the North.

For example, powerful viscounts like Daniel are only better known in the Ark Harbor area. In the north, people don't even know who he is. But at least there is a Marquis of Iron Spear in the south, and Hoy’s name is well known even in the north. Therefore, it seemed that even Hoy hadn't paid attention to what Edward said earlier, and Ante was a little dissatisfied.

Edward smiled faintly, but finally argued with Unter on this point. He only said: "Master Allen's eyes are in the north, and the south is only a cornerstone for him to go to the north. Soon Master Unter will understand. Marquis of Iron Spear, yes, he is now the number one strongman in the South. But I have to remind you, Master Unter. Sir Hoy is old, but Lord Allen is still young."

Ante was speechless.

"Okay, sir." Edward sat up a little bit: "Don't waste your time. This time, I mainly want you to hand over Lance. I know he is in the Unicorn Castle right now."

Angter finally changed.

Lance was the nephew of Earl Reckold. Soon after Daniel died in the battle, he and Barre, then the legion commander, planned to take over the viscountry of the unicorn. If Allen hadn't appeared, their plan had actually succeeded. But Allen came and personally put Ante in his current position. Not long ago, Lance also invaded with Rekerd's Knights, and also called Allen's army to fight back.

At this point, Unter should regard Rekerd as his enemy. In fact, even he thought so, but a few days ago, Lance suddenly visited in secret, and he brought an invitation from Earl Laked. Inviting Unter and his viscount leader to return to the banner of the Earl of Rekord. Lance’s remarks are very simple. Daniel was also a vassal of the Earl of Rekerd. Why should Unter leave the earl and join a newly promoted viscount Allen Alliance.

Moreover, Alan is still his father-killer enemy, if Unter returns to the Earl's banner, then Rekerd will be his enemy. Ante thought of his father and the late old butler, and finally moved. Lance even hit the iron while it was hot, and promised many benefits, and finally convinced Ante to cooperate with him. The first item of cooperation was to support the Lord Giles of Ark Harbor.

Since the night of the Scripture, Giles' reputation has fallen a thousand years after being kicked out of his ugly deeds in public. Now the leaders of Ark Harbor hope that Ruola, the sister of the former earl, will manage this territory. Ruola is the sister of Auban and the leader of the deep sea Linji. Regardless of identity or combat power, he is the only one of the lord. Choice. People think she is much more suitable than Giles, and after that night, many celebrities in Ark Harbor also publicly supported Ruola. In particular, Vera of the new sect Christianity also used her influence to build momentum for Ruola. In such a situation Next, the earl’s chair of Giles was not secure.

The Imperial Supervisory Office currently located in Ark Harbor has also joined the investigation of the incident. Once it is confirmed that Giles did intend to infringe on Rora, it will be a devastating blow to his power. In normal times, the lords of the Supervisory Office are not interested in paying attention to such scandals. But now that everyone knows the trouble, they can't turn a deaf ear to it. The Imperial Supervisory Council was originally responsible for supervising the words and deeds of the lord, but who would offend an earl if it was unnecessary.

Now Giles locked himself in the White Fort almost every day, and used his own personal guards to guard the White Fort as if. But in the face of increasing public opinion and the rising momentum of Rola on the other side, as long as it is not a fool, it is almost certain that Giles will be replaced. It is only a matter of time.

Although Reckard had the intention of La Giles, but the distant water couldn't save the near fire, so Lance found Unte. Let Unter help Giles at this time, Unter is considering. But today, Edward's sudden visit made him quite caught off guard.

Now Edward directly asked him to surrender Lance, making the young viscount into chaos. At this time, thinking about what Edward said just now, instead of feeling warm because of the cloak added, Angter felt cold from head to toe as if he had fallen into the ice water of Lake Porttieri.

Looking at Edward's deep gaze, Ante smiled bitterly: "You know?"

"How could I miss an important role like Lord Lance." Edward smiled slightly: "I hope Sir Unter can cherish our friendship and don't make the wrong choice."

select? Enemy or friend? Unte only felt extremely bitter, and at the same time an anger filled his chest, he clapped his hands: "What friendship! Alan killed my father, is this friendship? No, there is only hatred between me and him!"

"Sir Oss, led by the hungry wolf~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his father also died in the hands of Lord Allen. But now, he is very grateful to Lord Allen for everything he has done for that territory."

"That is Oss, and I am Ante!"

Edward said lightly: "Sir Unter, I want you to calm down. If the two armies fight, there will be a winner and there will be a loser. You have revenge, of course, there is nothing wrong with it. But when you do all this, you have to think clearly. Foot, but you can’t take it back again. You cooperate with Lance and host Allen-sama. The first to be hit is you, but your territory, not Earl Reckold."

"After all, either Lance or Rekerd. They are just using you. No matter they win or lose, they don't have to lose anything. Because you are the only one who loses. So even then, what are you doing?" Edwards Smiled and said: "Rekerd already has an army on the road, so why not. Let's see if this army can reach the city smoothly. When the result comes out, it will not be too late for Master Ante to make a decision."

"As for me, I have plenty of time today." Edward said with a smile on his face after taking a sip of hot tea.


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