Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 100:  Prison Break Plan

"I don't want to die, what is going on? It shouldn't be like this."

"It's so noisy, can you close your mouth? Neri!"

"I can't do it, Petz. I'm scared!" the girl called through the cell: "Webber, Allen, what can you do?"

Weber said solemnly: "We are all calm down, this should be some kind of assessment by the marshal. Maybe she is looking at us behind which light screen is now."

Allen looked around the cell and said: "I have checked it just now, there is no monitor material in it..."

"In other words, this is not a test? We were really caught as criminals, and should we be sentenced to death?" Nellie cried, "No, I don't want this! I want to go home, I want to go home! "

"Calm down!" Allen yelled, "Don't give up so quickly. Think about it, we are on the frigate. And our family knows that Marshal Windsor Bello is leaving with us. If this is really an accident, So as long as the family can't contact us, they will find a way to figure out where we are and start the rescue. What we have to do is to make sure to live well before then."

"God knows if we can live until someone comes to rescue?" Pizzi cried, and kicked the door with his foot: "Damn, these things are so thick, can't you open the door?"

The metal armor that is more than ten centimeters thick is obviously not something that a few tenth-level teenagers can tear apart. Therefore, the prison guards are relieved to leave them in these confinement rooms, and they have not even restricted their conversation.

The footsteps rang.

With lessons from the past, even Nari closed her mouth obediently. Now that the situation is not clear, no one wants to sit in the electric chair.

After a while, the prison guard returned in the morning. He walked around and said with contempt: "Congratulations, you little bastards. The verdict has come down, and you will be publicly hanged in seven days."

"This is not true." Pizzi yelled, "You pig, you better let me out quickly. Otherwise, I must kill you!"

"It seems you are taking what I said just now." The guard walked to the front of Pitz's cell and typed something on the electronic device in front of the door.

After a while, Allen heard a sound of electric currents from Pitz's cell, and Pitz's screaming like a pig. Then the prison guard called two colleagues and dragged Pitz out and took him away. It was not until evening that Pizzi was thrown back into the cell. Allen glanced at the window on the door and saw that Pizzi was wounded. There were several obvious traces of burns by the strong current. At this time, Pitts had no knowledge of personnel and did not regain consciousness until the evening.

"You have to be careful. The metal walls on the four sides of this confinement room are not without reason. They are the best conductors of electricity..." After waking up, Pizzi's spirit wilted a lot, and he did not forget to remind everyone: "That The **** current fainted me directly. As for the next thing, I don’t want to talk about it. Anyway, I don’t think this is like a test. They really intend to kill us!"

On the other side, Nelly was already crying, and even Webber was depressed. After all, they are the children of the family. How could they have suffered such hardship before, let alone announcing the death penalty somehow. The psychological pressure can be imagined. Allen is better. Years of life on the surface have honed his temperament to be as hard as steel, and he will not be easily frightened by the immediate predicament.

For him, since this is not an assessment, then he can't sit still. He re-examined the prison, fumbled almost inch by inch, and also tried to use his ability to "burn", but he was unable to burn the electronic equipment that controls the gate through the thermal conductivity of the metal as expected. In this way, it is obvious that there is a high-temperature-resistant interlayer material in the metal plate of the gate. Otherwise, the door panel on this side of the prison would have burnt red, and the electronic lock on the other side should have exploded long ago.

If the door cannot be opened by this method, there is almost no other way to get out. The tenth-level source force could not tear the metal armor.

In constant attempts and failures, Allen spent a day in prison. On the second day, he curled up and hugged him at the corner of the bed, as if returning to the time when he was with the wolves. Suddenly awakened by a string of screams and anger, Allen opened his eyes and settled. After listening attentively, I heard that it was Nari's voice. The girl seemed to have collapsed, yelling and cursing.

So not long after, a few fierce prison guards appeared, and they concocted Nellie as they did yesterday, and stunned her, making it impossible for her to use her original combat skills. Then she dragged her out of the cell like a dead person. .

"What are you going to do? Let go of her!" Pizzi called, but in exchange for a few taps.

Allen and Webber didn't say anything. They knew very well that the protest was futile. Allen turned around and walked back after watching Nari disappear from his sight by the door. Suddenly he stopped, squinted, and Allen fell to the ground. This confinement room is completely a sealed iron prison, and even the ground is a metal plate. But the metal plate was locked with a thumb-sized screw, and Allen pressed his ear to the ground and heard the sound of water below.

