Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 589:   framed

For nearly half a month, Babylon has come up to say that things are surging. On the floating island, from the wealthy family to the ordinary aristocracy, anyone with a bit of strength on hand will bring back the family private army from various battlefields. So for a time, not to mention Babylon, but also the dozens of administrative regions on the surface that are still under federal control, and their military strength also increased dramatically. The number of armies of the nobles is naturally greater than the army of the federal government, but when they are all assembled, there are also hundreds of thousands.

Among other things, the private army of the three giants alone, which army does not exceed 10,000. And this is not their full strength. Which of the three giants does not have five or six colonial stars on hand, naturally it is impossible to draw back all of their strength. However, those who have assembled can be regarded as the elites, and their combat power cannot be ignored. Naturally, these armies could not tolerate Babylon, so they all gathered on the surface.

As far as the turbulent surface is concerned, the army that has suddenly assembled is from the standpoint of the Federation, which is also a real shock for Freedom Gate. Soon, Freedom Gate issued a statement. The statement stated that due to the opening of the interstellar battlefield, although Freedom Gate is not prepared to participate, it does not want to drag the Federation in this regard. Therefore, all war activities on the surface were temporarily suspended, and only after the end of the interstellar battlefield did we make any plans.

This statement, on the surface, is that Freedom Gate understands its righteousness and does not take advantage of the opportunity to pick up leaks; in fact, it is a helpless action taken by the noble army, and at the same time it is a respite from the continuous war. . In the short term, the Truce Statement by Freedom Gate is good for both sides, and the Federation is naturally happy to accept it. Otherwise, the tripartite war will be overwhelming even with the background of the federal government; and in the long run, it will be another important turning point for the federal government and Freedom Gate. During the period of the armistice, there are many actions that can be carried out. From communication and negotiation to intelligence spying, the actions of the two sides will certainly not be less than during the war, but they only change from light to dark.

And these actions are related to the interests of countless people, and the resulting changes will also be a series of changes. As for the final result, even the leaders of both sides cannot predict.

However, the Truce at Freedom Gate is a good thing after all. At least the Federation and the nobles can fully prepare for war without being distracted by it.

On Babylon, there were a lot of actions both overtly and secretly. In order to mobilize a group of nobles, President Mobit frequently haunted large and small banquets and met with the heads of various large families to strengthen friendship. On the other hand, the movement between families has become more frequent than in the past, and gradually formed a clear camp. Some relatively weak families have moved closer to the big families that they have been friends with in the usual way to seek refuge. The big family is willing to integrate combat power and be able to gain more military merit in the coming war.

Driven by all these aspects, countless interests have been shattered, and countless interests have been combined together to form a unique behavioral structure of human society.

In the afternoon, a speed car left Ugalle Castle. There was no driver for this speed car. Allen drove the car alone. With his not-so-skilled driving skills, he could only drive the speeding car, but couldn't play any tricks. When he left, representatives of the two families came to the castle to meet with Horn. As Bethcade’s ranking in Babylon steadily rises, this family has absorbed more and more allies. Except for the Morsen family, there is no longer a situation where only one or two families have a good relationship with it.

There are now more than ten families attached to the big tree of Bethkode. Allen believes that with the launch of the new series of magic weapons, this number will only increase. The development of factors such as interests and situation is quietly changing the loose structure of the aristocracy in the past. Especially with the rise of behemoths like Beskod, those families that can't make it to the table can only gradually disappear if they don't choose to attach.

The rules of the game that big fish eat small fish are becoming clearer than ever.

The rise in family status is associated with the rise in the status of family members. As one of the core members of Bethkode, Allen is now receiving such a high degree of attention that even he himself could not imagine. What he knew was that when he was in public places, especially some family representatives he ran into in the castle, they looked at their eyes as if they were looking at a beautiful woman without clothes.

This makes Alan quite uncomfortable.

What he didn't know was that his name had already appeared on the list that some families needed to pay attention to. And the priority of attention is only ranked after Horn, and the same as the family elders. Usually these names that have received much attention either need to be wooed or must be eliminated. Regardless of whether it is wooing or eradicating, it all represents one thing, that is, the value of the owner of the name.

For some big families, even those who must be eradicated must have the value they need to eradicate. It's like an ant passing in front of you, you won't trample it to death. Without value, they are not even qualified to be in the sight of some big people.