Suddenly, there was a regular tapping sound on the wall, and Allen carefully divided it, and realized that it was a Morse code. Weber was in the prison next door, knocking on the wall with his hand and said with a code: "I have an idea."

Allen also responded with a Morse code, but at first he had to remember the combination of codes, so he typed very slowly. However, after three or a few times, he has already answered fluently.

Allen said with a code: "What idea?"

"I want to deliberately cause trouble, let the prison guards intervene, maybe I can attack him unexpectedly, and then take the opportunity to escape the cell."

"A good idea, but they will stun you first."

"I know, but I have received training in combating shocks. As long as I am prepared, I can use the source force to offset part of the current and keep my mind sober."

"Then try, but we still have to observe for a day. At least we have to figure out how many guards there are outside the confinement room."

"You are right."

After the two finalized some details, they looked outside through the window of the door. The outside of the confinement room was a corridor, and the corridor was not long. Probably there were only five or six confinement rooms for "re-offenders" like Allen and the others. Allen's cell was almost at the end of the corridor. From his room, one could easily see a gate at the end of the corridor.

When the gate is opened, you can see a police room outside, and there are often two prison guards working inside. Above the gate are several weapon terminals, and the attack system is a miniature automatic machine gun. The arrangement of the barrels is very elegant. It is almost certain that once the machine gun is fired, there is no room for people in the corridor behind the door to dodge.

After nearly a day of observation, Allen has basically figured out the pattern of prison guards' inspections. Every other hour one of them will come in through the gate and turn around. The prison guards are equipped with batons and automatic pistols. The weapons are not as powerful as they are. What makes people troublesome is the weapon terminal of the gate, which will make them sift through when the gate is opened. After all, the dazzling surveillance camera outside the corridor is enough to faithfully reflect what happened inside on the smart brain screen of the police room.

In the evening, the warden came. It was a man in his forties, with a beard and deep eyes. Allen saw the misty flames of Origin Power in him, obviously he was a Originator, even an engraver. In short, it is by no means comparable to ordinary prison guards. There were two guards following the warden, who also had an active light, but the intensity was relatively weak.

The warden circulated around several confinement rooms, and finally came to Allen's door. Through the window, he looked at Alan and said, "Tell me, what made you so crazy, killed the people in a small town."

Allen spread his hand and said: "We have already said that we are not criminals."

"Little bastard, you can keep talking hard." The warden gasped, like an angry bull. He clenched his fist and slammed the door down and said, "God knows how much I want to beat you up now. Because of you, I can't hear Jack's chattering voice anymore. Although he is sometimes annoying, he Is my friend!"

"I'm sorry." Allen said helplessly.

"Shut up!" The warden yelled, kicking down the door hard, "Damn the Federal Constitution~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I really hope you do something stupid. Then I will let you find out that the public hanging is against you. It's so kind!"

After that, he left angrily.

In the evening, the prison guard brought dinner from the window. Eating the dry and hard bread, Allen used the code to pass on the layout he saw and the guards' inspection rules to Weber.

Weber quickly responded: "Weapon terminal? Damn, can we get through without armor and weapons?"

"It's not that there is no way, such as using prison guards as shields." Allen replied: "But don't be too busy doing this. Maybe there are other safer ways."

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure yet. I'll wait until tonight."

Night fell.

At night, prison guards are not intensively patrolled during the day. Basically, it takes only two hours to come in, but in the middle of the night, it only appears at three in the morning. Alan slept through the night, remembering their rules.

Until late that night, I never saw Nari come back. No one knows what happened to her.

On the third day, Webber was already a little bit unable to sit still, Allen told him to hold him back for another day.

"Lie down on the ground and listen. There may be a drainage channel below." Allen said.

Weber said, "So what? We can't get in again."

"Not necessarily. I might have a way." Allen didn't tell Weber in detail, so another day passed. In the middle of the night, at three o'clock in the morning, the prison guards patrolled and left. Alan turned over from the bed, he covered the window of the door with a quilt, and then lay on the ground, the force flowing in front of his forehead to form the mark of the blade of the Liaoyuan.

Alan rolled up his sleeves, his hands shook, and a flame burned in his hands!

[I glanced at the back/desk, the deposit box is slimmer, and it's good for me to last a few days, haha. 】

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