Allen only felt that the whole Babylon was surging, but he could not clearly know the whereabouts of every undercurrent.

The speed car finally stopped in the parking lot of the Venus Hotel. Leon has not yet returned to the floating island of William's home and lives with Judy in the long-term suite of the Venus Hotel. Allen wanted to talk to Leon about Judy again, and he decided that if Leon and Leon really love each other, he would stick to them to the end.

But when he knocked on the door of the room, it was Judy who opened the door. She was wearing a bathrobe casually, as if she had just taken a shower. The hair was still wet, with water drops on his face. The length of the bathrobe just reached her thigh, so a pair of legs with water drops reflected in Allen's eyes. The neckline was opened by the girl's well-developed twin peaks, and the deep gully could be clearly seen. I have to say that the girl's figure is very predictable.

"It's you, Master Ellen." Judy smiled sideways and let Allen in.

Allen stood at the door: "Where is Leon?"

"He just went out for something, and will have to wait a while before he comes back."

"Well then, I will come back later." Allen was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait." Judy called out suddenly, "Master Ellen, I want to ask you something. It's about Leon. Please tell me while he is away."

In the hall, Allen chose a window position to sit down. The sunlight in the afternoon brightened the entire living room, and things converged their own color under the golden sunlight, so Allen saw that the eyes were full of gold. Even Judy is no exception. She has changed her clothes, and the wheat-colored skin also has a faint golden light flowing in the sun, like a little gold powder.

"What do you want to know Leon?" Allen looked at her and asked.

She wore a loose shirt, which seemed to be Leon's. The corners of the clothes were knotted on the belly, revealing a curvy waist. The lower body is wearing a tight short skirt, barefoot, looks so refreshing and playful. Judy seemed hesitant, ten fingers interlaced and said: "I don't know, whether he really loves me. After all, the identity difference between us is so far apart."

Hearing these words, Alan was slightly startled. Could the girl in front of Xindao love Leon from the heart? Now said: "About this, I think you can feel it. If you really love each other."

"Master Ellen must think that Leon and I are together because of his status. Right?" Judy asked, when he suddenly emerged.

Allen didn't know what to answer for a while, but she smiled: "Master Allen is really a man who can't lie. To be honest, you are much cuter than Leon."

Allen frowned secretly.

Judy stretched her waist and stretched out her infinitely beautiful waist in front of Alan: "In the beginning, I did pay attention like this. Leon is handsome and well placed. I can sleep with him. , Being his woman, I don’t have to live on the surface and live a precarious life."

"What about now?" Allen asked lightly.

"Now?" Judy bit her lip and walked forward: "Now I think being with Leon may not be the best choice."

This is another unexpected answer.

"Oh? Why?" Allen raised an eyebrow and asked.

Judy had walked up to him, and she bent down and her long hair fell down. The shirt on her body was too loose, so loose that she was bent over, and the neckline opened, so the scenery in there was unobstructed from Allen's angle. The beautifully shaped twin peaks and the blush on the peaks are very clear. Judy's breath hit Allen's face lightly, she was a little too close.

"Now I think ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Master Ellen is a more suitable object. The moment I saw you last night, I found that I already liked you. And I heard that Master Ellen came from the surface , Don't you think we are more suitable?" Judy said, sitting on Ellen, wrapping his hands around his neck and saying: "Why don't I break up with Leon and be with Master Ellen."

Alan's eyes flashed with fire, his eyes pierced into Judy's eyes like electricity. Judy trembled, and the sunlight in the room suddenly became dim and pale. She fell to the ground with a murderous charge in Alan's eyes. Allen then slowly got up, his eyes flashing with fire: "You really intend to use Leon!"

At this moment, the sound of the door opening came from the other side of the living room, and Allen looked at it subconsciously. Judy on the ground took advantage of this time and violently pulled open his shirt, and several buttons broke out and fell to the ground. So when Leon walked in, he saw Alan standing in front of Judy, while the girl's shirt was torn, and the twin peaks were standing proudly in the air. Suddenly, Leon's face was extremely gloomy, and he asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

Allen lowered his head and saw Judy on the ground looking like this, and knew he was framed by her. Before he could speak, Judy cried out and ran behind Leon to cry. She didn't say anything, but used actions to express what she wanted to say. It's just that although people are crying, there is a smile written on Leon's face.


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